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1、第2课时 七年级上册 Units 69,考点一 well的用法 【课文原句】 Sports Star Eats Well!运动明星吃得不错! (七上P35) (1)此处well是副词,意为“好地;令人满意地”,修饰形容词或动词,表示程度。 (2)well还可作形容词,表示“健康的”。 My grandparents are well.我的祖父母身体很好。,(3)【辨析】 good, fine, nice与well,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 1Roger Federer is a great tennis player. I agree. I think no one else plays (

2、good) 2John speaks English as (good) as Mike. They are both good at English.,答案:1better 2.well,考点二 want的用法 【课文原句】 I don t want to be fat.我不想变胖。(七上P35) (1)want to be表示“想要成为;想要变得”,动词be之后接形容词或名词。 Do you want to be a teacher?你想成为一名老师吗?,(2)want的其他用法 want sth.想要某物 want to do sth.想做某事 want sb. to do sth.想要

3、某人做某事,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 3Our English teacher wants us (read) English stories out of class.,答案:to read,考点三 how much的用法 【课文原句】 How much are these socks?这些袜子多少钱?(七上P37) (1)此处how much用来提问价格,相当于“What s the price of.?”。,【拓展】 询问价格常见的四种方法:,(2)how much还可对不可数名词的数量进行提问。提问可数名词的数量要用how many。 How much water do you ne

4、ed?你需要多少水? How many students are there in your class?你们班有多少名学生? Thirtysix.36名。,(3)其他的how词组,根据句意从方框中选择合适的短语填空4(2018江苏扬州中考改编) does Joanna take the course in DIY? Every Saturday afternoon.,答案: How often,5(2018江苏苏州中考改编) does it take you to get to school by bike? About fifteen minutes. 6(2018江苏南京中考改编) is

5、 it from the Children s Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom? About 10 minutes ride by bus.,答案:5How long 6.How far,考点四 woman与man 【课文原句】 Woman: Can I help you?女士:有什么我能帮助您的吗?(七上P38) (1)woman的复数形式为women。其对应词为man, 复数形式为men。,(2)woman与man作定语修饰可数名词复数时要用复数形式women和men。 There are two women nurses and

6、three men doctors in the room.房间里有两名女护士和三名男医生。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 7Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our (woman) astronauts in China. We re proud of them.,答案: women,考点五 need的用法 【课文原句】 I need a sweater for school.我需要一件上学穿的毛衣。(七上P38) need的两种词性,She need get enough food.她需要得到足够的食物。(情态动词) My watch needs repairing.

7、My watch needs to be repaired.我的手表需要被修理。(实义动词) We need some color pencils for this afternoon s English class.今天下午的英语课我们需要一些彩色铅笔。(实义动词),Must I hand in the homework this morning, Mr. Smith? 史密斯先生,我今天早上就得交上作业吗? No, you needn t/you don t have to. 不,你不需要/你不必。,用适当的情态动词填空 8Must I finish reading the book to

8、day, Mr. Brown? No, you . You can finish it in two days.,答案: neednt,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 9My computer needs (repair). I think I need (go) to ask Mr. Zhang for help.,答案:repairing/to be repaired; to go,考点六 辨析take, bring, carry与 fetch/get 【课文原句】 I ll take it.我买了。(七上P38),考点七 pair的用法 【课文原句】 Two dollars for one

9、pair and three dollars for two pairs.一双两美元,两双三美元。(七上P38),(1)pair表示“一双;一对”,常与介词of搭配,表示裤子、鞋、袜、手套、眼镜等由两个相同部分组成的物品的量,如a pair of trousers一条裤子。 (2)当a pair of, pairs of修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词由pair的单复数决定。 How much is the pair of socks?这双袜子多少钱? These two pairs of shoes are only 40 dollars.这两双鞋只要40美元。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 10

10、Mary, this pair of gloves (be) for you. What a nice surprise!,答案: is,考点八 辨析buy, sell与sale 【课文原句】 Come and buy your clothes at our great sale!我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧!(七上P41),I want to buy a coat for my mother.I want to buy my mother a coat.我想为妈妈买一件外套。 The book you need has sold out.你需要的书已经卖光了。 Goods in the sup

11、ermarket are on sale these days.超市里的商品这几天大甩卖。,考点九 “in颜色”的用法 【课文原句】 For girls, we have skirts in purple for only $20.我们有紫色的女士裙子,只需20美元。(七上P41),“in表示颜色的名词”可用来描述某物是什么颜色的,也可用来描述某人穿着某种颜色的衣服。skirts in purple相当于purple skirts。 The boy in blue is my brother.穿蓝色衣服的男孩是我弟弟。,用适当的介词填空 11Who is the space scientist

12、 from Beijing? The man white over there. He s of medium height.,答案: in,考点十 when的用法 【课文原句】 When is your birthday, Mike?迈克,你的生日是什么时候? My birthday is on June 3rd.我的生日是6月3日。(七上P43) (1)“When is your birthday?”是询问对方生日的常用语。,(2)when是疑问副词,可对年、月、日和时间进行提问,回答时常用in, at, on等介词构成的时间短语。,(3)in, on, at表示时间的区别 介词in后接不

13、确定的某个时间段;介词on后接具体的某一天或某天的上午、下午、晚上;介词at后接具体的时间点。 in the morning在上午 on Monday在星期一 on Sunday morning在星期天上午 at 4 o clock 在4点,用适当的介词填空 12Our classes are over noon and then we go to have a rest 1:00 in the afternoon. 13(2018贵州黔东南、黔南、黔西南中考改编)My parents often go to the movies Saturday evenings.,答案; at

14、 13.on,考点十一 busy的用法 【课文原句】 This is a really busy term!这真是一个忙碌的学期!(七上P47)My brother is busy (in) doing his homework.My brother is busy with his homework.我弟弟正忙着做他的家庭作业。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 14(2017上海中考改编)The workers are busy (fix) windows for the new building these days.,答案: fixing,考点十二 why和because的用法 【课文原句】

15、 Why do you like PE.?你为什么喜欢体 育? Because it s fun.因为它有意思。(七上P50),(1)why是特殊疑问词,意为“为什么”,常构成的特殊疑问句结构为“Why一般疑问句?”。由why引导的特殊疑问句通常用because引导的句子来回答。,(2)because(因为)和so(所以)不能同时出现在一个句子中。so还可表示“那么”,用于引出评论或问题。 Mr. Hu always plays games with us, so we all like him.胡老师经常和我们一起玩游戏,所以我们都喜欢他。 So, let s get salad.那么让我们

16、去拿沙拉吧。,用适当的疑问词填空 15(2018黑龙江绥化中考改编) do you like Wolf Warriors ? Because it s exciting. 用适当的连词填空 16(2018北京中考改编)Many people like pandas they are cute.,答案:15.Why 16because,考点十三 useful的用法 【课文原句】 The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult.老师说它有用,但我认为它很难。(七上P53),(1)useful虽然以元音字母u开头,但字母u的发音为

17、 , 是辅音音素,故useful作定语修饰可数名词单数时,前面如果加不定冠词应用a。 This is a useful book.这是一本有用的书。 (2)be useful to sb.对某人有用。 The dictionary is very useful to us.这本词典对我们很有用。,用适当的冠词填空 17(2018四川内江中考改编)What useful book it is! Yeah, it tells you how to play the guitar. 18(2017山东潍坊中考改编)What do you think of the boy? He is honest

18、student today and useful man tomorrow.,答案:17.a; a,考点十四 finish的用法 【课文原句】 My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.我们1:50下课,但那之后我要上两个小时的美术课。(七上P53),finish后不能接动词不定式。 You can t go anywhere until you finish your homework.做不完作业你哪儿都不能去。 I have finished reading this book.我把这本书看完了。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 19(2018湖南湘西中考改编)Can you come to my birthday party tonight? Yes, I d love to. But I have to finish (do) my English homework first.,答案: doing,

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