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1、全国自考(英美文学选读)模拟试卷 5 及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 Edmund Spenser,Christopher Marlowe and Francis Bacon are the few literary giants in period. ( )(A)Enlightenment(B) Neo classical(C) Romantic(D)Renaissance2 The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Marlowe, William Shakespeare and . ( )(A)John Milton

2、(B) John Marlowe(C) Ben Jonson(D)Edmund Spenser3 Shakespeares greatest tragedies are_. ( )(A)Hamlet, Othello, King hear and Macbeth(B) Hamlet,Othello,King Lear and Romeo and Juliet(C) Hamlet,Coriolanus,King Lear and Macbeth(D)Hamlet, Julius caesar ,Othello and Macbeth4 In _, Shakespeare has not only

3、 made a profound analysis of the social crisis in which the evils can be seen everywhere, but also criticized the bourgeois egoism. ( )(A)The Tempest(B) Hamlet(C) King Lear(D)Romeo and Juliet5 The story of “a pound of flesh“ is in . ( )(A)The Comedy of Errors(B) Loves Labours Lost(C) The Merchant of

4、 Venice(D)Henry VI6 Which of the writings by John Milton is the most influential dramatic poem after the Greek style in English? ( )(A)Samson Agonistes.(B) Paradise Lost.(C) Paradise Regained.(D)Areopagitica.7 Which of the following is not true according to your knowledge? ( )(A)Samson Agonistes is

5、a comedy.(B) In Samson Agonistes, Milton borrows his story from the Bible.(C) The end of Samson Agonistes is a fitting close to the life work of the poet himself.(D)In some sense,Samson is Milton.8 English enlighteners in the 18th century held _as the yardstick for the measurement of all human activ

6、ities and relations. ( )(A)property(B) education(C) emotion(D)reason9 Among the pioneers of the modern English novel in the 18th century are Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, George Smollett and . ( )(A)Samuel Johnson(B) Jonathan Swift(C) Alexander Pope(D)Oliver Goldsmith10 Jonathan S

7、wifts Gullivers Travels is the greatest _ work in English literature. ( )(A)realistic(B) satiric(C) romantic(D)poetic11 The publication of marked the beginning of Romantic Age. ( )(A)Don Juan(B) The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(C) The Lyrical Ballads(D)Queen Mab12 In the Romantic Age, is a great crit

8、ic on Shakespeare, Elizabethan drama,and English poetry. ( )(A)Byron(B) Jane Austen(C) William Hazlitt(D)William Blake13 _is the central concern to Blakes concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. ( )(A)childhood .(B) woman(C) poetry(D)happiness14 The author of the writing Prometheu

9、s Unbound is_. ( )(A)Washington Irving(B) Shelley(C) Alfred Tennyson(D)Alexander Pope15 In his Ode to the West Wind,_ gathered a wealth of symbolism,employed a structural art and his powers of metrical orchestration at their mightiest. ( )(A)Wordsworth(B) Coleridge(C) Shelley(D)Byron16 “It is a trut

10、h universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. “ The quoted part is taken from _. ( )(A)Jane Eyre(B) Wuthering Heights(C) Pride and Prejudice(D)Sense and Sensibility17 In Oliver Twist ,Charles Dickens criticizes the ( )(A)money worshipping t

11、endency(B) dehumanizing of workhouse system(C) hypocrisy of the upper society(D)distortion of the human heart18 The death-bed scenes of little Nell(The Old Curiosity Shop)and little Paul (Dombey and Son) are the vivid description by_. ( )(A)Charles Dickens(B) William Shakespeare(C) Thomas Hardy(D)Ge

12、orge Bernard Shaw19 Which of the following descriptions of Thomas Hardy is wrong? ( )(A)Most of his novels are set in Wessex.(B) Tess of the DUrbervilles is one of the most representative of him as both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer.(C) Among Hardys major works,Under the Greenwood Tre

13、e is the most cheerful and idyllic.(D)From The Mayor of Casterbridge on, the tragic sense becomes the keynote of his novels.20 Thomas Hardys pessimistic view of life predominated most of his later works and earns him a reputation as a writer. ( )(A)realistic(B) naturalistic(C) romantic(D)stylistic21

14、 21.Contrary to the traditional romance of aristocrats the modern English novel gives a realistic presentation of life of ( )(A)the common English people(B) the upper class(C) the rising bourgeoisie(D)the enterprising landlords22 Who is the first “Angry Young Man“? ( )(A)Osborne(B) Eliot(C) Christop

15、her(D)Bernard Shaw23 As a realist dramatist, George Bernard Shaw is concerned with social,economic,moral and religious problems in his works. The general mood he expressed in his plays is . ( )(A)indignation(B) satisfaction(C) optimism(D)pessimism24 Which of the following writings is not the novel o

16、f D.H. Lawrences? ( )(A)Sons and Lovers.(B) A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.(C) The White Peacock.(D)The Rainbow.25 The Romantic Period,one of the most important periods in the history of American literature, stretches from the end of _to the outbreak of_. ( )(A)the 17th century,the American

17、 War of Independence(B) the 18th century,the American Civil War(C) the 17th century,the American Civil War(D)the 18th century,the American War of Independence26 Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocate in and Thoreau. ( )(A)Jefferson(B) Emerson(C) Freneau(D)Oversoul27 One s

18、ource of evil that Hawthorne is concerned most is _. ( )(A)selfishness(B) pride(C) over-reaching intellect(D)consciousness28 After his experiences in the forest,Young Goodman Brown returns to Salem . ( )(A)desperate and gloomy(B) renewed in his faith(C) wearing a black veil(D)unaware of his own sin2

19、9 Cavalry Crossing a Ford by Whitman reminds its readers of a picture,or a photo,of a scene of_. ( )(A)the American War of Independence(B) the Westward Movement(C) the US-Spanish War(D)the American Civil War30 The giant Moby Dick may symbolize all except_. ( )(A)mystery of the universe(B) sin of the

20、 whale(C) power of the great nature(D)evil of the world31 One of the most familiar themes in American naturalism is the theme of human_. ( )(A)peacefulness(B) joyfulness(C) bestiality(D)civilization32 _contribution to American literature is that he made colloquial speech an accepted standard literat

21、ure medium. ( )(A)Henry James(B) Mark Twains(C) Dreisers(D)Howells33 Henry James is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th-century“ stream-of-consciousness“ novels and the founder of _. ( )(A)neoclassicism(B) psychological realism(C) psychoanalytical criticism(D)surrealism34 In general,the

22、 American woman poet_wanted to live simply as a complete independent being,and so she did,as a spinster. ( )(A)M. L. Todd(B) Emily Dickinson(C) Anna Dickinson(D)Emily Shaw35 What is the analogy that Emily Dickinson uses in her poem “Because I could not stop for Death“? ( )(A)Horse and carriage.(B) S

23、tage and performance.(C) Cloud and shade.(D)Ship and harbor.36 Who is not included in “the Lost Generation“? ( )(A)William Carlos Williams.(B) Robert Frost.(C) Ezra Pound.(D)Mark Twain.37 “After Apple-Picking“ is a well-known poem written by _. ( )(A)Robert Lee Frost(B) Ezra Pound(C) Walt Whitman(D)

24、T. S. Eliot38 In the beginning paragraph of Chapter 3, The Great Gats-by,Fitzgerald describes a big party by saying that “men and girls came and went like moths“. The author most likely indicates that _. ( )(A)there was a crowd of party-goers(B) such life does not have real meaning(C) these people w

25、ere light-hearted(D)these were crazy and ignorant characters39 Which one of the following statements is not true of “Indian Camp“ by Hemingway? ( )(A)A young Indian woman had been trying to have her baby for two days.(B) Nicks father delivered this woman of a baby by Caesarian section,with a jack-kn

26、ife and without anesthesia.(C) Nick witnessed the violence of both birth and death in the Indian camp.(D)This womans husband was murdered while she was in labor.40 William Faulkner makes best use of the Gothic devices in narration in_. ( )(A)The Bear(B) The Sound and the Fury(C) Light in August(D)A

27、Rose for Emily二、阅读理解41 “Tyger ! Tyger ! burning bright/In the forests of the night,/What immortal hand or eye/Could frame thy fearful symmetry?“Questions:A. Who is the author?B. What does “symmetry“ mean?C. What does “Tyger“ refer to?42 “And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin,/When I am pinned

28、 and wriggling on the wall,/Then how should I begin/To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?“Questions:A. Identify the poem and the poet. B. What does the phrase “butt-ends“ mean? C. What idea does the quoted passage express?43 “I heard a Fly buzz when I died The Stillness in the RoomWas l

29、ike the Stillness in the Air-Between the Heaves of Storm The Eyes around had wrung them dry And Breaths were gathering firm For that last Onset-when the King Be witnessedin the Room“ Questions:A. Identify the poet. B. What does “the King“ refer to? C. What moment is the poem trying to describe?44 “I

30、s dying hard,Daddy? No,I think its pretty easy,Nick. It all depends. “Questions:A. Identify the work and the author.B. What was Nick preoccupied with when he asked the question?C. Why did the father add “It all depends“ after he answered his sons question?三、简答题45 What are the common features of Defo

31、es four minor novels? And what are their social significances?46 Whats the theme of Jane Eyre?47 Whats Dreisers naturalistic belief? Please discuss the question with Carrie, a character in Sister Carrie as an example.48 What does Yoknapatwapha County stand for in Faulkners novels?四、论述题49 Make a brie

32、f comment on John Miltons literary achievements.50 Based on Hawthornes work The Scarlet Letter, discuss the characters of his writings.全国自考(英美文学选读)模拟试卷 5 答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 埃德蒙.斯宾塞、克里斯托夫.马洛和弗兰西斯.培根,部是文艺复兴时期的文学巨匠。2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 文艺复兴时期英国最著名的戏剧家有克里斯托夫.马洛、威廉.莎士比亚与本.琼生。3 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 第三阶段包括

33、了莎翁最伟大的悲剧和他自称的黑色喜剧(或悲喜剧)。悲剧有哈姆莱特、奥赛罗、李尔王、麦克白、安东尼与克利奥佩特拉、特洛伊勒斯与克利西达及科里奥拉那斯。其中具有代表性的悲剧是哈姆莱特、奥赛罗、李尔王、麦克白。B 项中的罗密欧与朱丽叶和 D 项中的裘利斯.凯撒是莎士比亚第二阶段创作的悲剧。 C 项中的科里奥拉那斯不是其悲剧代表作。4 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 在李尔王巾。莎士比亚不仅深刻剖析了罪恶横行的社会危机,也批判了新兴资产阶级的利己主义。5 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 “一磅肉”的故事发生在威尼斯商人中。6 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 米尔顿的力士参孙(1671 年)是古希腊诗剧体在英

34、文中的完美体现。7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 力士参孙(1671 年)。是弥尔顿三部是继贝奥武甫之后惟一的一部公认的英国文学中的悲剧史诗,不是喜剧。8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 启蒙主义者认为一旦理性成为衡量人类行为与关系的尺度,所有的迷信、不公正与压迫便都会让位给“永久的真理”、“永久的公正”及“天赋的平等”。9 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 英国现代小说的先驱有丹尼尔.笛福,塞缪尔.理查森,亨利.费尔丁、劳伦斯.斯泰思,托比亚斯.斯摩莱特以及奥立佛.哥尔斯密。10 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 1726 年,乔纳森.斯威夫特创作并出版了他伟大的讽刺小说格列佛游记。11 【正确答案】

35、 C【试题解析】 英国浪漫主义时期一般被认为始于 1798 年,标志为华兹华斯与柯勒律治的抒情歌谣集的出版。12 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 威廉.黑兹利特(17781830)是莎翁作品、伊丽莎白时期戏剧及英国诗歌的伟大评论家。13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 在天真之歌和经验之歌里,童年时期都是布莱克关注的焦点。14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 在雪莱生命的最后四年,他到意大利许多城市游历,并创作了朱利安与麦达罗(1818 年)、伊斯兰的起义(1818 年)、钦契一家(1819 年)、解放的普罗米修斯(1819 年)、阿多那伊斯(1821 年)、赫拉斯(1822 年)及几十首优美的抒情

36、诗,还有他重要的散文诗辩(1822 年)。15 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 在西风颂中,雪莱运用了大量的象征手法,将结构艺术和韵律冲击发挥到了极致。16 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 “世上有条众人皆知的真理:但凡有钱的单身男子,必定少位太太。”以上引用来自简.奥斯汀的傲慢与偏见。17 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 在狄更斯早期的每一部作品中(直至 1850 年),他都用笔墨抨击了一种或更多具体的社会罪恶:例如,雾都孤儿(18371838)中那非人道的工厂厂房与黑暗的充满犯罪的下层生活。18 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 狄更斯是一位悲情大师。没有人会忘怀老古玩店中,在病床上奄奄一息的小奈尔

37、和董贝父子中的小保罗。19 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 从还乡开始,悲剧成分便成了哈代作品的主调。20 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 人类在命运之神面前是那么渺小,不论怎样努力也很难逃脱宿命的安排。这种悲观主义笼罩了哈代后期的所有作品,使他成为著名的自然主义作家。21 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 与传统的对贵族传奇故事的描写相反,现在英国小说生动地描写了普通人民的生活。22 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 奥斯伯恩以全新的现实主义为英国戏剧带来活力,成为第一位“愤怒青年”。23 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 萧伯纳的剧作只有一种情感,惟一的一种情感:“愤怒”,对压迫与剥削的愤怒,对说谎与虚伪

38、的愤怒,对卖淫与奴役的愤怒,对贫穷、肮脏与混乱的愤怒。24 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 劳伦斯是 20 世纪最伟大的小说家之一。劳伦斯粗俗的父亲与高雅的母亲之间的冲突在他后来的自传体作品儿子与情人(1913 年)中表现得淋漓尽致。劳伦斯二十多岁时完成了处女作白孔雀(1911 年),显示了他非凡的文学天才及细致入微的观察力。接下来的两部小说虹(1915 年)及恋爱中的女人(1920 年 )被认为是他的代表作。25 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 浪漫主义时期始于十八世纪末,止于内战爆发,为美国文学史上最重要的时期。26 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 超验主义文学的主要代表是爱默生(Emerson

39、)和梭罗(HenryDavid Thoreau),他们的作品对美国文学产生了很大影响。27 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 霍桑最关注的一个罪恶之源是一个人过于自尊自负。28 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 小伙子布朗是霍桑最著名的小说之一。小说讨论罪行邪恶,具体说明了麦尔维尔所说的“黑暗的力量”。小说的主人公是一个天真的小伙子,既接受社会,又接受他所关心的周围的人,但后来在一个可怕的夜晚遇见了人类的邪恶,从此以后怀疑一切。29 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 渡河的骑兵是惠特曼 1881 年版草叶集中鼓点里的一首,给读者以美国内战时期的景象。30 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 白鲸象征了宇宙的神秘

40、、自然的伟大力量和世界的邪恶。31 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 美国自然主义文学表现得最常见的主题是人的“兽性”,并把它用来解释性欲。32 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 马克.吐温对美国文学的贡献是,他使对话式口语成为一种被接受的文学手法。33 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 詹姆斯被普遍认为是二十世纪意识流小说的先驱和心理现实主义的奠基者。34 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 总之,狄金森过着简朴而又独立的生活,自始至终守身如玉。35 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 因为我不能为死神停下里,艾米莉.狄金森用了类比写法的是马和灵柩。36 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 “迷惘的一代”作家群中有著名诗

41、人庞德,威廉姆斯和福罗斯特。37 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 摘苹果后是罗伯特.李-弗洛斯特的作品。38 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 在了不起的盖茨比第三章的开始,菲兹杰拉德描述了一个大宴会的场面:“男男女女像飞蛾一样穿梭”。作者很可能是为了揭示这样的生活并没有实际意义。39 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 那位妇女的丈夫是在他妻子临产的时候自杀的,不是被谋杀的。40 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 在给艾米莉的攻瑰里,福克纳充分利用了歌德式的叙述方法,将艾米莉畸形的性格和与她男友的不正常的行为表现得淋漓尽致。二、阅读理解41 【正确答案】 A. William Blake.B. The we

42、ll-proportioned body of the tiger.C. There are different opinions about the tiger. Some say the tiger is made by God. Others say it is made by men. One more idea thinks that “The Tyger“ is a poem about work,about artistic creation.42 【正确答案】 A. T. S. Eliot: The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock. B. It m

43、eans the speakers unsatisfied desires. C. It expresses the speakers incapability of facing up to love and to life in a sterile upper-class world.43 【正确答案】 A. Emily Dickinson. B. The God of death.C. The poem is trying to describe the moment of death.44 【正确答案】 A. Ernest Hemingway: Indian Camp,B. Life

44、and death.C. When the father says that dying is pretty easy, he might be thinking about the self-murdered husband. But when he reflects on the wifes miracle survival of the violent pain in the whole process of birth,he adds the final sentence. Dying is both hard and easy,it all depends on individual

45、s. 三、简答题45 【正确答案】 Defoes four minor novels deal with the personal history of some hero or heroine, usually a whore, a pirate, a pickpocket, a rogue or some other criminal. Their history is traced from their unfortunate childhood, through their many vicissitudes in life, to their final prosperity or

46、repentance and death. The all-powerful influence of material circumstances or social environment upon the thoughts and actions of the hero or the heroine is highlighted. The struggle of the poor unfortunate for mere existence, mixed with their desire for great wealth, comes into conflict with the so

47、cial environment which prevents them from obtaining the goal under normal circumstances and thus forces them into criminal actions or bold adventures. The group of the four novels clearly manifest Defoes deep concern for the poor and the unfortunate in his society. They are the first literary works

48、devoted to the study of problems of the lower-class people. 46 【正确答案】 The work is one of the most popular and important novels of the Victorian Age. It is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society, e. g. the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions such as Lowood School where poor gir

49、ls are trained, through constant starvation and humiliation, to be humble slaves, the social discrimination Jane experiences first as a dependent at her aunts house and later as a governess at Thornfield,and the false social convention as concerning love and marriage. At the same time, it is an intense moral fable. Jane, like Mr. Rochester, has to

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