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1、全国自考(英语词汇学)模拟试卷 1 及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 The term “vocabulary“ is used in different ways because of all the following reasons except that_. ( )(A)it can refer to the common core of a language(B) it can refer to the total number of the words in a language(C) it can represent all the words used in a certain h

2、istorical period(D)it can stand for words in given dialect or field2 “Wilt“ which means “will“ is an example of_. ( )(A)argot(B) slang(C) archaism(D)neologism3 Words like “typhoon, black humor, chopstick, silk, long time no see, tea, masterpiece, ketchup, mother tongue“ are _. ( )(A)denizens(B) sema

3、ntic-loan(C) aliens(D)translation-loans4 Now people generally refer to_as Old English. ( )(A)Anglo-Saxon(B) Celtic(C) Latin(D)Scottish5 The _translation of the Bible and the writings of and others contributed a lot to the revival of English as the dominating language in Middle English period. ( )(A)

4、Langland; Wycliff, Chaucer(B) Wycliff; Langland, Chaucer(C) Chaucer; Wycliff, Thomas More(D)Bacon; Wycliff, Chaucer6 Which of the following words is brought about by political changes as regards the growth of present-day English vocabulary? ( )(A)Smart bomb.(B) Astrochemistry.(C) Watergate.(D)Tenor.

5、7 Among the following four past tense markers -ed,_is realized by /t/. ( )(A)lived(B) warmed(C) looked(D)tired8 In English, bound roots are either_or_. ( )(A)Latin; French(B) Greek; Scandinavian(C) Latin; Greek(D)French; Greek9 The “de“ in “demilitarize“ is a/an_prefix. ( )(A)reversative(B) orientat

6、ion(C) pejorative(D)negative10 In compounds, the word stress usually occurs on_ whereas in noun phrases is generally stressed if there is only one stress. ( )(A)the first element; the second element(B) the second element; the first element(C) the first element; the first element(D)the second element

7、; the second element11 “ Telex“ is a pormanteau word created through_. ( )(A)head + tail(B) head + head(C) head + word(D)word + tail12 By form we mean_. ( )(A)its spelling(B) its pronunciation(C) both its pronunciation and spelling(D)its symbols13 A concept has _ referring expressions. ( )(A)one(B)

8、many(C) a few(D)none of the above14 Most words can be said to be_. ( )(A)motivated(B) non-motivated(C) affixes(D)compounds15 Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: _and_. ( )(A)stylistic; collocative(B) pejorative; appreciative(C) adjectival; adverbial(D)nominative; substantive

9、16 According to the degree of similarity, homonyms can be classified into_. ( )(A)perfect homonyms(B) homographs(C) homophones(D)all the above17 The differences between synonyms boil down to the following except_. ( )(A)denotation(B) connotation(C) application(D)pronunciation18 The fact that the who

10、le vocabulary can be divided up into fields can be exemplified by ( )(A)Roget s Thesaurus(B) Concise Oxford Dictionary(C) New Websters Dictionary(D)Cobuild Dictionary19 Which of the following words does not undergo the process of extension of meaning? ( )(A)Meat.(B) Manuscript.(C) Picture.(D)Journal

11、.20 The meanings of “lip“ and “tongue“ in “the lip of a wound“ and “the tongue of a bell“ have experienced . ( )(A)extension(B) elevation(C) associated transfer(D)degradation21 The meaning of a word is influenced immediately by _. ( )(A)the linguistic context(B) situational context(C) grammatical co

12、ntext(D)extra-linguistic context22 It is a general belief that the meaning does not exist in the word itself, but it rather spreads over_. ( )(A)the readers interpretation(B) the neighbouring words(C) the writers intention(D)the etymology of the word23 The sentence “The fish is ready to eat. “ is am

13、biguous due to_. ( )(A)extra-linguistic context(B) grammatical context(C) lexical context(D)homonymy24 _ and_often define each other, thus forming an important context clue. ( )(A)Antonymy; synonymy(B) Hyponymy; homonymy(C) Superordinates; subordinates(D)Lexical words; grammatical words25 Idioms adj

14、ectival in nature function as_. ( )(A)adjectives(B) attributes(C) modifiers(D)words26 The idiom “scream and shout“ is_. ( )(A)alliteration(B) reiteration(C) rhyme(D)juxtaposition27 Actions speak louder than words, in the proverb, is used. ( )(A)repetition(B) simile(C) metaphor(D)personification28 Li

15、nguistic dictionaries usually do not cover such areas as _. ( )(A)definitions(B) spelling(C) usage(D)sound29 For beginners and elementary and lower-intermediate learners,_dictionary is essential. ( )(A)monolingual(B) bilingual(C) specialized(D)encyclopedic dictionary30 The new edition of Longman Dic

16、tionary of Contemporary English has_words and phrases. ( )(A)56000(B) 75000(C) 80000(D)83000二、填空题31 As far as the origins of the words are concerned, English words can be classified into native words and words.32 Old English was the combination of three_dialects which were used between 450 and 1150.

17、33 Morphemes which are identical with root words are considered to be_morphems.34 De-, dis-, un- are_prefixes.35 Collocative meaning consists of the associations a word acquires in its36 _refers to the relationship that the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general

18、word.37 _is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content.38 “Many United Nations employees are polyglots. Ms. Mary, for example, speaks five languages. “ We know the meaning of “polyglot“ by a(n)_.39 Many idioms are semantically_.40 _ created

19、an extra column arranged alongside the definition.三、名词解释41 jargon42 clipping43 associative meaning44 synchronic approach to polysemy45 sentence idioms四、简答题46 The basic word stock have five obvious characteristics. Why should we say that “all national character“ is the most important of all features

20、among the five?47 Illustrate with examples the types of words from proper names.48 Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of the characteristics of antonyms. State your reason with one example. Contrary terms are non-gradable and allow intermediate membe

21、rs in between.49 How many types can idioms be classified?五、论述题50 Analyze the components of the following words and give their literal meanings; antecedent, predict, mishap, suicide, transfuse, erupt, exhume.51 He is as poor as a church mouse. Pick out the idiom in this sentence, then point out its s

22、tructure, grammatical function and figure of speech.全国自考(英语词汇学)模拟试卷 1 答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 The term“vocabulary”is used in different sensesNot only can it refer to the total number of the words in a language,but it can stand fora11 the words used in a certain historical periodWe also use it t

23、o refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book,a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person所以 B、C、D 项正确。词汇是由一门语言中所有的词所构成的,而不是语言的核心,所以 A 项不正确。2 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 古语词是指过去曾经广泛使用而现在仅限于某些特殊用法的词。这些词的使用范围大为缩小,只在古诗、法律文件、宗教文件和讲话中出现。如,thou(你),ye(你们),thee(你的宾语),wilt(will) ,brethren

24、(兄弟),troth(誓约),quoth(说),aught(任何事情) ,hereof(谈及这一点),there from(从那一点),wherein(在哪一点上)等。选项意思分别为 argot(黑话),slang(俚语),archaism(古语词), neologism(新词语 )。3 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 根据同化的程度和借词的方式,可以把外来语词归为四类:denizens(同化词),semantic loan( 借义词) ,aliens( 非同化词),translationloans(译借词 )。译借词是利用母语现有的词语但在构词模式上模仿了外语而构成的词。译借词还可再分为根据意

25、义译出来的借词:mother tongue(母语)译自 lingua materna(拉丁语 ),long time no see 译自汉语的“好久没见”,surplus value(剩余价值)译自 Mehrwert(德语),masterpiece(杰作)译自 Meisterstuck(德语),black humour(黑色幽默)译自 humournoir(法语)。根据语音译出来的借词: kulak(富农)译自 kyrak(俄语),ketchup(番茄酱)译自汉语的“茄汁”,lama(喇嘛)译自 lama(藏语),tea( 茶) 译自汉语的“茶”。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 现在人们一般

26、把盎格鲁一撒克逊语称为古英语。5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 中古英语时期(1150 一 1500),法语、拉丁语曾和英语一直并存长达一个多世纪。到了 13 世纪末,英语又逐渐回到了学校、法庭和政府部门,重新获得了重要的社会地位。威克利夫(Wycliff)用英语翻译圣经,乔叟(Chaucer)、朗兰(Langland) 等人也开始用英语进行文学创作,于是,英语最后又返回到重要的位置上,并作为一门重要的文学语言受到尊重。6 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 watergate(水门,由水门事件产生的一个新词)属于由政治变化产生的词;smart bomb(激光制导炸弹)。astrochemistry

27、(天体化学)都是由迅速发展的科技产生的词汇;tenor(男高音)是由于社会的快速发展存乐音方面的新词汇。7 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 一般过去时态的标志形素一 ed 在p,k ,s结尾的动词后发音为t。如 worked,helped;而在以元音音素或 m,n,l结尾的动词后发音为/d,如 tried,warmed, lived,enabled;另外在以t,d 音结尾的动词后发音为/id/,如 wanted,landed 等。8 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 粘附词根就如自由词根一样。是带有基本意义的词的组成部分。与自由同根不同的是,粘附词根是一种粘附形式,必须与别的词素结合在 一起才能构成

28、词。英语中的粘附词素不是来源于拉丁语,就是来源于希腊语。9 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 demilitarize( 解除军事控制)是由 militarize(使军事化)加前缀 de-构成的,de,dis 一,un 一等是表示逆向意义的前缀(reversative prefixes) 。10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 复合词有三个特点:音律特点,词义特点和语法特点。其中音律特征表现为:复合词的重音通常在第一个语义单位上;而在名词短语中,若第二个单位只有一个音节则是在第二个语义单位上。如:a fathead(复合词),a fat head(独立短语)。11 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 te

29、lex 是一个混合型词,是由两个单词的词头混合组成。即teleprinterexchange。12 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 词是形式和意义的结合。形式即词的发音及拼写,意义即为形式所代表的内容。13 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 概念(concept)对于所有人来说都是相同的,无文化、种族、语青之分而意义存在于语言之中,受语言使用的限制。因此概念有许多种表达所指,因为世界上有众多语言。14 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 理据(motivation) 讨论的是语言符号和意义之间的关联。词的形式和意义之间的关系都是任意的和规约的,因此大多数词可以说是没有理据的。15 【正确答案】 B【试题解

30、析】 Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories:appreciative or pejorative 带有感情意义的词可分为两类:褒义或贬义。16 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 Based on the degree of similarity,homonyms fall into three classes:perfect homonyms,homographs and homophones根据相类似的程度同形同音异义词又可分为 3 类:完全同形同音异义词、同形异音异义同和同音异形异义词。17 【正确答案】 D【试

31、题解析】 题干译文:下列哪一项不属于同义词区别的分类?同义词的区别主要表现在三个方面:denotation(外延),connotation(内涵)和 application(应用)。18 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 题干译文:整个词汇可以被分为语义场,下列哪部词典是这一事实的很好的例证?根据 Trier 的语义场理论,整个词汇都可划分为语义场。 罗瑞同义词词典(Rogets Thesaurus)就是一个很好的例证。编者使用了普遍概念作为框架,把带有共同概念的词集中在一起。According to Triers vision of fields,the whole vocabulary can

32、 be divided up into fieldsRogets Thesaurus was a good exampleHe used a scheme of universal concepts as a framework and listed together the words which share the same concepts,19 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 meat 愿意是 food(食物)。经过语义变换,意为 flesh of animals(动物的肉),可见意义范围缩小,具体化是词义的缩小而非扩大。20 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 词义的转移是指原先指称其一事物

33、的词后来转而指称另一事物的演变过程。其中一种为联想转移(associated transfer),即由于事物的关联性和连带性通过联想词义发生转移,如 lip of a wound(伤口),the tongue of a bell(铃舌),purse 转义为“钱”,glass 转义为“杯子”等。21 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 一个词的意义直接受其所在语义环境的影响,甚至整个话语情境的影响。22 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 The meaning of a word is often affected and defined by the neighbouring words一个词的意义经常

34、是受邻近词的影响,并被其定义。23 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 题干译文:造成句子 The fish is ready to eat 歧义的原因是什么?Grammatical structure can lead to ambiguity语法结构会引起歧义。本句可有两种解释,第一句是 This fish is cooked or served,so ready for people to eat(鱼做好了或上桌了,可以吃了),或者 The fish is ready to eat things(鱼准备好要吃食物了)。但是,假如说成 what a nice smell! The fish is

35、 ready to eat,那么,fish 一定是做好了可以吃了。24 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 上义词和下义词经常限定解释彼此,这样形成一个非常重要的语境线索。25 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 题干译文:形容词性习语被用作什么词?Idioms adjectival in nature function as adjectives26 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 题干译文:习语 scream and shout 属于哪种修辞手法?scream and shout(尖叫) 是重复,即同义的重叠(reiteration)。27 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 speak 意为“讲话,说某种语

36、言”,是人特有的动作。题中作为主语actions 的动作执行词应该是拟人修辞手法的应用。28 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 Linguistic dictionaries aim at defining words and explaining their usage in the languageLinguistic dictionaries usually cover such areas as spelling,pronunciation,meaning,grammatical function,usage and etymology语言词典着眼于词的定义及解释其在语言中的用法。它们通常

37、包括拼写、发音、意义、语法功能、用法及词源等这些方面。所以并没有声音部分。29 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 For beginners,and elementary and lowerintermediate learners,a bilingual dictionary is essential as they do not know enough of the target language to understand fully a monolingual dictionary对于这些学习者而言,一本双语词典是必不可少的,因为他们对所学语言了解不够,不能完全读懂一本单语词典。30 【正

38、确答案】 A【试题解析】 朗文当代英语词典因其广泛涉及新词、新意义和新方法、通俗易懂的定义以及其有控制的 2000 词汇来定义词和例示用法,当然最为重要的还是因其完整细致的语法信息而闻名。它收纳了 56000 个词和短语,涉及美国英语和英国英语,并且特别强调新词。二、填空题31 【正确答案】 borrowed【试题解析】 从起源上来看,英语词汇可分为本族语词和外来语词。英语本族语词是公元 5 世纪由日耳曼部落盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人带入英国的。又称盎格鲁一撒克逊词语。32 【正确答案】 Germanic【试题解析】 古英语时期是指 450 一 1150 年。继古罗马人之后,盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱

39、特 3 个日耳曼部落大批入侵英伦三岛,并很快永久性地控制了全岛,这些岛后来改称英格兰(盎格鲁人之岛)。现在人们一般把盎格鲁一撒克逊语称为古英语。33 【正确答案】 free【试题解析】 自由词素与根词一致,因为根词就是由单个的自由词素构成的,如man,earth , wind,car,anger 等。34 【正确答案】 reversative【试题解析】 表示逆向意义的前缀有:de 一,dis 一,ur-等,如 decentralize(分散,下放权力),decompose( 分解);disunite( 分离,分裂 ),disallow(不接受,不准,驳回); unhorse(跌下马来),un

40、wrap(打开)。35 【正确答案】 collocation【试题解析】 题干译文:搭配意义由一个词在其什么中所获得的联想所组成?Collective meaning consists of the associations a word acquires in itscollocation36 【正确答案】 Hyponymy【试题解析】 上下义关系涉及语义包容的关系。也就是说,一个更为具体词的意义被包含在另外一个更为一般词的意义之中。例如,tulip(郁金香)和 rose(玫瑰)是flower(花)的下义词,而 lion(狮子)和 elephant(大象)是 animal(动物)的下义词。3

41、7 【正确答案】 Vocabulary【试题解析】 词的形式和内容总是处于变化之中,是语言中最不稳定的因素。不过相比之下,词的内容比形式更不稳定。38 【正确答案】 example【试题解析】 此句话中,作者引述了一个足以阐明该词意义的例子,而不是给出一个正式的定义或解释。39 【正确答案】 inexplicable【试题解析】 习语的语义整体性可体现在每个词的字面意义和习语的意义之间不合逻辑的关系中。很多习语是无法从语义上解释的。40 【正确答案】 CCELD【试题解析】 题干译文:哪种词典在定义旁边安排了一个额外的专栏?如果我们说用句子来定义词是一个重大突破的话,那么用额外专栏来论述语法信

42、息也同样意义重大。与词典学的传统习惯做法不同的是,科林斯英语词典(CCELD)在定义旁边安排了一个额外的专栏。在这里你能找到词性、用法指南、同义词、反义词、上义词、动词模型等等。三、名词解释41 【正确答案】 Jargon refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular professions communicate among themselves. 42 【正确答案】 One common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cut

43、ting a part off the original and using what remains instead. This is called clipping. 43 【正确答案】 Associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning and is open-ended and indeterminate, liable to the influence of such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographi

44、cal region, class background, education, etc. 44 【正确答案】 Synchronically, polysemy is viewed as the coexistence of various meanings of the same word in a certain historical period of time, say, Modern English. In this way, the basic meaning of a word is the core of word-meaning called the central mean

45、ing. The derived meanings, no matter how many, are secondary in comparison. 45 【正确答案】 As the term suggests, all idioms of this category are complete sentences. They are mainly proverbs and sayings, including colloquialisms and catchphrases. As far as sentence types are concerned, they embrace declar

46、ative, interrogative, imperative and exclamative sentences. In terms of complexity they can be further divided into simple, compound and complex sentences. 四、简答题46 【正确答案】 Not all the words of the basic word stock have the five characteristics. Take pronouns and numerals for example, they enjoy natio

47、nwide use and stability, but are semantically monosemous and have limited productivity and collocability. 47 【正确答案】 (1) Names of people. Words of this group are from names of scientists, inventors, characters in mythology, historical figures and characters in literary works, etc. e. g. ampere and wa

48、tt are from French physicist Ampere and Scottish inventor Watt respectively.(2)Names of places. Many words denoting products, objects, or materials come from the names of places where they were first produced, e. g. afghan (a kind of knitted rug) first made in Afghanistan. (3)Names of books. Quite a

49、 few words come from names of books and thus take on the meanings associated with the names described in the books, e. g. Catch-22(a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule). (4)Tradenames. Words like nylon, orlon, dacron, rayon were originally tradenames and are now used to denote the four types of f

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