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1、全国自考(外语教学法)模拟试卷 8 及答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct cho

2、ice.1 The discourse theory was established by _ in the late 1970s and developed from M. A. K. Hallidays theory of first language acquisition.(A)E. Hatch(B) M.A.K. Halliday(C) Stephen Krashen(D)Joseph H. Greenberg2 The 1920s saw the emergence of a new psychological school called _ founded by a group

3、of psychologists.(A)cognitive psychology(B) behaviourist psychology(C) psychoanalysis(D)Gestalt psychology3 Stimulus-response theory of learning belongs to American behaviourist psychology, of which_ is one of the representatives.(A)Bloomfield(B) . Skinner(C) Charles Fries(D)Noam Chomsky4 In Grammar

4、-Translation Method, _ is maintained as the reference system in the learning of the second language.(A)the first language(B) the second language(C) the target language(D)the foreign language5 The Direct Method teachers believe that direct association of _ is of great importance in language teaching.

5、(A)pronunciation and spelling(B) words and spelling(C) words and grammar(D)form and meaning6 _ was developed in the late 19th century.(A)The Grammar-Translation Method(B) The Direct Method(C) The Oral Approach(D)The Audiolingual Method7 Palmer, the British applied linguist, produced a guide to the E

6、nglish vocabulary needed for teaching English as a foreign language. The words are chosen for the following criteria EXCEPT_.(A)they are the words most frequently used by people whose native language is English(B) they include words useful to build other words(C) they include all the structural word

7、s(D)they include all the descriptive words8 The combination of structural linguistic theory, aural-oral procedures, and behaviourist psychology led to_, which was widely adopted for teaching of foreign languages in America.(A)Situational Language Teaching(B) Classical Method(C) Audiolingual Method(D

8、)Cognitive Approach9 According to Krashen, _ is responsible for the fluency of the utterances produced by speakers while learning is responsible for the accuracy of the speeches or passages.(A)practising(B) analysing(C) acquisition(D)habit-formation10 The core of _ is language acquisition which is c

9、onsidered a subconscious process, dependent on the amount of input the students get and allow in.(A)The Direct Method(B) The Audiolingual Method(C) The Cognitive Approach(D)The Natural Approach11 According to Piaget, there are two principal types of cognitive structures which he called_.(A)schemas a

10、nd concepts(B) conscious mind and unconscious mind(C) stimulus and response(D)response and consequence12 The role of the learner in a Communicative Approach classroom are_.(A)a negotiator(B) a communicator(C) an independent learner(D)all of the above13 Discourse theory of second language acquisition

11、 was developed from the_.(A)habit formation theory(B) Hallidays theory of first language acquisition(C) monitor theory(D)Cognitive theory14 _ is sometimes called the modem version of Grammar-Translation Method.(A)The Cognitive Approach(B) The Classical Method(C) The Communicative Approach(D)The Dire

12、ct Method15 _ is the most practical one among the following foreign language teaching methods in China.(A)Three Dimensional Approach(B) The ASSRF Approach(C) Dual Activity Method(D)Zhang Sizhong Method二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill

13、 in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 The two forerunners of the American Structuralism, which flourished at the beginning of the 20th century in America, are _and_.17 B. F. Skinner was regarded as the leader of_.18 According to Chomskys ideas about language a

14、cquisition, _learn language by being exposed to it.19 The traditional linguistics was started by the_in the_century B. C.20 _ linguistics is concerned with language as an instrument of social interaction rather than a system that is isolated.21 Chomsky noted the distinction between linguistic_ and l

15、inguistic performance.22 The idea of conditioning is based on the theory that you can train an animal to do anything if you follow a certain procedure which has three major stages:_ , _and reinforcement.23 The two major types of cognitive structures are_and concepts.24 The generative linguist is int

16、erested not only in describing language but aslo in_language. In other words, they attempt to find the_ as well as the why in the study of language.25 In 1882,_published a pamphlet which started the reform_.26 The British structuralism considered that language was identified with speech and speech a

17、bility was approached through oral practice of_.27 In 1957, Chomsky published his book_.28 By Chomskys ideas about language acquisition, children do not have to be taught or corrected for their_.29 _ , a linguist in America, is regarded as the father of American structuralism.30 The first lab of exp

18、erimental psychology was set up at university of Leipzig, Germany, in 1879.It announced the official birth of_.三、MatchingDirections: This section consists of three groups of pairs listed in two columns, A and B. You are to match the one marked , , , ,or in Column A with the one marked a, b, c, d, or

19、 e in Column B. One point is given to each pair you match correctly.30 1) _the Grammar-Translation Method 2) _ the Direct Method 3) _ the Oral Approach 4) _ the Audiolingual Method 5) _ the Cognitive Approach a) The neogrammarians, represented by Hermann Paul formed its main linguistic base. b) The

20、structural linguists believed that the primary medium of language is oral, that is language is speech. c) It lays emphasis on the conscious acquisition of language as a meaningful system. d) It can be characterized as a type of British “structuralism“. e) It believes in the natural process of langua

21、ge learning and in the inductive teaching of grammar.31 1)32 2)33 3)34 4)35 5)35 1) _ the Oral Approach 2) _ the Cognitive Approach 3) _ the Audiolingual Method 4) _ the Natural Approach 5) _ the Communicative Approach a) Dictation, imitation and controlled oral-based reading and writing tasks. b) D

22、ialogues and pattern practice form the basis of the classroom practice. c) The first step in the classroom is to present all new sounds, vocabulary and structures in a manner meaningful to each student. d) In the early stages of speech production, it uses random volunteered group response, which pla

23、ce little demand on the individual student but allow early use of the target language. e) Developing listening and note-taking skills using audio-video materials; giving oral presentation; project work; role-play and simulation.36 1)37 2)38 3)39 4)40 5)40 1) _ linguistic competence and linguistic pe

24、rformance 2) _ assimilation and accommodation 3) _ the language acquisition device (LAD) 4) _ communicative competence 5) _ the input hypothesis a) The former is the process by which incoming information is changed or modified in our minds so that we can fit it in with what we already know; while th

25、e latter is the process by which we modify what we already know to take into account new information. b) The former refers to knowledge of grammatical rules of language; whale the latter refers to application of language. c) The ability not only to apply the grammatical rules of a language in order

26、to form grammatically correct sentences but also to know when and where to use these sentences and to whom. d) A sort of mechanism or device which contains the capacity to acquire ones first language.e) It assumes that humans acquire language in only one way-by understanding messages, or by receivin

27、g “comprehensible input“.41 1)42 2)43 3)44 4)45 5)四、Questions for Brief AnswersDirections: This section has six questions. You are to answer them briefly. Five points are given to each question.46 What is the most important aspect of language according to the Grammar-Translation Method?47 How does t

28、he discourse theory explain the second language acquisition process?48 What areas of language are emphasized by Oral Approach? What language skills are emphasized?49 What are the principles and consequences of the Reform Movement?50 What techniques of the Direct Method do you think are useful in mod

29、em language teaching?51 How should language rules be learned according to the Direct Method?五、Questions for Long AnswersDirections: The two questions in this section are to be answered on the basis of your own teaching experience as well as the theoretical knowledge youve learned. Ten points are giv

30、en to each question.52 Which of the principles of the Audiolingual Method are acceptable to you?53 How useful are the techniques used by a cognitive teacher to your English teaching and learning experience?全国自考(外语教学法)模拟试卷 8 答案与解析一、Multipe ChoiceDirections: In this section, you are given 15 questions

31、, beneath each of which are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You are to make the best choice either to complete the incomplete statement or to answer the question. One point is given to each correct choice.1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 话语交际说(Discourse theory)是由韩礼德的第一语言习得理论发展而来的,由哈奇(Hatch)于 20 世纪 70 年代后期提出。韩礼德

32、认为,第一语言习得的过程实际上就是学会用语言进行交际的过程,哈奇赞同他的母语习得观,认为第二语言习得的过程与第一语言的习得过程实际上没什么区别学生只有通过话语交际才能习得第二语言。选项 B 韩礼德是功能语言学派代表,提出话语篇章分析(Discourse Analysis),并创建系统功能语法(Systemic-functional grammar) 。选项C 克拉申是自然法的奠基人,提出了自我监测模式 (Monitor Model)。选项 D 格林伯格通过比较分析不同语言以确认语言中的共性,属于语言共性说中较有影响的一个。2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 格式塔心理学产生于 20 世纪 20

33、年代,由德国心理学家韦特墨、考夫卡和勒文等人所创立。1890 年弗洛伊德提出精神分析的心理学理论,1913 年美国心理学家华生发表了题为行为主义者眼中的心理学被认为是将行为主义正式引入心理学领域,直到 20 世纪 60 年代,行为主义开始从其支配地位走下坡路,其地位逐渐被一种新的认知心理学所取代,代表人物皮亚杰和乔姆斯基。3 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 行为主义心理学代表人物是斯金纳(skinner) ,他们认为语言是一套语言习惯。这种语言习惯是通过确认并强化刺激(Stimulus)与反应(Response) 之间的联系而形成的。A 布鲁姆菲尔德是美国结构主义之父,属于语言学领域; C 克莱

34、尔-弗赖斯 (Fries)把结构主义的语言理论的原理运用到语言教学中;D 乔姆斯基是转换生成语言学派的创始人。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 语法翻译法所依托的语言理论是由历史比较语言学派生出来的,通过将目标语拉丁语和希腊语和第一语言作对比,将第一语言看作是习得目标语过程中的参照系统。5 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 在直接法教学家看来,外语学习与母语习得是类同的,他们常常用联想主义心理学(associationist psychology)来解释所涉及的学习过程。根据德国学者弗兰克的心理学原理,应当把目标语的语言形式(form)和意思(meaning)直接联系起来。因此直接联系(direc

35、t association)也是直接法的一个教学技巧,教师在讲授新的语言材料时,把表义和外语直接联系起来。因此排除 A、B 、C。6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 直接法始于 19 世纪末期。语法翻译法(Grammar-translation Method)始于 18 世纪;直接法始于 19 世纪末期;口语法(Oral Approach)始于 20世纪二三十年代;听说法(Audio-lingual Method)始于 20 世纪 50 年代中期;认知法(Cognitive Approach)始于 20 世纪 60 年代;自然法(Natural Approach)始于 20世纪 70 年代;交际

36、法(Communicative Approach)始于 20 世纪 70 年代后期。7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 帕尔默和当时其他一些语言学家都认为词汇在外语学习中的地位非常重要,选词标准如下:(1) 母语使用最频繁的词;(2) 结构词;(3) 解释其他频率不高的词汇时用处大的词;(4) 派生其他词汇的词。8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 听说法的语言理论基础是美国结构主义,学习理论基础是行为主义心理学,并且综合了耳口法教学程序,这就形成了听说教学法。A 情景教学法,即口语教学法的语言理论基础是英国的“结构主义”,学习理论基础是行为主义的习惯形成理论;B 古典法是指语法翻译法,它是建立在传

37、统语言学的基础之上,学习理论是机能心理学;D 认知法的语言理论基础是乔姆斯基的转换生成语言学,学习理论基础是认知心理学。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 自然法的提倡者克拉申的第二语言习得中自我监测模式(Monitor Model)区分了获得和使用第二语言和外语中的两个性质截然不同的过程,一个是“习得”(Acquisition),另一个是 “学习”(Learning),习得是潜意识过程导致“语言能力”的发展和提高,而学习是有意识的学习语法规则。流利的表达能力(fluency of the utterance)不能直接传授,应属习得范畴;文章段落的语法及表达准确性则可以教授,因此属于学习的范畴。

38、因此排除 A、B、D。10 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 自然法是克拉申和特雷尔提出的一种教学法,其核心是语言习得(language acquisition),习得是学习者的潜意识过程(sub-conscious process),其影响因素有二:一是学生获得可理解性语言输入量的多少;二是情感障碍(过滤)程度,即学生“允许”吸收语言输入量的多少。因此排除 A、B 、C。11 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 皮亚杰认为认知结构主要有两种:图式(Schema)和概念(Concept)。图式是指能够解释特定行为种类的多套规则;概念指的是能够描述事件特性与事件之间相互关系的种种规则。儿童通过同化(Ass

39、imilation)和调节(Accommodation)的过程认知了图式和概念。选项 B 是心理学家弗洛伊德提出的精神分析,他把人的意识分为有意识(consciousness)和无意识(unconsciousness)两种。选项 C 是行为主义心理学的理论,即刺激反应论(Stimulus-response theory)。12 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 交际法课堂教学中学生同时担任了多个角色:(1) 协商者(negotiator),即自己和自己、自己和学习过程、自己和所学习内容进行协商;(2) 交际者(communicator),即他们积极参与到使自己被理解的交际活动中,通过交际学习交际;

40、(3) 贡献者(contributor),即学生要对其他参与者起到一定的积极影响作用;(4) 独立的学习者 (independent learner),即学生不应过于依赖教师的讲解,应具有独立分析学习的意识。因此选 D。13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 话语篇章分析(Discourse theory)是交际语言教学法中不可分割的部分,它是由英国著名应用语言学家韩礼德提出的,这门学科专门研究口头及书面语中的句子(clauses) 如何构成具有更大意义的单位,如段落、对话、访谈等。选项 A习惯形成说源于行为主义心理学,代表人物斯金纳(Skinner),行为主义心理学家认为语言是一套语言习惯,这种

41、语言习惯是通过确认并强化刺激(Stimulus)与反应(Response)之间的联系而形成的。选项 C 自我监测模式是克拉申提出的,他认为习得与学习在交际活动中所起的作用是有区别的。选项 D 认知说是由麦克劳林(Mclaughlin)于 20 世纪 80 年代初提出的,认为应把学习第二语言视为是学习复杂的认识技巧。14 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 无论是转换生成理论或是认知理论都把语言看作是由系统的规则体系,学习者可以通过有意识的学习掌握这一体系;二者都把语言学习看作是智力活动的过程。认知法重新发掘出了语法翻译法和直接法中有价值的部分,这就是为什么人们也称认知法为现代语法翻译法。因此排除 B

42、、C 、D。15 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 张思中外语教学法是中国学习者学习英语的一种有效的方法,它是在中国英语教学环境中起源和发展起来的,其核心是“心理优势论”(Theory of psychological advantage)。选项 A 外语立体化教学法认为外语是学会的,习得的东西只起次要的作用,强调学生要对自己的学习负责,老师采用从上至下的方法(Top-down)处理语言材料。选项 B 十字教学法是章炳中教授倡导的,其中十字是指情感(affective)、情景(situation)、结构(structure)、规则(rule)和功能(function)这 10 个字。选项 C 双重

43、活动教学法将外语教学置于宏观的交际框架之中 (macrocommunicative framework)。二、Filling BlanksDirections: In this section there are 20 statements with 20 blanks. You are to fill in each blank with ONE appropriate word. One point is given to each blank.16 【正确答案】 Baos,Sapir【试题解析】 美国结构主义兴起于 20 世纪初期,其先驱者是著名的人类学家鲍尔斯和萨丕尔,他们对美国正在迅

44、速消亡的美国印第安文化和语言进行了研究。17 【正确答案】 behaviourism【试题解析】 听说法结合了结构主义语言学理论(Structural linguistic theory) 、耳口法的教学程序(Aural-oral procedures)和行为主义心理学的教学法(Behaviorist psychology)。其中美国行为主义心理学家斯金纳(Skinner)1957 年在题为言语行为一书中,他把条件反射理论运用到人类习得语言的方式中去,即刺激反应强化的过程。18 【正确答案】 children【试题解析】 乔姆斯基认为儿童天生就有一种特殊的学习语言的能力(LAD),不需要教他们

45、语言,也不需要纠正其语言错误,只要让他们生活在语言环境之中(be exposed to it),就能学会语言,并且在不知不觉中掌握其语言规则。这仅仅依赖置身于某一语言环境之中,通过使用语言进行及交流来掌握母语语言规则的过程称为语言习得。19 【正确答案】 Greeks, fifth【试题解析】 传统语言学早在公元前五世纪就已逐渐成形,最早是在希腊,由一批希腊的思想家及哲学家对语言这个特殊的人类现象进行了不断的思考和争辩。20 【正确答案】 20 Functional【试题解析】 交际法的语言理论起源于功能主义学派,功能主义语言学家认为语言是用来进行社会交际的工具,而不是一个孤立的系统。他们把每

46、一个人看作是社会的个体,研究人习得语言的方式,并运用语言在社会环境中与其他社会个体进行交流的方式。21 【正确答案】 competence【试题解析】 乔姆斯基把人类语言划分为语言能力(Linguistic competence) 和语言行为(Linguistic performance),他强烈反对结构主义提出的刺激反应论,认为语言习得并不是由纯粹的外界语言刺激造成的。语言能力指的是说母语的人所具有的母语知识;语言表达能力是指母语使用者说出的具体话。22 【正确答案】 stimulus, response【试题解析】 条件反射是行为主义心理学的一个主要观点,代表人物斯金纳(Skinner),

47、该观点认为只要采用“刺激(Stimulus)反应(Response)强化(Reinforcement)”三步训练法,动物就可以被训练做任何事情。这一理论后来成为听说教学法(Audiolingual Method)的学习理论基础。23 【正确答案】 schemas【试题解析】 皮亚杰认为认知结构主要有两种:图式(Schema)和概念(Concept)。图式是指能够解释特定行为种类的多套规则;概念指的是能够描述事件特性与事件之间相互关系的种种规则。儿童通过同化(Assimilation)和调节(Accommodation)的过程认知了图式和概念。24 【正确答案】 explaining, what

48、【试题解析】 乔姆斯基曾提出好的理论需要满足三点:观察充分性(observational adequacy),描写充分性(descriptive adequacy) ,解释充分性 (explanatory adequacy)。因此生成语言学家不仅对语言的描述感兴趣,也对语言的解释感兴趣。换言之,他们试图在语言研究中找到语言学习的内容(what)和语言学习的原因(why)。25 【正确答案】 Victor, movement【试题解析】 1882 年,维埃特(Victor) 出版了一本题为语言教学必须彻底更新的小册子,结果一下子就开始了改革运动(Reform Movement),改革运动的原则是

49、把口语放在首要地位(the primacy of speech),把课文(text)放在教学过程中的核心地位,并坚持口语教学法(oral method) 在课堂教学中占绝对首要地位。26 【正确答案】 structure【试题解析】 口语教学法/情景教学法的语言理论基础可以说是一种英国的结构主义,认为语言就是说话(Language is speech),而说话能力可以通过口头训练语言结构(oral practice of structure)而获得。27 【正确答案】 Syntactic Structures【试题解析】 乔姆斯基是另一大语言学派的创始人转换生成语言学,1957 年他出版了他的专著句法结构(Synta

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