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本文([职业资格类试卷]教师公开招聘考试小学英语(语言技能)模拟试卷52及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(outsidejudge265)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、教师公开招聘考试小学英语(语言技能)模拟试卷 52 及答案与解析短文改错0 The problem is my weight. Im just 1.57 meters high, but【M1】_my weight is 75 kilos. Many students often make a fun 【M2 】_of me. Some boys are unfriendly for methey call【M3】_me “meat ball“. That makes me to feel unhappy. 【M4】_Although Im a bit too fat, yet I feel

2、very well. I 【M5】_enjoy my meal. I love eating meat very much. And I like【M6】_sweet food, though. I often have sugar with tea, milk. In【M7】_the past two months I had put on 5 kilos. So Im becoming【M8 】_more and more worried this problem, but I dont【M9】_know to lose weight quickly. Could you help me,

3、 dear doctor? 【M10 】_1 【M1】2 【M2】3 【M3】4 【M4】5 【M5】6 【M6】7 【M7】8 【M8】9 【M9】10 【M10】10 Last year I caught the baby cuckoo and put【M11】_it in a cage outside. Later its mother flew from the cage【M12 】_with food in her mouth. I was happy to see this, because of【M13】_the mother bird knew much better than

4、 I did to feed her【M14 】_baby. But the following morning I found the baby bird【M15】_died. I told the story of my bird to my biology teacher【M16】_and he explained that what had happened. A mother【 M17】_cuckoo, finds her baby in a cage, will bring it poison【M18 】_food. She believes it is good for her

5、baby to die than to【M19】_live in a cage. I still feel sorry for what I do to the bird. 【M20】_11 【M11】12 【M12】13 【M13】14 【M14】15 【M15】16 【M16】17 【M17】18 【M18】19 【M19】20 【M20】翻译句子21 太多人急着想要成功,总是希望途中能走捷径。但在现实中,捷径往往只会带来失望而非瞬间成功。长久成功的关键是踏实走好所必须的每一步,而不是敷衍了事。不论你的目标是有关经济的、健康的还是人际关系的,这一点都确凿无疑。22 Positive thi

6、nking is a significant element of happiness. In order to become a positive thinker, determination and consistency are important. The first thing to know about positive thinking is that everyone can do it. With certain cognitive and behavioral modifications, we can all become positive thinkers. Anoth

7、er important factor is that being a positive thinker does not mean you become numb to anything that is not working properly in your life or is negativeit just means that you approach life and face challenges with a healthier outlook.23 Father s Day is the third Sunday of June. It is a day to honor a

8、nd give special attention to fathers. Children give their fathers cards, flowers or presents. That evening, families often go out for dinner. Children who do not live at home call or visit their fathers. This special day started in 1910.Writing24 由于互联网的迅速发展,电子阅读已然成为当下流行的阅读方式,人们的阅读习惯早已发生了变化,但仍有一部分人比较

9、喜欢纸质阅读。请以“Books Wont Be Replaced by Computers”为题,写一篇英语短文。要求:(1)内容充实,语言流畅,表达地道;(2)词数 150 左右。25 假如你是 MsJones,一年前曾在中国教英语,后因事回到美国,你今天收到了中国学生航空邮寄过来的许多礼物。请你根据以下要点和要求写一篇感谢信。要点:(1)今天收到了很多中国学生邮寄来的包裹;(2)有照片和卡片等。(3)很高兴收到礼物,再次表示感谢。要求:(1)内容充实,语言流畅,表达地道;(2)词数 80 左右。教师公开招聘考试小学英语(语言技能)模拟试卷 52 答案与解析短文改错【知识模块】 语言技能1

10、【正确答案】 high 改为 tall【试题解析】 形容人的身高用 tall。【知识模块】 语言技能2 【正确答案】 去掉 a【试题解析】 make fun of 意为嘲弄、取笑,中间不用 a。【知识模块】 语言技能3 【正确答案】 for 改为 to【试题解析】 对我不友好,介词应用 to。【知识模块】 语言技能4 【正确答案】 去掉 to【试题解析】 make sb do sth故此处应去掉 to。【知识模块】 语言技能5 【正确答案】 【知识模块】 语言技能6 【正确答案】 meal 改为 meals【试题解析】 meal 是可数名词。此处应用复数形式。【知识模块】 语言技能7 【正确答

11、案】 though 改为 too【试题解析】 though 意为转折,根据前面的 and 可知,此处应为 too。【知识模块】 语言技能8 【正确答案】 had 改为 have【试题解析】 句子时态应为现在完成时。【知识模块】 语言技能9 【正确答案】 worried 后加上 about【试题解析】 be worried about 是固定搭配。【知识模块】 语言技能10 【正确答案】 to 前加上 how【试题解析】 我不知道如何减肥,缺少 how。【知识模块】 语言技能【知识模块】 语言技能11 【正确答案】 the 改为 a【试题解析】 一只杜鹃幼鸟,所以用 a。【知识模块】 语言技能1

12、2 【正确答案】 from 改为 to【试题解析】 fly to 飞向。【知识模块】 语言技能13 【正确答案】 去掉 of【试题解析】 because of 后面接名词或动名词短语,because 可直接接句子。【知识模块】 语言技能14 【正确答案】 did 后加 how【试题解析】 如何给小鸟喂食,应加 how。【知识模块】 语言技能15 【正确答案】 【知识模块】 语言技能16 【正确答案】 died 改为 dead【试题解析】 found 后边应加形容词。【知识模块】 语言技能17 【正确答案】 去掉 that【试题解析】 explained 后边直接加宾语。【知识模块】 语言技能1

13、8 【正确答案】 finds 改为 finding【试题解析】 此处意为伴随,故用 finding。【知识模块】 语言技能19 【正确答案】 good 改为 better【试题解析】 根据后边的 than,可知应用比较级。【知识模块】 语言技能20 【正确答案】 do 改为 did【试题解析】 根据上文可知,此处应用过去时。【知识模块】 语言技能翻译句子21 【正确答案】 So many people are in such a hurry to success that they eagerly take any shortcuts that come across their wayIn

14、reality,shortcuts usually lead to disappointments rather than quicker successThe key to any longterm success is to take the necessary steps to steadily progress rather than skip any of themThis would be true whether the goals are financial or health or relationship related【试题解析】 翻译此段中译英时,可适当采用意译法。捷径

15、(shortcut);而非(rather than);踏实走好每一步,即每一步都要走稳(takestep steadily,takestep to progress steadily,takestep to steadily progress);敷衍了事,可用动词 skip(跳跃)来表示每一步走得不平稳;无论还是(whetheror)。【知识模块】 语言技能22 【正确答案】 积极思考是幸福的重要组成部分。要想成为一个积极的思考者,决心和毅力必不可少。首先你要知道,每个人都能做到积极思考。只要改善一定的认知和行为,我们都可以成为积极思考者。另外一个很重要的因素是:做一个积极思考者并不意味着漠视

16、或消极对待人生中不完美的事情_它意味着你要更积极地对待人生和直面挑战。【试题解析】 此段文字中长句较多,从句使用丰富。翻译时宜采用直译法,注意形容词与名词的合理搭配。【知识模块】 语言技能23 【正确答案】 六月的第三个星期日是父亲节。它是给予父亲们荣誉和特别关注的日子。孩子们会赠送卡片、鲜花或礼物给他们的父亲。晚上,家人们通常会外出就餐。在外居住的孩子们会给家里打电话或拜访他们的父亲。父亲节起源于 1910年。【试题解析】 此段文字简单句较多,采取直译即可。honor 作动词时,意为“给予荣誉”。【知识模块】 语言技能Writing24 【正确答案】 Books Won t Be Repla

17、ced by ComputersAlthough e-reading via Internet is more and more popular with young people, there are always some people who love to read paper books. Of course I am no exception. I believe that books won t be replaced by computers.First of all, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply after

18、 the invention of printing in China, and more and more people like to read books. Secondly, although we have access to online information convenient and quickly or download information from the Internet rather than find them in books, there are people who are not given much access to the Internet ca

19、n only be informed by reading newspaper or books. In addition, reading some positive books would benefit our work and lives.In a word, even though the computers are used widely in all walks of life, the function that books gives us wont be changed and the traditional books aren t and wont be replace

20、d by computers.【知识模块】 语言技能25 【正确答案】 Dear students, I d so happy to tell you that I ve received all the presents mailed me by air. There are lots of lucky poster cards, dolls, books and so on. Im very delighted when I saw all your smiling face on the photo. I had a memorable time in China during my teaching in your school. I believe you all are the best students and must have a wonderful future. Thanks again for your presents. Best wishes for all of you.Yours sincerely, Ms. Jones【知识模块】 语言技能

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