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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 140(无答案)一、Phonetics(A)calm(B) call(C) fall(D)ball(A)fly(B) silly(C) simply(D)city(A)pour(B) hour(C) source(D)course(A)weapon(B) whole(C) water(D)wonder(A)guard(B) egg(C) knowledge(D)big二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choi

2、ces. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 The committee is totally opposed _ any changes being made in the plans.(A)of(B) on(C) to(D)against7 Well visit Europe next year _ we have enough money.(A)lest(B) until(C) unless(D)provided8 My father s

3、eemed to be in no _ to look at my school report.(A)mood(B) emotion(C) attitude(D)feeling9 When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _ the exit as quickly as possible.(A)made off(B) made for(C) made out(D)made up10 I was advised to arrange for insurance _ I needed medical treatment.(A)neve

4、rtheless(B) although(C) in case(D)so that11 Frankly speaking, I d rather you _ anything about it for the time being.(A)didn t do(B) haven t done(C) don t do(D)have done12 Im sorry I can t see you immediately; but if you d like to take a seat, I ll be with you _.(A)for a moment(B) in a moment(C) for

5、the moment(D)at the moment13 The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasnt bothered by his loudness _ by his lack of talent.(A)than(B) more than(C) as(D)so much as14 Our new house is very _ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.(A)adaptable(B) comfortable(C) convenient(D)available15

6、 Our journey was slow because the train stopped _ at different villages.(A)unceasingly(B) gradually(C) continuously(D)continually16 He came back late, _ which time all the guests had already left.(A)after(B) by(C) at(D)during17 I m very sorry to have _ you with so many questions on such an occasion.

7、(A)interfered(B) offended(C) impressed(D)bothered18 If the whole operation _ beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost.(A)was not planned(B) has not been planned(C) had not been planned(D)were not planned19 The price of beer _ from 50 cents to $4 per liter during the summer sea

8、son.(A)altered(B) ranged(C) Separated(D)differed20 His remarks left me _ about his real purpose.(A)wondered(B) wonder(C) to wonder(D)wondering三、Part III Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the pa

9、ssages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.20 Public goods are those commodities from whose enjoyment nobody can be effectively excluded. Everybody is free to enjoy the benefits of these commodities, and one p

10、erson s utilization does not reduce the possibilities of anybody else s enjoying the same good.Examples of public goods are not as rare as one might expect. A flood control dam is a public good. Once the dam is built, all persons living in the area will benefit-irrespective of their own contribution

11、 to the construction cost of the dam. The same holds true for highway signs or aids to navigation. Once a lighthouse is built, no ship of any nationality can be effectively excluded from the utilization of the lighthouse for navigational purposes. National defense is another example. Even a person w

12、ho voted against military expenditures or did not pay any taxes will benefit from the protection afforded.It is no easy task to determine the social costs and social benefits associated with a public good. There is no practicable way of charging drivers for looking at highway signs, sailors for watc

13、hing a lighthouse, and citizens for the security provided to them through national defense: Because the market does not provide the necessary signals, economic analysis has to be substituted for the impersonal judgement of the marketplace.21 With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?(A)Mechani

14、sms for safer navigation.(B) The economic structure of the marketplace.(C) A specific group of commodities.(D)The advantages of lowering taxes.22 Which of the following would NOT be an example of a public good as described in the passage?(A)A taxicab(B) A bridge(C) A fire truck(D)A stoplight23 In Pa

15、ra. 2, the word “holds“ could best be replaced by which of the following?(A)has(B) is(C) grasps(D)carries24 According to the passage, finding out the social costs of a public good is a _.(A)difficult procedure(B) daily administrative duty(C) matter of personal judgment(D)citizen s responsibility25 W

16、hich of the following statements best describes the organization of the first two paragraphs?(A)Suggestions for the application of an economic concept are offered.(B) Several generalizations are presented from which various conclusions are drawn.(C) Persuasive language is used to argue against a pop

17、ular idea.(D)A general concept is defined and then examples are given.25 The Eskimo dog commanded by the Eskimo, is guided solely by voice and whip, the latter be ing from twelve to eighteen feet long. In the hands of the experienced dog runner, the whip becomes a marvelous instrument of precision.

18、He can literally snap the tip of it on a dime(在极小的地方 ). The Eskimo, unspoiled by white mans influence, is perhaps one of the most trusting and primitive of all Indians but seems to be indifferent to the welfare of his animals. In this he s simply a product of his environment where food is hard to ge

19、t, hunger is frequent, and the climate for nine months of the year is marked by bitter cold and a long stretch of darkness. In consequence, his dogs have to earn their keep and earn it the hard way. Rarely is dog taken into the shelter of the family s home. His sleeping place, no matter how severe t

20、he weather, is a burrow(洞穴) in the snow. Rarely is the Eskimo dog permitted to wander.When his master is moved to travel, the dog has to be on hand to help pull whatever load is put on the sledge(雪撬), and often such loads are very heavy. The Eskimo dog in his region is tough, savage, quarrelsome ani

21、mal with a hairtrigger(一触即发的) temper. On his home ground he re quires stern handling-and he gets it.26 An Eskimo uses his whip _.(A)to kill animals when food is scarce(B) to earn his keep(C) with amazing accuracy(D)for making his dogs tough27 In the author s opinion, the Eskimo s attitude toward his

22、 dogs is mainly due to _.(A)his marvelous skills(B) his surrounding conditions(C) his living style(D)his tough temper28 The Eskimo doesn t seem to care much about the welfare of his dogs because _.(A)he is naturally cruel to animals(B) he thinks of them as workers rather than peers(C) he dislikes hi

23、s quarrelsome dogs(D)his dogs can endure extreme cold29 An Eskimo dog by nature is _.(A)disloyal(B) disobedient(C) mild and gentle(D)fierce and cruel30 The author implies that the Eskimo dog has got _.(A)a primitive treatment(B) a good treatment(C) a due treatment(D)an unfair treatment30 The home co

24、mputers industry has been growing rapidly in the United States for the last ten years. Computers used to be large, expensive machines that were very difficult to use. But scientists and technicians have been making them smaller and cheaper while at the same time they have been made easier to use, As

25、 a result, their popularity has been increasing as more people have been buying computers for their homes and businesses. Computers have been designed to store information and compute complex problems. Some have voices that speak with the operators. Stores use computers to keep records of their inve

26、ntories and to send bills to their customers. Offices use computers to type letters, record business and communicate with other offices. People have been using computers in their homes to keep track of expenses and turn appliances on and off.One important new use for computers is for entertainment.

27、Many new games have been designed to be played, on the computers. People of all ages have been playing these games. They have been going to Arcades where the computer games can be played for a small cost. People also have been buying home computers ,to play computer games at home. They have become v

28、ery popular indeed.31 Computers in the United States _.(A)used to be too small to use(B) used to be nice(C) used to be heavy(D)used to be large and expensive32 Computers have been getting more popular _.(A)because the Americans want to appear rich(B) because they are smaller, cheaper and easier to u

29、se(C) because they can help Americans do everything(D)because they can type letters33 Computers can be used _.(A)for entertainment and relaxation(B) to work out complex problems(C) to do any of the ten things mentioned in the reading(D)to keep track of expenses and turn appliances on and off34 _ hav

30、e been playing computer games.(A)Children(B) Young people(C) Old people(D)People of all ages35 It may be concluded that _.(A)computers have been widely used by Americans(B) computers can solve complex problems(C) computers are domestic robots(D)computers are new machines35 Almost every family buys a

31、t least one copy of a newspaper every day, Some people subscribe to as many as two or three different newspapers. But why do people read newspapers?Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings-battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown or killed-took months and even years to travel fro

32、m one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important e vents that occur in faraway countries on the same day they happen.Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful in forma

33、tion. There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories, and, of course, advertisements. There are all sorts of advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for their

34、 advertising space, but it is worth the money, for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country. For those who produce newspapers, advertisements are also important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still mak

35、e a profit.36 The habit of reading newspapers is _.(A)widespread(B) found among a few families(C) not popular(D)uncommon37 In the past, news was _.(A)sent by telegraph(B) sent by letter(C) passed from one person to another(D)sent by telephone38 The money spent on advertisements is _.(A)wasted(B) not

36、 much(C) worthwhile(D)of no use to anyone39 Which of the following statements is not true?(A)Five hundred years ago news did not take a long time to reach other countries.(B) Large companies put big advertisements in the newspapers to make their products known.(C) The news that we need in Our newspa

37、pers is up-to-date.(D)Though the newspapers are sold at a low price, their owners still gain profit.40 The phrase“ subscribe to“ in the second sentence of Para. 1 means _.(A)contribute to(B) write to(C) pay for receiving(D)appreciate40 When a teacher or lecturer recommends a student to read a book,

38、it is usually for a particular purpose. In many eases, the teacher doesn t suggest that the whole book should be read. In fact, he may just refer to a few pages which have a direct bearing on the matter being discussed.Unfortunately, when many students pick up a book to read they tend to have no par

39、ticular purpose in mind other than simply to “read the book“. Often they open the book and start reading, page by page, line by line, word by word; in other words, slowly and in great detail. The result is that students frequently don t have an overall view of what they are reading; also, they tend

40、to forget fairly soon what they ye been reading.Students can make their reading much more effective by adopting a strategy (策略) aimed at helping them to understand and to remember what they read. Firstly, they should decide precisely why they re reading the book: perhaps it s to find some informatio

41、n thatll answer a question; per haps it s to understand a difficult idea or argument, and so on. Then the students should decide exactly what they are going to read; it s seldom necessary to read the whole book. A good starting point is the contents page, the chapter headings, and even the index (索引

42、) at the back of the book. They are very useful in helping to pinpoint the exact pages that need to be read carefully for particular pieces of information.41 According to the passage, it is rare for a teacher _.(A)to recommend a whole book for students to read(B) to require students to read carefull

43、y(C) to assign reading with a certain purpose(D)to locate, books for students to find42 What is the writer s attitude towards reading slowly and in detail?(A)Positive.(B) Critical.(C) Neutral.(D)Indifferent.43 The result of reading word by word is that(A)students have to read the whole book(B) stude

44、nts have not enough time to finish the book(C) students often fail to get the main idea of the book(D)students usually get more useless information44 Contents page, chapter headings and index are important for a reader to start his reading with because _.(A)they cover major points of the book in det

45、ail(B) they may help reader to better understand the book(C) they can take readers a lot of time to read every part of the book(D)they may help the readers find the important parts of the book45 The passage is mainly about _.(A)the importance of reading(B) the effective ways of reading(C) the diffic

46、ulties in reading(D)the incorrect habits of reading四、Part IV ClozeDirections: There are some blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer She

47、et.45 A credit card is a【36 】of identification【37】which the owner may obtain consumer credit for the【38】of goods or services【39】than pay cash. At the time of sale he【40】 his card to his seller,【41】records the purchasers name and account number【42】with the price of the purchase. Records are sent to a

48、【43】billing office that calculates the total price of purchase【44】by the card owner during the business month and sends him a【45 】.The purchaser returns his personal check,【46】all or part of the total, to the central office, which allocates the money to the【47】 entitled to it.The credit card, an Ame

49、rican innovation, first gained national【48】in 1938【49】oil companies selling gasoline to【50】set up a national pool to honor each others cards. Rapid growth,【51】, was not possible【52】the mid-1950s,when the development of electronic computers【53】fast, accurate billing and accounting. Department stores, airlines, banks, and other enterprises then entered the【54】and now offer credit to

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