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本文(江苏省盐城市亭湖区七年级英语上册Unit3Welcometoourschool短语归纳(新版)牛津版.docx)为本站会员(testyield361)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、17上 Unit 3 短语归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 30 31) 1. 欢迎来到我们学校。 Welcome to our school.2. 你最喜欢哪门学科(三种) Which of the subjects do you like best?=Which subject do you like best?=Which is your favourite subject?3. 学校开放日 School Open Day4. 几天几号?今天十月九日。 (两种) Whats the date today? Its 9 October.=Wha

2、t date is it today? Its 9 October5. 几点了?(两种) What time is it?=Whats the time?6. 家长会 the parents meeting7. 在下午两点钟(两种) at two oclock in the afternoon=at 2:00 p.m.8. 在一点半(两种) at 1:30=at half past one10. 此后,在那以后 after that9. 观摩我们的两节课 watch two of our lessons11. 在校门口见面 meet at the school gate Reading (P.

3、32 34) 1. 看起来漂亮/摩登/年轻 look beautiful/modern/young2. 让某人做某事 let sb. do sth 3. 引领某人参观 show sb. around4. 让我带你参观。 Let me show you around.5. 在教学楼前面 in front of the classroom building6. 在底楼 on the ground floor7. 干净而又明亮 clean and bright8. 妈妈,这边走。 This way, Mum.9. 有一个美术室 have an art room10. 一个音乐室 a music ro

4、om11. 两个电脑房 two computer rooms12. 好极了。 Thats wonderful.13. 你也有个图书馆,对吗? You have a library too, right? 14. 那幢新大楼 that new building15. 那儿的大楼 the building over there16. 学校礼堂 the school hall17. 开会 have a meeting/have meetings18. 穿白衬衫的那名男子 that man in a white shirt19. 我们英语老师 our English teacher20. 去礼堂 go

5、 to the hall21. 来参观我们的学校 come and visit our school22. 在这一天 on this day23. 许多书(两种) lots of books=a lot of books24. 下午去那儿 go there in the afternoon Grammar (P. 35 36)1. 住在北京 live in Beijing2. 在足球队 in the football team3. 那儿的老师们 the teachers there4. 我朋友们的照片 the pictures/photos of my friends5. 在墙上 on the

6、 wall6. 让我想想 let me see/think7. 我所有的朋友 all my friends 8. 通电话 on the phone9. 在一个新学校 at a new school10. 告诉某人关于某事 tell sb about sth11. 我们都喜欢他。 We all like him. 12. 向我/我们/你(们)/他/她/它/他们问好 say hello to 2me/us/you/him/her/it/them13. 听清楚某人话 hear sb well14. 和他们玩 play with them15. 课后 after class 16. 在家(两种) be

7、 at home=be inIntegrated Skills & Study Skills (P.37 39)1. 一段很长的路 a long way2. 从我家到学校 from my home to the school3. 六点半起床 get up at six thirty4. 住在我们学校附近 live near our school5. 每天早上 every morning6. 花费她大约二十分钟到达学校。 It takes her about 20 minutes to get to school.7. 很早到学校 get to school early8. 多长时间 how l

8、ong 9. 步行上学(两种) walk to school=go to scho ol on foot10. 骑车上学(三种) ride a bike to school=go to school by bike=go to school on the bike11. 做某事花费某人时间 It takes sb. some time to do sth12. 从上午八点到下午 5点半开放 be open from 8: 00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 13. 阅览室 the reading room14. 各种各样的书 all kinds of books15. 向某人借某物 bo

9、rrow sth from sb16. 看一看 look at/have a look at17. 唱一首英文歌 sing an English song18. 向左/右看 look left/right19. 带给我一个生日蛋糕(两种) bring me a birthday cake=bring a birthday cake to me20. 在回家的路上 on the way home21. 在你返回的路上 on your way back22. 过马路(两种) cross the road=go across the road23. 喜欢这个数字 like the number24.

10、 把他的铅笔和钢笔放在书上 put his pencils and pens on the bookTask (P. 40 41)1. 谢谢你的来信。 Thanks for your letter.2. 在希望中学学习 study at Hope Middle School3. 仅有几间 教室 only have a few classrooms4. 在那儿看书 read books there5. 都很善良 be all very kind 6. 对某人好 be kind to sb7. 非常喜欢他们 like them very much8. 离远 be far (away) from9.

11、 住得离学校远 live far away from the school10. 半小时 half an hour=thirty minutes 11. 一切顺利 all the best 12. 乘公 交/飞机/船/出租/小轿车(两种) go by bus/plane/ship/taxi/car=take a bus/plane/ship/taxi/car13. 坐汽车去学校(两种) take the bus to school =go to school by bus14. 你有个图书馆还是阅览室? Do you have a library or a reading room? 15. 你怎样到达学校? How do you get to school? 16. 什么学校 what school

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