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1、专升本英语(阅读)模拟试卷 9 及答案与解析一、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the

2、 Answer Sheet.1 Smith considered himself to have been very fortunate in life. From his father he had inherited, at the age of seventeen, an easy-going disposition(性情), five hundred pounds in cash from a life insurance policy, and a good mathematical brain. The first legacy had enabled him to endure

3、without resentment(怨恨)the supervision of a reluctant and ill-tempered guardian(监护人 ); the second had enabled him to use the scholarship he had won to a university; the third resulted in his gaining a science doctorate in his middle twenties. By the time he was thirty he was in the employ of a large

4、engineering concern and running one of the experimental departments, a little surprised that he should be financially so well rewarded for pursuing his personal interests.At the age of thirty-two he had made his first trip abroad. It had been a success. To their delight, his employers discovered tha

5、t, in addition to technical ability which earned the respect of all those whom he dealt with, he had the faculty(才能)of making himself popular, which was rare in a man of his particular qualifications. And so, in the years that followed, occasional trips abroad had become part of his working life. Th

6、e excitement he felt on arriving in strange cities never dulled. He enjoyed meeting men of other nationalities and learning some knowledge of their languages, especially the former. It did not take him long to appreciate that all men were individuals and that none could truly be called “typical“ of

7、his nation.It is suggested in the passage that men of Smith s qualifications_.(A)earned respect easily(B) were always successful in their careers(C) traveled abroad quite often(D)were not usually popular socially1 Electricity is such a part of our everyday lives and so much taken for granted nowaday

8、s that we rarely think twice when we switch on the light or turn on the radio. At night, roads are brightly lit, enabling people and traffic to move freely. Neon lighting used in advertising has become part of the character of every modern city. In the home, many labor-saving devices are powered by

9、electricity. Even when we turn off the bedside lamp and are fast asleep, electricity is working for us, driving our refrigerators, heating our water, or keeping our rooms air-conditioned. Every day, trains, trolley-buses, and trams take us to and from work. We rarely bother to consider why and how t

10、hey rununtil something goes wrong.In the summer of 1959, something did go wrong with the power-plant that provides New York with electricity. For a great many hours, life came almost to a standstill. Trains refused to move and the people in them sat in the dark, powerless to do anything; lift stoppe

11、d working, so that even if you were lucky enough not to be trapped between two floors, you had the unpleasant task of finding your way down hundreds of flights of stairs. Famous streets like Broadway and Fifth Avenue in an instant became as gloomy and uninviting as the most remote back streets. Peop

12、le were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.Meanwhile, similar disorder prevailed in the home. New York can be stifling in the summer and this year was no exception. Cool, air

13、-conditioned apartments became furnaces. Food went bad in refrigerators. Cakes and joints of meat remained uncooked in cooling ovens, and people sat impatient and frightened in the dark as if an unseen enemy had landed from Mars. When the lights came on again, hardly a person in the city can have tu

14、rned on a switch without reflecting how great a servant he had at his finger-tips.2 The passage suggests that most large modern cities_.(A)would be better off without electricity(B) are completely dependent on electricity(C) need air-conditioned buildings(D)are terrible places to live in3 After the

15、night without electricity, _.(A)people would no longer buy air-conditioners(B) people would design something replaces air-conditioners(C) people would pay more attention to the electricity(D)people would think the disadvantages of the electricity3 The development of Jamestown in Virginia during the

16、second half of the seventeenth century was closely related to the making and using of bricks. There were several practical reasons why bricks became important to the colony. Although the forests could initially supply sufficient timber, the process of lumbering was extremely difficult, particularly

17、because of the lack of roads. Later, when the timber on the peninsula had been depleted, wood had to be brought from some distance. Building stone were also in short supply. However, as clay was plentiful, it was inevitable that the colonists would turn to brick-making.In addition to practical reaso

18、ns for using brick as the principal construction material, there was also an ideological reason. Brick represented durability and permanence. The Virginia Company of London instructed the colonists to build hospitals and new residences out of brick. In 1662, the Town Act of the Virginia Assembly pro

19、vided for the construction of thirty-two brick buildings and prohibited the use of wood as a construction material. Had this law ever been successfully enforced, Jamestown would have been a model city. Instead, the residents failed to comply fully with the law. By 1699, Jamestown had collapsed into

20、a pile of rubble with only three or four habitable houses.4 What is the subject of this passage?(A)The reasons for brick-making in Jamestown.(B) The cause of the failure of Jamestown.(C) The laws of the Virginia colonists.(D)The problems of the early American colonies.5 Which of the following was NO

21、T a reason for using bricks in construction?(A)Wood had to be brought from some distance.(B) There was considerable clay available.(C) The lumbering process depended on good roads.(D)The timber was not of good quality.6 It can be inferred from the passage that Jamestown was established on_.(A)a rock

22、y peninsula with a small forest area(B) a barren peninsula near other towns(C) an uninhabitable peninsula with few natural resources(D)a wooded peninsula with clay soil7 It can be inferred that the Virginia Assembly, by passing a law regarding building construction, hoped to_.(A)increase the manufac

23、ture of bricks(B) prevent the destruction of trees in the area of Jamestown(C) establish a city that would be an example for the future(D)discourage people from settling in Jamestown8 According to the passage, what eventually happened to Jamestown?(A)It was practically destroyed.(B) It became a mode

24、l city.(C) It remained the seat of government.(D)It was almost completed.8 In 1993, New York State ordered stores to charge a deposit on beverage(饮料)containers. Within a year, consumers had returned millions of aluminum cans and glass and plastic bottles. Plenty of companies were eager to accept the

25、 aluminum and glass as raw materials for new products, but because few could figure out what to do with the plastic, much of it would be buried in landfills(垃圾填埋场). The problem was not limited to New York. Unfortunately, there were too few uses for second hand plastic.Today, one out of five plastic

26、soda bottles is recycled in the United States. The reason for the change is that now there are dozens of companies across the country buying discarded plastic soda bottles and turning them into fence posts, paint brushes, etc.As the New York experience shows, recycling involves more than simply sepa

27、rating valuable materials from the rest of the rubbish. A discard remains a discard until somebody figures out how to give it a second lifeand until economic arrangements exist to give that second life value. Without adequate markets to absorb materials collected for recycling, throwaways actually d

28、epress prices for used materials.Shrinking landfill space, and rising costs for burying and burning rubbish are forcing local governments to look more closely at recycling. In many areas, the East Coast especially, recycling is already the least expensive waste management option. For every ton of wa

29、ste recycled, a city avoids paying for its disposal, which, in parts of New York , amounts to savings of more than $100 per ton. Recycling also stimulates the local economy by creating jobs and trims the pollution control and energy costs of industries that make recycled products by giving them a mo

30、re refined raw material.9 What regulation was issued by New York State concerning beverage containers?(A)Beverage companies should be responsible for collecting and reusing discarded plastic soda bottles.(B) Throwaways should be collected by the state for recycling.(C) A fee should be charged on use

31、d containers for recycling.(D)Consumers had to pay for beverage containers and could get their money back on returning them.10 The returned plastic bottles in New York used to_.(A)end up somewhere underground(B) be turned into raw materials(C) have a second life value(D)be separated from other rubbi

32、sh11 The key problem in dealing with returned plastic beverage containers is_.(A)to sell them at a profitable price(B) how to turn them into useful things(C) how to reduce their recycling costs(D)to lower the prices for used materials12 Recycling has become the first choice for the disposal of rubbi

33、sh because_.(A)local governments find it easy to manage(B) recycling has great appeal for the jobless(C) recycling causes little pollution(D)other methods are more expensive13 It can be concluded from the passage that_.(A)rubbish is a potential remedy for the shortage of raw materials(B) local gover

34、nments in the U. S. can expect big profits from recycling(C) recycling is to be recommended both economically and environmentally(D)landfills will still be widely used for waste disposal专升本英语(阅读)模拟试卷 9 答案与解析一、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passag

35、e is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】

36、 通读全文可知,作者主要从实用方面的原因(practical reasons)和思想观念方面的原因(ideological reason) 阐述了为什么在 Jamestown 制砖并用砖来建筑房屋。因此 A 为正确答案。【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 通读短文可知,D 项叙述并没有在原文中出现。原文只说 “伐木极为困难”(theprocess of lumbering was extremely difficult)并没说“木材质量差”。故D 正确。【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 从文章第一段最后一句:“However,asclay was pl

37、entiful it was inevitable that the colonistswould turn to brickmaking”可知,Jamestown 多树而且泥土丰富,故选 D。A 不对,因为住 Jamestown 用砖建造房屋前,是用木料作为建筑材料的,可见森林面积不小,如果多岩石就不会出现石料短缺;B、C 项不正确是因为 Jamestown 所在半岛上有森林,因此不会是光秃秃的,也不可能没有自然资源;而且也不是个不能居住的地方。【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 文章第二段中第五句:“Had this laweven been successfully

38、enforced,Jamestown wouldhave been a model city”为虚拟语气,意思为:这项法律没有得到贯彻,所以 Jamestown 也就没有成为城市的典范。据此,可推断弗吉尼亚州议会通过这项法律的初衷是希望能把 Jamestown 建成一座未来城市的典范。故选 C。【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 根据文章最后一句:“By 1699,Jamestown had collapsed into a pile of rubble withonly three or four habitual houses”可以推断,A 为正确答案。【知识模块】 阅

39、读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 文章第一句提到:“In 1993,New YorkState ordered stores to charge a deposit on beveragecontainers”可知纽约州政府要求商店就饮料容器收取押金。因此 D 为正确答案。【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 从第一段第三句:“but because fewcould figure out what to do with the plastic,much ofit would be buried in landfills”可知,回收的塑料瓶无法处

40、理,因此大多数被埋在垃圾场。故选 A。【知识模块】 阅读理解11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 根据第一段最后一句:“Unfortunately,there were too few uses for second hand plastic”可知,回收的二手塑料用途不大,因此如何使它们变成有用的东西是处理回收塑料包装的关键问题。故正确答案为 B。【知识模块】 阅读理解12 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 从文章最后一段第二句:“recyclingis already the least expensive waste managementoption”可知,回收是处理垃圾最为廉价的选择,其他方法花费都要高得多。因此 D 为正确答案。【知识模块】 阅读理解13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 从文章最后一句:“Recycling alsostimulates the local economy by creating jobs andtrims the pollution control and energy costs ofindustries that make recycled products by givingthem a more refined raw material”可知,垃圾回收既经济又环保。因此正确答案为 C。【知识模块】 阅读理解

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