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1、17上 Unit 4 短语归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 42 43)1. 醒来 wake up2. 叫醒他 wake him up3. 是吃早饭的时间了。 Its time for breakfast./Its time to have breakfast. 4. 我们做某事,好吗/ Shall we?5. 去山上散步 go walking in the hills6. 很少出去 seldom go out 7. 早饭/午饭/晚饭后 after breakfast/lunch/supper8. 需要好好休息 need a good rest9.

2、 知道如何做某事 know how to do sth 10. 玩得高兴 have fun =have a good time11. 在校的一天 a day at school12. 起床 get up13. 先做早操 do morning exercises first14. 进行课外活动 do after-school activities15. 做作业 do homework16. 吃早饭/午饭/晚饭 have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner17. 上课 have lessons18. 去睡觉 go to bed19. 七点二十去上学 go to school

3、 at 7:2020. .迟到 be late for21. 在八点一刻 at eight fifteen=a quarter past eight22. 在八点差一刻 at seven forty-five= a quarter to eight23. 非常喜欢它 enjoy it very much Reading (P.44 46) 1. 学校生活 school life2. 阳光中学的一名学生 a student at Sunshine Middle School3. 热 爱我的学校 love my school4. 上午八点开始 start at 8 a.m.=start at ei

4、ght in the morning5. 从周一至周五 from Monday to Friday6. 我最喜欢的学科是英语。 My favourite subject is English. =I like English best.7. 有许多朋友 have a lot of/lots of friends8. 对我好 be nice to me9. 课后/放学后 after class/school10. 彼此聊天 chat with each other11. 在操场上玩 play in the playground12. 去图书馆 go to the library13. 有一个读书

5、兴趣小组 have a Reading Club14. 在那儿读书 read books there15. 在周二和周四 on Tuesday and Thursday16. 喜欢打排球 like playing volleyball17. 在学校排球队 in the school volleyball team18. 放学后练习 practise after school19. 练习做某事 practise doing sth20. 在周三下午 on Wednesday afternoon21. 在学校玩得开心 have a good time at school22. 最美好的祝愿 Bes

6、t wishes.23. 学校游泳队的一员 a member of the school swimming team Grammar (P. 47 48)1. 晚上看电视 watch TV in the evening2. 在三月植树 plant trees in March3. 在春季/夏天/秋天/冬天 in spring/summer/autumn/winter24. 第 22届世界杯 the 22 nd World Cup 5. 在 2022年 in 20226. 周六上学 go to school on Saturday7. 我们的暑假 our summer holiday 8. 在七

7、月一日 on 1 July9. 去游泳 go swimming10. 在周日上午 on Sunday morning11. 玩得很高兴 have lots of /great fun12. 在儿童节这天 on Childrens Day13. 中国的孩子 children in China14. 七点吃早饭 have breakfast at seven oclock15. 在六岁 at 6=at age six=at the age of six16. 在一个寒冷的早晨 on a cold morning17. 在五月一日的上午 on the morning of May 1st18. 谢谢

8、你的电子邮件 Thanks for your email19. 谢谢你做某事 thanks for doing sth20. 想要做 would like to do=want to do21. 告诉你关于我这儿的生活 tell you about my life here22. 热爱运动 love sports23. 擅长踢足球 be good at playing football24. 和我的朋友一起玩 play with my friend 25. 举行一场学校足球赛 have a school football match26. 今年 this year 27. 一切顺利,万事如意

9、all the best28. 他们多长时间锻炼一次? How often do they exercise? 29. 有许多时间打网球 have much time to play tennis30. 去上舞蹈课 go to the dancing lesson31. 跳舞半小时 dance for half an hour 32. 去溜旱冰 go roller skating Integrated Skills & Study Skills (P.49 51)1. 在月光中学 at Moonlight Middle School 2. 一场在 A和 B之间的比赛 a match betwe

10、en A and B.3. 本周六晚上 this Saturday evening4. 乘汽车去那儿 go there by bus=take a/the bus there5. 我希望大家能来观看比赛。 I hope everyone can come and watch the game.6. 希望我们队好运。 Wish our team good luck.7. 参观博物馆 visit a museum8. 一个月两次 twice a month 9. 进行野餐 go on a picnic /have a picnic10. 和我家人去野餐 go on picnics with my

11、family11. 你多久进行一次野餐?一周一次。 How often do you go on a picnic? Once a week.12. 在中午做饭 cook at noon13. 打扫街道 clean the street14. 穿裙子的女孩 a girl in a skirt15. 上班的护士 a nurse at work16. 为准备好 be/get ready for17. 准备好做某事 be ready to do sthTask (P. 52 53)1. 早操 morning exercises 2. 对我们有好处 be good for us3. 帮助我们做好这一天的准备 help us get ready for the day 4. 从了解许多关于世界 learn a lot about the world from5. 有太多家庭作业 have too much homework

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