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本文(江苏省宿迁市2019中考英语高分复习第一篇教材梳理篇第24课时Unit8(九上)课件.pptx)为本站会员(刘芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、宿迁专版,第 24 课时 Unit 8(九上),PART ONE,第一篇 教材梳理篇,missing,truth,truly,heavily,criminal,safety,theft,untidy,enemies,probably,lying,stole,stolen,shutting,shut,shut,wealthy,bled,bled,bosses,go missing,much more serious,a 25-year-old man,make notes,tell the truth,breathe heavily,safety tips,be sure of,do somet

2、hing against the law,do sth for a living/make a living by doing sth,be under arrest for murder,in a hurry,a man of great wealth,protect oneself against crime,be dressed like,call the police,turn out,break into,in prison,lead to,have nothing to do with,has gone missing,was wounded with a knife,bled t

3、o death as a result,according to the record,was last seen leaving,was guilty of,was charged with breaking into,turned out,had nothing to do with,guard against any possible danger,gets along with,except,took place between,and, missing adj. 缺少的;丢失的 The missing letter was in his pocket. 那封遗失的信竟在他的口袋里。

4、【拓展】 miss 作动词,意为“思念;错过”。 Im sure that everybody will miss him very much. 我相信每个人都会非常想念他。 I was late because I missed the bus. 我迟到了,因为我错过了公共汽车。, truth n. 事实,真相 Do you think she is telling the truth? 你认为她在讲实话吗? 【搭配】 to tell the truth说实话;老实说 To tell the truth, he is getting on really well with his class

5、mates. 说实话,他与同学们相处得真的不错。 【拓展】 true adj. 真实的,真的 truly adv. 真正地;真诚地 The novel is based on a true story. 这部小说是根据一个真实的故事写成的。 Is it true that he has left for London? 他真的已经去伦敦了吗? He knew he had behaved badly so he seemed truly sorry. 他知道自己表现得不好,所以看起来确实懊悔。, suppose vt. 猜想,假定,料想 【点拨】 suppose的用法,I suppose (t

6、hat) well go there next week. 我猜想我们下周将去那儿。 We all suppose him clever. 我们所有的人都认为他聪明。 You dont mind my smoking, I suppose.我想你不会介意我吸烟。 【拓展】 be supposed to do sth 意为“应该做某事;被期待做某事”。其否定形式为be not supposed to do sth, 意为“不应该做某事”。 She is supposed to arrive here on time. 她应该准时到这儿。 You arent supposed to play fo

7、otball in the classroom. 你不应该在教室里踢足球。,【典例】 2018临沂 Jane to call me last night, but she didnt. A.supposed B.supposes C.was supposed supposed,C, turn out 原来是,结果是 【点拨】 turn out意为“原来是,结果是”,其后常接that从句或动词不定式。 The party turned out to be very successful. 聚会开得很成功。 【典例】 2016无锡 If the weather to be rainy,

8、we may have to cancel the sports meeting. A.runs out B.breaks out C.finds out D.turns out,D, have nothing to do with 与无关 You dont have to worry since you have nothing to do with this thing. 既然你与这件事无关,你就不必担心。 【拓展】 have something to do with 与有关 The police think the boss has something to do with the mu

9、rder. 警察认为老板和这起谋杀案有关。, hurry v. 匆忙,赶紧 n. 急忙,赶快 【点拨】 hurry的用法:,Im late. I must hurry up. 我迟到了,我必须快点。 You will make mistakes if you do things in a hurry. 如果你匆匆忙忙地做事,你就会犯错。,【典例】 (1)2018苏州二模 When going upstairs or downstairs, we need to walk on the right, leaving the left space for the people who .

10、rry up B.look around away D.take up (2)Anna is because the train is leaving in half an hour. person danger surprise a hurry,A,D, The victim was wounded with a knife and bled to death as a result. 受害人被人用刀刺伤,结果失血过多而死。 【点拨】 (1)wound 在此处为动词,意为“使受伤”;wound也可作名词,意为“伤口”。 The soldie

11、r was wounded in the arm. 这名士兵的胳膊受伤了。 The nurse helped the boy clean the wound. 护士帮那个男孩清洗了伤口。 (2)bleed 作动词,意为“流血”,其过去式和过去分词均是bled。bleed to death 意为“失血而死”。 His nose bleeds badly. 他的鼻子流血很多。,【拓展】 bleed的名词形式为blood,意为“血;血液”。 He lost a lot of blood in the accident. 他在那起事故中流了很多血。 (3)as a result是固定短语,意为“因此,

12、结果”,可放在句首、句尾,也可放在句子中间。另一个相似的结构是as a result of,意为“由于,作为的结果”,相当于because of。 It is raining heavily. As a result, we cant go out. 雨正下得很大,因此我们不能出去。 We cant take a walk as a result of the strong wind. 由于强风,我们不能散步了。, “He was charged with breaking into several computer systems over the last year,” said Dete

13、ctive Lu. 陆警探说:“他被指控在去年一年中闯入数个电脑系统。” 【点拨】 (1)charge sb with意为“指控某人有罪”,其被动结构为“sb be charged with”。 The police charged the man with stealing the money. 警方指控这个人偷钱。 The old man was charged with kidnapping. 那位老人被指控犯有绑架罪。 (2)break into意为“强行闯入”。 The thief can break into a car in less than ten seconds.那个窃贼不

14、到十秒钟就能把汽车撬开。 【搭配】 与break相关的短语: break down破坏,坏掉 break out 爆发 break away from 逃脱,脱离 break the record打破纪录 break ones heart 使某人很难过 break the law违法,【典例】 (1)The hunter was charged killing a red-crowned crane. A.of B.for C.with (2)Last night somebody Mr Browns house and took away many things. A.broke

15、out B.broke into C.broke down D.broke up,C,B,.根据句意或句子的语法要求,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 1.To tell the (true), I dont like the food in that restaurant. 2.The man is so selfish that he has made a lot of (enemy). 3.Our monitor is always (dress) like an adult. 4.All the children were breathing (heavy) after they rea

16、ched the top of the mountain. 5.For (safe), remember to lock the door when you leave home. 6.Its cold outside. Would you mind (shut) the windows? 7.There is a (report) interviewing the famous actress over there. 8.He didnt notice there was anything (miss) from his room until later on. 9.Loss of heal

17、th is more serious than loss of (wealthy). 10.Judy is really an (tidy) girl. She never cleans up her bedroom.,truth,enemies,dressed,heavily,safety,shutting,reporter,missing,wealth,untidy,.根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空词数不限 1.西蒙和他新同学的和睦相处有困难。 Simon has his new classmates. 2.今天早上八点有人看到一个不明飞行物向北飞去了。 A UFO to the nort

18、h at 8 this morning. 3.当你做运动时,有必要提防事故的发生。 When you play sports, its you to accidents. 4.这个猎人因杀死了一只丹顶鹤而被指控。 The hunter a red-crowned crane. 5.玛丽很快爱上了鲍勃,但结果却是一个很大的错误。 Mary Bob quickly, but it to be a terrible mistake.,difficulty/trouble (in) getting on/along well with,was seen flying,necessary for,guard against,was charged with killing,fell in love with,turned out,

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