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1、12018-2019 学年第一学期高二第一次月考英语试卷时间:90 分钟 总分:120 分第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 10 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。AGenerally speaking, waiting rooms are always filled with a lot of impatient people. However, a project carried out by The Observer suggests that people regard these sp

2、aces as a place of refuge (避难), a window in their tightly scheduled lives.Ella Doroudy, Margate StationWe were at the beach for the day, and now are on our way home. We dont have to wait very long, because we checked the timetable so we got here in time for the train. I just chat with my mates, real

3、ly, and listen to music until the train comes. Waiting with other people is easier because you can kill time when youre talking about stuff.Caroline Lacey, Streatham Dental CenterI dont really get nervous about seeing the dentist, but since these two fillings (补牙的材料) came out Ive been in sharp pain.

4、 Its very bright and airy here, so its quite calming. Usually I kill time by reading magazines. Ive been coming to the dentist as and when I need to, but now its got to be regular.Katie Hawkins, Model CastingI was a bit late today, which Im quite pleased about because some of these girls have been w

5、aiting ages. You cant help but look at everyone else a bit you look at the other girls and think: “I wonder if theyll like her better than they like me.” While Im waiting, Im thinking: “Oh come on. I do have a life!”Paul Thomas, Royal London HospitalI feel pretty indifferent (满不在乎的) while Im waiting

6、 here, to be honest. Its something Ive got very used to since my motorbike accident seven years ago. Ive had about 32 operations so far. Its no good rushing in thinking youre going to escape in five minutes, so I just sit back and people-watch, really.1. What is Ella doing at Margate Station?A. Chec

7、king the timetable.B. Catching the train to the beach.C. Meeting and picking her mates up.D. Waiting for the train to return home.2. How does Caroline feel after she enters the waiting room?A. Bored.2B. Excited.C. Relaxed.D. Nervous.3. What kind of feeling does Katie probably show when she is thinki

8、ng “I do have a life!”?A. Impatience.B. Satisfaction.C. Amazement.D. Confidence.BA ten-year-old from Howell, Michigan is being praised as a hero thanks to his persistence (坚持) that led to saving the life of an elderly neighbor. The event happened late in an evening when Danny DiPietro was being driv

9、en home from hockey practice by his mom.Thats when the young boy noticed an open garage (车库) and a figure that he believed was a dog outside an apartment building near his house. Given the freezing cold weather, the young boy got a feeling that something was not right. But instead of dismissing it l

10、ike most kids his age would have, he insisted that his mother, Dawn, find out what was going on. Dawn tried to make Danny believe that no one would leave a dog out in such cold weather, but he refused to take no for an answer.Dawn finally gave in and decided to drive to the area with the family dog

11、and see if there was any truth to Dannys hunch (直觉). Sure enough, as she got closer to the apartment building she noticed a garage that was wide open and someone waving madly for help. Upon getting there, she realized that it was not a dog the young boy had seen, but Kathleen St. Onge. The 80-year-o

12、ld had fallen down on some ice in her garage and had been lying there for two hours, unable to get up.Dawn rushed home to get her husband to help and called 911. The two then returned with some blankets to cover Ms. St. Onge, while they waited for the ambulance to arrive. Though still in hospital, t

13、he elderly woman is recovering well and forever grateful to Danny, for following up on his hunch!4. When seeing a figure in an open garage, Danny _.A. recognized it was an old manB. thought it was a homeless dogC. realized something was wrongD. believed it was nothing important5. When Dawn got close

14、r to the garage, she _.A. noticed the dog had gone awayB. knew Dannys hunch was wrongC. found an old lady waving for helpD. felt something must have been stolen6. Which of the following can best describe Danny?A. Brave and patient.3B. Friendly and honest.C. Considerate and optimistic.D. Persistent a

15、nd warm-hearted.7. What could be the best title for the text?A. Always follow your hunchB. Be ready to help save the elderlyC. Unknown hero brings love and hopeD. 10-year-old saves elderly neighbors lifeCWorldwide, humans use about 1 trillion plastic bags each year. But experts say theyre causing ma

16、jor trouble for the environment. Thats why cities like Austin, Texas, and San Francisco, California, have banned plastic bags. New York City plans to charge a five-cent fee for every bag.In fact, it takes 10 to 20 years for a plastic bag to break down. Even then, tiny pieces of the bag never really

17、go away. Many plastic bags get washed out to sea. Thousands of sea animals, like dolphins and whales, die each year because of plastic bags. Some animals think the bags are food and eat them. But an animals body cant process (处理) a bag like it processes food. The bag can cause a very slow, painful d

18、eath for an animal. Sea animals arent the only ones eating plastic. The chemicals in plastic bags can get into the ground at a landfill (垃圾填埋地). The chemicals can also get into the bodies of animals we eat. That means the chemicals can get into our water and food.Plastic bags were first introduced i

19、n 1977. People thought the bags were much better than paper bags. Plastic bags were stronger and cheaper to make. They were light and easy to use and store. Plastic bags can also be healthier to use. Germs from raw meat and vegetables can live a lot longer on cloth or paper bags than they do on plas

20、tic bags.A lot of people say that getting rid of plastic bags isnt necessary. Instead, they want to reduce the number of bags we use. New York Citys bag fee is one way to do that. Shoppers might think twice before using a plastic bag if they have to pay for it. Most Americans already reuse plastic b

21、ags. Some people take plastic bags back to the store the next time they shop. Others pack their lunches in them. And many people use them to pick up after their dogs. Some stores are trying bags made from more Earth-friendly materials, like corn. But it is not clear yet if these will help the enviro

22、nment.8. Whats the second paragraph mainly about?A. The value of plastic bags.B. The future of plastic bags.C. The danger of plastic bags.D. The processing methods of plastic bags.9. What can we learn about plastic bags made from corn?A. They prove to be deadly to sea animals.B. They can break down

23、entirely like food.C. They are healthier to use than paper bags.D. They do no harm to the environment.10. Whats the attitude of New York City towards plastic bags?4A. Their usage should be reduced.B. They should be offered for free.C. They should be banned entirely.D. Their materials should be from

24、plants.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Time is on your sideHow frequently do you say “I dont have time”? Quite often, I guess. Every time we say those words, they make us feel weak and out of control. You are in control of your hours and your life. 11 I know its n

25、ot as easy as simply turning off the TV. But here are two steps that will help you take back control and get time on your side. 12 Be honest: do you spend an hour or two visiting Weixin and QQ every day? Are you spending time with people that you dont really like just to please them? Are there meeti

26、ngs you attend that you can politely refuse?Its time to get real about the hours that add up to a lot of dissatisfying nothing. Think how you can cancel daily activities that are not useful. 13Change your language.Words matter. They have power. Saying “I dont have time” is an excuse for not wanting

27、to do something. Here are some good, empowering alternatives (选择):“I choose not to start that project until next year.”“ 14 ”“Id love to go out this weekend but have important work I need to do first.”5Get better at saying no. 15 Use little pockets of time (friend running late, car stuck in traffic,

28、 meeting ending 10 minutes early) to do some productive thinking. All these things can add up over time more than you believe!A. Identify your blocks.B. But you are likely wasting a lot of it!C. I really dont have enough time to do it.D. Replace them with things that satisfy you.E. Take no notice of

29、 all those unimportant messages on your phone.F. Id love to read that book Ill get to it after my homework is complete!G. When you dont have a plan for your life, someone else will plan it for you.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最

30、佳选项。On Monday, April 20, we experienced heavy rain and fierce winds. During a break in the weather on Tuesday morning, I stupidly decided to 16 into town to buy some food.I left the supermarket around 10 am. 17 , as I drove the six kilometers back to my home, the weather took a turn for the 18. It w

31、as raining very 19 and I was forced to take a 20 I dont usually travel. Nearing my town, I watched as the water level on the road 21 in front of me. I had nowhere to go.The driver of a four-wheel drive signaled from his car to tell me not to try and cross the 22 road. Then I noticed a man in his ear

32、ly 30s in his front yard 23 the situation. He quickly waved to me to come and 24 in his driveway away from the rushing water.The man called Trent then 25 me to wait inside his house. I told him I was concerned about the 26 to my fathers car, which I was driving, 27 the continuing rain started to tur

33、n into hail (冰雹). Trent then took a cover from his garage and 28 my car to protect it from the hail. 29 , his efforts saved Dads car from being destroyed by the hail.While waiting for the 30 to improve, I learned that Trent had 31 his job ten months ago and was trying his hand as a local handyman (做

34、零活的人) to make ends meet.By 12:30 pm the rain 32 so I asked Trent if he thought it would be safe enough to 33 he told me it was. As I left, I insisted on 34 two of his 6business cards, and my father has since called Trent to offer him 35 as a handyman at our place doing various small jobs.16. A. run

35、B. walkC. drive D. bike17. A. Besides B. ThereforeC. Instead D. However18. A. more B. worseC. less D. better19 A. lightly B. normallyC. heavily D. regularly20. A. town B. roadC. turn D. market21. A. rose B. arrivedC. fell D. disappeared22. A. busy B. wide C. quiet D. dangerous23. A. recording B. des

36、cribingC. changing D. examining24. A. call B. park C. wash D. stay25. A. forced B. beggedC. invited D. promised26. A. approach B. reactionC. damage D. attention27. A. as B. ifC. so D. but 28. A. hid B. cleanedC. measured D. covered29. A. Suddenly B. Secretly C. Interestingly D. Fortunately30. A. job

37、 B. waterC. weather D. business 31. A. got B. lost C. kept D. finished32. A. came B. pouredC. stopped D. continued33. A. use B. leave C. try D. enter34. A. taking B. accepting C. signing D. borrowing35. A. chance B. workC. service D. transport第二节: 根据下面所给提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)。36.

38、The local people complain that chemical waste from factories is p_ the river.737. The children are the helpless _ (受害者) of the fighting.38. The government has _ (宣布) that public spending will be increased.39. The need to communicate is a key _ (特征) of human society.40. If you cant h_ the job Ill get

39、 someone else to do it.41.Over the years weve become quite e_ at dealing with these sorts of problems. 42.These flowers are brightly colored in order to a_ butterflies.43. I am happy to c_ any points that are still unclear. 44. We spent a(n) _ (enjoy) evening talking about old times. 45. You dont se

40、em very e_ about the party dont you want to go tonight?第三部分:写作(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节:单句改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)46.I was so tired that fell asleep on the sofa.47.Im going to have the car repair tomorrow afternoon.48.Ive instructed them lock the door.49.Who was blame for the accident?50.John Snow became

41、inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people expose to cholera.51.He suggested that the source of all the water supplies examined.52.For convenience England is divided rough into three zones.53.She wants her paintings displaying in the gallery, but we dont think theyd be popular. 54.I had

42、never expected to get the job. I was really amazing when I was offered it.55.She was unable, or willing to give me any further details.第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分)假设你是李华,你的美国笔友汤姆目前正在中国做交换生,他来信说他对竞选班长的活动缺乏信心,决定退出。请你给他写一封回信,劝他不要放弃。注意:1. 词数 100 左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom, Im sorry to hear

43、that you want to give up running for monitor of your class just because you are not confident. 8_Yours,Li Hua92018-2019 学年第一学期高二第一次月考英语答案1-5 DCDCC 6-10 DDCCA 11-15 BADFE 16-20CDBCB 21-25ADDBC 26-30 CADDC 31-35 BCBAB36. polluting 37. victims 38. Announced 39. Characteristic 40.handle 41. Expert

44、tract 43. clarify 44. Enjoyable 45. enthusiastic 46.I was so tired that fell asleep on the sofa. fell 前加 I47.Im going to have the car repair tomorrow afternoon. repaired48.Ive instructed them lock the door .lock 前加 to49.Who was blame for the accident? blame 前加 to50.John Snow became inspired when he

45、thought about helping ordinary people expose to cholera. exposed51.He suggested that the source of all the water supplies examined. examined 前加 be52.For convenience England is divided rough into three zones. roughly53.She wants her paintings displaying in the gallery, but we dont think theyd be popu

46、lar. displayed54.I had never expected to get the job. I was really amazing when I was offered it. amazed55.She was unable, or willing to give me any further details. unwillingOne possible version:Dear Tom,Im sorry to hear that you want to give up running for monitor of your class just because you are not confident. Im writing to persuade you not to do that.10Im sure that youre equal to this position. First of all, I think you have the organizing ability because you once organized an English speech contest which turned out to be a great success. Secondly, you have a strong sense of

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