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1、全国自考(英语写作)模拟试卷 7 及答案与解析一、Supply the missing paragraph1 Mt. St. HelensMt. St. Helens is a volcano in the state of Washington in the western United States. In May, 1980, it erupted with the force of a nuclear bomb. According to scientists, there had been no volcanic eruption to equal this one in the l

2、ast 4,000 years. When Mt. St. Helens exploded, it released energy that was greater than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima, Japan. The force was strong enough to send 100 million tons of dust into the atmosphere. A force that strong had tremendous effects on the area around the volcano. The visible e

3、ffects were awesome. Once there had been green meadows and thick forests; after the eruption, there was black volcanic rock and ash. From the air, thousands of acres of trees looked like scattered matchsticks. Where there had once been clear streams and lakes, there were only bubbling pools of mud.

4、Once the mountain had stood tall; afterwards, most of its top and all of its north side were missing. The force of the eruption reduced the mountain from the fifth tallest in the state to the thirtieth tallest.The economic effects on the area were staggering. The U. S. Forest Service estimated that

5、$ 200 million worth of timber was destroyed. This was enough timber to build 200,000 homes. Businesses and homes simply disappeared under tons of rock, ash, and mud. The port of Portland, sixty miles to the south, was clogged with mud and ash. Cargo ships from all over the world suddenly sat helples

6、s. Economists estimated the commercial and personal damages is the billions of dollars.Finally, the effects on human life were tragic. Thirty-four bodies were recovered in the weeks following the eruption; twenty-seven more people simply disappeared. Some of the sixty-one were photographers and scie

7、ntists who were there to record the stirring of the mountain. They thought that there would be a warning before the final eruption; there was none. Other victims were campers and workers who were deceived by the apparent calm of the mountain that bright, sunny spring morning. Onea crusty, old man wh

8、o owned a little resort five miles from the mountainhad refused to leave. He said that he was part of the mountain and the mountain was part of him. His words turned out to be true; his body was never found._二、Write an outline2 Send in the Clones“Scientists have made a breakthrough to clone a human

9、being“, as one TV newsman put it. While his description was off the mark, the real news was almost as fantastic: researchers at George Washington University split single human embryos into identical copies, a technology that has sparked a storm of controversy around the world.Claiming they began the

10、 experiments to spur a debate, the researchers got more than they bargained for. The Vatican condemned the technology as evil; one German magazine called the research “immoral“, and sociologists in the US disagreed hotly over whether the technology should be offered to infertile couples, couples inc

11、apable of having children.The news left people wondering what the technology is all a-bout. Actually what the researchers did was to extend a technique that has been used in livestock for more than a decade. The physicians used tube fertilization technology to create 17 human embryos in a laboratory

12、. When the embryos had grown enough to contain 28 cells, the researchers separated them into 48 cells. Two of the separated cells survived for a few days in the lab, developing into new human embryos smaller than the head of a pin.Though no great technical feat, the procedure opens a range of unsett

13、ling possibilities. For example, parents could have one embryo implanted in the mothers womb and store its identical siblings indefinitely. The spare embryos could be implanted later, allowing parents to create a family of identical children of different ages. Spare embryos could also be sold to oth

14、er families, who could see from an already born child how their embryo would turn out. Even more bizarre, a woman conceived from a split embryo could give birth to her own twin. Such scenarios raise painful issues about the rights of parents and meaning of individuality.Some sociologists maintain th

15、at parents have the right to do with embryos what they will, including having twins born years apart. But others fear that the procedure unacceptably alters what it means to be human being, especially when the younger twins are forced to see older versions of themselves.Amid the controversy, one thi

16、ng seems certain: the experiments will continue. While cloning is forbidden in Germany, fertility research is proceeding in the US without federal regulations. But researchers must obtain approval from their hospital board. Without federal oversight, the highly competitive fertility business may soo

17、n use the new technology to attract clients. As a doctor told the scientific journal Science, “It was just a matter of time.“_三、Compose an essay3 Some people often say, “Opportunity plays a vital role in success“. Do you go along with the idea. Write an essay (about 300 words) expressing your view o

18、n it.全国自考(英语写作)模拟试卷 7 答案与解析一、Supply the missing paragraph1 【正确答案】 All in all, it is impossible to calculate the total effects of the eruption. It will take thousands of years for the geographical damage to be erased. The economy of the area will perhaps never recover. Businesses have closed, never t

19、o reopen; the lakes and rivers, which had attracted visitors, are gone forever; the logging industry had no trees to cut. Human life, of course, can never be replaced.【试题解析】 浏览全文可知,这篇记叙文包括三大部分:开头段、数个主体段和结论段。开头段为第一段,介绍了 MtStHelens 火山的起源及发展情况(导入语)。这样的火山给它周围的环境带来了很大的影响(主题思想句)。在第二四段中讲述了火山对周围环境、人们生活的巨大影响

20、。文章的展开方式是采用的列举法。在准确判断原文的写作方式和写作特点后,我们在补充缺省段落时,就可以采用类似的方法,这样保证整个主体段落的连贯与一致性就很容易了。二、Write an outline2 【正确答案】 I. Introduction; human cloning and the reactionA. Fantastic newsB. Thesis: The technology has sparked a storm of controversy. II. Reactions from different circlesA. Condemnation from the Vatica

21、nB. Criticism from a German magazineC. Disagreement from American sociologists . The technology of cloningA. The technology already used in livestock for over a decadeB. The process of creating human embryosIV. Unsettling possibilities and painful issuesA. Indefinite identical siblingsB. Identical c

22、hildren of different agesC. Identical children in other families as a result of selling embryosD. Woman giving birth to her own twinE. Uncertain rights of parents and meaning of individualityV. The prospects of the technologyA. Continuing experiments in the U. S. .B. Possible commercial use in the U

23、. S. soon【试题解析】 这是一篇关于克隆的文章。首先来一段一段地分析。第一段:新闻播音员说科学家已经在克隆人类方面实现重大突破。但是当这个说法变成现实的时候,这种技术却在世界范围内引起了巨大的争议。(1)make a breakthrough 实现重大突破(2)split single human embryos into identical copies分离人类的胚胎成为完全相同的复制品(3)spark a storm of controversy引起巨大的争议第二段:主要讲到了不同群体对于这一技术的反应,主要提到了三个群体。梵蒂冈谴责这一技术是邪恶的;一家德国杂志认为这项研究是不道

24、德的;美国的社会学家在是否应该把这一技术应用于不能生育的夫妻这一问题上不能达成一致。couples incapable of having children 不能生育小孩的夫妻 第三段:主要讲到这个消息让人们开始想知道这项技术到底是怎样的。然后介绍了克隆的过程。其实,科学家只是将已经在家畜身上试验了 20 多年的技术进一步扩大。医生用试管繁殖技术在实验室造了 17 个胚胎,当胚胎长到有 28 个细胞的时候,实验者把他们分离成 48 个细胞,其中的 2 个几天后存活了下来,渐渐长成比针头还小一些的胚胎。(1)separate them into分离(2)the head of pin 针头第四段

25、:讲到尽管还没有伟大的技术成就,但这一成果已经提供了一系列的猜测。例如,父母可以将胚胎移植到母亲的子宫内,不定期地储藏兄弟姊妹。这个闲置的胚胎可以在以后被移植,创造一个家庭,成员是具有不同年龄的一模一样的孩子。胚胎还可以卖给其他的家庭。甚至一个女人可以想象利用胚胎生一个自己的双胞胎妹妹。(1)a range of 一系列的(2)give birth to 赋予 生命第五段:这样的情况引起了关于父母权利和独立个体的意义的痛苦的讨论。_些社会学家认为父母有权利使用他们的胚胎,即使是去创造一个与自己不同时出生的双胞胎。但也有人担心这样会改变一个独立个体的意义,特别是那些年轻的双胞胎不得不去看他们年老

26、的版本。have the right to do 有权利做第六段:讲到在争议中,有一件事是确定的,那就是这项试验将继续进行下去。德国禁止这一试验的进行,然而在美国,这一试验在没有联邦政府管理的情况下进行着,但是实验者必须得到医院董事会的允许。没有联邦政府的监督,医院出于竞争的目的,为了吸引病人,不久就会应用这一技术。正如一个医生所说,这只是一个时间问题。可见该段可以分为两个方面。第一,试验将在美国继续进行。第二,这项技术不久可能在美国被应用于商业。(1)amid the controversy 在争议中(2)It was just a matter of time这只是个时间问题。通过上文的分

27、析,可以很容易理出文章的层次。除第四和五段合并成一个层次以外,其他的段落独自成为一个层次。第四和五段合并,因为这两段都是讲的关于克隆技术不确定的可能性和棘手的结果。第四段提到了四个方面,而第五段提到一个方面,就是关于父母的权利和独立个体的意义的问题。三、Compose an essay3 【正确答案】 Many people do not agree about opportunity. Some think that opportunity is so rare that only the luckiest persons have it. This can be proved by the

28、 fact that great successes have been so few as to be counted on ones fingers. Others argue that everyone has opportunity at one time or another in his or her life.As far as I am concerned, I am for the latter to some extent. As a western saying goes, “Every dog has its day“, there are opportunities

29、for everybody. In fact, we cant find anyone in the world who never has his chance to succeed during his life. Those who claim that they have been out of luck cant recognize or make good use of opportunity. We should know that who seizes the right moment is the right man. If a farmer didnt sow his se

30、eds in spring, he would be unlikely to get crops in autumn. If Helen Keller had refused her teachers help, she might have been as ignorant as any other inborn blind. Whats more important, opportunity will not serve a man on its own initiative unless he makes more opportunity than he finds it. Before

31、 Newton almost everyone had seen an apple or a similar fruit falling from a tree, but only Newton discovered the law of gravity because he had developed a good habit of thinking over answers to problems and stuck to his studies in spite of difficulties. This story tells us that a wise man is always

32、creating his opportunity rather than wait for it.In a word, in my opinion, everyone has opportunity and can make use of it. Those who take advantage of it succeed. So I believe this proverb: “Opportunities are only for the prepared minds.“【试题解析】 题目是要学生就“机会”这一话题展开论述。“机会在成功中扮演很重要角色。”你同意这种说法吗?发表一下个人见解。关于可以从两方面叙述的题目(在本题中即:1同意;2不同意)一定要将自己的观点阐释清楚,最好用一句话说明白己的观点,做到论点清晰。确定了论点之后,要按照一定的逻辑把自己的论点做出一系列解释,来支撑自己的看法。如果认为机会是很重要的,那么可以进一步说,人人都有平等的机会,关键是要看是否有能力抓住这种平等的机会。接着可以举一些例子。再往下一步思考,有了一点机会之后,我们能否将这一微小的机会,为自己创造更多的,更大的机会?这样慢慢把自己的思路打开。最后,为了强调,可以再次总结下自己的观点,换种方式说明自己的看法。为了丰富文章的内容,我们还可以引用一些谚语、警旬、名言、俗语等增强文章的信服力和趣味。

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