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1、全国自考(外语教学法)模拟试卷 7 及答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct cho

2、ice.1 Stimulus-response theory of learning belongs to American behaviourist psychology, of which_is one of the representatives.(A)Bloomfield(B) . Skinner(C) Charles Fries(D)Noam Chomsky2 In Chomskys theory, language competence refers to knowledge of grammar rules, while language performance refers t

3、o_.(A)sentence patterns(B) drilling practice(C) application of language(D)stimulus and response3 The Grammar-Translation Method was at one time called _ since it was first used in the teaching of the classical languages of Latin and Greek.(A)aural-oral method(B) mim-men method(C) Audiolingual Method

4、(D)Classical Method4 British “structuralism“ linguists believed that elements in a language were _, that is, lower level systems of word classes led to higher level systems of phrases and sentences.(A)classified(B) rule-governed(C) varied(D)leveled5 _ provided the methodological foundation for mater

5、ials for the teaching and its principles formed the basis of such widely used series as English 900 and Success With English.(A)The Direct Method(B) The Oral Approach(C) The Audiolingual Method(D)The Communicative Approach6 The objectives of the Cognitive Approach are_.(A)to develop in the students

6、the native-like competence(B) to develop intuitive thinking and enable to learn from errors for learners(C) to develop strategies of language use(D)all of the above7 Which of the following dose FLTM NOT do?(A)FLTM examines the practices and procedures in FLT.(B) FLTM studies approaches, methods and

7、techniques.(C) FLTM trains teachers of FLT.(D)FLTM studies principles and beliefs that underlie them.8 The role of the teacher in a Communicative Approach classroom are_.(A)a facilitator of students learning(B) a manager of classroom activity(C) an advisor of students questions(D)all of the above9 T

8、he Direct Method emphasizes the importance of_.(A)written language(B) spoken language(C) listening ability(D)translation10 The two categories of meaning of language proposed by Wilkins are_.(A)notions and functions(B) notions and forms(C) forms and functions(D)genera! and specific11 The discourse th

9、eory was put forward by _.(A)Krashen(B) Palmer(C) Bloomfield(D)Hatch12 _ in interested not only in describing language but also in explaining language.(A)The systemic linguistics(B) The generative linguistics(C) The structural linguistics(D)The traditional linguistics13 The Silent Way is considered

10、suitable for_.(A)more advanced learners(B) beginners(C) more advanced classes and beginners(D)learners interaction with each other14 In The Principles of Language Study (1921), Palmer put forward nine fundamental principles of good language teaching and learning, of which _ was the first and most im

11、portant.(A)reinforcement and response(B) habit-formation(C) form and meaning(D)meaning and situation15 The schema theory is an important element in _ , which is action-based, more concerned with the process of learning than what is learnt.(A)Brunners theory(B) Ausubels theory(C) Kellys theory(D)Piag

12、ets theory二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 Dillers first principle that a living language is characterized by rule-governed _ implies the teaching of a lang

13、uage as a consciously learnt system.17 The _ Method views that the syllabus is arranged semantically according to situations or topics.18 The _ Method emphasizes that written should be graded in the following sequence: reproduction of familiar reading texts, reproduction of narratives orally present

14、ed by the teacher and free composition.19 The Oral Approach believes that language learning in real life is for the acquisition of spoken language while language learning in the classroom is for the development of_.20 The _ Approach believes primary importance is attached to meaning, context and sit

15、uation.21 According to Audiolingnalism, there are three crucial elements in learning: a stimulus, a response and_.22 The _ Approach emphasizes on innate organizing principles in human perception and learning.23 Chomsky divides the grammar of a natural language into core grammar and _ grammar.24 Yald

16、en thinks that more effective foreign language learning will take place if the emphasis is on _.25 The _ Approach emphasizes on the communicative competence.26 Krashens _ order hypothesis states that we acquire the rules of language in a predictable order, some rules tending to come early and other

17、late.27 Krashens monitor hypothesis states that learning has only one function, and that is as a_.28 Bloomfield believed that speech was primary and _ was secondary.29 According to the affective filter hypothesis: _, self-confidence, and anxiety determines the speed of success in language learning.3

18、0 The general objective of the Total Physical Response method is to teach oral _ at a beginning level.31 J. R. Firths main approach to the notion of function in context was by means of concept system. People refer to his theory as _ theory.32 According to the Cognitive Approach,_ practice is the mai

19、n form of classroom teaching.33 Krashen uses the _ hypothesis to explain the relationship between language input and language acquisition and to answer the question of how people acquire languages.34 The British structuralism considered that language was identified with speech and speech ability was

20、 approached through oral practice of_.35 In the Oral Approach, Palmer insisted that there was a basic difference between the spontaneous capacities of human beings to _ language naturally and unconsciously and the trained or“situational“ capacities of the classroom learner which allowed him to learn

21、 language consciously.三、MatchingDirections: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked , , , ,or in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d, or e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match correctly.35 1) _ Verbal Behavi

22、or 2) _ Communicative English for Chinese learners 3) _ The Scientific Study and Teaching of English (1917) 4) _ Communicate (1979) 5) _ Notional Syllabuses (1976)a) Palmer b) Skinner e) Li Xiaoju d) Morrow and Johnson e) Wilkins36 1)37 2)38 3)39 4)40 5)40 1)_Noam Chomsky 2)_D. A. Wilkins 3)_Piaget

23、4)_Hymes 5)_Stephen Krashen a) cognitive theory of learning b) communicative competence e) Transformational Generative Linguistics d) the monitor hypothesis e) function-notion syllabus design41 1)42 2)43 3)44 4)45 5)45 1)_Bloomfield 2)_Chomsky 3)_Halliday 4)_Skinner 5)_Freuda) transformational gener

24、ative linguistics b) American structuralism c) psychoanalysis d) behaviourism e) functional linguistics46 1)47 2)48 3)49 4)50 5)四、Questions for Brief AnswersDirections: This section has six questions. You are to answer them briefly. Five points are given to each question.51 How useful are the techni

25、ques used by a cognitive teacher to your English teaching and learning experience?52 How do you understand the concept of “direct“ in the Direct Method?53 What is the focus of a Grammar-Translation classroom?54 Does it make sense to you that language learning results from habit-formation? Why or why

26、 not?55 What are the five hypotheses of the monitor theory?56 What are the reasons for the rise and fall of the Audiolingual Method?五、Questions for Long AnswersDirections: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical kno

27、wledge youve learned. Ten points are given to each question.57 According to the Audiolingual Method, should dialogues be memorized through mimicry of the teachers model? Why or why not?58 Do you think the Direct Method could be used by all foreign language teachers at all levels? Why or why not?全国自考

28、(外语教学法)模拟试卷 7 答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct choice.1

29、 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 斯金纳(Skinner)是美国行为主义心理学的代表人物,而行为主义心理学试图解释外部事件(刺激物)是如何引起个体行为的变化(反应),这就是刺激反应论。选项 A 布鲁姆菲尔德(Bloomfield)是美国结构主义语言学之父,属于语言学领域。选项 C 查尔斯.弗赖斯(Charles Fries)把结构主义的语言理论的原理运用到语言教学中,为听说法的产生做出了贡献。选项 D 乔姆斯基是转换生成语言学的创始人,他反对结构主义语言学家把语言学分类和对语言行为的描述视为语言学的目标。2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 乔姆斯基把人类语言划分为语言能力(Linguistic c

30、ompetence) 和语言行为(Linguistic performance),语言能力指的是说母语的人所具有的母语知识;语言表达能力是指母语使用者说出的具体话。A 是口语法、听说法重点学习对象, B是练习途径,D 是行为主义心理学中的两个核心概念。3 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 语法翻译法是指以翻译和语法学习为主要教学活动的外语或第二语言教学法。由于这种教学法首先被用来进行拉丁语和希腊语等古典语言的教学,它曾一度被称为古典法(Classical Method)。选项 A 耳口法是选项 C 听说法的理论基础。选项 B 与 A 同义。4 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 口语教学法/情景教学法的

31、语言理论基础可以说是英国的一种结构主义。英国的语言学家们通过描述语言的基本元素(basic elements)来分析语言,这是他们遵循的传统,他们认为语言的基本元素都遵循一定的规则(rule governed),也就是说,低一级的词类(如名词、形容词)可导致高一级的短语和句子结构。A、C、D 不合题意。5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 英语 900 句和 Success with English 都重视视听材料的运用,锻炼学习者的听说技能,把对话作为介绍语言的主要形式,把句型操练作为主要的训练方法。选项 A 侧重于用目标语教学,利用动作、实物、表情、手势和情景来 “直接”表达语言的意义。选项

32、B 口语法侧重于情景活动。选项 D 交际法侧重于交际的顺利进行。6 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 认知法的教学目标有:(1) 使学习者具有本族语者的语言能力(native-1ike competence);(2) 鼓励学生进行语言的直觉思维(intuitive thinking);(3) 发展语言运用中的各种策略(strategies);(4) 使学生具有从错误中学习语言的能力。因此本题全选。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 FlTM 为外语教学法的缩写,主要研究外语教学中实践的过程,研究学习外语的方法、技巧及一些规则。8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 交际法课堂教学中,教师不再能起到以往教师

33、为中心的教室里那种支配作用,教师有多重角色:主要角色是课堂活动的组织者(a facilitator of students learning),负责创造和促进最适合语言交际的情境;在课堂活动中,又成为指导者(a manager of classroom activities),并回答学生问题,监控其语言运用(an advisor of students questions);有时教师又成为交流者(a co-communicator in the communicative activity),与学生共同参加语言的交流活动。因此该题全选。9 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 语法翻译法侧重语法、翻译

34、;直接法侧重于口语;口语法侧重口语;听说法侧重听说技能;认知法侧重“语言能力”的习得及实际语言环境中的运用;自然法强调听或读的作用;交际法侧重“交际能力”的培养。10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 威尔金斯提出了以交际为标准(communicative criteria)而设计的功能意念(functional-notional)大纲的基本要点,其著作意念大纲(Notional Syllabuses)对交际教学法发展有深刻影响。他认为语言意义可以划分为功能(Function)和意念(Notion)两个层面。因此排除 B、 C、D。11 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 话语理论(Discourse

35、Theory)Hatch(1978) 的话语理论认为,学习者可以通过参加对话交谈来发展自己对目的语结构形式的认识,学习者只有通过接受语言输入才能学习语言。话语理论认为,在自然环境中,这种语言输入部分地是由学习者自己决定的。A 克拉申提出了自我监测模式 (Monitor Model)为自然法奠定基础,B 帕尔默是口语法的倡导者,C 布鲁姆菲尔德是美国结构主义之父。12 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 乔姆斯基是转换生成语言学创始人,他曾提出好的理论需要满足三点:观察充分性(observational adequacy),描写充分性(descriptive adequacy) ,解释充分性(expl

36、anatory adequacy)。因此生成语言学家不仅对语言的描述感兴趣,也对语言的解释感兴趣。因此排除 A、C、D。13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 加蒂格诺(Gattegno)倡导的沉默法认为课堂上教师应尽量少说话,而鼓励学生多说话。沉默法与其他方法的不同之处在于:课堂活动的组织方式不同,老师在指导和监控学生学习行为时起着间接的作用,学生自己有责任去揣摩和检测语言规则,以及用来引出和练习语言的材料不同等等。这种方法既适用于高等程度的学生,也适用于初学者。14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 在语言学习的原则(1921)一书中,帕尔默提出了搞好语言教学的 9 条基本原则,其中最重要的第一条

37、就是习惯形成原则,习惯形成是帕尔默口语教学法原则的核心。选项 A 是行为主义心理学强调的行为理论,认为行为是靠对外界刺激(stimulus)做出反应(response),而达到强化(reinforcement)的目的,是听说法的语言理论。选项 C 是直接法学习理论联想主义心理学所强调的东西,认为应当把目标语的语言形式(form)和意思(meaning)直接联系起来。选项 D 口语法的语言理论认为意义(meaning)、语境(context)、情景(situation)在语言使用中非常重要。15 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 图式理论是皮亚杰理论中的一个重要部分,它指的是过去的经历,即一个人储存

38、在长期记忆中的东西,在头脑中所形成的框架。他的图式理论是一种“以行为作基础”的理论,它更关注学习的过程,而不是学习的结果。美国著名心理学家布鲁纳(Brunner)提出发现法(discovery methods);奥斯贝尔理论的核心是“有意义的语言学习和先期组织”(meaningful verbal and advance organizers);凯利明确区分了有意义的学习活动和无意义的学习活动。因此排除 A、B 、C。二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You a

39、re to fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 【正确答案】 creativity【试题解析】 认知法的迪勒提出了外语教学的四原则,其中第一条认为作为一门语言必须要具有完善的规则系统并有自己的创新性,这就暗示了语言教学是一个有意识的习得过程。17 【正确答案】 Direct【试题解析】 直接法的教学大纲是根据语境或主题按语义分项安排的。目标语的日常口语先学,书面语言在后。不是孤立的讲解单词,而是在连续的叙述中介绍。18 【正确答案】 Direct【试题解析】 在直接法

40、教学中,写作是被用来巩固和评估所学内容的手段,其分级顺序分三步:重述熟悉课文(reproduction of familiar texts)、写出教师口头讲述的故事(reproduction of narratives orally presented by the teacher)、自由作文(free composition)。19 【正确答案】 literacy【试题解析】 在语言学习的原则(1921)一书中,帕尔默分述了自然环境中的语言学习和在教室里进行的语言学习,并坚持认为,人们自然的、无意识的习得语言的自发能力与学生通过训练或“学习”得到的能力之间有着根本的不同。他认为,自发能力(s

41、pontaneous capacities)在习得口语的过程中被得到充分发挥,而学得的能力(Studial capacities)则是培养读写能力所需要的。20 【正确答案】 Oral【试题解析】 口语教学法(Oral Approach)的语言理论基础可以说是一种英国的结构主义,他们不同于美国的结构主义,美国结构主义者忽略了语境与情景的作用,而英国语言学家认为语言结构(structure)与使用语言的语境(context)及情景(situation)之问有着非常密切的关系。21 【正确答案】 reinforcement【试题解析】 条件反射是行为主义心理学的一个主要观点,代表人物斯金纳(Ski

42、nner),该观点认为 “刺激 (Stimulus)反应(Response)强化(Reinforcement)”是人类行为的特点,这一理论后来成为听说教学法 (Audiolingual Method)的学习理论基础。22 【正确答案】 Cognitive【试题解析】 认知法(Cognitive Approach)的学习理论强调人类感知和学习中的天生组织原则(innate organizing principles),它不认为重复模仿和操练实践是人类学习的特征(与行为主义心理学相对立),学习者被看作是学习过程的主动参与者,他要使用这种智力活动整理出所学语言的体系。23 【正确答案】 periph

43、eral【试题解析】 乔姆斯基认为儿童大脑里生来就有一个语言习得机制,这一机制由一套通用语法规则组成,被称为通用语法(Universal Grammar),这些规则适用于世界上的一切语言,儿童在此基础上再进一步获得本族语言的其他特殊语言规则(Peripheral grammar)。24 【正确答案】 communication【试题解析】 耶尔登(Yalden)认为,如果学习中强调对意思的表达和理解,即强调交际(communication),而不仅仅强调形式的准确,第二语言学习必将更加有效。25 【正确答案】 Communicative【试题解析】 交际能力(Communicative Com

44、petence)是交际法中的核心概念,是海姆斯为了把自己的交际语言观与乔姆斯基的语言能力理论相区别而创造出来的。交际能力不仅是指将语法规则用以构成语法正确的句子的能力,这一点同乔姆斯基的语言能力(Linguistic competence),而且也包括知道在何时何地使用这些句子,以及用于何种对象的能力。26 【正确答案】 natural【试题解析】 克拉申的自然顺序假设认为“我们习得语言规则的顺序是可以预测的,有些规则出现的早,有些规则出现的晚。”换句话来讲,无论先教那些规则,后教那些规则,学习者总是以一定的顺序习得语言规则的。27 【正确答案】 monitor【试题解析】 自然法奠基人克拉申

45、提出了自我监测模式(Monitor Model),认为学得(learning)和习得(acquisition)在第二语言运用中的具体表现方式是不一样的,自我监测假设表明学得仅具有一种功能,就是自我监测功能,它利用清楚的语法知识来确定要表达语言的形式。28 【正确答案】 writing【试题解析】 结构主义语言学家确信语言的主要媒介是口语,即语言是讲出来的话。因此口语(speech)是第一性的,而书面语(writing)是第二性的,因为许多语言现在仍没有文字形式。29 【正确答案】 motivation【试题解析】 克拉申提出的情感过滤器假设(Affective filter hypothesi

46、s)指学习者的情绪和态度是可调节的过滤器,它可对语言输入而顺利通过时而拦阻堵塞。情感过滤器的高低与语言输入成反比。其中克拉申确定了三种可变的情感因素与第二语言的习得有关,包括动机(Motivation) 、自信(Self-confidence)、忧虑(Anxiety)。这三种情感因素影响了语言学习速度。30 【正确答案】 proficiency【试题解析】 全身反应法(Total Physical Response Method)是试图通过身体动作来教语言的教学法,其倡导者是阿舍(Asher) ,全身反应法总的教学目标是发展初学者的口语能力(oral proficiency)。31 【正确答案

47、】 system-structure【试题解析】 J.R.Firths main approach to the notion of function in context was by means of concept system.People refer to his theory as system-structure theory. 弗尔斯构想根据语境功能这一概念来建立自己的语言学理论,而达到这一目的的主要途径是借助于系统概念。由于系统在他的理论中占据重要地位,所以他的理论被称为系统结构理论。32 【正确答案】 language【试题解析】 According to the Cogn

48、itive Approach,language practice is the main form of classroom teaching.对认知法来说,学习者是课堂教学的中心,那么,语言实践应该是学习的主要形式,教师应该提供机会让学习者能够积极参与大量的语言交流。33 【正确答案】 input【试题解析】 The input hypothesis : Krashen uses the input hypothesis to explain the relationship between language input and language acquisition and to ans

49、wer the question of how people acquire languages. 自然法倡导人克拉申提出语言输入假设,该假设解释了语言输入与语言习得直接的关系,并对于人们如何习得语言做出了解释。34 【正确答案】 structures【试题解析】 口语教学法/情景教学法的语言理论基础可以说是一种英国的结构主义,他们认为,语言就是说话,而说话能力可以通过口头训练语言结构(oral practice of structures)而获得。35 【正确答案】 acquire【试题解析】 习惯形成是帕尔默教学法原则的核心,他坚持认为,人们自然的、无意识的习得语言(acquired language)的自发能力 (sponta

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