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1、- 1 -海南省海南枫叶国际学校 2017-2018 学年高一英语上学期期中试题注:请将所有答案答在答题卡上,最后只交答题卡页。I.单词,短语拼写 (满分 30 分)A) 单词英汉互译:(每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)1.态度 a 2.方法 m_ 3.省会 c_ 4.历史 h_ 5.诗歌 p_ 6.使印象深刻 i_7.避开 a_ 8.description _ 9.enthusiastic _10.behavior _ 11.serious _ 12.patient _13.vacation _ 14.province _ 15.amusing _B) 短语互译:(每小题 1 分;满分 15

2、 分)1.期待;盼望 look forward _ 2. 取得进步_ progress3.由某人决定 be _ to sb. 4. 为.付钱;支付 pay _5.结果是 as _ result 6.在.方面做得好 do well _7.参加 take part _ 8. 换句话说 _ other words9.写下 write _ 10.完全不像;毫不相像 nothing _11.远离;远非 far _ 12.起初 _ first13.和.相似 be similar _ 14. 被(划)分为 be divided _15.同意;赞同;适合 agree _ II.阅读理解:(40 分;每小题 2

3、 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。( A )Can you swim? Swimming is one of the most popular activities in summer. It can be learned early in life. Little children can learn to swim as soon as they walk. In fact, you need the same skills in walking as in swimming. However, I believe that five is t

4、he best age to learn it. By five or six, a child knows fear of water, a very important thing to know. Its wise to be afraid. The young understand that the water can sometimes be very dangerous.- 2 -When you swim, you should follow certain rules: Never swim alone! No matter how good you are in the wa

5、ter, dont risk drowning by swimming alone. If you swim by yourself, you may get into trouble. Dont go beyond your abilities. Most swimmers know it clearly not to swim too far from the bank or the beach. Dont show off your skills by doing dangerous tricks. Dont smoke. Swimming depends on a healthy bo

6、dy. Work at any activity that builds muscles (肌肉).1.Little children can learn to swim as soon as _ .A.they can talk B.they start walkingC.they have no fear of the water D.they are five or six years old2.The writer believes its very _for a child to know the fearof water.A. important B. useful C. dang

7、erous D. bad3.According to the passage, you should not swim alone because .A.the water is too cold B.your parents would not be happyC.something in the water might attack might drown( B ) Henry Ford was the first person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fastHe was able to se11 millions

8、of models because he could produce them in large numbers at a time; that is,he made a great many cars of exactly the same kindFords father hoped that his son would become a farmer,but the young man did not like the idea and he went to Detroit(底特律)where he worked as a mechanic(机械师)By the age of 29,in

9、 1892,he had built his first - 3 -carHowever,the car made in this way,the famous “Model T” did not appear until 1908-five years after Ford had started his great motor car factoryThis car showed to be well-known that it remained (保持)unchanged for twenty yearsSince Fords time,this way of producing (生产

10、,制造)cars in large numbers has become common in industry and has reduced the price of many goods which would otherwise be very expensive4Henry Ford was the man to built _ carsAcheap and strong Bcheap and longCfast and expensive Dstrong and slow5. Ford was able to sell millions of cars ,because_Ahe ma

11、de many greet cars Bhis cars are manyChe made lots of cars of the same kind Dboth A and B6. The young man became a mechanic,_Awhich was his fathers will Bwhich was against his own willCwhich was against his fathers will Dwhich was the will of both7. The “Model T” was very famous_Abefore 1908 Bbetwee

12、n 1982 and 1908Cbefore 1892 Dafter 1908( C )People need to relax and enjoy themse1vesOne way they can have a good time is to watch a baseball game or another sports eventEven thousands of years ago,groups of people gathered to watch skilled athletes(运动员)Over 2000 years ago in Greece,certain days in

13、the year were festival daysThese were holidays when people stopped work and enjoyed themselvesThey liked to watch athletes take part in races and other games of skillThe most important festival was held every four years at the town of - 4 -OlympiaIt was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus(Zus)For fi

14、ve days,athletes from all parts of the Greek world took part in the Olympic GamesAt the Olympic Games,people could watch them box,run,jump and so onThere was a relay race between two teams of men in which a lighted torch(火矩)was passed from runner to runnerThe Olympic Games were thought to be so impo

15、rtant that cities which were at war with one another had to stop fightingPeople were allowed to travel to the games safelyThousands of people came to Olympia from cities in Greece and from her colonies(殖民地)in Africa ,Asia and ItalyThey met as friends to cheer their favorite athletes and to enjoy the

16、mselves8What happened in Greece over 2000 years ago?APeople stopped work and enjoyed themselvesBThe cities there were often against one anotherCPeople watched baseball gamesDPeople didnt go to any games at all9What did people do at the games?AThey fought BThey just talked to friendsCThey cheered for

17、 good athletes DThey tried to find friends10Greek cities then were fighting so they_Awere weak (虚弱的) Bwere strongC.couldnt go to other cities freely D.could see each other11The best title for the story is“_”AGreece at War BTogether for the Games CStop Fighting DSport( D )Do you know why people look

18、the way they look? What inside our bodies makes us grow in a certain way? The answer is DNA. It was first discovered by a young Swiss doctor in 1868.- 5 -DNA is like a computer program for your body. Almost every cell(细胞) in your body includes DNA. The way DNA in the cell decides why you are the way

19、 you are. For example your friend might have larger ears than you. This is because their DNA is different from yours.DNA lives in the cell and is ordered in a structure called a “double helix(双螺旋)”. In each double helix there are links called as chromosomes(染色体). These chromosomes are made from four

20、 bases that arrange (分类,安排)themselves in millions of different ways. The way these bases choose to line up is what makes the DNA code for that cell.DNA is also called a “gene(基因)”. This is a very interesting thing. Genes are passed down from your parents. That is why you might have the same smile li

21、ke your dads or moms!In February, scientists found the skeleton(骨架) of Richard III, King of England from 1483-1485, under a car park in England. It seems unlikely that scientists could identify(识别) a 527-year-old skeleton. However, they matched (使相配)the skeletons DNA to a sample from one of his dire

22、ct descendants(后代). How amazing!12. discovered DNA.A. A Swiss scientist B. A Swiss doctor C. A young student D. A Swiss worker13. Which of the following is Wrong?A. DNA is a part of the cell.B. Different people have different DNA.C. The chromosomes are made up of four bases.D. Scientists could not i

23、dentify a 527-year-old skeleton.14. What is the main function of “genes”?A. They decide your childrens appearances or characters. B. They make your children have the same smile as you.C. They make your children stay healthy.D. Theyre good for scientific researches.- 6 -15. Whats the main idea of thi

24、s passage?A. What decides DNA. B. How DNA is arranged.C. What genes are like. D. How DNA works in our body.(E)第二节 七选五。 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Bobby: I cant believe it! 16 White: Why are you complaining(抱怨)? Thats not a bad grade.Bobby: I worked on it for weeks . I s

25、pent hours in the library checkingon things. 17 I even gave up last weeks concert .White: Well , getting a B is good. 18 Bobby: But Ames didnt spend half as much time on his project and he stillgot an A .White: Ames always gets good grades on his projects. If you are trulydissatisfied(不满足的), why don

26、t you speak to the teacher to findout why you only got a B ?Bobby: 19 White: Maybe your grade can be changed. If that cant be done,you canfind out what was weak about it and try to improve on those pointsin your next project.Bobby: 20 - 7 -A. I think thats the best thing to do .B. Im really not in t

27、he mood to speak to that teacher. C. I really thought Id done a good job.D. I have done much better than ever. E. Its up to you to decide what to do. F. I only got a B on my project. G. I just dont see why you are so upset. III.完形填空:(满分 30 分;每小题 1.5 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

28、Do you know (21) languages there are in the world? There are about 1,500 but many of them are no very (22) .English is one of the most important languages because many people (23) it, not only in England and America, (24) in other countries of the world About 200,000,000 speak it (25) their own lang

29、uage, and another 200,000,000 use it as (26)language. It is (27) to say how many people are learning it.(28) boys and girls in schools are trying to do so.Many English children study French. French is also a very important language.(29) children study German, Russian, Japanese and Chinese. Which is

30、the best (30) to learn a language? We know that we all learnt (31) language well when we were (32) if we learn a second language in the (33) way,it wont seem so difficult. What does a small child do? It (34) what people say, and it tries to guess what it hears. When it wants something, it has to (35

31、) it. It is using the language ,(36) in it and talking in it - 8 -all the time .If people use a second language (37) , they will learn it (38) . In school, you learn to read, to write, to hear and to speak. It is best to learn all new words through the (39) . You can read them , spell them and (40)

32、them later.21Ahow many Bwhat number Ca lot of Dso many22Auseful Bnecessary CImportant Dgood23Alike Buse Clearn Dspeak24Abut Band Calso Dso25Alike Bwith Cfor Das26Aforeign Ba second Cthe second Da special27Aeasy Bagain Cdifficult Dbest28AMillions of BMillion of CMillions DSeveral million29ASome BAnot

33、her CAll DFew30.Atime Bway Cthing Dplace31.Aa foreign Bour mothers Cothers Dour own32.Aborn Bchildren Cgrown Dboys33.Asame Bdifferent Cuseful Dgood34.Adoes Bas Clistens to Dfollows35.Aask Bwant Cget Dask for36.Aspeaking Bwriting Cthinking Ddoing37.Asome time Bsometimes C.all the time Dfor the time38

34、.Aquickly Bsoon Cfreely Dhardly39.Amouth Bhands Cears Dmind40.Alisten Buse Clove DwriteIV.语法填空:(满分 15 分,每小题 1.5 分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 - 9 -They say that first impressions are very important. My first (41)_ (impress) of Mrs. Li was (42)_ she was nervous (紧张的)and shy. I think per

35、haps she was , as it was her first lesson with us. But now, after two weeks , the class really likes working (43)_ her. She is kind and (44)_ (patience) , and she explains English grammar (45)_ clearly that even I can understand it! She avoids (46)_ (make) you feel stupid ! Ive always hated making m

36、istakes or pronouncing a word incorrectly (47)_ I speak English , but Mrs. Li just smiles, so that you dont feel completely stupid! I think maybe she goes a bit too (48)_(slow) for the faster students, (49)_ for me its wonderful!I feel Im going to (50)_ progress with her.V.单句改错:(满分 10 分;每小题 1 分)51.H

37、ow much did you pay all these books ?52.Peter prefers to walk to school rather than to ride a bicycle .53.Some students have problems on grammar .54.Our English teacher explains everything so clear that everyone can understand her.55.With the help of Miss Yao , I have made a great progress in Englis

38、h .56.Id appreciate if you could help me with my English .57.With the boy led the way , they had no difficulty in walking out of the forest .58.I watched Susan until she was disappeared from sight .59.Tom is going to take a trip to Europe in the end of this month .60. Im looking forward to receive y

39、our e-mail in no time .- 10 -VI. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)假如你的名字叫李华,开学已有两个月了,请你写一封电子邮件告知你的英国网友 Paul有关你新校海南枫叶国际学校的一些情况。词数 100 左右。书面表达中不可出现真实的人名。内容可以适当发挥。学校概况 3000 多名学生,45 个教学班,教职员工 300 人。 你的班级情况 高一(8)班:45 名学生,其中 25 名男生、20 名女生。班主任是一位女老师,教英语,心地善良、热情友好、工作严谨。 学习科目: 语文、数学、英语为必修课,另外还有许多选修课。 参考词汇:必修课:required cours

40、es 选修课:selected courses 教职员工:teachers and staff 海南枫叶国际学校 :Maple Leaf International Schools - HainanDear Paul,_ Best wishes .- 11 -Yours,Li Hua海南枫叶国际学校 2017-2018 学年度第一学期高一年级英语学科期中考试试卷 (答案)I. A) 单词汉英互译答案:(每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)1. attitude 2. method 3. capital 4. history 5. poem 6. impress 7. avoid 8. 描述 9.

41、热心的 10. 行为11. 严肃的 12.耐心的 13. 假期 14.省 15. 有趣的;可笑的B) 短语互译:(每小题 1 分;满分 15 分)1. to 2. make 3. up 4.for 5. a 6. in 7. in 8. in 9. down 10. like 11.from 13. to 14. into 15. withII.阅读理解:(40 分;每小题 2 分)阅读 Key A 篇 : 1. B 2. A 3. D B 篇:4-7 A C C D C 篇:8-11 B C C B D 篇: 12-15 B D A DE 篇七选五答案: 16-20 FCGBAI

42、II.完形填空:(30 分;每小题 1.5 分) 21-25 ACBAD 26-30 BCAAB 31-35 DBACD 36-40 CCACDIV.语法填空:(满分 15 分,每小题 1 分)41. impression 42. that 43. with 44. patient 45. so46. making 47. when 48. slowly 49. but 50. make 第二卷 V. 单句改错:(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)51. 在 pay 后加 for 52.去掉 than 后的 to 53.on - with - 12 -54. clear - cl

43、early 55.去掉 a 56.在 appreciate 后加 it 57.led - leading58. 去掉 was 59. in - at 60. receive - receiving VI.书面表达: (25 分)参考范文 One possible version:Dear Mummy and Daddy,I have been here for two months now. Everything here is new to me. There are over 3000 students and 45 classes with 300 teachers and staff

44、in ourMaple Leaf International Schools - Hainan .The teachers in our school work hard and they are very enthusiastic and friendly. Chinese, math and English are our required courses. Besides these we have many selected subjects to choose from, too. Im in Class 8, Grade 1. There are forty-five studen

45、ts, twenty-five boys and twenty girls in my class. My English teacher is our head teacher. She is very kind to us but she is very strict and serious about her work. We all think that she is a great teacher. Please dont worry about me. Im old enough to take care of myself, and Ill do my best in all of my subjects. Best wishes !Yours,Li Hua

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