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1、全国自考(英语词汇学)模拟试卷 9 及答案与解析一、单项选择题1 Semantics is the study of meanings of different_levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc. ( )(A)linguistic(B) grammatical(C) arbitrary(D)semantic2 About content words and functional words, which of the following statements is not true? ( )(A)Content words inc

2、lude nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.(B) Functional words dont have notions of their own. Thats why they are called empty words.(C) Functional words do far more work of expression in English than content words.(D)The chief function of content words is to express the relation between n

3、otions.3 Which of the following words is not from Chinese? ( )(A)Tea.(B) Ketchup.(C) Kungfu.(D)Czar.4 Handbook is a word created by combing_. ( )(A)two native words(B) a native word and a loan word(C) two loan words(D)a Celtic word and an Anglo-Saxon word5 Between 1250 and 1500 about_ French words p

4、oured into English. ( )(A)900(B) 9000(C) 10000(D)120006 Though still at work today, _ can hardly compare with what it was in the past. ( )(A)word-formation(B) borrowing(C) derivation(D)conversion7 “Im-“, “ir-“, “il-“ and “in-“ are all_of the_, negative prefix. ( )(A)morphs; morpheme(B) morphemes; mo

5、rph(C) allomorphs; morphs(D)allomorphs; morpheme8 In English, inflectional affixes are_and derivational affixes are both and . ( )(A)suffixes; prefixes; suffixes(B) infixes; suffixes; prefixes(C) prefixes; suffixes; prefixes(D)prefixes; infixes; prefixes9 The prefix in pseudo-friend is a_. ( )(A)pre

6、fix of degree or size(B) negative prefix(C) pejorative prefix(D)reversative prefix10 Most compounds consist of only_stems. ( )(A)two(B) three(C) four(D)five11 The overwhelming majority of blends are_. ( )(A)adjectives(B) adverbials(C) verbs(D)nouns12 Words are but symbols, many of which have meaning

7、 only when they have acquired . ( )(A)concept(B) sense(C) motivation(D)reference13 “Much“ and “many“ have the same_. ( )(A)concept(B) motivation(C) collocation(D)sense14 We can work out the meaning of heliocentric and geocentric according to ( )(A)morphological structure(B) relevant details(C) gramm

8、atical structure(D)physical context15 Sense relations include_. ( )(A)polysemy, analogy, amelioration, homonymy and hyponymy(B) tautology, analogy, synonymy, antonymy and homonymy(C) polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy(D)inconsistency, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy16 _ is

9、 not a pair of homophones. ( )(A)air, heir(B) dear, deer(C) son, sun(D)tear, tear17 “Lump“, “slice“, “chunk“, “sheet“ and “cake“ have the same_meaning “piece“, but they are different in ( )(A)conceptual; connotation(B) lexical; denotation(C) conceptual; application(D)associative; collocation18 In Ha

10、mlet, “rival“ in “The rivals of my watch, bid them make haste.“ means “_“. ( )(A)opinion(B) partner(C) animal(D)judgement19 _is not the narrowing of word-meaning. ( )(A)Some phrases are shortened and only one element of the original is left to retain the meaning of the whole.(B) Material nouns are u

11、sed to refer to objects made of them(C) A word of abstract meaning is used as a concrete meaning(D)A common word is turned into a specific word20 The two major factors that cause changes in meaning are _. ( )(A)historical reason and class reason(B) historical reason and psychological reason(C) class

12、 reason and psychological reason(D)extra-linguistic factors and linguistic factors21 Context_meaning. ( )(A)explains(B) interprets(C) defines(D)all the above22 In “do science at school“, “do“ means “study“, the understanding of “do“ depends on_ ( )(A)grammatical context(B) lexical context(C) relevan

13、t details(D)extra-linguistic23 In the sentence “Perhaps the most startling theory to come out of kinesics, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Birdwhistell. “_is used. ( )(A)example(B) definition(C) explanation(D)synonymy24 The morphemic structure of words especially_and words off

14、ers clues for inferring the meanings of unknown words. ( )(A)acronyms; derived(B) blends; clipped(C) compounds; derived(D)converted words; derived25 Of the five groups of idioms, _is the largest group. ( )(A)idioms verbal in nature(B) idioms adverbial in nature(C) idioms nominal in nature(D)idioms a

15、djectival in nature26 “Up and down“ is_ as rhetorical colouring. ( )(A)rhyme(B) alliteration(C) reiteration(D)juxtaposition27 In the idiom “powder ones nose“, _is used. ( )(A)metaphor(B) euphemism(C) metonymy(D)synecdoche28 _is a well-known encyclopedic dictionary. ( )(A)Websters Third New Internati

16、onal Dictionary(B) The Word Book Dictionary(C) The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology(D)The Encyclopedia Britannica29 British dictionaries generally use_to indicate pronunciation. ( )(A)International Phonetic Alphabet(B) Websters systems(C) Broad Romic(D)Narrow Romic30 In_the definition of the w

17、ords are all in full sentence. ( )(A)The Concise Oxford Dictionary(B) A Chinese-English Dictionary(C) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English(D)Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary二、填空题31 Content words are changing all the time whereas words are stable.32 It can be concluded that English h

18、as evoked from a synthetic language (Old English)to the present language.33 The number of_affixes is small and stable.34 _is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special phrases and technical terms.35 By_motivation, we mean

19、 that the meaning of a particular word is related to its origin.36 Red, scarlet, mauve, violet, lavender, pansy, black, purple, etc. , make up the field of “colours“.37 The attitudes of classes have also made inroads into lexical meaning in the case of elevation or_.38 Physical situation or environm

20、ent relating to the use of words is_context.39 The dominant sense of the word dictionary for English-speaking people is a book which presents in order the words of English.40 _dictionaries concentrate on a particular area of language or knowledge, treating such diverse topics as etymology, synonyms,

21、 idioms, etc.三、名词解释41 translation-loan42 zero derivation43 lexical meaning44 degradation45 a variation of an idiom四、简答题46 How do you account for the role of native words in English in relation to loan-words?47 Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of th

22、e types of meaning. Grammatical meaning refers to the part of speech, tenses verbs and stylistic features of words.48 Exemplify the various sources of homonyms.49 What are the characters of idioms?五、论述题50 Analyze the morphological structures of the following words and point out the types of the morp

23、hemes. dishearten, idealistic, unfriendly51 Study the following sentence: (l)pick out the idiom, (2)explain its origin, and (3)comment on the use. Davids head was in the tool-box, but his voice was heard saying, “Too many cooks, better let me. “全国自考(英语词汇学)模拟试卷 9 答案与解析一、单项选择题1 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 Semantic

24、s is the study of meanings of different linguistic levels: lexis,syntax,utterance,discourse,etc语义学研究不同语言层次的意义,如词汇、句法、语调、话语等。2 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 题干译文:关于实词和虚词的叙述,下列哪项不正确?A 项实词包括名词、动词、形容词、副词和数词;B 项功能词又被称为虚词,它们本身没有实义;C 项在英语中,功能词比实义词起着更重要的作用;这三项都正确; D 项实词的主要功能是表达概念之间的关系;D 项错误;正确表述是 Content words denote clea

25、r notions实义词表示明确的概念。3 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 题干译文:下列哪个词不是来源于汉语?译借词是英语词汇中外来语词的一种,如 tea(茶)译自汉语的“茶”,ketchup(番茄酱)译自汉语的“茄汁”,kungfu 译自汉语的“功夫 ”。而 czar(沙皇)这个词指 1917 年以前俄国的皇帝,源自罗马皇帝恺撒(Caesar) 。现在,这个词用指 “任何权力至高无上的人 ”、“权威”。4 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 古英语(450 一 1150 年)时期,基督教的传人给英国词汇带来了很大的影响。基督教传来了许多新思想、新风俗,同时也传来了许多宗教术语,如abbot(男修道

26、院院长),candle(蜡烛),altar(祭坛),amen(阿门),apostle(使徒)等。但当时古英语从拉丁语和其他语言中借来的词并没有后来那么多,有时是改变原有本族语词的词义,如 Easter(原意为纪念黎明之神的春节之名,现义为复活节)。常见的创造新词的办法是把两个本族语词合在一起而构成新词,如 handbook(手册)等。5 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 从 1250 年到 1500 年的 250 年间,大约有 9000 个法语词汇进入到英语中,其中有 75仍在使用。这些词与人类社会的各个方面都有关系,政府、社会等级、法律、宗教、道德领域、军事、食物、时装等。6 【正确答案】 B【

27、试题解析】 Borrowing has played a vital role in the development of vocabulary,particularly in earlier times Though still at work now,it can hardly compare with what it did in the past可见 borrowing(借词)在英语词汇发展过程中的作用在不断减小。7 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 词素是最小的语义单位。如名词复数一 s,一 es。即有些词素在不同的语言环境中有不同的体现形式,这些具体的体现形式为词素变体。如否定前缀的变

28、体有 im-,ir 一,il 一, in 一。8 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 英语中,屈折词缀通常为后缀,派生词缀既有前缀也有后缀。屈折词缀如复数一 s,一 es,动词第三人称单数一 s,形容词的比较级和最高级一 er,一 est派生词缀如前缀 pre 一,sub后缀一 ward,一 y 等。9 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 前缀按其表达意义不同共分为 9 种。其中一种为表达贬义意义的词缀,如 mal 一( 坏的),mis 一( 弄错),pseudo 一(假的)。10 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 大多数复合词是由两个词根组成,但是组成方式多样,且词内部的语法关系也异常复杂。11 【正确答案

29、】 D【试题解析】 The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns 绝大多数拼缀词是名词。12 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 Words are but symbols,many of which have meaning onlywhen they have acquired reference词只是符号,许多词只有获得所指后才有意义。13 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 概念(concept)存在于语言之外。是人类认知的结果是客观世界在人脑中的反映,而意义(sense)存在于语言内部,意义的存在依赖于语言内部之间的语义关系及搭配。因此有些词虽具有相

30、同概念,但因其搭配不同的词,所以意义不同。如 many 和 much 概念相同,但 many 与可数名词搭配,而 much 与不可数名词搭配,所以二者意义也不同。另外,两词并不是理据词汇(motivated words),它们的形式和意义之间是任意的、规约的关系。14 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 题干译文:通过下列哪项,可以猜出 heliocentric 和 geocentric 的意思?这两个词都是复合词,前者是 helio+centric 构成的,后者是 geo+centric 构成的,hello 有太阳的意思,如 heliotogy 是太阳学,geo 有“地球”的意思,如geograp

31、hy 是“地理”的意思,而 centric 是“中心的 ”。它们分别是以 helio 和 geo 为词干,centric 为词缀构成的词,可以猜出他们的意思分别是“太阳中心说的”和“地球中心说的”。两个复合词是由两个词素构成的,根据这两个词素的意思,即词缀和词干的意思,可以分别猜出他们的意思,这种属于形态理据,也就是morphological structure。15 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 词就其外部方面拼写和发音而言是具有任意性的符号和独立的单位。但在语义上,所有的词都是彼此相关的。一个与其他词相关联的词是在语义上与它们相关的,因而有了语义关系。语义关系主要包括:多义关系、同形同音异

32、义关系、同义关系、反义关系、上下义关系和语义场。16 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 题干译文:下列哪项不属于同音异形异义词?A 项 air neo(天空),heir n ea (继承人 );B 项 dear ndia(亲爱的人),deer ndia( 鹿);C 项 son nsan(儿子),sun n sn(太阳) ;都属于同音异形异义词(homophones);而 D 项 tear nrio(撕开撕裂)属(泪珠),tear vtteo于同形异音异义词(homographs)。17 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 题干译文:“lump” ,“slice”,“chunk”,“sheet”和“cak

33、e”这几个词有相同的什么意义?然而它们在哪个方面又是不同的?“lump”,“slice”,“chunk”,“sheet”和“cake”这几个词表示的概念相同,都是表示“件”的单位词,但是搭配不同,如 a lump of sugar(一块糖),a slice ofmeat( 一块肉),a chunk of wood(一块木头),a sheet of paper(一片纸 ),acake of soap(一块肥皂)等,而搭配不同属于同义词的区别中应用上的差别。18 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 词的形式和内容总是处于变化之中,是语言中最不稳定的因素。不过相比之下,词的内容比形式更不稳定。莎士比亚的作

34、品比今天的文章难懂得多,因为他使用的词义与今天词典里给出的词义有所不同。如哈姆雷特中“rival”一词在句子“The rivals of my watch,bidthem make haste” 中的意思是“同伴(partner)”。19 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 题干译文:以下哪项不属于词义的缩小?词义的缩小也称词义的具体化,与词义的扩大相反。这是意义范围较大的词向意义范围较小的方向演变的过程。换句话说,以前意义较广的词在当代英语中变成了意义有限的词。普通名词转化为专有名词时,词义随之缩小,选项 D 正确;有时为了简洁,有些词组只留下一部分(往往是形容词) 来表示整个词组的意思这些形容词

35、也就包含了特有的意思,选项 A 正确;物质名词也有同样的情况,选项 B 正确;C 选项中抽象名词转化为具体名词不属于词义的缩小。20 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 There are generally two major factors that CaUSe changes inmeaning:extra linguisic factors and linguistic factors影响词义变化的两个主要因素是非语言因素和语言因素,21 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 题干译文:语境对于词义的作用是什么?Context is very im portant for the understan

36、ding of word-meaning because the meaning isinfluenced immediately by the linguistic context,for meaning lives incontext and the context defines meaning可以看出 context 既解释,又界定语义。22 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 一个词的意义经常被它周围词的意义所影响和界定,这叫做词义受词汇环境(lexicalcontext)的影响。本题中 do 的意义受 science(科学)的界定,故意为 study(学习 )。23 【正确答案】 B【试

37、题解析】 词义线索有定义、解释、举例、近义词、反义词、上下义词和词汇结构。本题中 the study of body movement 是对学科 kinesics 的定义。24 【正确答案】 C【试题解析】 题干译文:单词的形态结构,特别是什么和什么为未知词意义的推断提供了大量线索?单词的形态结构,特别是复合词和派生词为未知词意义的推断提供了大量线索,如:Copernicus believed in a heliocentric universe,rather than in the geocentric theory(哥白尼相信日心宇宙,而不是地心论)。如果我们知道geology(地质学)或

38、 geography(地理学)中 geo 这个形式,以及它是用于与 helio 一相对立的,那么我们在哥白尼(Copernicus)的贡献的历史知识的帮助下就不难猜出heliocentric 和 geocentric 的意义了。25 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 Idioms verbal in nature is the largest group of all动词性习语是五类习语中数量最多的。26 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 除了文体特征外,习浯在语音运用、词汇运用和修辞手段等方面表现出明显的修辞色彩。语音运用包括:头韵法(alliteration),韵脚(rhyme);词汇运用包括:重

39、复(同义的重叠)(reiteration),重复(repetition),邻接(反义词)(juxtaposition),如 here and there(到处、处处)、 upand down(上上下下、前前后后)。27 【正确答案】 B【试题解析】 习语 powder oues nose 意为 go to the restroom(上厕所),很显然,这是委婉语修辞的使用。28 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 题干译文:下列哪个是有名的百科词典?语言词典着眼于词的定义及解释在语言中的用法。它们通常包括拼写、发音、意义、语法功能、用法及词源等这些方面。百科词典可以进一步细分为百科全书和百科词典。一部

40、百科全书并不关心语言本身,而是提供每一一核心词所包含的各种信息。读者在其中找不到发音或意义或用法,而是其他的信息。著名的百科全书有 20 卷的不列颠百科全书(The Encyclopedia Britannica)和 30 卷的美国百科全书(The Encyclopedia Americana)。百科词典兼有语言词典和百科全书的特征。选项 A 中的 Websters ThirdNew International Dictionary(韦伯斯特第三版新国际大词典)和选项 B 中的 The Word Book Dictionary(世界图书大词典 )属于unabridgeddictionaries

41、(大型词典 );选项 C 中的 The Oxford Dictionary of EnglishEtymology(牛津英语词源词典)属于 specialized dictionaries(专用词典)。29 【正确答案】 A【试题解析】 英国字典的音标体系大体用的是 International Phonetic Al 一phabet,而美国字典用的是 Websters systems。30 【正确答案】 D【试题解析】 以下哪种词典中词的定义都是完整句子的形式?Collins Co build English Language Dictionary(科林斯英语词典)中的定义都是完整句子的形式,

42、是词典类中最为易读的。二、填空题31 【正确答案】 functional【试题解析】 实义词一直在变化而什么词是稳定的?Content words are growing whereas functional words remain stable32 【正确答案】 analytic【试题解析】 可以这样说,英语已经从古英语的综合型语言发展成了现在的什么型语言?It can be concluded that English has evoked from a synthetic language(Old English)to the present analytic language33 【

43、正确答案】 inflectional【试题解析】 什么词缀的数量很少且很稳定?The number of inflectional affixes is small and stable34 【正确答案】 Acronymy【试题解析】 由首字母组合在一起作为一个标准单词拼音的词叫做什么?Acronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and techn

44、ical terms35 【正确答案】 etymological【试题解析】 什么理据是说某个词的意义经常直接与其来源直接相关?Etymological motivation means that the meanings of many words often relate directly to their origins36 【正确答案】 semantic【试题解析】 Red(红色)、scarlet(猩红)、mauve(淡紫)、violet(紫罗兰色)等这些词构成“色彩”一词的什么?红色、猩红、淡紫等都是具体的颜色,包括在更为一般的色彩当中,因此构成了颜色的语义场。37 【正确答案】 d

45、egradation【试题解析】 不同阶级的态度影响词义的升格或什么?The attitudes of classes have also made inroads into lexical meaning in the case of elevation or degradation38 【正确答案】 extra-linguistic【试题解析】 物理环境称为什么语境?Extra linguistic context includes the physical situation as well39 【正确答案】 alphabetical【试题解析】 对于讲英语的人来说,dictionary

46、(字典)这个词的主要意义是一本依照什么顺序来排列的英语单词?The dominant sense of the word dictionary for Englishspeaking people is a book which presents in alphabetical order the words of English40 【正确答案】 Specialized【试题解析】 什么词典专注于语言或知识的某个特定领域,探讨诸如语言学中的词源、同义词、习语等?Specialized dictionaries concentrate on a particular area of langu

47、age or knowledge,treating such diverse topics as etymology,synonyms,idioms,etc 三、名词解释41 【正确答案】 Translation-loans are words and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modelled on the patterns taken from another language. 42 【正确答案】 Conversion is generally considered

48、to be a derivational process whereby an item is adapted or converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix. Hence the name zero-derivation. 43 【正确答案】 Lexical meaning is constant in all the content words within or without context as it is related to the notion that the word conveys. Le

49、xical meaning itself has two components: conceptual meaning and associative meaning. 44 【正确答案】 Degradation is a process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatiory sense. 45 【正确答案】 (1)an idiom with some changes in form;(2)used in the same meaning or similar meaning.四、简答题46 【正确答案】 Native w

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