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本文(2018_2019学年高中英语Module4CarnivalReading(单词短语篇)课时作业外研版必修5.doc)为本站会员(wealthynice100)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 Module 4 Reading(单词短语篇).用所给词的适当形式填空1I wanted_(hide) his present from him until his birthday in order to give him a nice surprise.2A series of bomb attacks led to public_(confusion)3The forest_(extend) in all directions as far as the eyes could see.4The interviewee_(pretend) she had worked for a new

2、spaper before.In fact,she had no work experience.5Do you think the custom that has died out should_(revive)?6Your_(memory) is likely to get worse as you get older,so you are always forgetting something important.7Now its time for us_(book) our train tickets.8The missing boy was seen_(wander) by the

3、river just now.9What do you think is the_(magic) of the mask?10The beautiful and_(elegant) young woman is popular among us.答案1to hide 2.confusion 3.extends4pretended revived 6.memory book8wandering 9.magic 10.elegant.选词并用其适当形式填空date back to,dress up,come to an end,up to,come out,on end,in

4、secret,go unpunished,in confusion,be put into prison1They made their plans_;nobody knows what they are.2He broke the law,and therefore_3The important task will_this week.4It has been raining for days_5The history of hockey can_thousands of years ago.6That magazine_once a month.7When the earthquake o

5、ccurred everything was_8Mr. Green_as a policeman in dark glasses.9This hotel can accommodate_500 guests.10He promised that the murderer would not_答案1in secret 2.was put into prison3come to an end 4.on end back to6comes out confusion 8.dressed up9up to 10.go unpunished.完形填空(2017 年高考课标全国卷)

6、In 1973, I was teaching elementary school. Each day, 27 kids_1_ “The Thinking Laboratory.” That was the_2_students voted for after deciding that “Room 104” was too_3_Freddy was an average_4_, but not an average person. He had the rare balance of fun and compassion (同情). He would_5_the loudest over f

7、un and be the saddest over anyones_6_Before the school year_7_, I gave the kids a special _8_, Tshirts with the words “Verbs Are Your_9_”on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs (动词) may seem dull, most of the_10_things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.Through the years, Id run i

8、nto former students who would provide_11_on old classmates. I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his_12_ from high school and remained the same_13_person I met forty years before. Once, while working overnight at a store, he let a homeless man_14_in his truck. Another time, he_15_a friend mo

9、ney to buy a house.Just last year, I was_16_a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door. A woman_17_the interruption and handed me an envelope. I stopped teaching and_18_it up. Inside were the “Verbs” shirt and a_19_from Freddys mother. “Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to

10、 have this.”I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldnt help smiling. Although Freddy was taken from us, we all_20_something from Freddy. 1A.built BenteredCdecorated BruleCbrand Dplan3A.small BdarkCstrange Ddull4A.scholar BstudentCcitizen Dworker5A.speak BsingCquestion Dla

11、ugh6A.misfortune BdisbeliefCdishonesty Dmistake7A.changed BapproachedCreturned Dended8A.lesson BgiftCreport Dmessage9A.Friends BAwardsCMasters DTasks10A.simple BuniqueCfun Dclever11A.assessments BcommentsCinstructions Dupdates12A.graduation BretirementCseporation Dresignation13A.daring BmodestCcarin

12、g Dsmart14A.wait BsleepCstudy Dlive15A.paid BchargedClent Dowed16A.observing BpreparingCdesigning Dconducting17A.regretted BavoidedCexcused Dignored18A.opened BpackedCgave Dheld19A.picture BbillCnote Ddiary20A.chose BtookCexpected Dborrowed答案与解析本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己的学生 Freddy 的性格特征,以及多年后他的生活和工作状况,并说明了作者自

13、己从他身上学到了一些东西。1B 考查动词。在 1973 年,作者正在教小学。每天 27 个小孩进入“思想实验室” 。enter“进入” ,符合语境。build“建造” ;decorate“装饰” ;run“管理,经营” 。2A 考查名词。根据下文的“Room 104”可知, “The Thinking Laboratory”是学生们选举出来的名字。name“名字” ;rule“规则” ;brand“品牌” ;plan“计划” 。故选 A项。3D 考查形容词。Room 104 这个名字被学生们选举换成 The Thinking Laboratory,所以可判断出学生们认为 Room 104 这个

14、名字太乏味了。dull“枯燥的,无趣的” ,符合语境。故选 D 项。4B 考查名词。根据上文中的“I was teaching elementary school”可知,作者正在教小学,故可推知 Freddy 是一个普通的学生。small“小的” ;dark“黑暗” ;strange“奇怪的” ,故选 B 项。5D 考查动词。根据下文中的“the loudest over fun”可知,Freddy 对有趣的事情会笑得最大声。speak “说” ;sing “唱” ,question“提问” ,故选 D 项。6A 考查名词。根据上文中的 the saddest 可知,Freddy 对别人的不幸

15、是感到最悲伤的。misfortune“不幸” ;disbelief“不信,怀疑” ;dishonesty“不诚实” ;mistake“错误” 。故选 A 项。7D 考查动词。根据语境可知,此处表示在学年结束前。end“结束” ,符合语境。change“改变” ;approach“靠近” ;return“返回” 。8B 考查名词。在学年结束前,给孩子们的应是礼物(gift)。lesson “课” ;report“报告” ;message“信息” ,故选 B 项。9A 考查名词。结合上下文可知 T 恤上写着“动词是你们的朋友” ,award“奖品” ;master“大师” ;task “任务,工作

16、” 。再结合选项可知,A 项符合语境。10C 考查形容词。由 while 可知,空处与 dull 形成对比,故选 C 项。simple“简单的” ;unique“独特的” ;clever“聪明的” 。11D 考查名词。根据语境可知,很多年来,作者偶然遇到以前的学生会给他提供一些他们老同学的最新消息,所以作者才了解到 Freddy 的一些情况。update“最新消息” ,符合语境。assessment“评估,评价” ;comment“评论” ;instruction“指导,教导” 。12A 考查名词。根据空前的“did several jobs”可知,此处表示 Freddy 从高中毕业后。gra

17、duation“毕业” ,符合语境,故选 A 项。retirement“退休” ;separation“分离” ;resignation“辞职” 。13C 考查形容词。根据下文中的“he let a homeless man. a friend money to buy a house”可知,他让一个无家可归的人睡在他的卡车里,还借给朋友钱去买房子,故可推知他仍然是作者四十年前遇到的那个乐于助人的人。caring“乐于助人的” ,符合语境。daring “胆大的” ;modest “谦虚的” ;smart“智慧的” ,故选 C 项。14B 考查动词。根据上文中的“while working o

18、vernight”可知,Freddy 上夜班时,让一位无家可归的人在他的卡车里睡觉。故选 B 项。15C 考查动词。因为 Freddy 是一位乐于助人的人,所以是借给朋友钱买房子。lend“借出” ,符合语境。pay“支付” ;charge“(向)收费” ;owe“欠(钱),负(债)” 。16D 考查动词。根据下文中的“I stopped teaching”可知,作者正在举办一个研习班,这时有人敲教室的门。conduct“实施,执行” ,符合语境。故选 D 项。observe“观察” ;prepare“准备” ;design“设计” 。17C 考查动词。根据下文中的“I stopped tea

19、ching”可知,作者当时正在上课,所以这位女士为打断作者讲课而请求原谅并递给作者一个信封。excuse“原谅(某人的小错)” ,符合语境。regret“遗憾,后悔” ;avoid“避免” ;ignore“忽视” 。18A 考查动词。根据上文中的“handed me an envelope.I stopped teaching”可知,一位女士递给作者一个信封,作者停止了教学并打开它。故选 A 项。pack“打包,装箱” ;give“交给” ;hold“握住,抓住” 。19C 考查名词。根据下文中的“Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving.”可知,这个信封里装着一张

20、 Freddy 的妈妈写的便条。故选 C 项。picture“图片” ;bill“账单” ;diary“日记” 。20B 考查动词。根据上文中的“Although Freddy was taken from us”可知,尽管 Freddy 从我们中被带走了,但是我们所有人都从 Freddy 那儿拿走了一些东西,即从Freddy 的身上学到了一些东西。chose“选择” ;expect “期望” ;borrow “借入” 。故选B 项。.阅读理解The New Year is a time for celebrations for almost everyone around the world

21、.In Britain,people go to pubs and nightclubs to dance the old year away,and to welcome in the new one at midnight.In recent years,street parties have become more popular.Thousands of people gather in squares, main streets or on the river banks to listen to bands playing and to see fireworks displays

22、.For people who stay at home,most are attracted by the special,live New Year shows on TV.They are waiting for the countdown,along with the presenters,from 10 to 1 as the last seconds of the old year tick away and the bells of the New Year are rung.In Scotland,people visit their neighbors and drink,d

23、ance on New Years Eve.If youre invited to a Scottish home that night,its important to know what to bring with you: a lump of coal,some shortbread and some whisky.The coal shows warmth,so youre wishing that the people you visit will have enough heat in the coming year.The shortbread represents food,s

24、o youre hoping that the people will have enough to eat in the New Year.Some Scots call whisky“the water of life”,so when you hand over your bottle to your hosts,it means you want them to have enough to drink over the next 12 months.And theres one more key task you still have to perform if you can.Th

25、e first person to knock on a neighbors door is supposed to be a tall,dark and handsome man who will bring good luck to the household.But what if thats not you? Well,dont ring the end bell just yet.Wait a while and the right person is sure to turn up soon!1What do visitors mean by taking things to a

26、Scottish home on New Years Eve?ASharing good food and warmth.BHelping those poor families.CSending best wishes for the family.DShowing richness and generosity.2The tall,dark and handsome man firstly knocking the neighbors door is believed to bring_Aa lump of coalBsome shortbreadCa bottle of whiskyDg

27、ood luck3People staying at home till midnight on New Years Eve are mostly_Aenjoying the live TV programsBtalking with the presentersClearning to countdown numbersDringing the bells for New Year4We can infer from the passage that_ABritish people hate to think of the old year and wish to dance it away

28、 quicklyBstreet concerts have become more popular on the midnight of the New Year EveCBritish people will fire some fireworks in public places to celebrate the New YearDpeople will stay at home doing nothing but wait for the bell of the New Year to ring答案与解析本文介绍了苏格兰庆祝新年的活动。文章列举了英国人庆祝新年的诸多方式及人们走访亲朋好友时的注意事项。1C推理判断题。倒数第二段具体描述了除夕夜拜访亲朋好友时所带的东西的含义,可推断选 C。2D细节理解题。根据最后一段第二句可知。3A细节理解题。第三段主要讲述了呆在家里的人们的活动是在欣赏电视节目,而倒计时和新年的钟声只是他们等待的东西。4C推理判断题。根据第二段的叙述可知,人们庆祝新年的活动除了欣赏乐队演奏外,还可以欣赏烟花,由此推断:人们会在公共场合燃放烟花以示庆祝,所以选 C

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