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1、山东专升本(英语)模拟试卷 18(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 _student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.(A)Each(B) Any(C) Either(D)One2 _to our small apartment, our uncles house seemed like a palace.(A)Compared(B) Compare(C) While comparing(D)Comparing3 It was essential that the a

2、pplication forms_back before the deadline.(A)must be sent(B) would be sent(C) be sent(D)were sent4 _, water should be regarded with caution as it can be dangerous.(A)Beautiful as it is(B) It is beautiful(C) As it is beautiful(D)Beautiful it is5 The goals_he had fought all his life no longer seemed i

3、mportant to him.(A)after which(B) for which(C) with which(D)at which6 _makes men different from the other animals is that they can think and speak.(A)That(B) The thing(C) All(D)What7 They always give the available seats to_comes first.(A)he who(B) whom he(C) whoever(D)whomever8 I will give you such

4、information_help you in your study.(A)as will(B) as it will(C) that will(D)which will9 How much food do you guess_with them when surrounded by the enemy?(A)they had(B) did they have(C) do they have(D)they have10 Watch your step, _you might fall into the water.(A)or(B) and(C) unless(D)but11 The bridg

5、e was named_the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.(A)after(B) with(C) by(D)from12 Dont_this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.(A)release(B) relieve(C) relate(D)retain13 At a distance I_him for an old friend whom I hadnt seen for years.(A)viewed(B) looked(C) regarded(

6、D)mistook14 Works of arts and priceless historical records were_in the big fire.(A)harmed(B) hurt(C) damaged(D)destroyed15 All their attempts to_the child from the burning building were in vaia(A)regain(B) recover(C) rescue(D)reserve16 The poison was_of causing death within a few minutes.(A)capable(

7、B) able(C) likely(D)effective17 Nowadays, there are more and more crimes_to drug abuse.(A)associated(B) related(C) compared(D)connected18 You cant depend on John to_some practical suggestions for increasing sales.(A)come up with(B) come up to(C) come to(D)come across19 He never married, but his life

8、 was_lonely.(A)as far as(B) so far(C) by far(D)far from20 If you_your name and address on the card, well send the book to you as soon as it is returned.(A)go over(B) fill in(C) find out(D)carry out21 Language can be defined as a tool by which human beings_with one another.(A)associate(B) connect(C)

9、communicate(D)correspond22 I hope my teacher will take my recent illness into_when judging my examination.(A)regard(B) counting(C) account(D)observation23 The rain didnt_much difference to the game.(A)give(B) make(C) have(D)take24 They did not understand the laws which_the development of society.(A)

10、control(B) run(C) order(D)govern25 She knew by_that he wouldnt come back.(A)instinct(B) distinct(C) extinct(D)emotion26 The famous professor gave required_in traditional music and also coached young orchestral players.(A)classes(B) courses(C) lessons(D)lectures27 It has been rather costly to install

11、 the machinery, but it will prove to be worth the money_.(A)in the long run(B) at long last(C) in conclusion(D)in the end28 Their severe criticism shocked her_realizing her selfishness.(A)into(B) to(C) at(D)by29 Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to_any further responsibilities.(A)take on(B) get o

12、n(C) put up(D)look up30 Mary is in bed with a fever and she cant hope to_the cold in a few days.(A)get over(B) get off(C) get away(D)get out30 The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market You might sell some to your neighbor and some

13、 to the manager of the local supermarket But in either case, you are producing for the market Your efforts are being directed by the market If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them.If you take care of a sick person to earn money, you are producing for the market If your father is

14、 a steel worker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer(食品商), he is producing goods or service for the market.When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market When the

15、 local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the labor market.The market may seem to be something abstract But for each person or business who is making and selling something, its very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it wont be long before you get the message.

16、The market is telling you something. Its telling you that you are using energies and resources in doing something the market doesnt want you to do.31 Which of the following would be the best title?(A)Selling and Buying(B) What Is the Market(C) Everything You Do Is Producing for the Market(D)What the

17、 Market Can Do for You32 All of the following acts are producing for the market EXCEPT_.(A)working in a bank(B) printing a book(C) attending a night school(D)growing beans for sale33 You are buying from the market when you_.(A)borrow a book from the library(B) look after your children(C) drive to th

18、e seaside for a holiday(D)dine at a restaurant34 The word “real“ in the last paragraph(Line 2)most probably means_.(A)serious(B) genuine(C) important(D)concrete35 In what way is the market very real for each person or business who is making and selling something?(A)It tells you what to produce.(B) I

19、t tells you how to grow tomatoes.(C) It provides you with everything you need.(D)It helps you save money.35 Most of us grow up taking certain things for granted. We tend to assume that experts and religious leaders tell us “the truth“. We tend to believe that things advertised on television or in th

20、e newspapers cant be bad for us.However, encouragement of critical thinking in students is one of the goals of most colleges and universities. Few professors require students to share the professors own beliefs. In general, professors are more concerned that students learn to question and critically

21、 examine the arguments of others, including some of their own beliefs or values. This does not mean that professors insist that you change your beliefs, either. It does mean, however, professors will usually ask you to support the views you express in class or in your writing.If your premises(前提)are

22、 shaky, or if your arguments are not logical, professors personally point out the false reasoning in your arguments. Most professors want you to learn to recognize the premises of your arguments, to examine whether you really accept these premises, and to understand whether or not you draw logical c

23、onclusions. Put it this way: Professors dont tell you what to think: they try to teach you how to think.On the other hand, if you intend to disagree with your professors in class, you should be prepared to offer a strong argument in support of your ideas. Argument just for the sake of arguing usuall

24、y does not promote a critical examination of ideas. Many professors interpret it as rudeness.36 In the first paragraph, the writer tries to tell us that people_.(A)grow up through learning certain things in life(B) easily accept certain things without a second thought(C) have strong beliefs in autho

25、rities while getting old(D)are forming their views during their growth37 Nowadays, most colleges and universities encourage students to_.(A)give their own ideas(B) share professors beliefs(C) criticize others(D)change their own beliefs38 The word “shaky“(Line 1, Para. 3)most probably means “_“.(A)cr

26、eative(B) firm(C) weak(D)false39 To help students develop their critical thinking, professors mainly teach them_.(A)choice of their premises(B) different kinds of argument(C) skills of drawing conclusions(D)the way to think independently40 According to the writer, the right way to argue is to_.(A)su

27、pport your idea with sound reasoning(B) prove it with a good conclusion(C) argue mainly for the sake of arguing(D)examine others ideas critically40 In many countries in the process of industrialization, overcrowded cities present a major problem. Poor conditions in these cities, such as lack of hous

28、ing, inadequate sanitation(卫生)and lack of employment, bring about an increase in poverty, disease and crime.The over-population of towns is mainly caused by the drift of large numbers of people from the rural areas. These people have become dissatisfied with the traditional life of farming, and have

29、 come to the towns hoping for better work and pay.One possible solution to the problem would be to impose registration on town residents. Only officially registered residents would be allowed to live in the towns and the urban population would thus be limited. In practice, however, registration woul

30、d be very difficult to enforce(推行 ): it would cause a great deal of resentment(不满), which would ultimately lead to violence.The only long-term solution is to make life in the rural areas more attractive, which would encourage people to stay there. This could be achieved by providing encouragement fo

31、r people to go and work in the villages. Facilities in the rural areas, such as transport, health and education services should be improved. Education should include training in improved methods of farming and other rural industries, so as to develop a more positive attitude towards rural life. The

32、improvement of life in the villages is very important, because the towns themselves cannot be developed without the simultaneous(同时发生的)or previous development of the rural area.41 What does the word “urban“(Line 2, Para. 3)mean?(A)Of the city.(B) Out of work.(C) In bad conditions.(D)Of enormous size

33、.42 Large numbers of farmers have poured into towns because_.(A)they can hardly support their families on farms(B) they are unhappy with their life in the country(C) the rural areas are too crowded with people(D)they have the hope to have their own business43 In the authors view, solving the cities

34、problem of overcrowding by strict registration is_.(A)practical(B) possible(C) not realistic(D)not sufficient44 According to the writer, the problem with crowded cities will be solved if_.(A)traditional methods of farming are well kept(B) conditions in rural areas are much improved(C) the government

35、 can provide more jobs(D)violence could be controlled in cities45 Which factor is most important for people to be attracted to live in the country?(A)Their expectations.(B) Their income.(C) Their interests.(D)Their attitudes.45 ABusiness Management BMarketing ManagementCInternational Business Law DM

36、anagement Information SystemsEFinancial Management FThe Global Environment and International BusinessGManagerial Economics and Decision Models HOperations ManagementIHuman Resource Management JManagerial AccountingKEconomic Law LCurrency Banking ScienceMPractical International Trade NEquipment Manag

37、ementOWestern EconomicsExample:(H)生产管理(O)西方经济46 ( )全球环境与跨国企业( ) 人力资源管理47 ( )企业管理 ( )管理信息系统48 ( )财务管理 ( )设备管理49 ( )管理会计 ( )营销管理50 ( )国际商法 ( )管理经济学与决策模式50 Letter OneJan. 25, 2001 Dear Mr. Guan Li,From your advertisements we know that you are making transformers(变压器)in a variety of types. We are intere

38、sted in your products. Would you please send us the details of your products? If possible, please send us some pictures of the products. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely, Louis Smith Letter TwoFeb. 14, 2001 Dear Mr. Louis Smith,Its our pleasure to submit the attached quotation(报价)

39、for your review and consideratioa Here enclosed are some pictures of our latest types of transformers. This quotation package consists of the following: Section 1Price list for transformers Section 2Types of transformersSection 3Technical specificationIn the price list you can see we are giving you

40、the lowest prices and offering our best goods. We also think it better to offer you a 5% discount on purchases of more than 10 units. Please advise if you have additional questions.Yours sincerely, Guan Li51 What product are the two letters dealing with?52 What does Mr. Louis Smith ask for in his le

41、tter? _and pictures of the goods.53 Apart from a price list of the goods, what else does Mr. Guan Li offer in his quotation package? Types of the goods and_.54 How many must Mr. Louis Smith buy to get a discount of 5%? _of them.55 What are also included in Guan Lis letter apart from the quotation pa

42、ckage? Some_.Section ADirections: Translate the following English into Chinese.56 In the world today any damage to society, whether at the local or at the global level, will not remain unnoticed.57 Specialists in intercultural studies say that it is not easy to adapt to lives in different cultures.5

43、8 A recent survey showed that in the last five years the percentage of wives aged 25 to 29 who did not want children had almost doubled.59 Many of them have already turned to medicines to fight against sleeplessness and fear about the future two of the signs of long-term stress and depression.60 We

44、are keeping your letter on file and will write you later about how we could arrange to handle this business on a credit basis that would be satisfactory to all concerned.Section BDirections: Translate the following Chinese into English.61 一个成熟的人是一个善于把失败变为成功的人。62 由于缺乏教学经验,他得到这份工作的可能性是很小的。63 面对这样艰巨的任务

45、,我们最好按照会上提出的建议去办。64 位于伦敦西北的牛津大学以其学术成就闻名遐迩。65 他的工作经历使他比其他申请这项工作的人占有更大的优势。二、Writing66 This part is to test your ability to do writing. You are required to write a composition on the topic Turn off Your Mobile Phone. You should write no less than 100 words following the outline given below in Chinese:1

46、手机的使用越来越普遍,给人们的生活带来了极大便利。2但是,有些时候手机也带来了一些问题。3因此,在某些场合下,我们要关掉手机。Section A(A)7:25.(B) 7:35.(C) 7:45.(D)7:15.(A)The professors weak voice.(B) The traffic noise.(C) The microphone.(D)The roll of thunder.(A)Its going to snow.(B) It has already snowed.(C) The man doesnt like snowing.(D)The weather report

47、is right.(A)He can do the job.(B) Hes already replaced the switch,(C) Hes just switched off the light.(D)He will call an electriciaa(A)Because the new apartment is close to the college.(B) Because the present apartment is too expensive.(C) Because she likes to listen to the radio.(D)Because she need

48、s a quieter place.(A)The problem may have been a very complicated one.(B) No one can solve this problem.(C) The man thinks that the problem is quite easy for Linda.(D)The man thinks that he can solve the problem himself.(A)He will do something about the noise.(B) He will turn off her recorder.(C) He

49、 is not responsible for the noise.(D)He wants the woman to use earphones.(A)The woman should stop buying clothes.(B) The woman should go shopping less.(C) The woman shouldnt worry too much.(D)The woman shouldnt buy so many clothes.(A)She cannot eat for some time.(B) She suffers from bad headaches.(C)

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