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本文([自考类试卷]2014年4月全国自考(国际商务英语)真题试卷及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(孙刚)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、2014 年 4 月全国自考(国际商务英语)真题试卷及答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 economic globalization2 political entity3 free trade area4 banknotes5 legal obligations6 BOT7 trademark8 staple goods9 council of ministers10 parent company二、词组汉译英11 货号12 初级产品13 销售合同14 混合关税15 货舱16 汇款17 红利18 仲裁19 远期汇票20 证券投资三、配对题20 a. to bring under the contro

2、l or ownership of a nationb. legal prosecutionc. different forms of transportationd. the act of a government in reducing by law the exchange value of its currency in units of gold or as compared with other currenciese. to take what is needed from, to exploitf. the bank that adds its own commitment t

3、o an L/Cg. route that avoids a blocked road; deviation h. competence i. total resources of a business, such as cash, accounts receivable, real estates, etc. j. that which incites, rouses or encourages a person21 tap22 detour23 nationalize24 incentive25 law suit26 assets27 qualifications28 devaluatio

4、n29 confirming bank30 modes四、名词解释31 gold standard32 insurable interest33 revolving credit34 soft loans35 VER五、简答题36 What is a letter of credit?37 What are common carriers?38 What is documentary collection?39 The Bill of Lading has three functions. What are they?六、句子英译汉40 Economic activities began wi

5、th the caveman, who was economically self-sufficient. As the primitive population grew and developed, the principle of division of labor evolved. One person was more able to perform some activity than another, and therefore each person concentrated on what he did best.41 As a responsible large natio

6、n, China has been doing a lot in honoring its commitments for entering the WTO. In a short span of three years, China amended over 2, 300 laws and regulations of which over 800 were abolished. The overall tariff level was lowered from about 40% to 10. 5% . Non-tariff measures including quota and imp

7、ort license were removed step by step.七、句子汉译英42 中国现在的人均收入为 1 100 美元以上,为中等收入国家,但几年前它还是个低收入国家。43 毫无疑问,一个没有先进运输系统的社会仍然是一个原始落后的社会。44 比较利益理论已经成为国际贸易思想的基石。45 该银行的贷款是向处于经济和社会发展较高阶段的发展中国家提供的。46 为了促进较不发达国家的工业化进程,西方国家必须向新兴国家的制造业产品开放市场。2014 年 4 月全国自考(国际商务英语)真题试卷答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 【正确答案】 经济全球化【试题解析】 economic 意为“经济的”

8、;globalization 意为“全球化”。2 【正确答案】 政治实体【试题解析】 political 意为“政治的”;entity 意为 “实体,存在”。3 【正确答案】 自由贸易区【试题解析】 free 意为“自由的”;trade 意为“贸易”;area 意为“区域”。4 【正确答案】 纸币,钞票【试题解析】 banknotes 意为“纸币,钞票”。5 【正确答案】 法律义务【试题解析】 legal 意为“法律的”;obligations 意为“义务,职责”。6 【正确答案】 建设、经营、移交【试题解析】 build 意为“建设”;operate 意为“经营”;transfer 意为“移

9、交”。7 【正确答案】 商标【试题解析】 trademark 意为“商标”。8 【正确答案】 大路货【试题解析】 staple 意为“大宗生产的,常用的”;goods 意为“货物”。9 【正确答案】 部长理事会【试题解析】 council 意为“委员会,会议”;ministers 意为“部长,大臣”。10 【正确答案】 母公司【试题解析】 parent 意为“父母”;company 意为 “公司”。二、词组汉译英11 【正确答案】 article number【试题解析】 article 意为“物品”;number 意为“号码”。12 【正确答案】 primary commodities【试题

10、解析】 primary 意为“初级的”;commodities 意为“商品,产品”。13 【正确答案】 sales contract【试题解析】 sales 意为“销售”;contract 意为“合同 ”。14 【正确答案】 compound duties【试题解析】 compound 意为“合成,混合”;duties 意为“关税”。15 【正确答案】 cargo compartment【试题解析】 cargo 意为 “货物”;compartment 意为“隔间,区划”。16 【正确答案】 remittance【试题解析】 remittance 意为“汇款”。17 【正确答案】 bonus【试

11、题解析】 bonus 意为 “红利”。18 【正确答案】 arbitration【试题解析】 arbitration 意为“仲裁”。19 【正确答案】 usance draft【试题解析】 usance 意为“票据期限”;draft 意为“汇票”。20 【正确答案】 portfolio investment【试题解析】 portfolio 意为“证券投资组合”;investment 意为“投资”。三、配对题21 【正确答案】 e22 【正确答案】 g23 【正确答案】 a24 【正确答案】 j25 【正确答案】 b26 【正确答案】 i27 【正确答案】 h28 【正确答案】 d29 【正确答

12、案】 f30 【正确答案】 c四、名词解释31 【正确答案】 The earliest international monetary system was known as the gold standard under which countries pledged to change their paper currencies into gold when requested to do so【试题解析】 最早的国际货币体系称作金本位制,在这个体制下各国承诺在受到要求时将其货币由纸币兑换为黄金。32 【正确答案】 Insurable interest holds that no one

13、may insure anything unless he has an interest in it,which means that if the thing insured is preserved he will derive a benefit from its preservation,but if it is in any way damaged or lost the assured will be adversely affectedEvery contract of insurance requires an insurable interest to support it

14、,or otherwise it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained【试题解析】 可保权益原则认为只有在一件事情中得到利益才能投保。这意味着,如果这投保的东西得到了保护,投保人能从这种保护中得到利益。但如果它受到损坏或丢失,投保方就会受到负面影响。每一份保险合同都需要有可保利益的支持,否则它就是无效的,任何根据此合同提出的索赔都不会受理。33 【正确答案】 If a credit stipulates that its amount can be renewed or reinstated without

15、specific amendment to the credit being made, it is then a revolving credit【试题解析】 如果信用证规定,其金额用过后,在未对其进行特定修改的情况下,即可以重新恢复到原金额,这种信用证就是循环信用证。34 【正确答案】 Soft loans are loans with significant risk of not being repaid【试题解析】 软贷款即得不到偿还的风险相当大的贷款。35 【正确答案】 Voluntary Export Restraint【试题解析】 VER 为 Voluntary Export

16、Restraint 的首字母缩写,意为自愿出口限制。五、简答题36 【正确答案】 The credit is a letter issued by a bank at the request of the importer in which the bank promises to pay upon presentation of the relevant documentsIt is actually a conditional bank undertaking of payments【试题解析】 信用证是银行在进口人的要求下所签发的信函,在此函中,银行许诺在卖方提交有关单据后付款。它实际上

17、是锒行有条件的付款承诺。37 【正确答案】 Common carriers are privately or publicly owned companies committed to performing a movement service of the same quality for all shippers on an equal basis and without discrimination【试题解析】 公共承运人是私有或公有企业向所有货主承诺在平等、无歧视的基础上履行同等质量的移动服务。38 【正确答案】 In documentary collection,the export

18、er sends the draft and the shipping documents representing title to the goods to his bank,which forwards them to another bank in the importers country,which in turn contacts the customer【试题解析】 跟单托收是指在卖方(出口商)所开具汇票以外,附有货运单据的托收。39 【正确答案】 The Bill of Lading is one of the most important documents and has

19、 three major functions:(1)It serves as a cargo receipt signed by the carrier and issued to the shipper or consignor;(2)It constitutes a contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor;(3)It is a document of title to the goods,and the legal holder of the bill of lading is the owner of the

20、goods it covers【试题解析】 提单的三个主要作用:(1)它是由承运人签发给托运人即发货人的货物收据。(2)它是承运人和发货人之间的运输合同。(3)它是货物的物权凭证,提单的合法持有人就是提单中货物的所有人。六、句子英译汉40 【正确答案】 由穴居人开始就有了经济活动,穴居人在经济上自给自足。随着原始人口的增长和发展,劳动分工的原则逐渐产生发展。一个人会比另一个人更有能力完成一些活动,因而每个人都集中精力干他最擅长的事。【试题解析】 本段为教材第五课课后练习题节选,学生可根据学过的商务知识进行翻译,翻译时注意重要单词及短语。41 【正确答案】 作为一个负责任的大国,中国一直都在努力

21、履行其为加人世贸组织做出的承诺。在短短的三年之内,中国修订了 2300 余个法律法规,其中 800 多个被废止。总体关税水平已从 40降到了 105。配额、进口许可证等非关税措施正在逐步取消。【试题解析】 本段为教材第二十一课课文原文,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:nation:国家; commitment:承诺;WTO:世界贸易组织;amend:修改;改善;abolish:废除,废止;tariff:关税;quota:配额;import license:进口许可证; step by step:逐步地。七、句子汉译英42 【正确答案】 China with a per capita i

22、ncome of over $1100 is a middle-income country though it was a low income country just a few years ago【试题解析】 本句为教材第二课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:per capita income:人均收入;middleincome country:中等收入国家;low income country:低收入国家。43 【正确答案】 A society without an advanced transportation system remains primitive【试题

23、解析】 本句为教材第十四课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:society:社会; advanced:先进的;transportation system:运输系统;primitive:原始的。44 【正确答案】 The idea of absolute advantage has become the cornerstone of modern thinking on international trades【试题解析】 本句为教材第五课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:the idea of absolute advantage:绝对利益理论; corners

24、tone:基石;international trade:国际贸易。45 【正确答案】 Loans of that bank give directed toward developing countries at more advanced stages of economic and social growth【试题解析】 本句为教材第十八课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:loan :贷款;developing countries:发展中国家;advanced:先进的;stage:阶段; economic:经济的;social:社会的。46 【正确答案】 In order to push the industrialization of the developing countries,west countries should open markets to the manufacturing industry of emerging countries【试题解析】 本句并非教材内容,学生可根据所学知识进行翻译,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:in order to:为了;push :推动;industrialization:工业化;manufacturing industry:制造业;emerging countries:新兴国家。

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