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本文(2018年中考英语真题分类汇编题型7书面表达专项训练三做法建议类(含解析).doc)为本站会员(amazingpat195)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1专 项 训 练 三 做 法 建 议 类时间:2025 分钟/篇命题规律分析全国近 3 年的中考真题可知,书面表达对“做法建议类”的话题考查比重最大,几乎是各地市命题人每年最青睐的选题方向。我们通过全面分析和总结发现,该话题主要侧重以下六个方面:人物行为方面。如:2018 自贡、黔东南、朝阳、淮安、泰州、漳州;2015 北京、重庆 A 卷、梧州等;学习方面。如:2018 安徽、武汉、黄石、南宁、齐齐哈尔;2014 重庆 A 卷、昆明等;人际方面。如:2018 宜宾、毕节、安顺、绥化、嘉兴(舟山)、盐城等;环保方面。如:2018 玉林、广安、甘肃、连云港、梧州等;安全方面。如:2018 桂林、宿

2、迁;2014 安徽等;健康方面。如:2018 来宾;2014 乐山、毕节等。好词好句1. Safety/Health. is the most important thing in our life. 2. Here are some of my suggestions.3. Id like to share my ideas with you.4. We should try our best to protect the environment.5. To keep healthy, we should eat less junk food.6. You mustnt smoke. Its

3、 bad for your health.7. Its a good idea to have more healthy food like fruit and vegetables.8. Its our duty to protect ourselves. Lets start from today.9. In my opinion, students should pay more attention to their own safety.10. Maybe you find it difficult to do. But if you try hard, I believe youll

4、 find it.写作练兵第 1 篇(2018 安徽)(25 分)假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Jack 来信,说他暑假期间要来中国交流学习。他学了两年中文,但是仍然担心用中文交流时会遇到困难。请你用英语给 Jack 写封回信,提几点建议,要点如下:1. 大胆自信;2. 放慢语速;3. 借助图画或肢体语言等表达方式。注意:1. 词数 80100;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;4. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:自信的 confident 肢体语言 body language2Dear Jack,How is everything goin

5、g? I am very glad to learn that you are coming to China this summer._Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua第 2 篇(2018 武汉)(15 分)初中生活即将结束,学校英语俱乐部特邀你写一篇英语短文,给七年级新生的学习生活提几点建议。内容要点如下:1. 初中科目更多,好的学习方法很重要;2. 锻炼身体,保持健康;3. 参加社团活动,使学校生活丰富;4. 多读书,多交朋友;5. 补充一两点个人想法。注意:1. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;2. 词数:6080;3. 内容连贯,不要逐条翻译;4. 短文的开头已给出,

6、不计入总词数。参考词汇:method n. 方法 club n社团 colorful adj.丰富的Welcome to our school!_第 3 篇(2018 自贡)(20 分)你校将于近期举办一场主题为“怎样成为一名受欢迎的学生”的演讲比赛,假如你是王华,请根据下面的要点和要求,以“How to be a popular student?”为题,写一篇 80 词左右的英语演讲稿。文章的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。要点:1.衣着整洁,常常微笑;2诚实善良,乐于助人;3懂得与他人分享;4其它。要求:1.内容完整,语言流畅,不要逐句翻译,自由地适当发挥。2短文中不能出现真实姓名,校名

7、和其他真实信息。How to be a popular student?Hello, everyone! I am Wang Hua._Thats all. Thank you for your listening.第 4 篇(2018 十堰)3(15 分)这次考试结束以后,你将怎样度过一个有意义的暑假,请用英语写一篇文章给你自己和小伙伴们一些好的建议,内容必须包括以下要点:走亲访友,和家人一起共度美好时光。和好朋友们一起看电影,听音乐假期我们应该加强体育锻炼,增强体质。你还有什么别的建议(至少两条)。要求:1. 字数 80100,不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥。2. 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。

8、3. 行文连贯,条理清晰,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。4. 标题和开头已给出,不计入总字数。How to Take a Meaningful Summer Vacation after the ExamIt is necessary to take a meaningful summer vacation after the exam. There are kinds of activities for us to take part in._第 5 篇(2018 毕节)(20 分)最近从媒体报道的一些家庭事件来看,孩子与父母的关系不和谐,隔阂越来越大,孩子普遍存在逆反心理。针对这个问题,某

9、中学生英文报社开展了主题为“与父母和谐相处”的征文大赛。作为一名初中毕业生,你一定有自己的思想与辨别是非的基本能力,但你是否曾想过应该怎样和自己的父母相处呢?请以“How to Get on Well with Our Parents?”为题写一篇短文参加此次征文大赛。一、写作要点提示1. 与父母和谐相处很重要。2. 与父母和谐相处的做法或建议:(1)理解与尊重父母(如倾听与有礼貌表达想法);(2)多与父母交流(如分享快乐与倾诉烦恼);(3)为父母做一些力所能及的事。3. 与父母和谐相处的感受。二、写作要求短文应紧扣要点,但不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥,以使短文衔接、连贯,词数控制在80100 词

10、。_第 6 篇(2018 盐城)(20 分)学校将举办英语写作比赛。请根据所给提示,以“Getting along well with others”为题,写一篇参赛短文。注意事项:1. 词数:100 词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;3. 文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥。Getting along well with othersNo one can live without keeping in with others. Therefore, its important 4for us to learn how to_第 7 篇(2

11、018 宜宾)(15 分)班级将举办英语演讲比赛,请根据思维导图,以“How to Be Happy”为题目,写一篇 90 词左右的演讲稿。开头和结尾已经给出(不计入总词数)。要求:1.短文应条理清楚,行文连贯,段落分明。2短文中不能出现真实的姓名、学校、地名等信息。3短文应包括全部信息,可围绕主题适当发挥。Good morning, everybody! The topic I want to talk about today is “How to Be Happy”. The following are my suggestions._Thats what I want to share

12、with you. Thank you!第 8 篇(2018 嘉兴)(20 分)英语课上,你们开展了一次以“What can we do to make home a happier place?”为主题的讨论,同学们把自己的想法写在卡片上。请结合卡片信息,用英语写一篇短文,向校刊 English Learning 投稿。注意:(1)短文必须包括卡片所给的信息,适当发挥,并谈谈自己的想法。(2)文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息。(3)词数:80100。短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。短文首句:In our English class, we had a discussion about wh

13、at we can do to make home a happier place._第 9 篇(2018 广安)(10 分)健康的身体是我们中学生学习的保证。但是网络抢走了我们的锻炼时间,垃圾食品威胁着我们的健康。请根据下面的提示,以“How to Keep Healthy”为题写一篇英语短文。提示:1. 坚持锻炼;2. 健康饮食;3. 合理上网;4. 充足的睡眠;5. 保持愉快的心情。要求:1. 不要逐条翻译,可适当发挥。52. 词数:80 字左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。3. 文中不得出现真实人名,校名等相关信息。参考词汇:junk food(垃圾食品)How to Keep Heal

14、thyIts important for us to keep healthy. As a middle school student, we should have a healthy lifestyle. Here are some suggestions. _第 10 篇(2018 宿迁)(15 分)为增强安全意识,学校英语俱乐部将开展“如何提升自我保护能力”的讨论。请以“How to protect ourselves” 为题,写一篇英语短文。内容必须包括以下要点:1. 尊敬师长,与同学友好相处;2. 公共场所,举止文明,不追逐打闹;3. 不乱交网友,不泄露个人信息;4. (自主发挥,

15、至少两点)注意事项:1. 词数 90 左右,标题与结尾已给出,不计入总词数;2. 文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。How to protect ourselves_Danger is never as far away as we think. Take good care of ourselves at all times!第 11 篇(2018 漳州)(14 分)现在各行各业都在为建设美丽中国而努力奋斗,请你根据下面图示谈谈以下几种职业是怎样做贡献的。作为学生,你又该怎么做?要求:1. 短文需包含提示要点,并适当发挥;2. 词数:80 词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);3. 文

16、中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。Now all the Chinese people are making contributions to building beautiful China._第 12 篇(2018 连云港)(25 分)为响应我市全面创建国家卫生城市的号召,某校开展了“绿色港城,健康生活”为主题的英语征文活动。请你以“The Green City, the Healthy Life”为题,根据表格中的图片及文字提示,简要描述并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语短文。注意:(1)词数 90 左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总词数;(2)文中不得提及考生所在学校及自己的姓名。6主题绿色港城

17、,健康生活做法 骑车出行,减少空气污染;垃圾入箱,保持城市整洁;多种树木,保护自然环 境。你的观点 (至少 2 条)The Green City, the Healthy LifeAs a citizen of Lianyungang, its our duty to _第 13 篇(2018 苏州)上海迪斯尼乐园于今年 6 月 16 日正式开放,许多孩子打算前往游玩。假如你是一名乐园的志愿者,请你根据下列表格中的要点提示,用英语向孩子们介绍乐园并提醒他们文明游园。上海东部,地铁可达由 6 个主题公园组成参加活动,欣赏表演购买礼物,观看烟火文 明 游 园 不扔垃圾,保持整洁考生自拟(至少 2

18、点)注意:1. 词数 90 左右。短文的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数; 2. 短文须包括所有要点,不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥,使短文连贯、通顺;3. 短文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息。参考词汇:theme n主题; firework n烟火Good morning, children!As a volunteer from Shanghai Disneyland, Id like to say something about the park and tell you how to behave well in it._The park is worth your visit. I

19、 hope you will have fun.7专项训练三 做法建议类 第 1 篇【审题指导】1. 对于此类建议类作文,动笔前应根据材料内容组织语言,列出简单提纲,确定句子的时态,关键词等。写作中注意将所列的几点建议介绍清楚,不要遗漏要点。写作中注意做到上下文联系紧密,符合逻辑关系;2. 构思过程时,以题目所给的要点提示为提纲,围绕提纲进行信息扩充,然后运用适当的关联词语,如 first, second, third.以使文章结构清晰、层次分明。为了增强文章的可读性,注意长短句的交替使用,特别是一些主从复合句的运用。【写作指导】一封回信:就汉语学习提建议 要点提示 素材串联正文:给出建议 我

20、很乐意分享我的想法(share)第一(First):与人交流时,大胆自信(be brave,be confident)第二(Second):放慢语速(speak slowly),使别人更好地理解你第三(Third/Whats more):借助图画或肢体语言等表达方式(drawing, picture, body language )【高分范文】Dear Jack,How is everything going? I am very glad to learn that you are coming to China this summer. Its not necessary to worry

21、 about your Chinese. Id like to share my ideas, which I think might help. First, be brave enough to speak Chinese when you communicate with others. Its of great importance to be confident about yourself. We Chinese are very friendly so you neednt be afraid of making any mistakes.Second, its better t

22、o speak slowly and clearly. In this way you can make yourself understood more easily. Whats more, sometimes you can use drawings or pictures, and as you know, body language is also widely used across cultures and very often it really works.Best wishes!Yours,Li Hua第 2 篇【写作指导】给新生的几点建议要点提示 素材串联开头:交代主题

23、1. 一名毕业生(a graduating student)2. 分享一些经验(share some experience)正文:给出建议 第一:初中学习科目很多,好的学习方法很重要(the learning method is very important)第二:锻炼身体,保持健康(do more exercises, keep healthy)第三:参8加社团活动,使学校生活丰富(take part in)第四:多读书,多交朋友(make friends)第五:好好地和老师、同学相处(get on well with)第六:认真计划时间(plan your time carefully)结

24、尾:总结感受 希望你喜欢你的新学校生活(enjoy your new school life)【高分范文】Welcome to our school! As a graduating student, Id like to share some experience about school life with you.First, there are more subjects for you to learn in middle school, so the learning method is very important. Second, youd better do more exe

25、rcises. If you keep healthy, you can study well. Third, there are different kinds of club activities. You need to take an active part in them and make your school life colorful. Also you can read books and make friends. And you should learn to get on well with your teachers and classmates. Being fri

26、endly and helpful is also very important. Besides, you should plan your time carefully because you will have much more homework than before.I hope you will enjoy your new school life.第 3 篇【写作指导】怎样成为受欢迎的学生?要点提示 素材串联开头:直奔主题 我想成为“一名受欢迎的学生”(I want to be a popular student.)正文:提出建议 1. 衣着整齐,常常微笑(clean and

27、tidy; keep smiling)2. 诚实善良、乐于助人(honest and kind;help)3. 懂得与他人分享(know how to share.with others)结尾:提出希望 希望大家支持我(support)【高分范文】How to be a popular student?Hello, everyone! Im Wang Hua. Today I come to take part in the speech because I want to be a popular student. But how can we be popular students? I

28、think we should do the following things at least.Firstly, we should keep our clothes clean and tidy. We should also keep a good mood and keep smiling. Secondly, as popular students, we should be honest and kind. We should try our best to help those people who meet troubles. Thirdly, knowing how to s

29、hare our love, happiness, sadness and other things with others is very important. It can make us know about each other well. To be a popular student, I will try my best to do all things well. Please support me! Thats all. Thank you for your listening.第 4 篇【写作指导】9怎样度过一个有意义的暑假要点提示 素材串联开头:引出话题 已给出正文:提出

30、建议建议 1:走亲访友,和家人一起共度美好时光(visit relatives and friends,spend happy time with our family)建议 2:和好朋友们一起看电影(see a film),听音乐(listen to music)建议 3:假期我们应该加强体育锻炼(take more exercise),增强体质(keep healthy)建议 4:复习功课(review)建议 5:帮助父母干家务活(do some housework)结尾:表达期望 希望所有人度过一个愉快的暑假(have a pleasant vacation)【高分范文】How to T

31、ake a Meaningful Summer Vacation after the ExamIt is necessary to take a meaningful summer vacation after the exam. There are kinds of activities for us to take part in.First, we can visit our relatives and friends or spend happy time with our family. Second, seeing a film, listening to music or han

32、ging out with our friends will also be wonderful. Third, we should take more exercise to keep healthy. Whats more, we had better review what we have learned in middle school. Finally, it is necessary for us to do some housework, which can help our parents a lot.Above all, I hope all of us can have a

33、 pleasant vacation.第 5 篇【写作指导】如何与父母和谐相处?要点提示 素材串联开头:点明重要性 跟父母和谐相处非常重要(get on well with sb.; be of great importance)正文:具体做法 1.最重要的是:理解、尊重父母(The most important thing is that.; understand, respect)2.与此同时,和他们多交流(Meanwhile; communicate with sb.)3.最后,但同等重要的是:帮助父母做家务(Last but not least; do some housework)结

34、尾:感受 如果这样做,就能拥有一个幸福的家庭(If we do.well.; full of )【高分范文】 How to Get on Well with Our Parents?Getting on well with parents is of great importance. But many children have trouble in communicating well with their parents. Here are some suggestions on this problem.The most important thing is that we shoul

35、d understand and respect 10our parents. We can listen to what they think and express our thoughts politely. Meanwhile, communicate with them as often as possible to share happiness and sorrows. Last but not least, we can help them do some housework.If we do like this, well have a family full of happ

36、iness.第 6 篇【写作指导】与他人和睦相处要点提示 素材串联开头:引出话题 懂得如何与他人相处非常重要(how to get along with all kinds of people)正文:提出建议 首先(First of all),对朋友要友好(be friendly to),朋友是我们分享喜悦和悲伤的好伙伴(share joy and sadness) 其次(Besides),要乐于助人(be ready to help others)。比如(For example),经常帮助邻居(help our neighbours),他们会成为我们的好朋友(become our good

37、friends)而且(Whats more),多和他人交流(communicate with)。比如(For instance),与父母经常交谈(talk to),他们会明白我们爱他们有多深(deeply)最后但同等重要的是(Last but not least),应该尊重他人(respect others),特别是老师和老人(especially our teachers and the old)结尾:总结全文,呼应主题 总之(All in all),只有这样(only in these ways),我们才可以与别人融洽相处(get along well with others)【高分范文】

38、Getting along well with othersNo one can live without keeping in with others. Therefore, its important for us to learn how to get along with all kinds of people. First of all, we should be friendly to our friends. They are our good partners who share joy and sadness with us. Besides, wed better be r

39、eady to help others. For example, if we always help our neighbours do some volunteer work, they will become our good friends. Whats more, we must communicate with others so that we can understand each other better. For instance, if we often talk to our parents, they will know we love them deeply. La

40、st but not least, we are supposed to respect others, especially our teachers and the old. All in all, only in these ways can we get along well with others.第 7 篇【写作指导】怎样才能快乐要点提示 素材串联开头:引出话题 已给出11正文:提出建议 第一:有生活目标,知道自己要做什么(know what to do) 第二:保持健康,养成良好的生活习惯;做运动(life habits; take exercise) 第三:帮助他人,通过帮助别

41、人获得幸福感(gain happiness; help others)结尾:感谢倾听 已给出【高分范文】Good morning, everybody! The topic I want to talk about today is “How to Be Happy”. The following are my suggestions.Firstly, I think we should have life aims. When we have life aims, we will know what to do. For example, I want to be a writer, so

42、I will try to read a lot of books and write more to improve my writing skills. Secondly, we have to keep healthy. Without health, we cant enjoy anything, therefore we should form good life habits, and take exercise every day. Thirdly, we should help others. We can gain happiness by helping others, and we can make new friends in this way.Thats what I want to share with you. Thank you!第 8 篇【写作指导】关于如何做会使家庭更幸福的讨论要点提示 素材串联正文:提出建议 第一:和家人共度时光(spend more time with family)第二:分享快乐和担忧(sha

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