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1、全国自考(英语写作)模拟试卷 6 及答案与解析一、Supply the missing paragraph1 Different Types of ParentsIt is universally true that all parents in the world love their children. However, as parents views of life vary, they love their children in different ways. Generally speaking, in terms of how they treat their children

2、, parents fall into three basic types: autocratic, democratic, and permissive.The autocratic parents word is the law. He always sets rules, expecting complete obedience from his children. He assumes that he knows what is best for his children and that they will learn discipline and respect for autho

3、rity from his orders. He does not realize that he may not know best and that rules without mercy may breed contempt for authority. If the child came home late from a party because a major accident on the highway tied up traffic for miles, this parent would not allow the child to explain his reasons

4、for being late. The child would be immediately punished. This kind of parent probably has good intentions, wanting his child to grow up “right,“ but his approach to the task may lead to conflicts.The democratic parent is not so strict. He is willing to discuss rules with his children and listen to t

5、heir side of an argument. If his child came home an hour late from a party, he would listen to the explanation instead of punishing the child immediately. In general, the democratic parent lays down fewer rules than his autocratic counterpart because he realizes children must learn certain things in

6、 life on their own. He prefers to play the role of an advisor and is always available when his children need help._Too few people with children are democratic parents, which is the best of the three types. Too much or too little authority often breeds disrespect and resentment. A good parent should

7、offer guidance and advice; he should not try to rule his children or disregard his children completely.二、Write an outline2 BillA bill has been introduced in the United States Congress which, if passed, would reduce the minimum wage for working teenagers under the age of 18. The minimum wage would be

8、 decreased a small amount for each year under 18 until the age of 15. A few teenagers react negatively towards the bill, but they are probably the lucky ones who have a job. Although these people would have to take a cut in pay, the bill has many advantages and should be passed.First of all, the ide

9、a of a reduced minimum wage would allow for the hiring of more teenagers. Unemployment is high for teens under 18, especially in minority groups. If the bill became a law, two teenagers would be hired for the price of one. Even though some people say that a business might hire teenagers in place of

10、older people, this is highly unlikely. Most teens only work part-time and therefore would not interfere with hiring in the older work force.Putting more teenagers in the work force would be beneficial because the wages that they make would help their parents out financially. These teenagers would ha

11、ve their own spending money for dates, for gas, and for clothes. Also, putting more teenagers on the job could possibly reduce the crime rate among them. With some money in their pockets, teenagers would not need to shoplift or to commit robbery.Some teens think the proposed wages would be so low. I

12、t would not be worth their working. However, a reduced wage does not mean that employers are free to pay unreasonably low wages. As it is, many small businesses pay below minimum wage now, and they have no trouble finding teenagers who are willing to work. In addition, no income tax is taken out for

13、 teenagers, so almost all their wages are pure income.Some people fear this bill will mark an end to the minimum wage requirements for everyone. These people are misinformed, for this minimum wage reduction would not affect anyone 18 or older. Instead it would mainly affect the teenagers that work d

14、uring the summers and after school. These teenagers are making money to save and to spend for extras. They are not, in the main, breadwinners. The older teenagers and adults, who are breadwinners, would continue at their same salaries.The reduced minimum wage could also take a small burden off alrea

15、dy aiding business that hires teenagers. If they do not have to pay so much for wages, the business could take the money saved and invest it in their own businesses. They could renew or expand their machinery to increase production. Finally with the overall decrease in expenditures because of the re

16、duced minimum wage, prices could go down, which would help to fight inflation.Although some younger teenagers do not want to take the wage cuts, this idea has many positive economic possibilities: it might help in solving problems with unemployed teens, parents financial burdens, crime, and revitali

17、zation of business. The bill deserves a chance._三、Compose an essay3 Some people insist that the family has the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends have the most important influence on young adults, which view do you agree with? Write a short expository essay abo

18、ut 300 words to explicate your opinion. In your writing, underline your thesis and number your paragraphs.全国自考(英语写作)模拟试卷 6 答案与解析一、Supply the missing paragraph1 【正确答案】 The permissive parent has no rules for his children and offers little guidance, Frequently, this parent is too busy to take time with

19、 his children and leaves them to TV, school and chance. He allows his children to come and go as they please. He doesnt care what they do or he thinks they must learn to set their own rules. This parent doesnt understand that all young people need guidance because when they grow up, they will have t

20、o abide by rules of society. Not learning to respect order early may cause the children to resent the rules everyone must obey.【试题解析】 本文旨在通过对专制型、民主型及纵容型三种不同类型父母对待孩子的不同态度的描写,以形成鲜明的对比,从而得出一位合格的父母所应具备的品质及要求:为孩子提供指导和建议;不要试图对孩子进行统治或者完全忽视他们。文章结构整齐,思路清晰,首段和尾段均对缺省段起到了提示的作用。如果对各段大意及相互关系有了准确的把握,那么补全缺省段落也就迎韧而解


22、为他们知道孩子必须靠自己在生活中学得一些东西。因此,这类父母更喜欢扮演一个建议者的角色,并在孩子需要帮助的时候向他们伸出援助之手。最后一段,对孩子实行民主的父母太少了。然而,这类父母是最理想的父母。对孩子要求太多或太少都会使孩子对家长产生不满和愤恨。一位好的父母亲应该对孩子进行指导并给予建议;他不应该对孩子进行统治或者完全忽视他们。由此可见,第一段首先提出了本文的主题思想句,In terms of how they treat their children,parents fall into three basic types:autocratic ,democratic ,and permi

23、ssive其中关键要掌握三个关键词:autocratic,democratic,and permissive,因为下文分别要对这三种类型父母进行描述。由此可推知,在对第一类和第二类父母对孩子的态度的介绍之后,随之而来的应该是对纵容型父母的描述。这时,再参照最后一段,可以得出民主型父母是本文作者所推崇的一种类型,这同时也为我们补写缺省段落起到了点晴的作用,即在阐述纵容型父母时,要着重从强调他她对孩子的态度上所产生的负面影响入手。原文中一些有用的短语:(1)generally speaking 一般而言(in general)egGenerally speakingIn general ,peop

24、le like her人们一般都喜欢她。(2)in terms of 根据,按照eg. In terms of the benefits of sports,they can keep us healthy,and cultivate our team spirit从体育运动给我们带来的好处讲,它们可以使我们保持身体健康,并且培养我们的合作精神。(3)fall into:分成( classify into)egThis topic falls naturally into three sections. 这个论题可自然地分成三个部分。(4)be good for 对有益egIt isnt go

25、od for children to give them everything they want孩子们要什么就给什么,这对他们并无益处。(5)tie up 阻碍;使动弹不得ega):The accident tied up the traffic for hours这宗事故使交通阻塞了好几个小时。b)I cant come out tonightIm a bit tied up at work今晚我来不了,我有工作实在脱不开身。(6)be willing to do sth 乐于做 egAs an eloquent girl,she is always willing to particip

26、ate in various debates held in her school她很善辩,总是愿意参加学校组织的各种形式的辩论赛。(7)lay down(坚定或正式)阐述;声明;规定egThe regulations lay down that members must always sign guests in规则规定会员必须为带来的客人签字。(8)on ones own 单独地;独自地egHow do you like living on your own?你觉得独自生活怎么样 ?二、Write an outline2 【正确答案】 I. The introduction of the

27、bill . The advantages of the billA. Benefits to teenagers1. Increasing of hiring chance2. Helping parents by earning ones own spending money3. Reducing the crime rate among teenagers4. Pure incomeB. No affection to othersC. Benefits to business. The positive possibilities of the bill【试题解析】 这样的题相对来说比

28、较容易,我们在答题时,只要找出文章中相应的句子,对号入座即可。下面我们具体来分析一下本题。第一段:作者介绍了 bill 的由来。说到 bill 的出现,对于已经工作的十八岁以下的青少年来说,他们的最低工资额度减少了。第二段:讲到了 bill 的出现给青少年带来的很多优势。首先,可以让青少年们获得更多被雇佣的机会。第三段:青少年工作可以使得他们的父母在经济上减轻了一些负担。第四段:对于青少年的薪水,国家是不收税的,这样他们挣的工资是净工资。第五段:讲到 bill 的出现除了对青少年有影响之外,不会影响其他人。 第六段:bill 的另一个好处就是在生意上带来优势。第七段:作者强调了 bill 带来

29、的积极影响。三、Compose an essay3 【正确答案】 Friends Do Most of the Influence on Young Adults(l)Some people think that the family has the most important influence on the young adults. For example, some scientists and statesmen owe their successes to the good upbringing their families have given them. But others

30、 think that friends have the most important influence on young adults. As a popular saying goes, “A man is known by the company he keeps.“ Personally, I think friends do most of the influence on young adults.(2) The reasons are obvious. In school, diligent students, when jeered by pleasure-hunting f

31、riends, are possible to become lazy, or even bad. On the other hand, wrong-doers who feel guilty in the presence of their virtuous companions can often turn over a new leaf. As we know, many young adults pay much attention to their playmates. Once they begin having friends, family members usually be

32、come less influential. My English teachers son is a case in point. When he was in junior high school, he began learning to smoke just because his playmates were smokers. Out of curiosity, he tried. Gradually he formed the habit of smoking. My Uncles only son is another case in point. His son was arr

33、ested the other day for murdering a lady. It was his playmates who stimulated him to kill the lady for her money. With bad company, children are very easy to slide into bad habits and even to commit crimes.(3)From the above, we can see that the young adults are much easier to be influenced by their

34、playmates, especially by their bad playmates. In their young minds, playmates are their “good“ friends. Therefore, someone concludes that tell me who your friends are, and Ill tell you what kind of person you are. And I think this is absolutely true.【试题解析】 有人认为,家庭对个人的发展影响最大,有人认为朋友对人的影响最大,你认为哪个是对人影响最

35、大的?写一篇说明文,阐述你的观点。下面以朋友对人的影响最大这一观点为例,做一个具体的分析。首先应该考虑到,写朋友并不能只写朋友,也应提一下家庭的影响,否则就有点片面了。接下来应该着重分析朋友影响大的原因。交品质好的朋友有什么影响,交品质不好的朋友又有什么影响?有时候品质好的朋友会把一个懒惰的人往好的方面带,品质不好的朋友也很有可能把一个人领向犯罪的边缘。为了让阐述更加有力,还可以举几个事例。最后再对文章加以总结,使文章前后呼应。下面,我们列一个英文的提纲,以辅助写作。1Thesis:Family has influence on the young adults,but friendsinfl

36、uence is much bigger2The reasons why the friends have bigger influenceADiligent students may become lazy because of a pleasure-hunting friendB Wrongdoers may turn over a good leaf if he meets a good companionCMany young adults pay much attention to their playmatesDFriendsinfluence is bigger than fam

37、ilysE Examples:my English teachers son and my uncles son3Friends are mirrors of one来看一下句子的组织:(1)have influence on someone 对有影响一些人认为家庭对青少年的影响是最大的。Some people think that the family has the most important influence on the young adults其他的表达方法:Some people think that the family affects the young adults mo

38、st(2)ownto把归功于一些著名的科学家和政治家把他们的成功归功于家庭给予他们的良好教育。Some scientists and statesmen owe their successes to the good upbringing their families have given them其他的表达方法:Some scientists and statesmen say it is the good upbringing that contributes to their successes(3)朋友是自己的一面镜子。A man is known by the company he

39、keeps(4)追求享乐的朋友 pleasure-hunting friends(5)in the presence of someone 在的面前那些经常做错事的人,在他们那些品德好的朋友面前会感到愧疚,往往他们就会变成一个表现好的人。Wrongdoers who feel guilty in the presence of their virtuous cornpanions can often turn over a new leaf其他的表达方法:Wrong-doers will feel guilty in front of their virtuous companions and

40、 then they become virtuous(6)out of curiosity 出于好奇(7)stimulate someone to do something 怂恿某人做某事是他的朋友怂恿他为了钱而杀了那个女士。It was his playmates who stimulated him to kill the lady for her money(8)slide into bad habits 沾上不好的习惯和品行不好的朋友在一起,孩子很容易养成不好的习惯,甚至走向犯罪。With bad company,children are very easy to slide into bad habits,and even to commit crimes.

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