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本文([职业资格类试卷]教师公开招聘考试中学英语(翻译)模拟试卷4及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(bonesoil321)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、教师公开招聘考试中学英语(翻译)模拟试卷 4 及答案与解析英汉翻译1 It has been an important part of our country building a well-off society in an all-round way to establish a perfect system about social safeguard.2 In educating our children, we should help them to understand things, not to pump things in.3 A series of reforms sinc

2、e 1997 have edged the Chinese education system away from rote learning and towards an emphasis on independent thought.4 Owing to the remarkable development in mass communications, people everywhere are feeling new wants and are being exposed to new customs and ideas, while governments are often forc

3、ed to introduce still further innovations for the reasons given above.5 Lijiang is full of natural beautiful sceneries, where numerous minority nationalities provide rich and varied cultures in order to give tourists a different experience.6 Probably in a modern city the man who can distinguish betw

4、een a thrushs(画眉)and a blackbirds song is the exception. It is not that we have not seen the birds. It is simply that we have not noticed them.7 It moisturizes your skin in hot, cold and dry climate conditions, taking extra care of your skin against drying effect of the sun, helping prevent dry skin

5、 and protecting your skin from additional loss of skin moisture.8 Michael Jordon was the top scorer in the NBA, and played for the Chicago Bulls from 1984 to 1993. He was named their most valued player five times. Wearing his famous 23 shirt, he became the most successful basketball player in the hi

6、story of the game.9 A students self-respect is vitally important if effective learning is to take place. It may result partly from a teachers approval, from a students peer, or as a result of success. A lack of respect from a teacher or peer can make students frustrated and upset. In such a situatio

7、n, disruptive behaviour is an attractive option. It can impress peers, and does, at least, force the teacher to take them seriously.10 In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earths climatesomething previously seen as beyon

8、d our control. They claim that in the last 50 years, gases pumped into the Earths atmosphere by the factories and vehicles have been speeding up the process of global warming and affecting our climate. Looking ahead, scientists believe that global warming could be one of the biggest environmental pr

9、oblems facing the 21st century.11 The world is going through the biggest wave of mergers and acquisitions ever witnessed. The process sweeps from hyperactive America to Europe and reaches the emerging countries with unsurpassed might.Many in these countries are looking at this process and worrying;

10、Won t the wave of business concentration turn into an uncontrollable anti-competitive force?12 In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with nature.13 Im not fat cat. Im usually financially embarrassed in fact.14 We took in the

11、little guys, but the big fish got away.15 In this case, we were compelled to cancel the contract, rather than lodging a penalty against you.16 In the absence of a settlement through negotiation, the case under dispute can be submitted to arbitration.17 The factory is now unprovided with the techniqu

12、es necessary for the manufacturing of the product.18 They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting.19 Americans pride themselves on their independence and their right to make up their own minds.20 Despite its national wealth, poverty and serious income difference exist throughout th

13、e US.21 It is known to all that modern technology has brought about great changes in the roles of men and women.22 The establishment of Qinghai-Tibet Railway has contributed to the improvement of local peoples life.23 The village was badly destroyed by the earthquake, so the villagers were badly in

14、want of food and shelters.24 Their success in Winter Olympics lies in the fact that they are co-operative and eager to learn from each other.25 More often than not, you may find some businessmen too busy or perhaps too rushed to greet you.教师公开招聘考试中学英语(翻译)模拟试卷 4 答案与解析英汉翻译1 【正确答案】 建立完善的社会保障体系,已经成为我国全面

15、建设小康社会的一个重要组成部分。【知识模块】 翻译2 【正确答案】 我们在教育孩子时,应该帮助他们去理解事物,而不是向他们灌输东西。【知识模块】 翻译3 【正确答案】 自 1997 年以来,一系列的改革使中国教育体系逐渐从死记硬背转向强调独立思考。【知识模块】 翻译4 【正确答案】 由于大众通信的显著发展,各地的人们正感受新的需求,并且正接受到新的习俗和观点;然而,由于上述原因,各地的政府不得不采取更为进一步的革新措施。【试题解析】 本题主要考查意译法和句子理解。【知识模块】 翻译5 【正确答案】 丽江到处都是美丽的自然风光,众多的少数民族同胞提供了各式各样、丰富多彩的文化让游客体验。【试题解

16、析】 本题主要考查对定语从句的翻译。【知识模块】 翻译6 【正确答案】 在现代化城市里,能听得出画眉和乌鸦叫声不同的人,恐怕是凤毛麟角。之所以如此,并非是因为我们没有见过这些鸟,而只是因为我们习而不察。【知识模块】 翻译7 【正确答案】 无论是酷热、寒冷或是干燥的天气,本产品都能滋润您的皮肤,且具有防晒、预防皮肤干燥、锁水保湿等功效。【知识模块】 翻译8 【正确答案】 迈克尔乔丹是 NBA 的顶尖球员,1984 年至 1993 年期间效力于芝加哥公牛队。他曾五次荣膺最有价值球员。身披著名的 23 号球衣,迈克尔乔丹成为篮球运动史上最成功的球员。【知识模块】 翻译9 【正确答案】 要实现有效学习

17、,学生的自尊至关重要。自尊可能源于得到教师的赞赏、同伴的尊重或成功的体验。缺乏来自教师或同伴的尊重,学生会产生受挫感和不安。在这种情况下,学生更易以捣乱来吸引同伴的注意,或者至少让教师重视他们。【知识模块】 翻译10 【正确答案】 在过去几十年,科学家们已经达成共识,人类正在使地球气候发生变化一种以前被我们视为无法控制的事情。他们称,在过去 50 年里,工厂和车辆排放的气体进入地球大气层,已经加快全球变暖的进程并影响着我们的气候。展望未来,科学家们认为,全球变暖可能是 21 世纪最大的环境问题之一。【知识模块】 翻译11 【正确答案】 世界正在经历一场前所未有的巨大的并购浪潮。这个浪潮从异常活

18、跃的美国席卷到欧洲,并以不可比拟的威力影响到正在崛起的国家。这些国家的许多人面对这个浪潮开始忧虑:企业合并的浪潮会不会变成一股不可控制的反竞争的力量?【试题解析】 本题主要考查语言的综合运用能力以及对企业合并的理解。【知识模块】 翻译12 【正确答案】 为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类和大自然不断地进行斗争。【知识模块】 翻译13 【正确答案】 我可不是阔佬,我的经济状况经常陷于捉襟见肘的窘境。【知识模块】 翻译14 【正确答案】 我们拘留了几个小喽口罗,可大头目却逃脱了。【知识模块】 翻译15 【正确答案】 在此情况下,我方被迫撤约而未向贵方提出罚款。【知识模块】 翻译16 【正

19、确答案】 如果通过谈判找不到解决办法,争议之事可提交仲裁。【知识模块】 翻译17 【正确答案】 工厂目前缺乏制造这种产品所需的技术。【知识模块】 翻译18 【正确答案】 他们非常不愿意推迟或取消这个会议。【知识模块】 翻译19 【正确答案】 美国人为自己独立的精神和自主的权利感到自豪。【知识模块】 翻译20 【正确答案】 虽然美国是个富裕的国家,但全国仍然存在严重的贫富差距。【知识模块】 翻译21 【正确答案】 众所周知,现代科技给男女角色带来了巨大变化。【知识模块】 翻译22 【正确答案】 青藏铁路的建成改善了当地人民的生活。【知识模块】 翻译23 【正确答案】 这个村庄在地震中受了重创,村民们严重缺乏粮食和庇护所。【知识模块】 翻译24 【正确答案】 他们在冬奥会上取得的成功得益于他们相互合作、互相学习的精神。【知识模块】 翻译25 【正确答案】 经常地,你会碰到太忙或因赶着办事而没法跟你打招呼的商人。【知识模块】 翻译

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