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1、全国自考(英美文学选读)模拟试卷 6 及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 _and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists. ( )(A)John Donne, Edmund Spenser(B) John Milton, Thomas More(C) Thomas More,Christopher Marlowe(D)Edmund Spenser,Christopher Marlowe2 _, the first important English essayist, is also the

2、 founder of modern science in England and one of the representatives of the English Renaissance. ( )(A)Christopher Marlowe(B) Francis Bacon(C) Thomas More(D)William Shakespeare3 It is generally believed that the most important play among Shakespeares comedies is ( )(A)A Midsummer Nights Dream(B) As

3、You Like It(C) The Merchant of Venice(D)Twelfth Night4 _,an elaborate and fantastic story,is known as the best of the final romances written by William Shakespeare. ( )(A)The Tempest(B) Venus and Adonis(C) Henry IV(D)Romeo and Juliet5 “Not on thy sole,but on thy soul,harsh Jew,/Thou makst thy knife

4、keen. “In the above quotation taken from The Merchant of Venice ,Shakespeare employs a(n)_. ( )(A)oxymoron(B) pun(C) simile(D)synecdoche6 Miltons literary achievements can be divided into three groups. Which division is not true? ( )(A)Early poetic works.(B) Early prose works.(C) The middle prose pa

5、mphlets.(D)The last great poems.7 The British bourgeois or middle class believed in the following notions except . ( )(A)self-esteem(B) self-reliance(C) self-restraint(D)hard work8 The Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works in the field of literature. T

6、his tendency is known as ( )(A)humanism(B) realism(C) symbolism(D)neoclassicism9 _by Swift is generally regarded as the best model of satire,not only of the 18th century but also in the whole English literary history. ( )(A)A Tale of a Tub(B) The Battle of the Books(C) A Modest Proposal(D)Gullivers

7、Travels10 The two powerful satires of SwiftA Tale of a Tub and established his name as a satirist. ( )(A)The Drapiers Letters(B) Gullivers Travels(C) The Battle of the Books(D)A Modest Proposal11 In the Romantic period, is the most prosperous literary form. ( )(A)prose(B) poetry(C) fiction(D)play12

8、Which of the following descriptions of Gothic novels is not correct? ( )(A)It predominated in the early eighteenth century.(B) It was one phase of the Romantic Movement.(C) Its principal elements are violence, horror and the supernatural.(D)Works like The Mysteries of Udolpho and Frankenstein are ty

9、pical Gothic romance.13 The three poets William Wordsworth,Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey once lived in the English Lake District, and became known as the “_“. ( )(A)University Wits(B) Metaphysical Poets(C) Lake Poets(D)Lost Generation14 In Shelleys “To a Skylark“, the bird, suspended be

10、tween reality and poetic image,pours forth an exultant song which suggests to the poet_. ( )(A)both celestial rapture and human limitation(B) both image creation and profound meaning(C) both music and words(D)both inspiration and skill of writing15 “If Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?“ is an e

11、pigrammatic line by ( )(A)J. Keats(B) W. Blake(C) W. Wordsworth(D)P.B.Shelley16 The first mass movement of the English working class was , which signified the awakening of the poor oppressed people ( )(A)Enlightenment Movement(B) Enclosure Movement(C) Chartist Movement(D)Romantic Movement17 The stat

12、ement “It reveals the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life“ may well sum up the main theme in Dickens . ( )(A)David Copperfield(B) Bleak House(C) Great Expectations(D)Oliver Twist18 Charlotte Brontes first novel The Professor was rejected by the publisher,but her seco

13、nd one,_,won immediate success and today it remains one of the most popular novels. ( )(A)Wuthering Heights(B) Pride and Prejudice(C) Jane Eyre(D)Agnes Grey19 _works are known as “novels of character and environment“. ( )(A)Charles Dickens(B) Thomas Hardys(C) Jane Austens(D)George Eliots20 After the

14、 First World War, there appeared the following literary trends of modernism except . ( )(A)expressionism(B) surrealism(C) stream of consciousness(D)black humour21 The social satire in the 1930s was represented by_. ( )(A)Evelyn Waugh(B) Graham Green(C) Gibbon(D)Aldous Huxley and George Orwell22 The

15、first “Angry Young Men“ dramatist was _, who started his first change in drama by presenting his play Look Back in Anger. ( )(A)Samuel Beckett(B) Christopher Fry(C) John Osborne(D)T. S. Eliot23 Mrs. Warrens Profession is one of George Bernard Shaws plays. What is Mrs. Warrens profession then? ( )(A)

16、Real estate.(B) Prostitution.(C) House-keeping.(D)Farming.24 Statement_is not true in describing D.H. Lawrence. ( )(A)Sons and Lovers is his autobiographical novel(B) The White Peacock is his first novel(C) Sons and Lovers is his third novel(D)The White Peacock established him as a prominent novelis

17、t25 In the American Romantic writings, the _ came to function almost as a dramatic character that symbolized moral law. ( )(A)fire(B) water(C) trees(D)wilderness26 Walt Whitman, whose_established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century. ( )(A)Leaves of Grass(B) Song of Myself(C) Dr

18、um Taps(D)Cavalry Crossing a Ford27 “The Birthmark“ drives home symbolically Hawthornes point that_is mans birthmark,something he is born with. ( )(A)goodness(B) gratefulness(C) evil(D)bitterness28 Leaves of Grass commands great attention because of its uniquely poetic embodiment of , which are writ

19、ten in the founding documents of both the Revolutionary War and the Civil War in the United States. ( )(A)the democratic ideals(B) the romantic ideals(C) the self-reliance spirits(D)the religious ideals29 Which of the following statements might be true of the theme of Song of Myself by Whitman? ( )(

20、A)This poem describes the growth of a child who learned about the world around him and improved himself accordingly.(B) This poem shows the authors cynical sentiments against the American Civil War.(C) This poem reflects the authors belief in Unitarianism or Deism.(D)This poem reflects the authors b

21、elief in the singularity and equality of all beings ,n value.30 _,the tragic hero of Moby-Dick ,burning with a baleful fire,becomes evil himself in his thirst to destroy evil. ( )(A)Ahab(B) Pip(C) Ishmael(D)Pequod31 In 1865,Mark Twain published his frontier tale_, which brought him recognition from

22、a wider public. ( )(A)The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County(B) Innocents Abroad(C) Roughing It(D)Life on the Mississippi32 The King and the Duke are the two characters in a novel written by_. ( )(A)Washington Irving(B) OHenry(C) Henry James(D)Mark Twain33 With the publication of , Henry Ja

23、mess reputation was firmly established on both sides of the Atlantic. ( )(A)The Portrait of A Lady(B) Sister Carrie(C) Daisy Miller(D)Jane Eyre34 Perhaps Dickinsons greatest rendering of the moment of is to be found in“ I heard a Fly buzzwhen I died“ ,a poem universally considered one of her masterp

24、ieces. ( )(A)enthusiasm(B) death(C) crisis(D)fantasy35 As a genre,naturalism emphasized as important deterministic forces shaping individualized characters who were presented in special and detailed circumstances. ( )(A)theological doctrines(B) heredity and environment(C) education and hard work(D)v

25、arious opportunities and economic success36 Sinclair Lewis Babbit presents a documentary picture of the narrow and limited . ( )(A)upper-class mind(B) middle-class mind(C) proletarian(D)ordinary people37 “And miles to go before I sleep,/And miles to go before I sleep. “ It is the end of Robert Frost

26、s poem“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening“. Symbolically, the word“sleep“ may imply _. ( )(A)a rest(B) death(C) happiness(D)peace38 _is Hemingways first true novel. ( )(A)The Sun Also Rises(B) In Our Time(C) The Old Man and the Sea(D)In Death in the Afternoon39 In 1950,_was awarded the Nobel Prize

27、 for the anti-racist Intruder in the Dust. ( )(A)Robert Frost(B) William Faulkner(C) Ezra Pound(D)Ernest Hemingway40 Which of the following best describes the protagonist of William Faulkners A Rose for Emily? ( )(A)She is a conservative aristocrat.(B) She is a wealthy lady.(C) She is a prisoner of

28、the past.(D)She has good taste.二、阅读理解41 “Some men there are love not a gaping pig, Some that are mad if they behold a cat, And others, when bagpipe sings i th nose, Cannot contain their urine;for affection, Mistress of passion, sways it to the mood Of what it likes or loathes. “ Questions:A. Identif

29、y the author and the work.B. Who is the speaker of the quoted passage?C. What idea does the quotation express?42 “For oft, when on my couch I lie/In vacant or in pensive mood,/They flash upon that inward eye“Questions:A. Identify the author and the title.B. What does the phrase “inward eye“ mean?C.

30、Write out the main idea of the passage in plain English.43 “You never give it a chance,she said. Then suddenly all her passion of grief over him broke out. But it does matter! she cried. And you ought to be happy, you ought to try to be happy, to live to be happy. How could I bear to think your life

31、 wouldnt be a happy one!“Questions:A. From which work is this quotation taken?B. Who is speaking to whom?C. Why couldnt she bear to think his life wouldnt be a happy one?44 “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. /But I have promises to keep, /And miles to go before I sleep, /And miles to go before I

32、sleep. “Questions:A. Who is the writer of this poem and what is the title of this poem?B. What kind of feeling does this stanza show?C. How do you appreciate this poem?三、简答题45 According to the neoclassicists, what are the standards for literature during the neoclassical period?46 What are the featur

33、es of Charles Dickens novels?47 What is the background of American Romanticism?48 What are the similarities and differences between the three literary giants Howells, Mark Twain, Henry James, in terms of their literary orientation?四、论述题49 What does Wordsworth mean when he said:“All good poetry is th

34、e spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility“?50 Comment on Whitmans style and language.全国自考(英美文学选读)模拟试卷 6 答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 托马斯.莫尔、克里斯托夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚等都是英国人文主义的杰出代表。2 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 弗兰西斯.培根是英国历史上最重要的散文家,是英国现代科学的奠基人。他的作品为科学技术的广泛应用铺平了道路。因此,他也是英国文艺复兴时期当之无愧的代表人物。3 【正确答

35、案】 C【试题解析】 莎士比亚最重要的喜剧是威尼斯商人。剧中莎翁制造了各种紧张悬念、语义双关以及绝顶聪明的计谋,使剧情妙趣横生,引人人胜。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 暴风雨是莎士比亚创作后期的代表作,是一个精致奇妙的故事,所塑造的角色极富寓言性,主题也蕴藏着深刻的含义。5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 “你不是在鞋口上磨,而是在心口上磨,你这残忍的犹太人。”以上引用来自威尼斯商人。莎士比亚使用了双关语。6 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 弥尔顿的文学作品可分为三类:早期的诗作、中期的散文小册子和后期的伟大诗作。7 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 随着经济迅速发展,英国资产阶级或中产阶级得到了

36、迅速发展,成为革命的主力军,多由城市人口组成如商人、产业主及贩奴者、殖民者等其他人员。他们信奉自律、自立、劳动致富。8 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 在文学领域,启蒙主义运动还使人们重新对古典时代的著作产生兴趣。这股思潮便是新古典主义。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 乔纳森.斯威夫特的一个温和的建议不仅在 18 世纪,在整个英国文学史上也被公认为经典著作。10 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 桶的故事(1704 年)和书籍的战斗(写于 1679 年,1704 年出版),这两篇作品奠定了乔纳森.斯威夫特在讽刺作品中的地位。11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 浪漫主义时期,散文是最繁荣的文学形式。

37、12 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 哥特式小说也是浪漫主义运动的一种形式,盛行于浪漫主义前期的18 世纪末。这种小说的主要题材是暴力、恐怖及对超自然力(鬼神)的描写。哥特式小说代表作主要有安.拉得克利夫的尤道夫之谜(1794 年)、玛丽.雪利的富兰肯斯坦(1818 年) 等。13 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 威廉.华兹华斯、塞缪尔.泰勒.科勒律治.罗伯特.骚塞三位诗人曾经居住在英格兰大湖区,因此被称为“湖畔诗人”。14 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 致云雀一诗模拟云雀高飞的节奏,诗人一边倾听云雀自由的歌声,一边希望自己的歌声也能给人们带来欢乐。15 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 “如果冬天来

38、了,春天还会远吗?”是雪莱西风颂里的警句。16 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 宪章运动尽管在 1848 年衰落下去,但却取得了一定成就,同时也标志着工人阶级的觉醒。17 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 在狄更斯早期的每一部作品中(直至 1850 年),他都用笔墨抨击了一种或更多具体的社会罪恶:例如,雾都孤儿(18371838)中那非人道的工厂厂房与黑暗的充满犯罪的下层生活。18 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 夏洛特首部小说教授遭出版商拒绝未能出版,但第二部简.爱(1847 年 )问世后立即大获成功。19 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 托马斯.哈代的部分作品是著名的“角色与环境为纲的小说”,最好地

39、代表了作者自然主义与批判现实主义的写作特点。20 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 第一次世界大战后,所有的现代主义文学潮流都产生了:表现主义(强调自我表现,反对艺术的目的性)、超现实主义、未来主义、达达主义(颓废派文艺)、意象主义以及意识流等等。21 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 20 世纪早期的现实主义小说多多少少都带有悲观主义色彩,主题常常是人类的孤独无助并且形成了不同的模式。其中,阿尔都斯.哈克斯雷的勇敢的新世界(1932 年) 与乔治.奥维尔的一九八四(1949 年)都属于社会讽刺小说。22 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 约翰.奥斯伯恩,第一位“愤怒青年”,是首当其冲的变革者,他的代表作

40、是愤怒中回顾(1956 年)。23 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 沃伦夫人的职业是萧伯纳的一部作品。沃伦夫人的职业是卖淫。沃伦夫人的话“我们所有的就只是脸蛋和取悦男人的本事”暗示出了答案。24 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 只有儿子与情人出版后,劳伦斯才确立了杰出小说家的地位。25 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 在美国的浪漫主义文学作品中,自然景物成为人们品格的象征,形成了美国文学中离开尘世,心向自然的传统。26 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 惠特曼以其草叶集(Leaves of Grass)成为美国十九世纪最有影响的诗人。27 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 在胎记中,霍桑一针见血地指出邪恶就

41、是人类与生俱来的胎迹。28 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 草叶集得到广泛关注,因为它是美国民主思想的独特化身;在美国革命和美国内战的发起文件中,都写进了民主精神。29 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 自我之歌中表明了两大信仰:一是普遍性信仰,二是人类个别性和平等性。30 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 埃哈布是白鲸中的悲剧主人公,他带着复仇的怒火,在渴求消灭邪恶中自己变成了邪恶。31 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 1865 年,马克.吐温写出了,第一部幽默小说加拉维县有名的跳蛙,当时就获得了好评。32 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 “公爵”和“国王”是马克.吐温哈克贝利.费恩历险记中的两个角色。3

42、3 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 黛西.米勒出版过后,詹姆斯的身价倍增,在大洋两岸牢牢地树立了他的文学地位。34 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 也许狄金森最大的关于死之时刻的描写是我听见一只苍蝇在嗡嗡叫一当我死之时一一,这首诗普遍被认为是狄金森的杰作。35 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 作为一种创作手法,自然主义强调遗传和环境是人物在特定条件下的决定性力量。36 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 刘易斯是个关注社会的作家。他的巴比特(1922 年)描写的是生活圈子狭小的中产阶级,尤其是商人。37 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 “要走数英里才能入睡要走数英里才能入睡”是罗伯特.李.弗洛斯特雨夜林边停

43、里的结尾句。其中的“入睡”从象征手法上是指死亡。38 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 太阳照样升起(1926 年)是海明威第一部成熟的作品。39 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 1950 年,威廉.福克纳因反种族主义作品红尘入侵者(1948 年)而获诺贝尔文学奖。40 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 艾米莉是为过去所束缚的旧南方的象征。二、阅读理解41 【正确答案】 A. William Shakespeare ; The Merchant of Venice.B. Shylock.C. Shylock says that just as there is no rational explanati

44、on of why one man hates a pig, why another cannot tolerate a harmless cat, and why a third cannot contain his urine when listening to a bagpipe,he cannot and will not give a reason for his action other than the deep-seated hatred and loathing that he bears Antonio. Here, Shylock makes himself ridicu

45、lous by comparing the unreasoning hatred he feels for Antonio with the irrational and inexplicable impulses found in all men. The examples he gives of human nature mastered by strange and powerful passions are such as to excite disgust and contempt in his hearers. 42 【正确答案】 A. Wordsworth;/ Wandered

46、Lonely as a Cloud.B. Human soul.C. The poet expresses his love for the daffodils.43 【正确答案】 A. D. H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers.B. The mother Mrs. Morel is speaking to her son Paul.C. Because Mrs. Morel was born into a middle-class family, she is a strong-willed, intelligent and ambitious woman and sh

47、e couldnt bear to think her son Paul had an unhappy life. 44 【正确答案】 A. Robert Frosts Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening.B. It shows a kind of sad, sentimental but also strong and responsible feeling.C. It is one of the most quietly moving of Frosts lyrics. On the surface, it seems to be simple, de

48、scriptive records of close observation, graphic and homely pictures. It uses the simplest terms and commonest words. But it is deeply meditative, adding far-reaching meanings to the homely music. It uses its superb craftsmanship to come to a climax of responsibility: the promises to be kept, the obl

49、igation to be fulfilled.三、简答题45 【正确答案】 Neoclassicists had fixed rules for almost every genre of literature:Prose should be precise,direct,smooth and flexible. Poetry should be lyrical, epical, didactic, satiric or dramatic, and each class should be guided by its own principles. Drama should be written in the heroic couplets,the three unities of time, space and action should be s

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