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本文(2019中考英语总复习第二部分题型突破五完形填空真题剖析(五四制).doc)为本站会员(arrownail386)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1五四真题剖析(一)根据首字母填空A(2018山东烟台中考)请 根据短文内容及首字母提示填空,使短文意思完整、连贯。The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Wonders of the Ancient World. It was 1.b more than 4,000 years ago in Egypt. It is so 2.p that millions of tourists from around the world come to visit it every year.In Egypt there are over 80 pyramids

2、and the 3.l one is the Great Pyramid. It 4.l on the west bank of the Nile. In fact, all the pyramids along the Nile are on the west bank. The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun to the end of life. That is 5.w their dead bodies were bu

3、ried(埋葬) on the west bank of the Nile.You can 6.h imagine how huge the Great Pyramid is. It has over 2 million blocks. Some are as heavy as five school buses. 7.A they were heavy, workers were able to put a block into the pyramid every three minutes.The workers, Egyptian men and women, worked in tea

4、ms. The teams had different 8.t . Some dug up the stones. Others moved them. Another team cut the stones. The last group put the stones into the pyramid. There were so many different teams, but the pyramid is perfect. No stone is in the 9.w position.But how did the Egyptians move those heavy stones

5、to the top 10.w any modern machinery(机械)? No one knows for sure. Many things about the Great Pyramid are still a mystery.【答案及解析】 1built 结合语境及常识可知,此处介绍金字塔修建的时间,因为“金字塔”与“修建”之间是被动关系,故填过去分词 built。2popular 由“millions of tourists from around the world come to visit it every year.”可知,金字塔很受欢迎,吸引了许多游客,故填 pop

6、ular。3largest 结合前后文可知,此处表示在 80 多个金字塔中,最大的一个是胡夫金字塔,故用形容词最2高级。4lies 结合语境可知,此处介绍金字塔的地理位置,介绍事实,故用一般现在时;主语为 it,故用第三人称单数。结合首字母提示可知,此处填 lies。lie on 表示“位于”。5why 结合前文可知,此处介绍那就是他们的尸体葬于尼罗河西岸的原因。that is why“那是的原因”。6hardly 句意:你几乎无法想象胡夫金字塔有多大!hardly“几乎不,简直不”副词,在此处修饰动词 imagine,表示“几乎无法想象”。7Although 前后两句句意存在转折关系,结合首

7、字母提示可知填 Although“虽然,尽管”。8tasks 由下文可知人们分工合作,每个组都有不同的任务,故填 tasks“任务”。9wrong 由上文可知人们分工合作建造了完美的金字塔,没有一块石头被放错位置。wrong position“错误的位置”。10without 句意:在没有现代机械设备的情况下,埃及人 是如何将这些沉重的石头放在金字塔的顶端的?without“没有,无”,表示否定,符合句意。B(2018山东莱芜中考)阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。An old lady went into the building of a bank one d

8、ay, carrying a large bag of money. She asked to speak with the president of the bank.“How can I help you?”the bank president asked. She replied, “I would like to open a savings account(存款账户) ,” and placed the bag of 1.m on his desk.The president was surprised to see this, so he asked her, “Madam, ho

9、w did you make this money?” The old lady 2.r ,“I make bets(赌注)” Surprised, the president then asked, “What kind of bets?” The old woman said,“Well, for example, Ill bet you 5,000,000 yuan that your tongue will become square by 10 oclock tomorrow morning.“What?”the president asked. He then smiled and

10、 said, “Youve got yourself a bet!”and shook her hand 3.h . The old lady said, “Okay. May I bring my lawyer with me tomorrow 4.a a witness(见证者)?”“Sure!” the president confidently answered.The next morning, at 10, the old lady showed 5.u with her lawyer at the presidents office. She asked the presiden

11、t to 6.o his mouth so they could all see. The old lady looked closely at his tongue and then asked 7.i she could touch it.3“Well, 5,000,000 yuan is a lot of money.I guess its OK.” the president said. At this moment, he saw that the lawyer was hitting his head 8.a the wall. The president asked, “What

12、 is the 9.m with your lawyer?” The old lady answered, “I bet him 10, 000,000 yuan that I would 10.t the tongue of the president of this bank at 10 am. today.”【答案及解析】 1money 由前文的 carrying a large bag of money,open a savings account 等提示可知此处是把一袋子钱放到了桌子上。2replied 由前文可知银行董事长问了这位老妇人一个问题,此处应是老妇人回答,结合首字母提示及

13、事件发生的过程的时态可知,应填动词的过去式 replied。3happily 由前面提示词 smiled“微笑”可推断这个银行董事长高兴地握住妇人的手,“握手”是动词,需要副词来修饰,故用副词形式 happily。4as 结合语境可知,老妇人询问明天可以带一位律师作为一个见证人吗,故用 as“作为”。5up 句意:第二天,这位老妇人和她的律师出现在董事长的办公室。show up“出现”,固定搭配。6open 句意:这位老妇人让银行董事长张开嘴。ask sb to do sth.“让某人做某事”, 故 to 后用open 的动词原形。7if 此处为宾语从句,结合语境可知老妇人询问银行董事长是否可

14、以触摸它,if“是否”。8against hit.against.“用撞”是固定搭配。9matter “Whats the matter?”用来询问发生了什么,故用 matter。10touch 由前文第三段最后一句可知用动词“touch”。情态动词 would 后用 touch 的动词原形。(二)选词填空(2018山东威海中考)根据短文内容,选择适当的单词或短语填空,使短文意思完整。每个选项仅使用一次。Aride to the gym BbecauseCkeeping fit Dso Echeer me upFenjoy my day off Ghealthier Halso IfunnyJ

15、coughing and sneezingHi Jake,Hows it going? Sorry I havent been in touch for a while, but couldnt use my computer for a few days. Youll never guess what happened 4to me!A couple of weeks ago, I decided to take up yoga. Yoga is a combination of physical and breathing exercises. Its supposed to be goo

16、d for relaxation and 1. . Ive been feeling a bit stressed about my school work recently and I thought yoga might help.My dad couldnt give me a lift to the first lesson, so I decided to 2. . The lesson was great and I felt really relaxed afterwards. On the way home, though, it started raining and I g

17、ot very wet! The next day, I woke up with a bad cold. I couldnt stop 3. I couldnt go to school 4. I also had a high temperature. We were having a math test that day so it was great that I could stay at home. I didnt really 5. , though. I felt awful and stayed in bed. Mum brought me cups of hot tea f

18、or my sore throat (and you know how much I hate tea!). She 6. went to the chemists and got me some vitamin pills. I have to keep taking these for a while 7. I can get stronger.That afternoon Robbie came to visit me. He said hed got something to 8. and pretended it was the math test that Id missed. “

19、Mr Bank says you can do it at home instead,” he said, but I knew he was joking. I didnt think it was very 9. , but he did!The next day, I was still a bit pale and didnt have much energy, but I was feeling better. The day after that, I was able to go back to school.Can you believe my luck? I went to

20、the yoga class to feel 10. and instead I caught a cold!Anyway, I hope youre OK. Write and let me know what youve been up to!Bye for now!Kate【答案及解析】 1C 根据常识可知瑜伽有助于(身心)放松,保持身体健康。for 为介词,其后接名词或动名词,结合句意及选项可知选 C。2A 根据前一句内容可知,爸爸不能够捎带“我”去体育馆,故接下来是描述“我”自己如何去体育馆的,结合选项可知选 A。3J 根据常识可知,感冒时会咳嗽、打喷嚏,故选 J。4B 前后两句句意

21、存在因果关系,“我”不能去上学,是因为“我”发高烧,故选 B。55F 由“though”可知,此处发生转折,与前文描述内容相反,再结合后文可知“我”虽然在家但是我并不舒服,结合选项可知选 F。6H 分析句子结构可知,此处缺少一个副词修饰谓语动词;再根据语境可知,“我”妈妈给“我”倒热茶喝,也去医生那里给“我”买维生素片,故选 H。7D 结合语境可知,“我”吃维生素片是为了快点好起来,使身体更强壮,故此处选 D。so 在此处表示“如此,这么”。8E 结合前后文及语境可知,此处是表示 Robbie 想要用某事来让“我”振作起来,故选 E。9I 由前文提示词“joking”可知,此处填与其 意思接近的单词,结合选项可知选 I。10G 由 “instead I caught a cold”可知,此处填与其意思相反的单词或短语,结合选项可知选G。

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