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本文([专升本类试卷]河北专接本英语(阅读理解)模拟试卷6及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、河北专接本英语(阅读理解)模拟试卷 6 及答案与解析0 We have saved as a final set of emotions the two most important emotions pertaining to (与有关) other people: love and its opposite, hate. Love can be seen everywhere. Yet surprisingly, love has been the subject of less scientific research than other emotions, such as anger

2、and fear. The reason for this may be twofold. First, love is a very complex emotion, difficult to describe and measure. Secondly, unlike many extreme emotions, extreme love is generally not a problem; thus less medical attention has been paid to it.What is love? This is a complex question and requir

3、es a complex answer. Love is an enduring, strong, positive attraction and feeling for another person or thing. But it is more than this. It also involves feelings of caring, protection, excitement, and tenderness. When two people are in love, they feel drawn to one another; they greatly enjoy each o

4、thers company; and they may be sexually attracted to one another.Sometimes it is easier to think in terms of different kinds of love: “puppy“ love(少年时代的恋爱 ), romantic love, brotherly love, and so forth. Though they differ in some respects, they share one important characteristic: a strong positive f

5、eeling toward another.Our feelings toward other people are often complex. We may love someone and, at the same time, be angry with him. Or we may love someone, even though we are jealous of him. We might even love someone and, at the same time, hate him for some specific reason. Hate is a strong neg

6、ative emotion toward someone, and is due to anger, jealousy, or some other factors. Like love, hate can be a very strong emotion. It can also be very dangerous. The question is often asked, “Is it bad to hate?“ The best answer is probably “sometimes yes and sometimes no“. Usually hate does not help

7、us; it makes us feel unhappy and makes us do things that may hurt others. However, sometimes it may be necessary to hate and hurt someone in order to protect loved ones.1 In the parts previous to the passage youve just read, the author has probably been discussing_.(A)the two most important human em

8、otionslove and hate(B) some emotions that are only produced by animals(C) some human emotions other than that of love and hate(D)none of the above2 The phrase “pertaining to“ in the first paragraph can best be replaced by_.(A)relating to(B) belonging to(C) appealing to(D)referring to3 According to t

9、he passage, the emotion of love had been medically paid less attention to because_.(A)it is too common to be talked about(B) compared with other kinds of emotions, love is not so important(C) the study of love needs great effort and advanced scientific research(D)love generally is harmless and very

10、complex4 When two people are in love, they_.(A)will never be angry with or hate each other(B) are strongly attracted to each other(C) will not be jealous of each other(D)tend to do all of the above5 Which of the following is NOT true?(A)Both love and hate are strong feelings towards others.(B) Both

11、love and hate can be very dangerous.(C) There are different kinds of love and yet they have something in common.(D)It is not always bad to hate.5 Anna Douglas was seventy-two years old when she started writing her newspaper column. She had been the director of a school before she retired, but she re

12、eded to keep busy. She was even willing to work without pay. That was the reason she found a volunteer job with an agency. The agency that she chose to work for was a business that helped other businesses find jobs for old people. Every day she talked with other retired people like herself. By talki

13、ng, she recognized two things. Old people had abilities that were not being used. Old people also had problemsmostly problems with communication.Mrs. Douglas found a new purpose for herself. Through the years, from time to time she had written stories about people for national magazines. Now there w

14、as a new subject: old people like herself. She began to write a newspaper column called “Over Sixty“, which focuses on getting old. She writes about the problems of old people, especially their problems with being misunderstood.Anna Douglas uses her thinking ability to-see the truth behind a problem

15、. She understands the reasons why problems begin. She understands old people and young people, too. For example, one of the readers said that his grandchildren left the house as soon as he came to visit. Mrs. Douglas suggested some ways for him to increase understanding with his grandchildren. She t

16、old him to listen to young peoples music and to watch the most popular television shows.“Its important to know something about our grandchildrens world,“ says Mrs. Douglas. “But most of all, keep your mind open. Do not close out other people. Listen to the other people in your family. Keep on talkin

17、g. And above all else, keep on listening and communicating. You stop living when you stop sharing ideas with others.“ 6 Mrs. Douglas aged 72, is_.(A)the director of an agency(B) the director of a school(C) a business manager(D)a volunteer columnist7 What Mrs. Douglas needs is_.(A)money(B) to keep bu

18、sy(C) an easy life(D)to talk with old people8 By talking with retired people Anna Douglas recognized .(A)that old people had ability but they were not willing to use it(B) that old people had lots of questions to ask(C) that old people had difficulty in using their ability and making themselves unde

19、rstood(D)that old people were not interested in communication9 Anna Douglas newspaper column_.(A)is about thinking(B) has ideas for youngsters(C) discusses the problems of old people(D)contains mostly funny stories10 According to Mrs. Douglas, what do old people need to learn how to do?(A)How to wor

20、k.(B) How to listen.(C) How to criticize.(D)How to complain.10 Most forest fires are caused by human carelessness or ignorance. Forest fire prevention, therefore, is mainly a problem of creating bette, understanding of the importance of forests, an awareness of the danger of fire in the woods, and a

21、 sense of personal responsibility to safeguard the forests from danger. This is not an easy job.Careless smokers are responsible for thousands of forest fires each year. Many of these are started when cigarette butts(烟蒂) and matches are thrown from automobiles. Others are caused by hunters, hikers(徒

22、步旅行者). fishermen, or woods workers who are careless in disposing of their smoking materials. The Forest Service has posted rules in many of the National Forests that prohibit smoking except in certain designated(指定的) areas. Many of the states have laws against throwing lighted materials from automob

23、iles. The prevention of smoker-caused fires, however, depends upon changing the attitudes and behavior of millions of people who smoke in hazardous areas.The most important natural cause of fire is lightning. This accounts for 11 per cent of forest fires on protected land for the entire nation. In t

24、he Western Slates, lightning causes a much higher percentage of fires than it does in the East.Advances in knowledge of fire weather are helping forest protection forces to know when to be alert to lightning-caused fires. Adequate and well-equipped forces can control them quickly and hold the damage

25、 to a minimum. Experiments in ”seeding“ thunder clouds to prevent or control the lightning itself have been in process for many years, but new breakthroughs are needed for any significant reduction in the fires lightning starts. 11 This passage is chiefly about_.(A)smoking in forests(B) changing the

26、 attitudes and behavior of millions of people(C) the chief causes of forest fires and their prevention(D)advances in knowledge of fire weather12 Preventing smoker-caused forest fires is mainly a problem of_.(A)building the proper knowledge and habits in human beings(B) safeguarding the forests from

27、fire(C) posting rules in forests(D)holding the damage to a minimum13 Lightning-caused fires can be controlled quickly by_.(A)holding the fire damage to a minimum(B) people who have changed their attitude and behavior(C) enough fire fighters with good fire-fighting devices(D)carrying cut experiments

28、in “seeding“ thunder clouds14 Alert to in the 4th paragraph most probably means_.(A)aware of(B) watchful for(C) responsible for(D)busy with15 Which of the following statements is Not true according to the passage?(A)It is not difficult to prevent forest fires.(B) Smoking is allowed only in certain f

29、orests.(C) Over 11% of the forest fires in the Western States are caused by lightning.(D)Experiments in “seeding“ thunder clouds have helped reduce lightning-caused forest fires.15 An American researcher has developed a simple device to help people stop snoring. The device restricts the movements of

30、 the tissue that caused the disliked sound. Snoring is a common problem. It may prevent a person from getting enough sleep. It may also prevent enough oxygen from reaching the heart and lungs during sleep. But for most people, snoring affects relations with the other person who must sleep in the sam

31、e room.Snoring happens when the sleeping person breathes with the mouth open. In the back of the mouth the tissues surrounding the entrance of the throat are soft. As the person breathes, the movement of the air around the soft tissues causes them to move. This tissue movement causes the sound we ca

32、ll snoring. A number of possible solutions have been proposed. Some devices keep the mouth shut. They force the patient to breathe only through the nose. A medical operation is also possible. Other devices listen for the sound of snoring and then wake the patient. The new anti-snoring device was dev

33、eloped by a dentist, George Wagner of the Indiana University School of Dentistry. He developed a piece of plastic that fits up against the inside of the mouth. The device keeps the soft tissues from vibrating and making the snoring noise. It was worn only at night. Doctor Wagner said several patient

34、s report that the simple device has ended their snoring problem.16 Whats the meaning of “snoring“?(A)Noises made while one sleeps.(B) Dreaming while one sleeps.(C) Speaking while one sleeps.(D)Sighs given while one sleeps.17 Which of the following sentences in NOT true?(A)Snoring may prevent one fro

35、m sound sleep.(B) Snoring may cause lack of oxygen to the heart and lungs.(C) Snoring may result in a heart attack.(D)Snoring may affect ones roommates.18 When does snoring happen?(A)When sleeping with open mouth.(B) When breathing with the mouth closed.(C) When dreaming at night, even during the da

36、y.(D)When being poor in health.19 From the passage we know that the simplest and most efficient way to prevent a person from snoring is_.(A)to give the patient a medical operation(B) to keep the soft tissue in the throat from vibrating(C) to wake him up as soon as he or she snores(D)to listen to the

37、 sound of snoring20 How many possible solutions to snoring have been proposed in the passage?(A)One(B) Two(C) Three(D)Four20 When he thought of the past, my grandfather would sometimes show us photographs of himself at school. They were brown and faded, and it was hard to believe that the blurred (模

38、糊不清的 ) figure of the little boy was my grandfather. Besides, he wore a capall the boys in the photographs wore caps, pulled so far forward that half their faces were obscured (使变模糊 ). When Grandfather asked us to pick him out from the group, we would invariably point to the wrong boy.On one such occ

39、asion my younger sister, aged six, burst into tears when Grandfather proudly guided her finger to the right boy. “How could that boy be you?“ she wailed (哭喊), “He should have a beard.“ We were, of course, all convinced that Grandfathers should have beards, preferably white and bushy, like our own gr

40、andfathers. In fact, we would have been quite ready to argue the point, if challenged.“I was a good scholar,“ Grandfather would say, wagging (摇动) his beard over the photographs, “I shouldve been top of the class if I hadnt had to get up at six every morning to milk the cows and chop the wood, and ag

41、ain when I came home from school“.“But Saturdays? What did you do on Saturdays“?“Saturdays, if it was fine, Id be out all day in the fields with the men“, replied Grandfather, “and if it was wet, Id be helping my mother with odd jobs round the house. There wasnt much time for studying“.We all tried

42、hard to imagine what it would have been like to have been Grandfather getting up at the crack of dawn and never, apparently, having a moment for himself. It seemed we had learned something from what Grandfather had said about his childhood.21 In the first paragraph of this passage, what the author r

43、eally tells us is_.(A)his grandfather used to wear short trousers, socks and a cap as well(B) it was difficult to tell which of the boys in the photographs was Grandfather(C) he didnt believe Grandfather wore a cap pulled forward when he was at school(D)it was fun to watch boys in the photographs we

44、aring caps pulled22 The authors sister burst into tears because_.(A)she did not get a chance to pick out Grandfather in the photographs(B) she was told which was the right boy before she herself could pick him out(C) other children did not agree with her that Grandfather should have had a beard(D)sh

45、e found Grandfather in the photographs did not have a beard23 When Grandfather said “I shouldve been top of the class.“ he meant_.(A)if he had had more time for studying, he would have been the best in his class(B) he should have spent more time studying rather than playing ball games(C) his school

46、days should not have been so hard and miserable(D)he could have never been the best student even if he had studied harder24 The children asked about Saturday in particular because they thought_.(A)Saturdays were the same as other weekdays(B) Poor people had to work on Saturdays(C) Saturdays were day

47、s off for both adults and school children(D)Saturdays were days off for adults25 In the last paragraph the author said “We all tried hard to imagine.“ because_.(A)the figures of the boys in the photographs were small and blurred(B) the children had never experienced life like that of Grandfather(C)

48、the photographs Grandfather showed them were brown and faded(D)Grandfather failed to tell them about his childhood in detail河北专接本英语(阅读理解)模拟试卷 6 答案与解析【知识模块】 阅读理解1 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读理解2 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读理解3 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 阅读理解4 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解5 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解6 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 阅读理解7 【

49、正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解8 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读理解9 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读理解10 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解11 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读理解12 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读理解13 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读理解14 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解15 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解16 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读理解17 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读理解18 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读理解19 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解20 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 阅读理解【知识模块】 阅读理解21 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解22 【正确答案】 D【知识模块】 阅读理解23 【正确答案】 A【知识模块】 阅读理解24 【正确答案】 C【知识模块】 阅读理解25 【正确答案】 B【知识模块】 阅读理解

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