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本文([自考类试卷]全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷8及答案与解析.doc)为本站会员(amazingpat195)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷 8 及答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 Consumerism2 buying rate3 emerging nation4 income tax5 cargo receipt6 direct quote7 tariff concessions8 earning in foreign trade9 export volume10 financial center二、词组汉译英11 议付行12 货交承运人13 承兑交单14 保险单15 从价税16 大额存单17 规模经济18 投票权19 绿地战略20 长期资本三、配对题20 a. right to reject or

2、forbid somethingb. route that avoids a blocked road; deviationc. wear away, eat intod. combing into a wholee. of trade, the act of government in lifting controls over imports and exportsf. tax levied by the customsg. picture(an event, action, etc)in the mind as a future possibility; imagineh. printe

3、d paper money issued by a bank, usu. the countrys central banki. capacity that can move or be moved easily and quickly from place to place j. any action by a government to limit or prevent the free flow of goods in and out of its country21 liberalization22 integration23 tariff24 barrier to trade25 m

4、obility26 detour27 banknote28 erode29 envisage30 veto四、名词解释31 insurable interest32 Group of 7733 transportation deregulation34 clearing system35 comparative advantage五、简答题36 What are the main principles of insurance?37 What is transportation insurance? Why is it so important?38 Give an example to il

5、lustrate the subprinciple of subrogation.39 What are the objectives of WTO?六、句子英译汉40 Absolute advantage and comparative advantage are two theories of international specialization. Both theories attempt to determine which goods a country should produce for itself and export to other countries and whi

6、ch goods it should import from other countries.41 Invisible trade can be as important to some countries as visible trade is to others. In reality, the kinds of trade nations engage in are varied and complex, often a mixture of visible and invisible trade.七、句子汉译英42 有形贸易指货物的进出口贸易,而无形贸易涉及的是国家间的劳务交换。43

7、对销贸易可帮助有严重债务的国家继续进口商品而实际上向债权人掩盖出口收入。44 除了国际贸易和投资,国际许可和特许经营有时也是进入国外市场的一种方式。45 还盘是对发盘的拒绝,一旦作出还盘,原报盘即失效而失去约束力。46 正常的保险合同付出的赔偿只是将被保人的利益恢复到受害前的状态但不好于这种状态。全国自考(国际商务英语)模拟试卷 8 答案与解析一、词组英译汉1 【正确答案】 消费,消费主义【试题解析】 专业商务术语。2 【正确答案】 买入价【试题解析】 专业商务术语。3 【正确答案】 新兴国家【试题解析】 emerging 意为“新兴的,崭露头角的”;nation 意为“国家,民族”。4 【正

8、确答案】 所得税【试题解析】 income 意为“收入”;tax 意为“税” 。5 【正确答案】 货物收据【试题解析】 cargo 意为 “货物,船货”;receipt 意为“收据”。6 【正确答案】 直接标价【试题解析】 专业商务术语,也称 direct quotation。7 【正确答案】 关税减让【试题解析】 tariff 意为 “关税”;concession 意为“让步,退位”。8 【正确答案】 外汇收入【试题解析】 earning 意为“收入”;foreign trade 意为“外贸”。9 【正确答案】 出口量【试题解析】 export 意为 “出口”;volume 意为“ 量,体积

9、”。10 【正确答案】 金融中心【试题解析】 financial 意为“金融的”;center 意为“中心”。二、词组汉译英11 【正确答案】 negotiating bank【试题解析】 固定译法,专业商务术语。详见教材常用商务词语表。12 【正确答案】 FCA(Free Carrier)【试题解析】 固定译法,专业商务术语。详见教材常用商务词语表。13 【正确答案】 documents against acceptance【试题解析】 固定译法,专业商务术语。详见教材第十课单词表。14 【正确答案】 insurance policy【试题解析】 insurance 意为“保险”;polic

10、y 在此意为“保险单”。15 【正确答案】 ad valorem duty【试题解析】 ad valorem 意为“从价,按价”。16 【正确答案】 certificate of deposit【试题解析】 certificate 意为“证书,执照”;deposit 意为“存款,保证金”。17 【正确答案】 economies of scale【试题解析】 “规模”可译为“scale”;“经济”译为“economy”。18 【正确答案】 voting power【试题解析】 voting 意为“投票的”;power 意为“能力,力量”。19 【正确答案】 the greenfield stra

11、tegy【试题解析】 greenfield 意为“绿地”;strategy 意为“战略,策略”。20 【正确答案】 long-term capital【试题解析】 long term 意为“长期的”;capital 意为“资本,资产”。三、配对题21 【正确答案】 e22 【正确答案】 d23 【正确答案】 f24 【正确答案】 j25 【正确答案】 i26 【正确答案】 b27 【正确答案】 h28 【正确答案】 c29 【正确答案】 g30 【正确答案】 a四、名词解释31 【正确答案】 No one may insure anything unless he has an interes

12、t in it,which means that if the thing insured is preserved he willderive a benefit from its preservation【试题解析】 insurable interest 意为“可保权益原则”,其认为只有在一件事情中得到利益才能投保。这意味着,如果投保的东西得到了保护,投保人能从这种保护中得到利益。32 【正确答案】 Its a group initiated by some countries in Asia,Africa and Latin America in order to maintain th

13、eir interests and protestthe deprivation of the imperialist countriesAt presentthe group of 77 countries has expanded to include more than 130 countriesand regions【试题解析】 Group of 77 指的是 77 国集团。它是亚非拉发展中国家为维护自身的权益而发起的国际组织。现在已经扩大为包含 130 多个国家和地区。33 【正确答案】 Transportation deregulation has removed the shac

14、kles of control,both shippers and carriers are free to negotiate the bestrate and service packages to meet the needs of both parties【试题解析】 transportation deregulation 意为“ 对运输管制的放松”,撤消了管制规定对运输控制的羁绊,承运人和托运人就有自主权为彼此的需要谈判出最满意的运费和一揽子运输服务。34 【正确答案】 Clearing system is a governmental agreement where the tra

15、de balance is finalized by accounting and offsetting the debtsand credits between two countries【试题解析】 clearing system 意为“清算系统”,是不动用外汇而通过记账和相互冲销债务的方式,来清偿两国间贸易收支的政府间协定。35 【正确答案】 Even if a country is less efficient than another in the production of both commodities,there is still a basis for mutuallybe

16、neficial trade【试题解析】 comparative advantage 意为“比较优势学说”,即使一个国家在生产两种商品时都比另一个国家效率低,即生产这两种商品时都处于不利的情况,仍然存在着进行互利贸易的基础。五、简答题36 【正确答案】 (1)Insurable interest holds that no one may insure anything unless he has an interest in it,which means that if the thing insured is preserved he will derive a benefit from

17、its preservation,but if it is in any way damaged or lost the assured will be adversely affected(2)Every contract of insurance requires an insurable interest to support it,or otherwise it is invalid and any claim made upon it will not be entertained(3)Utmost good faith is a very important principleTh

18、e people who decide what premium is fair for a particular cover do so on the basis of written statements made in a proposal formIf this statement is untrue,then the premium agreed on will not be a fair one【试题解析】 (1)可保权益原则认为只有在一件事情中得到利益才能投保。这意味着,如果这投保的东西得到了保护,投保人能从这种保护中得到利益。但如果它受到损失或丢失,投保方就会受到负面影响。(2

19、)每一份保险合同都需要有可保利益的支持,否则它就是无效的,任何根据此合同提出的索赔都不会受理。(3)最大诚信原则是条重要的原则。人们根据提议形式的书面声明,决定某项保险的保费是否合理。如果这份文件不真实,商定的保险费就不会合理。37 【正确答案】 Transportation insurance is a type of insurance used for the cargoes transported The cargoes are not transported only by marine ships,but also by air,road,rail and inland water

20、 wayIn overseas trade,the geographical gaps ate great, and the trans-port is multi-modal,that is to say ,we must combine road,rail ,sea and air in almost all cargo movements to some extentSimilarly the time gap is great between production and consumptionIn bridging both the geographical gap and the

21、time gap serious risks have to be runAnd it is in this frameworks that the insurance underwriters operate to carry the risks which otherwise would have to be borne by the producers【试题解析】 货物保险是主要保险的一种,货物运输不仅仅是通过海洋运输,同样也会通过公路、铁路和内陆水道运输。在对外贸易中,地域间隔大,运输方式多种多样这就是说,几乎在所有的货物运输中,我们必须在某种程度上联合使用公路、铁路、海洋和航空运输。

22、生产和消费之间同样也存在巨大的时间差距。要弥补这种时间和地域上的差距,就要冒很大风险。保险公司就是在这种情况下承担起了风险,否则,生产厂家就只能自己承担风险。38 【正确答案】 Imagine a situation where A has insured his cargo with B and it is damaged by Cs negligenceA will naturally claim against B,who will pay up for the loss sufferedHowever,because C was negligent ,a legal action by

23、 A against C would almost certainly lead to an award of damages against CA would thus be compensated twice,and this would be a breach of the principle of indemnityTo prevent this happening,B,the insurer,is substituted for A,the assured,in any legal action against C【试题解析】 代位追偿原则是与赔偿有关的辅助原则,“代位”一词表示“取

24、代另一方”。试想一下这样的情景:A 方为货物向 B 方投了保,但货物因 C 方的疏忽而损坏。自然 A 方要向 B 方索赔,让 B 方来承担遭受的损失。但由于损失是 C 方的疏忽造成的,A 方通过法律手段向 C 方的起诉必然使得 C 方被裁定赔偿损失。于是 A 方因此获得了两次赔偿,而这是违背赔偿原则的。为了阻止这种事情发生,承保人 B 方代替投保人 A 方以法律形式向 C 方索赔。39 【正确答案】 (1)To promote free trade by encouraging members to adopt nondiscriminatory,predictable trade polic

25、es(2)To further reduce trade barriers through multilateral negotiations(3)To establish more effective trade dispute settlement procedures【试题解析】 世界贸易组织有三大目标:(1)鼓励成员方实行非歧视、可预见的贸易政策以促进贸易自由化;(2)通过多边贸易谈判进一步降低贸易壁垒;(3)建立更加有效的贸易争端解决机制。六、句子英译汉40 【正确答案】 绝对利益学说和比较利益学说是国际专门化中的两种理论。这两种理论都试图确定一个国家应该为本国生产并向其他国家出口哪

26、些货物,试图确定应该从其他国家进口哪些货物。【试题解析】 本段为教材第五课课文原文,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:absolute advantage:绝对利益学说;comparative advantage :比较利益学说;international specialization:国际专门化;determine:确定;export:出口;import:进口。41 【正确答案】 如同有形贸易对一些国家非常重要一样,无形贸易对一些国家也是很重要的。现实中各国所进行的贸易是多种多样的,也是复杂的,经常是有形贸易和无形贸易的混合。【试题解析】 本段为教材第六课课文原文,翻译时注意以下商务术

27、语和重要单词及短语:invisible trade:无形贸易;visibletrade:有形贸易;reality:现实:varied:多种多样的;complex :复杂的,mixture:混合。七、句子汉译英42 【正确答案】 The visible trade is the import and export of goods,While the invisible trade is the exchange of services between countries【试题解析】 本句是教材第六课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重点单词与短语:有形贸易:visible trade;进出口:

28、import and export:无形贸易:invisible trade;劳务:service;交换:exchange 。43 【正确答案】 Counter trade may help those nations with serious debt problems to continue to import goods while in effect concealingexport earnings from creditors【试题解析】 本句为教材第九课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:对销贸易:counter trade;债务:debt;进口:import ;隐

29、藏,掩盖:conceal;债权人:creditor。44 【正确答案】 Besides trade and investment,international licensing and franchising are sometimes taken as a means of entering a foreign market【试题解析】 本句为教材第一课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:贸易:trade;投资: investment;国际许可:international licensing;特许经营:franchising ;国外市场:foreign market。45 【正

30、确答案】 A counter offer is a refusal of the offer which will be invalid and unbinding once a counter offer is made【试题解析】 本句为教材第八课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:还盘:counter offer;拒绝:refusal;报盘:offer;作废:invalid。46 【正确答案】 In a normal policy of insurance the compensation payable is sufficient only to restore the insured to the position he wasin before the loss occurred,not to a better position【试题解析】 本句为教材第十六课课文原句,翻译时注意以下商务术语和重要单词及短语:保险合同:policy of insurance;赔偿:compensation;恢复:restore ;状态:position。

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