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本文(山东省济宁市2019年中考英语总复习第一部分第6课时八上Units4_6课件.ppt)为本站会员(bowdiet140)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、第6课时 八年级上册 Units 46,考点一 so far的用法 【课文原句】 How do you like it so far?到目前为止你认为它怎么样?(八上P26),(1)so far意为“到目前为止;迄今为止”,相当于by now。指从过去某一时刻开始到现在的一段时间,常与现在完成时连用。 You haven t answered my question so far.到现在你都没回答我的问题。 (2)常与现在完成时连用的时间状语有recently, all night, this month以及since和for表示的时间段。,考点二 “What do you think of.

2、?”句型 【课文原句】 What do you think of 970AM?你认为970AM怎么样?(八上P27),What do/does. think of.?意为“认为怎么样?”, of后接名词、代词或动名词形式。用来询问某人对某人、某事 的印象、评价、看法等。类似表达还有:,回答时,多阐明自己的看法或表明自己喜欢的程度。常会 用到下面的句型:主语love(s)/like(s)/don t(doesn t) like/can t stand宾语,或者“Sounds great./Pretty good. /It s fantastic.”等表示观点、建议的表达。,考点三 more an

3、d more结构 【课文原句】 Talent shows are getting more and more popular.才艺秀正变得越来越受欢迎。(八上P29),(1)“越来越”的表达方式 “more and more双音节或多音节形容词/副词”或“(单音节词)比较级and比较级”,表示“越来越”;“more and more名词”,意为“越来越多的”。 Your city is becoming cleaner and cleaner.你们的城市正在变得越来越干净。 More and more students are coming to our school.越来越多的学生来我们学校

4、。,(2)现在进行时表示现阶段正在发生的事情。 Linda is working on a new book.琳达在写一本新书。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 1坦诚地说,中国在许多国际事务中起着越来越重要的作用。 To be honest, China is in many international affairs.,答案:playing a more and more important role,考点四 have. in common的用法 【课文原句】 All these shows have one thing in common:这些才艺秀都有一个共同点:(八上P

5、29),have. in common“有相同特征;(想法、兴趣等方面)相 同”。in common前可以用much, a lot等修饰。 My best friend and I have much in common.我和我最好的朋友有很多共同之处。,考点五 表示“参加”含义的词汇辨析 【课文原句】 When people watch the show, they usually play a role in deciding the winner.当人们看这样的节目时,他们通常扮演着评判优胜者的角色。(八上P29),(1)play a roleplay a part,表示“扮演角色;起作

6、用”。 (2)表示“参加”含义的不同词的用法区别,考点六 everyone的用法 【课文原句】 However, not everybody enjoys watching these shows.然而,并不是每个人都喜欢看这些节目。(八上P29) everybody不定代词,意为“每人;人人;所有人”,相当于everyone。 Everybody likes to join in this activity.每个人都愿意参加这一活动。 Not everybody can do it.并不是人人都能做。,考点七 up to的用法 【课文原句】 That s up to you to decid

7、e.那由你决定。(八上P29) be up to sb.意为“是某人的职责;由某人决定”。 It is up to me to get the four of us moving.该由我来召集我们四个人动起来。 How long it takes this time is up to them.这次花多长时间取决于他们。,【拓展】 up to的常见用法,考点八 hope/find out的用法 【课文原句】 Because I hope to find out what s going on around the world.因为我希望了解世界上正在发生什么事。 (八上P34),(1)hope

8、的用法He hopes that you re safe.他希望你平安。 The girl hopes for love.这个女孩希望得到爱。 没有hope sb. to do sth., hope sb. sth., hope doing sth.这些用法。,(2)find out, find, look for的区别,Please find out where they live.请查清他们住哪儿。 I can t find the car key.我找不到车钥匙了。 I m looking for Steve. Have you seen him?我在找史蒂夫。你见过他吗?,用括号内单词

9、的正确形式填空 2I like places where the weather is always warm. I hope (visit) Hawaii this winter. 3She said she hoped (see) her daughter.,答案:2to visit see,考点九 happen的用法 【课文原句】 I like to follow the story and see what happens next.我喜欢跟随故事情节看看接下来会发生什么。(八上P34),(1)happen是不及物动词,意为“发生”,主要有以下三种用法:,(2)happen,

10、 take place的用法区别 happen用于偶然或突发性事件;take place指事件的发生有提前安排。 When did the terrible accident happen?这场惨烈的事故是什么时候发生的? The next meeting will take place on Thursday.下次会议将在星期四举行。,用适当的介词填空 4(2017四川乐山中考改编)Look in the mirror. What happened your face? Oh, there s some ink on my face.,答案:to,考点十 expect的用法 【课文原句】 W

11、ell, they may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them.好吧,它们或许不是很刺激,但是你可以期望从中学到很多东西。(八上P34),He is expecting her letter.他正期盼着她的来信。 She expects to go there next week.她盼着下周去那儿。 He expects you to finish the work in time.他期盼你及时完成工作。 I am expecting that you can help me.我在期待你能帮我。,(

12、2)【辨析】 expect, wish, hope与 look forward to,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 5Leonardo DiCaprio, a famous American actor, was always expecting (win) an Oscar and finally he made it.,答案:to win,考点十一 famous的用法 【课文原句】 But one very famous symbol in American culture is a cartoon.但是在美国文化中一个很著名的象征是一部卡通片。(八上P37) (1)famous“著名的;出

13、名的”,常作表语和定语,同义词为wellknown。,(2)famous的固定搭配Beijing is famous for its places of interest.北京以它的名胜古迹闻名。 Ning Zetao is famous as a swimmer.宁泽涛作为一位游泳运动员而出名。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 6(2017湖北荆州中考改编)How do you like the (著名的) actor, Jackie Chan? Wonderful! I like him very much.,答案:famous,考点十二 dress up/take one

14、s place的用法 【课文原句】 She dresses up like a boy and takes her father s place to fight in the army.她装扮成男孩,替父亲参军打仗。(八上P39),(1)dress up意为“乔装打扮;穿上盛装”,强调刻意打扮。 The children thought it was great to dress up as pirates.孩子们觉得装扮成海盗很好玩。 She likes to dress up for a party.她喜欢打扮得漂漂亮亮地去参加晚会。,(2)take one s place意为“代替;替

15、换”,有代替某人职位的意思。 If you can t come, I ll ask Jim to take your place.如果你不能来,我将让吉姆代替你。 It would be difficult to find a man to take his place.很难找到一个能代替他的人。,【拓展】 take place还有“发生;进行”的意思。 The evening party will take place on New Year s Eve.晚会将在除夕那天举行。 Earthquakes take place far underground.地震发生在地下的极深处。,根据汉语

16、意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 7You don t need to (盛装打扮) for dinner.,答案:dress up,考点十三 when/grow up的用法) 【课文原句】 What do you want to be when you grow up?你长大了想做什么?(八上P41) (1)when在句中作连词,意为“当的时候”,用来引导时间状语从句。在含when引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句中,如果主句是一般将来时,从句要用一般现在时表示将来。 I will play basketball when I am free.当我有空时,我就去打篮球。,I ll tell

17、you when he comes back.当他回来时,我就告诉 你。 (2)grow up意为“成长;长大”。 I want to be a pilot when I grow up.我长大后想当一名飞行 员。,考点十四 sure构成的短语 【课文原句】 My parents want me to be a doctor, but I m not sure about that.我的父母想让我当一名医生,但是我不确定。(八上P42) (1)be sure about/of“确信;对有把握”,后接名词、代词或动词ing形式,主语是人,可与be sure that互换。,(2)make sur

18、e“确保;查明”Make sure to get here on time.Make sure that you get here on time.确保按时到这里。 We must make sure of the facts.我们必须查明事实。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 8You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure (bring) a pen and some paper with you.,答案:to bring,考点十五 promise的用法 【课文原句】 It s a kind of promise它是一种承诺。(八上P45)

19、,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 9(2017湖北武汉中考改编)Linda is not coming for the party tonight. But she (承诺),答案:promised,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 10(2017湖北宜昌中考改编)He promised (come) for the interview on Wednesday. What day is it today? Tuesday. I ll meet him at the interview tomorrow.,答案:to come,考点十六 beginning/improve的用法 【课文

20、原句】 When we make resolutions at the beginning of the year, we hope that we are going to improve our lives.当我们在一年开始做决定时,我们希望我们要提高我们的生活。(八上P45),(1)beginning意为“开始;开端”。常用短语有:at the beginning of意为“在的开始”; from the beginning to the end“从头到尾;自始至终”。 He has made a good beginning.他已经开了一个好头。 He read the letter

21、again from the beginning to the end.他又从头到尾把那封信读了一遍。,(2)improve意为“改进;改善”,可作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。improvement是名词,意为“改进;改善”。 The important thing is how we can improve our studies.重要的是怎样才能改进我们的学习。 I hope the weather will improve.我希望天气会好转。,用括号内单词的正确形式填空 11By reading 30 minutes a day, you can learn more words an

22、d have a (improve) in your writing.,答案:improvement,考点十七 write down的用法 【课文原句】 Some people write down their resolutions and plans for the coming year.一些人写下他们的决心以及对来年的计划。(八上P45) write down“写下;记录下”,如果代词作宾语,须放在动词和副词中间;如果名词作宾语,则名词既可以放在中间也可以放在后面。,Please write it down.请写下来。 Please write down the number you

23、heard.请写下你听到的数字。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 12请把你的名字写在这张纸上。 Please your name on the paper.,答案:write down,考点十八 have to do with的用法 【课文原句】Many resolutions have to do with selfimprovement.很多决心是关于自我提升的。(八上P45) (1)have to do with.“关于;与有关系” (2)have nothing to do with.“和没关系” It has nothing to do with you.这和你没关系

24、。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 13You do not have to worry, since you (和没有关系) this affair.,答案:have nothing to do with,考点十九 take up的用法 【课文原句】 Some people might say they are going to take up a hobby like painting or taking photos, or learn to play the guitar一些人可能会说他们打算开始一种业余爱好,如绘画、摄影或者学弹吉他。(八上P45),(1)take up

25、意为“(尤指为消遣)学着做;开始做”。 I took up some Spanish when I lived there.我住在那里的时候学了些西班牙语。 (2)take up还有“占据;占用”的意思。 The table takes up too much room.这张桌子占了太多空间。 (3)表示弹奏的西洋乐器的名词前要加定冠词the。 The girl is good at playing the violin.这个女孩擅长拉小提琴。,根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词 14Hi, Tina! What are you going to do for the coming

26、summer holiday? I am going to (学着做) cooking because I like eating delicious food.,答案:take up,考点二十 “too. to.”结构)【课文原句】Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep.有时这些决定可能很难而不能遵守。(八上P45) (1)too. to.意为“太而不能”,为典型的隐形否定结 构。too是副词,后接形容词或副词的原级,to后接动词原形。 He is too young to join the army.他太年轻了,不能参军

27、。,(2)too. to.结构常与以下结构相互转换:,【注意】 当too. to.前有否定词never时,表示肯定含义。 It s never too late to learn.活到老,学到老。,考点二十一 discuss的用法 【课文原句】 To discuss the different kinds of resolutions.为了讨论不同类型的决心。(八上P46) (1)discuss sth. with sb.“和某人讨论某事” You needn t discuss this matter with me.你没必要和我讨论这个问题。,(2)discuss疑问词动词不定式 We are discussing how to cook the fish.我们在讨论怎么做这条鱼。 (3)discuss宾语从句 They discussed when they should leave.他们讨论了什么时候应该离开。 (4)discussion是discuss的名词形式,常构成短语have a discussion about/on“关于的讨论”。,

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