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1、17下 Unit 6 知识点归纳Comic Strip & Welcome to the unit (P. 6869)1 outdoor fun 户外乐趣2 hurry up 快点,赶快3 in a hurry 急急忙忙 地4 carry sth for sb 替某人拿某物5 be tired 疲劳,累6 too heavy 太重7 complain too much 抱怨太多8 complain to sb about sth 向某人抱怨某事9 The bag isnt that heavy. 这只包没那么重。10 outdoor activities 户外活动11 go camping/c

2、ycling/riding/jogging 去野营/去骑车/去骑马/去慢跑 12 What outdoor activity would you like to try? 你想尝试什么样的户外活动?13 What do you like about camping? 你喜欢野营的什么?14 like being outside 喜欢在户外, Reading (P. 7072)1 down the rabbit hole 掉进兔子洞2 one sunny day 一个晴朗的日子3 sit by a river 坐在河边4 hear a sound 听见一个声音5.see/hear/watch/n

3、otice/listen to sb doing 看见/听见/观看/注意到/听某人正做某事6 see/hear/watch/notice/listen to sb do 看见/听见/观看/注意到/听某人做某事7 look up 抬头看,查询8 a white rabbit in a coat 一只穿大衣的白兔子9 pass by 经过10 be late (for) 迟到11 take a watch out of its pocket 从它的口袋里拿出一块手表12 look at the time 看时间13 How amazing! 多么令人惊讶啊!14 stand up 起立15 run

4、 across the field after sb 穿过田野追赶某人16 jump down/into a big hole 跳进一个大洞17 get away 逃脱,离开18 for a long time 很长时间19 hit the ground 碰到地面20 find oneself alone 发现自己独自一人21 in a long, low hall 在一个又长又矮的大厅里22 There were doors all around, but they were all locked.四周围都是门, 但门都锁着。23 see a small key on the table 看

5、到桌上有把小钥匙24 fit any of the doors 适合任一扇门25 putinto 把放进226 on one /the other side 在一边/在另一边27 try to go through the door 尝试着过这扇门28 use it to open a door 用它来开门29 run after sb 追赶某人Grammar (P. 7374)1 do some shopping 购物2 practise playing volleyball with his friend 和他的朋友一起练习打排球3 go out 出去4 stay at home 呆在家5

6、 go camping 去野营6 put up a tent near a lake 在湖边搭帐篷7 stay outside 呆在外面8 row a boat on the lake 在湖上划船9 all night 整夜10 the camping trip 野营旅行Integrated Skills (P. 7576)1 tell people in the West all about kites 告诉西方人所有关于风筝的知识2 find a new way to make paper 找到一种新的造纸方法3 use bamboo to make kites 用竹子做风筝4 be ma

7、de of 由制成(看得出原材料)be made from 由制成(看不出原材料)5 make a bird out of wood 用木头做鸟儿6 have a long history 有悠久的历史7 the Chinese 中国人8 make kites /fly kites 制作风筝/ 放风筝9 over 2,000 years ago 2,000 多年前10 in the Warring States period 在战国时期11 in history 在历史上12 in the Eastern Han dynasty 在东汉王朝13 begin to use paper to ma

8、ke kites 开始用纸做风筝14 in the 13th century 在 13世纪15 an Italian man called Marco Polo 一个名叫马可波罗的意大利人16 In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became a very popular outdoor activity.在明清王朝时期,放风筝成为一种非常流行的户外活动。17 in Shandong Province 在山东省18 become famous for making kites 因为制作风筝而出名19 from then on 从那时起20 h

9、ave a picnic/go on a picnic 进行一次野餐21 be excited (at) (因为)激动、兴奋22 Its dangerous to swim in the lake. 在湖里游泳是危险的。23 Remember to take your mobile phone. 记得带上你的手机。24 forget to do 忘记去做某事(未做)25 forget doing 忘记做过某事(已做)3Task (P. 7879)1 do not know what to do. 不知道做什么 2 go back to 返回某地3 a little bottle 一只小瓶子4

10、a note on the bottle/box 瓶子/盒子上的标签5 drink a little 喝一点6 taste sweet 尝起来甜甜的7 drink some more 又喝了一些8 feel a little ill/sick 感到有点不舒服9 look down 低头,向下看10 become smaller and smaller 变得越来越小11 be small enough to go through the door. 足够小,能够穿过那扇门 12 be adj enough to do sth 足够做某事13 decide to enter the garden 决定进入花园14 walk towards the door 朝门走去15 forget about the key 忘记关于钥匙16 tooto do sth 太不能做某事17 She was too small to reach the key. 她太小,够不着钥匙。18 try to climb up 试着往上爬19 a piece of cake 一块蛋糕20 fail to do 做某事失败

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