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1、专升本(英语)模拟试卷 209 及答案与解析一、Phonetics(A)bread(B) dream(C) lead(D)team(A)hole(B) none(C) old(D)fold(A)house(B) south(C) touch(D)mouth(A)bush(B) must(C) rub(D)truck(A)ease(B) mean(C) head(D)heat二、Part I Vocabulary and StructureDirections: Each of the following sentences is provided with four choices. Choo

2、se the one that best completes the sentence. Then, mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.6 They stand _.(A)under the sun(B) in the sun(C) over the sun(D)against the sun 7 I didnt know the answer, _.(A)neither he did(B) neither did he(C) neither he knew(D)he didnt neither 8 Let me give you _.(A)advice

3、s(B) some advice(C) an advice(D)the advice 9 She _ into tears when she heard from the hospital that her father died.(A)burst(B) went(C) fell(D)exploded 10 -I saw Mary in the library yesterday. -You _ her, she is still in hospital.(A)mustnt have seen(B) could not see(C) cant have seen(D)must not see

4、11 This car costs _ the other one.(A)as much over(B) as much more as(C) as much to(D)as much as 12 If we _ sooner, we might have got there.(A)started(B) had started(C) would have started(D)start 13 What a lovely day, _?(A)doesnt it(B) isnt it(C) hasnt it(D)wont it 14 The film was worth seeing. I reg

5、retted _ it.(A)to be missing(B) having missed(C) to miss(D)to have missed 15 Marys dress cost _ Alices.(A)twice more(B) two times more as(C) twice as much as(D)twice as more 16 She tried hard, _ she was unsuccessful.(A)therefore(B) but(C) or(D)unless 17 She had changed so much that I could hardly _

6、her.(A)differ(B) find out(C) explain(D)recognize 18 I prefer this game _ that one.(A)than(B) more than(C) rather than(D)to 19 How much would you _ for repairing my radio?(A)charge(B) cost(C) pay(D)spend 20 He talks as if he _ everything.(A)knows(B) was known(C) will know(D)knew 三、Part III Reading Co

7、mprehensionDirections: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by a number of comprehension questions. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question. Then, mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.20 Sometimes children are kid

8、napped. Kidnapping is like stealing a child. It is important that kidnapped children are found and brought home as soon as possible.The sooner the public knows about a kidnapping the sooner they might be able to help. Some people decided to start a program that would alert the public about kidnappin

9、gs right away. This program is called Care Alert.The Care Alert program gives television and radio stations important information about a recently kidnapped child. These stations will then tell the public what happened in hopes that someone might be able to help. Anyone that may have seen something

10、about the kidnapping could then call the police.Sometimes one parent of a child kidnaps his or her own child. These kidnappings are not usually used in the Care Alert program. The Care Alert program is only used when a stranger has taken a child.When a child is kidnapped he is in a lot of danger. It

11、 is very important to find him as soon as possible. It is hoped that this new Care Alert program will save childrens lives.21 What is kidnapping based on the passage? It is _.(A)taking a child away without permission(B) making a child sleeping with a song(C) hugging a child with love(D)saving a chil

12、d from a stranger 22 Sometimes one parent of a child will kidnap his or her own child. In this case, _ the Care Alert program.(A)publics will get information from(B) television may not get information from(C) the parent will be punished by(D)the child will be saved by 23 The purpose of this new Care

13、 Alert program is to save childrens _.(A)kidnappers(B) lives(C) toys(D)parents 24 The best title for the article is _.(A)Kidnapping Announcement(B) Childrens Care(C) Kidnapping Alert(D)Watch Your Kids 24 I was only eight years old when the Second World War ended, but I can still remember something a

14、bout the victory celebrations in the small town where I lived on the day when the war in Europe ended. We had not suffered much from the war there. But both at home and at school I had become accustomed to the phrases “before the war“ and “when the wars over“. “Before the war“, apparently, things ha

15、d been better, though I was too young to understand why, except that there had been no bombs then, and people had eaten things like ice -cream and bananas, which I had only heard of . When the war was over we would go back to London, but this meant little to me. I did not remember what London was li

16、ke.What I remember now about VE (Victory in Europe) Day was the May evening. After dinner I said I wanted to see the bonfire (大火堆) , so when it got dark my father took me to the end of the street. The bonfire was very high, and somehow people had collected some old clothes to dress the un- mistakabl

17、e figure with the moustache (胡子) they had to put on top of it. Just as we arrived, they set light to it. The flames rose and soon swallowed the “guy“. Everyone was cheering and shouting, and an old woman came out of her house with two chairs and threw them on the fire to keep it going.I stood beside

18、 my father until the fire started to go down, not knowing what to say. He said nothing, either. He had fought in the First World War and may have been remembering the end of that. At last he said, “Well, thats it, son. Lets hope that this time it really will be the last one.“ 25 Where did the author

19、 live before the Second World War?(A)In London.(B) In a small town.(C) In Europe.(D)In the countryside. 26 The unmistakable figure with the moustache most probably represents _.(A)those who died in the war(B) those who had won(C) an imaginary figure(D)the most hated person in the war-Hitler 27 Which

20、 of the following statements is true?(A)The authors father built a bonfire on VE Day.(B) The authors father had fought in the First World War.(C) The authors father had fought in the Second World War.(D)The authors father threw two chairs on the fire to keep it going. 28 By saying “Lets hope that th

21、is time it really will be the last one“, the father meant that _.(A)he wished people had not built the bonfire(B) he hoped people would not build any more bonfires(C) he hoped there would be no more wars in the world(D)he wished the Second World War had not happened 28 People enjoy talking about “fi

22、rsts.“ They like to remember their first love or their first car. But not all firsts are happy ones. Few people enjoy recalling the firsts that are bad.One of historys bad but important firsts was the first car accident. Autos were still young when it happened. The crash took place in New York City.

23、 The year was 1896. The month was May. A man from Massachusetts was visiting the city in his new car. At the time, bicycle riders were still trying to get used to the new set of wheels on the road. No one is sure who was at fault. In any case, the bike and the car collided. The man on the bike was i

24、njured. The driver of the car had to stay in jail and wait for the hospital report on the bicycle rider. Luckily, the rider was not killed.Three years later, another automobile first took place. The scene was again New York City, a real estate broker named Henry Bliss stepped off a streetcar. He was

25、 hit by a passing car. Once again, no one is sure just how it happened or whose fault it was. The driver of the car was put in jail. Poor Mr. Bliss became the first person to die in a car accident.29 In each accident the driver was _.(A)found guilty(B) set free(C) laughed at(D)put in jail for a whil

26、e 30 We can conclude that accidents involving cars _.(A)happened most often in New York City(B) do not happen as often as they did in the early days of the auto(C) have killed many more people since Mr Bliss was killed(D)were always the drivers fault 31 The “new set of wheels“ that bicycle riders ha

27、d to get used to was _.(A)the new tires on their bikes(B) the automobile(C) the streetcar(D)the bicycle itself 32 “Collided“ means _.(A)hit each other hard(B) stopped(C) raced each other(D)traveled in the same direction 32 John Paul Jones was one of the founders of the United States Navy. During the

28、 Revolution, the colonies were desperate. They needed men to lead their small ships against the British fleet. Jones was more than willing to fight.John Paul Jones had once been a captain of a British merchant ship. In 1773, his crew mutinied. One member of the crew tried to gain control of the ship

29、. Jones shot the man to death. The mutiny took place near the port of Tobago, an island in the Caribbean. Authorities there decided to have a trial. This meant certain death for John Paul Jones, since the whole crew would testify against him. One night during a thunderstorm, he escaped from the jail

30、.He fled to the United States and lived with a family named Jones. His real name was John Paul. He added the name of Jones to his, in honor of the family. He outwitted the British ships that were sent to hunt him down.When the American Revolution ended he went to serve in the Russian navy. There, he

31、 fought the Turks and achieved one of the few major naval victories in the history of Russia. He died in Paris at the age of forty-five.John Paul Jones is considered both an American and Russian hero, but the English considered him a fugitive.33 John Paul Jones won a major victory for the Russian na

32、vy against the _.(A)French(B) British(C) Turks(D)Spanish 34 You can conclude from this passage that Jones was _.(A)thoughtful(B) fearful(C) kind(D)courageous 35 The passage is basically a _.(A)biography of John Paul Jones(B) criticism of John Paul Jones(C) history of the United States Navy(D)compari

33、son of the American and Russian navies 36 “Desperate“ means _.(A)in great need(B) reckless(C) hopeless(D)skillful 36 The Northern Pike is a very bad fish. It is a big, hungry fish, and swallows little fish such as trout and perch. Many Northern Pikes live in Lake Davis. They are killing all the smal

34、ler fish in the lake. The Northern Pike are a serious threat to the lake because they eat all the smaller fish. Soon, all other species of fish in the lake will be killed off. This is not healthy for the environment.Experts are afraid that the Northern Pike will swim out of Lake Davis through many s

35、maller rivers that feed into the lake. They could spread all over the country and damage many other water environments. If that happens, it would be too late to stop the Northern Pike.For ten years, officials have been trying to remove the Northern Pike from Lake Davis. They haw. tried using nets, e

36、xplosives and poisons. However, the Northern Pike population is still doing well in Lake Davis. Many people do not like the idea of using poison to kill the fish. They worry that the poi- sons are bad for humans who use the water. No trace of the poisons has ever been found in local wells, however.S

37、cientists are going to try the poison again. This time, they will drain the lake before they add the poison to the water. A public hearing will be held to talk about the problem.37 Why are some people against the use of poisons to kill Northern Pike?(A)Fishermen will be poisoned too.(B) The poisons

38、are expensive.(C) They think that wells will be polluted.(D)The lake will become unsafe. 38 What will scientists do to make sure the poison works this time?(A)They will try some of it themselves.(B) They will use a special kind of poison.(C) They will drain the lake first.(D)They will only put the p

39、oison in the wells. 39 What are the experts afraid will happen?(A)The Northern Pike will die.(B) The wells will be polluted.(C) Poisons will kill the Northern Pike.(D)The Northern Pike will swim into other lakes. 40 Why is it a problem if all the smaller fish species die?(A)Its not healthy for the e

40、nvironment.(B) People only like to catch big fish.(C) There are too many small fish.(D)The smaller fish can get lost in the lake. 四、Part IV ClozeDirections: There are some blanks in the following passages. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that bes

41、t fits into the passages. Then, mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.40 Without proper planning, tourism can cause problems. For example,【21】many tourists can【 22】public places that are also enjoyed【23】the inhabitants(居住者) of a country: If tourists【24】too much traffic, the inhabitants b

42、ecome annoyed and【25】. They begin to dislike tourists and to【26】them impolitely. They【27】how much tourism can help the countrys economy. It is important to【28】about the people of a tourist attraction and how tourism affects it. Tourism should help a country【29】the customs and beauty that attract tou

43、rists.Too much tourism can be a problem. If tourism【30】too quickly, people must leave other jobs to work in the tourism industry. This【31】that other parts of the countrys economy can suffer.On the other hand, if there is not enough tourism, people can【32】jobs. Business can also lose money. It【33】a g

44、reat deal of money to build large hotels, airports, air terminal, first class roads, and other support facilities(设施)【34】by tourist attractions. For example, a major international-class tourism【35】can cost as much as 50 thousand dollars per room to build. If this room is not used most of the time, t

45、he owners of the hotel lose money.(A)so(B) how(C) too(D)rather(A)crowd(B) stay(C) stand(D)sit(A)With(B) over(C) for(D)by(A)take(B) create(C) promise(D)wonder(A)interested(B) unhappy(C) curious(D)peaceful(A)deal(B) like(C) remember(D)treat(A)forget(B) regret(C) push(D)miss(A)ask(B) worry(C) talk(D)th

46、ink(A)throw(B) suit(C) keep(D)record(A)reduces(B) grows(C) sinks(D)shows(A)tells(B) leaves(C) means(D)ensures(A)find(B) have(C) hate(D)lose(A)costs(B) spends(C) wastes(D)pays(A)built(B) needed(C) earned(D)saved(A)hotel(B) apartment(C) club(D)office五、Part VII Writing56 For this part, you are supposed

47、 to write a narrative passage in 100-120 words according to the following situations.假设你在上班的路上(或公交车上)发现小偷正在偷别人的钱。描写这个事件的过程。六、Daily Conversation56 Pick out five appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answe

48、r Sheet.A. see you tomorrow B. I have your nameC. check in D. I have oneE. to take a look F. you wantG. are you interested in H. I have to put you in the waiting listBlanca: Hello. Im calling about the apartment you advertised.Manager: Yes. What kind of apartment【56】.Blanca: Im interested in a one-b

49、edroom. Do you have any available?Manager: Yes.【57】. When do you need it?Blanca: Sometime around next week. May I come over tomorrow【58】?Manager: Sure. What time would you like to come?Blanca: How about 10 am?Manager: Good. May【59】 , please?Blanca: My name is Blanca.Manager: Blanca. Ill【60】.专升本(英语)模拟试卷 209 答案与解析一、Phonetics1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 本题属字母组合的考查题,可利用排除法。B、C 、D 三项当中的发音均

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