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1、山东专升本(英语)模拟试卷 40(无答案)一、Vocabulary and Structure1 Id rather you _anything about it for the time being.(A)do(B) didnt do(C) dont(D)didnt2 _is of no concern to me.(A)It rains or not(B) It will rain or not(C) If or not it rains(D)Whether it rains or not3 Had the damage been worse, the insurance company

2、_.(A)would pay(B) paid(C) had paid(D)would have paid4 How did you dare to cross _a dangerous road every morning?We had to.(A)such(B) quite(C) so(D)even5 The doctor considers going to bed early to be more sensible _.(A)but staying up late(B) than to stay up late(C) than staying up lately(D)than stayi

3、ng up late6 What do you want to do this afternoon?We _go for a drive in the country or have a rest in the garden.(A)have to(B) need to(C) could(D)must7 Lets listen to the radio program that the teacher mentioned, _?(A)do we(B) shall we(C) dont we(D)will we8 It was when I threw the dead match on the

4、ground _ I noticed something bright red trickling from under the call box door.(A)where(B) that(C) which(D)why9 Astonishing as it might seem, we _one-fifth less food than we were in the 1970s.(A)have eaten(B) are eating(C) eat(D)ate10 Ian said the work would be done by March, _personally I doubt ver

5、y much.(A)which(B) that(C) where(D)there11 They have developed techniques which are _to those used in most factories.(A)more(B) better(C) greater(D)superior12 Some people say the need for cars _by the year 2004.(A)will have doubled(B) had doubled(C) will be doubling(D)be doubled13 They failed to pas

6、s the exam last time; I regretted _.(A)to be not able to help them.(B) being unable to help them(C) being not able to helping them(D)not be able to help them14 The price of fruit has increased recently _the price of vegetables has gone down.(A)when(B) while(C) as(D)otherwise15 I wish I _to the party

7、 with you, but I had to finish my papers.(A)could have gone(B) went(C) might have gone(D)have gone16 Only at that time _.(A)did I realize that I had made a mistake(B) I realized that I had made a mistake(C) did I realize that I have made a mistake(D)I realized that had I made a mistake17 I know how

8、_busy you always are.(A)completely(B) practically(C) naturally(D)desperately18 Rain is expected to _to all parts of the country by this evening.(A)expand(B) extend(C) extent(D)expend19 Id like to _five hundred dollars to my current account.(A)shift(B) move(C) change(D)transfer20 Nowadays, there are

9、more and more crimes _ to drug abuse.(A)related(B) associated(C) linked(D)connected21 Laptops are now so expensive _beyond the reach of almost everyone.(A)that be(B) as to be(C) as be(D)as being22 You might as well _your money as spend it in gambling.(A)to throw(B) throwing(C) throw(D)to be thrown23

10、 _his appearance, he comes from a well-off family.(A)Judged from(B) To judge from(C) Judging from(D)Having been judging from24 He must have heard of the bad news, _can be perceived in his expression.(A)as(B) what(C) while(D)that25 At the beginning, he refused to take any responsibility but he had to

11、 end up by_.(A)to apologize(B) apologizing(C) apologized(D)apologize26 With the development of artificial intelligence, robots will do some mental work in office _some manual work on the production line.(A)in addition(B) except(C) as well as(D)as well27 My plane _at 9 oclock tomorrow morning. Will y

12、ou come to see me off?(A)will be leave(B) leaves(C) will have left(D)is left28 To know what is good and _are two different things.(A)doing what is right(B) to do what is right(C) did what was right(D)to do what was right29 They have to adjust in _way that they dont make a loss.(A)a such(B) such(C) s

13、uch a(D)so30 We are all for your suggestion that the trip _.(A)is to put off(B) was put off(C) should put off(D)be put off30 Expressions about water are almost as common as water itself. But many of the expressions using water have unpleasant meanings. The expression “to be in hot water“ is one of t

14、hem. Its a very old expression.“Hot water“ was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble. It can be any kind of trouble, serious or not so serious. A person who breaks a law can be in hot water with the police. A young boy can be in hot water with his mother if he walks in a house with di

15、rty shoes. One story says it got the meaning from the custom of throwing extremely hot water down on enemies attacking a castle. That no long happens but we still get in hot water.“To keep your head above water is a colorful expression that means “stand out of debt“. A company seeks to keep its head

16、 above water during economic hard times. A man who loses his job tries to keep his head above water until he finds a new job.“Water over the dam is another expression about a past event that is finished and cannot be changed. The expression comes from the idea that water has flowed over a dam, canno

17、t be brought back again. When a friend is troubled by a mistake she has made, you might tell her to forget about it. You say “Its water over the dam“.Another common expression “to hold water“ is about the strength or weakness of an idea or opinion that you may be arguing about. It probably comes fro

18、m a way of testing the condition of a container. If it can hold water, it is strong and has no holes in it. If your argument can hold water, its strong and does not have any holes. If it does not hold water, its weak and not worth debating.“Throwing cold water“ is also an expression that deals with

19、ideas or proposals. It means “do not like an idea“. For example, you want to buy a new car because the old one has some problems, but your wife throws cold water on the idea, because she says “A new car costs too much“.31 When we are in trouble, we can say that_.(A)we are in hot water(B) we are out

20、of red(C) we keep our heads above water(D)its water over the dam32 When we refer to a past event, we say _.(A)we are in red(B) we are in deep water(C) its water over the dam(D)just so so33 If you propose to Jane and she says firmly “no“, it means that she_.(A)laughs at you(B) keeps your head above w

21、ater(C) hates you(D)throws cold water on you34 This passage is most likely to be taken from a_.(A)report about words and their stories(B) dictionary(C) textbook on water(D)research paper on water34 Dr. Richard Stevens, a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Open University, gives his opinion on clon

22、ing:“Cloning is a very curious issue that people get so uptight about. In a sense, the whole process of reproduction is a kind of cloningits just that youre mixing the genes of two people, and with cloning youre not doing thatyoure just having the genes from one person. So it doesnt seem to me parti

23、cularly striking in a way. Peoples fears seem to me rather unjustified and I think a lot of the fears around cloning stem from the inappropriate or mistaken notion that somehow one is cloning the person you are as an adult, which is of course not the case at all. All youre doing is passing on your g

24、enetic make-up, and all those features which make you into a human beinga complex function of interactions between your genetic potential and environmental influence, through the course of your lifetimeare not going to be part of that cloning process. Youre only going to have the basic genetic make-

25、up, which is hardly that different from giving to a child a shuffling of genes from two parents.So, from a psychological standpoint, cloning doesnt seem to me to raise that dramatic issue. It might possibly raise issues from a biological standpoint because of course sexual reproduction has all sorts

26、 of advantages and has had advantages in evolutionary terms. It avoids inbreeding of various kinds. I think sexual reproduction gives a lot more diversityat least the genotypical mixtures that are around among individuals. So there may be problems on that score, but I dont really see its a fundament

27、ally radical step. Cloning to me is not a big deal, its not a big issue. It was quite an exciting thing when it was done from a technical point of view, but from a moral point of view and a practical point of view I dont think its that relevant.“35 According to Dr. Richard Stevens, peoples fears of

28、cloning come from _.(A)the wrong notion of what cloning means(B) a reasonable standpoint(C) their moral consideration(D)a psychological concern36 Different from sexual reproduction, cloning _.(A)has advantages in terms of evolution(B) means one is reproducing the person you are as an adult(C) gives

29、to a child a mixture of genes from two parents in a random way(D)means passing on ones basic genetic make-up to a baby37 Dr. Richard Stevens explains that cloning will not duplicate an adult individual because he believes that _.(A)cloning does not go through most processes which make one into a hum

30、an being(B) a cloned person lacks genes from two parents(C) cloning is less complex than sexual reproduction(D)environment has no influence on a cloned person38 To Dr. Richard Stevens, cloning is _.(A)a curious matter that hes uptight about(B) a very radical issue related to morality(C) quite an exc

31、iting thing from a technical point of view(D)a particularly sensational and attractive matter38 Beautiful Wuyishan Mountain“The beauty of Wuyishan Mountain will amaze you,“ my Chinese friends said when told I would visit the nature reserve of Wuyishan Mountain. While I was impatient to verify their

32、comments, I was skeptical(怀疑的). As a Canadian I am accustomed to large acres of greenery and vast forest.But now, I must confess my impression was wrong. I was not aware that a nature reserve could embody such splendid scenery and offer such startling glimpse of history and ancient culture. In a cou

33、ntry of 1.2 billion inhabitants, I have discovered the marvel of a nature coexists in harmony and modern life does not disrupt(打断) the rhythm of nature.The reserve is divided into several zones for protection and conservation which offer unique characteristics, for instance, the conservation zone of

34、 the Jiuquxi River in the center, the natural and cultural zone in the east, and finally, the ruins of the imperial Minyue City of the Han Dynasty in the village of Chengcun. These zones formed a total environment, which since 1987 has been recognized as part of the global network Man and Biosphere.

35、 To further promote preservation of this site, China has requested that Wuyishan Mountain reserve be listed as a Natural and Cultural World Heritage site of UNESCO(联合国教科文组织).39 Whats the authors reaction after he heard that “the beauty of Wuyishan Mountain will amaze you“?(A)Eager to verify but doub

36、tful.(B) Eager to appreciate the beauty.(C) Doubtful of its real beauty.(D)Indifferent and skeptical.40 What does the word “confess“ in Paragraph 2 mean?(A)Conclude.(B) Confer.(C) Accept.(D)Admit.41 According to the passage, what is the characteristic of Wuyishan Mountain?(A)Greenery and vast forest

37、s.(B) Harmonious coexistence of man and nature.(C) Splendid scenery.(D)Rhythm of nature.42 What does the word “biosphere“ in Paragraph 3 mean?(A)Atmosphere.(B) Circumstance.(C) Nature.(D)Ecology.42 A. I wouldnt recommend reading in this light. It may affect your eyes.B. There has been a dramatic shi

38、ft in public opinion. People used to support the war but now they are against it.C. We give preferential treatment to those who invest in this area.D. All the preparations for the opening ceremony are well under way as planned.43 我们对那些在这个地区投资的人给与优惠待遇。44 公众的舆论发生急剧变化,从支持作战转为反对作战。45 开幕式的各项准备工作按计划在有序地进行

39、中。46 我不赞成在这样的光线下读书,这会损伤你的眼镜。46 A. To our delight, they quickly adapted themselves to the new working environment.B. Economic benefits must be carefully weighed against the possible dangers of handling the nuclear wastes.C. Individuals who function in terms of this drive do not try to deceive others

40、in regard to a job that they fail to do well.D. We can not only think about our immediate needs. Instead, we should think more about the future.47 必须仔细权衡经济利益与处理核废料的潜在危险之间的利害关系。48 我们不能只考虑眼前的需要。相反,我们应该多想想未来。49 令我们感到高兴的是,他们很快就适应了新的工作环境。50 在这种动力驱动下的个人,即使在某项工作上变现不好,也不会去欺骗别人。Section ADirections: Translate

41、 the following English into Chinese.51 Not until this week were they aware of the problems with the air-conditioning units in the hotel rooms.52 This matter is so important that it should not be left in the hands of an inexperienced lawyer.53 The high tuition discourages some poor students from ente

42、ring colleges.54 The people there will pay two or three times as much as they used to pay for a house.55 The library is trying in every possible way to raise more money to meet its increasing running costs.Section BDirections: Translate the following Chinese into English.56 自从王教授从以前的住处搬走以后,我一直没看见过他。

43、57 球迷们很兴奋,因为主队赢得了比赛。58 直到 20 世纪初,人类才学会防治疾病的传播。59 我们钦佩伟人,因为他们的所作所为值得我们敬佩。60 他对这里的一切都很满意,从不抱怨任何事。二、Writing61 Directions:For this part ,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an E-mail to one of your former classmatesYou should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline(given in Chi

44、nese)below:1告诉对方你最近将出去旅游。2了解对方所在地的旅游点。3请对方给予帮忙安排。Section A(A)Get some change form Jane.(B) Use the womans phone.(C) Go look for a pay phone.(D)Pay for the phone call.(A)At a bookstore.(B) In a workshop.(C) At an art gallery.(D)In a department store.(A)Shes bought the man a pair of glasses today.(B)

45、She will help the man to catch up.(C) She is worried about the mans health.(D)She has bought the man an up-to-date map.(A)He is going to give a talk on fishing.(B) He thinks fishing is a good way to kill time.(C) He has the same hobby as Susans father.(D)He is eager to meet Susans parents.(A)He find

46、s the presentation hard to follow.(B) He considers the presentation very dull.(C) He thinks Professor White has chosen an interesting topic.(D)He speaks highly of the presentation.(A)High quality paper.(B) A typewriter.(C) A bookshelf.(D)Some stocks.(A)They go to the seaside.(B) They set off early.(

47、C) They go sightseeing.(D)They wait for a fine day.(A)He was late for school on the first day.(B) He had a funny face.(C) He was the first person she met at school.(D)He liked to show off in class.(A)Her car can stand any crash.(B) Her car is not as good as his.(C) Her car is maintained as well as h

48、is.(D)Her car is kept in good condition.(A)She is too busy to go.(B) She doesnt want to wait long.(C) Shes willing to go swimming.(D)She enjoys the wonderful weather.(A)His health is getting worse.(B) He can no longer work at sea.(C) His past life upsets him a good deal.(D)He has not got the expecte

49、d pension.(A)She passed away years ago.(B) She used to work as a model.(C) She has been working at a clinic.(D)She has been seriously ill for years.(A)She has made lots of money as a doctor.(B) She is going to take care of her old dad.(C) She has never got on with her father.(D)She is kind and gener

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