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1、- 1 -福建省三明市第一中学 2018-2019学年高一英语上学期练习试题 8Book 6 Unit 31、语篇填空As we all know, people who become addicted _ smoking are suffering a series of problems. It is high time that you _ (stop) smoking. _(decide) on a day that is not stressful to quit smoking, youll find it easier to quit it. List out all the b

2、_ you can get from stopping smoking. Reread the list you wrote when you feel like _(smoke). Develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the house and so on _ (keep) yourself busy. Besides, you can, at times, invite your friends_ dont smoke to have dinner. _ matters most is

3、to keep trying. Dont feel ashamed if you _ (weak) and have a cigarette, because some people have to try many times _ they finally get rid of smoking.2、完成句子1. 成龙取得如此高的成就原因是他对电影事业的投入。That Mr. Chen has been so successful is _ _ his devotion to the career.2. 吸烟者身体上对尼古丁上瘾,尼古丁是香烟几百种化学物质当中的一种。Smoker _ phys

4、ically _ _ nicotine, _ is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes. 3. 尽管有暴风雨,那些志愿者还是冒险驱车前进。_ _ _ the storm, the volunteers still _ _ to drive on.4. 应对这些药品的最佳办法就是一开始就不要养成那些坏习惯。The best way to deal with those drugs is not _ _ _ the bad habits.5. 一旦染上吸烟的坏习惯,你会发现很容易习惯抽烟。Once forming the habit of

5、smoking, youll find _ easy to _ _ _ smoking.3、阅读理解ABack in freshman year, I found myself wondering whether it should really be called “volunteering” if students only do it because they have to.I started volunteering at Weyrich Health Center, helping elderly patients with daily tasks. The more I did

6、these tasks, the more disconnected I felt from the seniors. Though I felt bad for them, I did not want to communicate with them.Then one rainy day, I met Colonel Hemsworth. He invited me to his table and asked for some company. I regarded this as another boring task. However, listening to his storie

7、s, I learned that he was a brilliant war veteran(老兵), and I found his tales interesting.After my brief talk with the Colonel, I realized that I shared common characters with all the seniors. I felt like an oxygen molecule(分子) ready to form a relationshiprather than an isolated(孤立的) gas.I met with ma

8、ny learned senior citizens who shared their experiences and - 2 -wisdom. No longer did I walk aimlessly down the hallways. I found myself enjoying talking with these people as I learned their histories. Why hadnt I realized sooner that volunteer work could enlighten me?Some argue that volunteering a

9、nd working for change does not help. However, they fail to realize that the world is constantly changing and humans must adapt. My experience at Weyrich Health Center has taught me that refusing to change ones views and accept new ones leads to short-term goals that finally disappear. Communication

10、with others is an important part of life. Volunteering is not just a requirement or a way to improve your resume, it is a time for service and personal growth.Now I enjoy volunteering my time surrounded by seniors who bring history alive for me. By communicating with them, I have developed into a mo

11、re dynamic person.24. Whats the authors attitude towards volunteering at first?A. Positive. B. Doubtful. C. Satisfied. D. Unwilling.25. Why did Colonel Hems worth invite the author to his table?A. He liked the author very much.B. He wanted to work with the author.C. He wanted the author to accompany

12、 him.D. He planned to teach the author something.26. What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Para.4?A. The author would like to be an oxygen molecule.B. The author had desire to communicate with the seniors.C. The author wanted to do a chemical experiment with gas.D. The author imagined hi

13、mself being part of an isolated gas.27. What does the sixth paragraph mainly tell us?A. Other peoples attitude towards volunteering.B. The importance of communicating with others.C. The lessons the author has learned from volunteering.D. The important meaning of humans adapting to changes.BRich Ande

14、rson says he isnt scared of sharks and he is appealing to others to learn to love them.“I try to convince people that looking at a shark eye to eye is totally different to sitting on a surfboard or a boat looking at every shadow that goes underneath thinking its a shark coming to get them,” he said.

15、 “Eye to eye they look at you, you look at them and you go your own way.”“I find that once people see their first sharks, their whole attitude changes. They realize that they are not as scary as what they thought they were,” Mr. Anderson said. He compares sharks to dogs, in the way they show their b

16、ehavior and attitude towards humans. “You are not going to go up to a dog that it arching(拱起 ) its back and making a low sound in the throat at you,” he said. “If a shark is arching and its fins(鳍) are down, its telling you to move on.” He admits he thought the shark was trying to attack him the - 3

17、 -first few times.Mr. Anderson is against the controversial policy introduced in Western Australia to kill a shark if it presents a threat to humans. He said many of the same things that occur in Western Australia are also happening in New South Wales.Anderson said that sharks come closer to shore b

18、ecause they are attracted to the smell of whale bodies which have broken down after being buried in the sand on many beaches.Mr. Anderson often sees gray nurse sharks, fur seals, leopard seals, penguins and fishes of a range of colours in the Pacific Ocean along Bellingen Shire. “Depending on the ti

19、me of the year, you can get a good mixture of sea creatures moving through there,” he said. Tiger sharks are his favourite kind of sharks. He describes them as pig-headed but also elegant creatures. 28. What does Mr. Anderson probably do?A. A diver. B. A surfer. C. A boatman. D. A fisherman.29.What

20、does Mr. Andersan try to tell us by comparing sharks to dogs?A. Sharks have the same behaviour as dogs.B. Sharks are naturally friendly to human beings.C. Sharks can send messages through their behavior.D. Sharks can be lovely creatures if properly trained.30.What mistake did Mr. Anderson once make?

21、A. He never looked at sharks eye to eye. B. He once saw sharks as a scary animal.C. He didnt allow sharks to get close to shores.D. He misunderstood a sharks arching its back. 31. What do we know about the Pacific Ocean along Bellingen Shire?A. Its a popular tourist destination.C. Its open in certai

22、n times of the year.B. Its Mr. Andersons favorite place.D. Its where Mr. Anderson trains sharks.四、七选五Some people love traveling while some prefer to stay at home. If you dont love traveling, you can make a change now. Why? 36 Please read on to know more. Traveling takes you out of your comfort zone.

23、 Your comfort zone is comforting. 37 When you step into new surroundings, you will learn about the world around you. Traveling alone is a great option. Some people might fear being on their own, but it can really help them grow.38 Are you afraid of water? If you are, go to the beach or a lake. Are y

24、ou afraid of heights? If so, climb a hill or go to a vista point at the nearest national park. Are you afraid of talking to strangers? If so, go to a new place and talk with people you have never seen. Remember, fear can be overcome.- 4 -Traveling is a good way to expand your mind. It gets you out o

25、f a routine and makes you use your brain, your ears and your eyes. When traveling, there are a lot of things that have to be taken in: new sights, new flavors, new noises, etc. 39 Have you ever thought about traveling abroad as a volunteer? You can benefit a lot from this kind of trip. 40 Sometimes,

26、 you can even get all of your meals and accommodation for free. Volunteer tourism is becoming more and more popular. There are many ways to make a difference and benefit you at the same time. A. You are exposed to many new things.B. It is not as expensive as you might expect. C. All of them require

27、your complete attention.D. Traveling can help you to remove your fears.E. This kind of trip is really popular with people.F. Because you can really benefit a lot from traveling.G. But it doesnt always give you the opportunity to grow.五、完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空

28、白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。My husband and I were working as volunteer teachers in a remote village in northern Thailand. There were many 41 , particularly around our housing.We found a house near the school and 42 this past June. Shortly after, while we were preparing lessons at the office, the 43 removed

29、all the surrounding banana trees and the grass in order to raise the ground levelshe had 44 on tearing down our house and building a new one after we left.She brought in tons of 45 , which left our house in a kind of moat (壕沟), and when the heavy rains came, our 46 flooded. This was upsetting, but i

30、t turned into something 47 . When he became 48 of it, the headmaster at my school got my eight-grade class to come to help 49 up.The boys dug into the moat to drain (使流走) the water, and built a path out to the street, 50 the girls mopped up the water inside and spread newspapers to 51_ it. Before th

31、e problem was truly 52 , however, we had another flood. This incident turned into a 53 , with teachers and students 54 helping clean up.Another time, my husband suddenly got very 55 . It was going to 56 the ambulance two hours to reach our house, 57 my co-teacher arranged for a tractor from the vill

32、age office to take us to meet itthis truly 58 his life by cutting two hours off the ride.There were many other 59 of care and kindness. This community is dear to our hearts, and there is no way we can repay them. I have determined to try my best to repay it forward by looking for those 60 help in fu

33、ture.41. A. affairs B. difficulties C. preparations D. arrangements- 5 -42. A. set off B. fitted in C. moved off D. settled in43. A. agent B. assistant C. architect D. landlord44. A. argued B. carried C. planned D. insisted45. A. dirt B. dust C. weed D. water46. A. town B. house C. office D. village

34、47. A. good B. absurd C. dangerous D. interesting48. A. sure B. aware C. afraid D. guilty49. A. hold B. build C. clean D. speed50. .A. as B. after C. until D. while51. A. dry B. hide C. block D. cover52. A. avoided B. solved C. discussed D. discovered53. A. party B. failure C. meeting D. quarrel54.

35、A. even B. still C. again D. almost55. A. tired B. bored C. scared D. sick56. A. use B. call C. leave D. take57. A. and B. but C. otherwise D. therefore58. A. saved B. changed C. protected D. improved59. A. causes B. benefits C. examples D. meanings60. A. for fear of B. for lack of C. in need of D.

36、in favor of六、短文改错(共 10处错误,满分 10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改 10处,多者(从第 11处起)不计分。 With the development of the Internet, online shopping have become

37、 common in ourlife. Consumers can buy things online what are cheaper than those in physical stores.Online shopping has many advantage, one of which is its convenience. You didnt have to waste a lot of your energy and time going from one shop to other to choose what you like. You only need to sit in

38、front your computer and click the mouse. Therefore, online shopping also has disadvantages. The first is that you cant see the actual goods or trying them on personally. The second is that some online shops may deliver nothing to them after they get money from you. Once be cheated, you will find nowhere to complain.

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