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1、知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1参加;加入v._ 2写作 v._ 3周末n._ 4教,讲授v._ 5穿衣服 v连衣裙 n._ 6早(的)adv.& adj._ 7练习,锻炼v.& n._ 8家庭作业n._ 9打扫,弄干净v.干净的adj._ 10有味道,品尝v.味道,滋味n._,join,write,weekend,teach,dress,early,exercise,homework,clean,taste,11桥n._ 12一刻钟,四分之一 n_ 13梦想,睡梦n.做梦v._ 14重要的adj._ 15离开,留下v._ 16打架,战斗v.&n._

2、17打扫,弄干净 v干净的 adj._ 18锻炼,练习v.& n_ 19脏的adj._ 20规则,规章n._,bridge,quarter,dream,important,leave,fight,clean,practice,dirty,rule,21遵循,跟随v._ 22严格的,严厉的adj._ 23保持,保留v._ 24生活;生命 n_ 25骑 v旅程 n_ 26睡觉v.&n._ 27救,救助v._ 28杀死v._,follow,strict,keep,life,ride,sleep,save,kill,29运气,幸运n._ 30洗v._ 31怀念,思念,错过v._ 32可口的,美味的ad

3、j._,luck,wash,miss,delicious,词汇拓展 1sing _(n.)歌手;歌唱家 2speak _(n.)演讲者_(n.)演讲 3write _(n.)作者 4piano _(n.)钢琴家 5violin _(n.)小提琴家 6teach _(n.)教师 7music _(n.)音乐家_(adj.)音乐的 8brush_(复数形式),singer,speaker,speech,writer,pianist,violinist,teacher,musician,musical,brushes,9tooth _(复数形式) 10usually _(形容词反义词)与众不同的 1

4、1quickly_(adj.)迅速的 12drive_(n.)驾驶员 13village_(n.)村民 14luck_(adj.)幸运的_(adv.)幸运地 15Australia_(adj.)澳大利亚(人)的 16Africa_(adj.)非洲(人)的 17forget_(反义词)记得;想起 18danger_(adj.)危险的,teeth,usual,unusual,quick,driver,villager,lucky,luckily,Australian,African,remember,dangerous,19use _(adj.)有用的 20man_(复数形式) 21study_(

5、单数第三人称) 22young_(反义词)老的 23child_(复数形式) 24swim _(n.)游泳者_ (n.)游泳 25funny_ (n.)乐趣_(近义词),useful,men,studies,old,children,swimmer,swimming,fun,interesting,重点短语 1说英语_ 2练武术_ 3给某人讲故事_ 4穿衣服_ 5在某方面帮助某人_ 6锻炼_ 7迟到_ 8在周末_,speak English,do kung fu,tell sb.stories,get dressed,help sb. with sth.,take exercise,be la

6、te for,on the weekend,9半个小时_ 10对有益_ 11乘火车_ 12实现_ 13遵循规则_ 14准时_ 15外出_ 16写信给某人_,half an hour,be good for,take the train/by train,come true,follow the rules,on time,go out,write a letter to sb.,17砍倒_ 18在和之间_ 19由制成的_ 20考虑_,cut down,between.and.,be made of,think about,21擅长于_ 22跟说_ 23弹钢琴_ 24善于应付的_ 25交朋友_

7、26起床_ 27散步_ 28做作业_ 29对某人要求严格_,be good at,talk to,play the piano,be good with,make friends,get up,take a walk,do ones homework,be strict with sb.,重点句型 1在这个时间吃早饭是多么有趣啊! What _ _ _ _ eat breakfast! 2为了工作,他乘坐17路公交车到赛特宾馆。 _ _ _ work, he _ the No. 17 bus to the Sai Te Hotel. 3我会说英语也会踢足球。 I can _ _ and I c

8、an _ play soccer. 4她知道它对她没有益处,但它尝起来很好。 She knows its _ _ _ her, but it _ good.,a,funny,time,to,To,get,to,takes,speak,English,also,not,good,for,tastes,5你怎样到学校的? _ do you _ _ school? 我骑自行车。 I _ my bike.,6.并且我们总是不得不穿校服。 And we _ _ _ wear the school _. 7不要把脏盘子留在厨房里! Dont _ the dirty dishes _ the kitchen

9、!,How,get,to,ride,always,have,to,uniform,leave,in,8约翰为什么喜欢树袋熊? _ _ John like koalas? 因为它们非常可爱。 _ theyre very _. 9大象能走很长时间并且从不迷路。 Elephants can walk _ a long time and _ _ _.,Why,does,Because,cute,for,never,get,lost,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1speak v说(某种语言);说话 【考点辨析】speak , say, talk与tell (1)speak用作及物动词时,表示“说(

10、某种语言)”。常见搭配:speak English/French说英语/法浯; 用作不及物动词时,表示 “发言”。常见搭配:speak at a meeting在会上发言;另外,还可以表示“(电话中)通话”。 Our English teacher is speaking at the meeting.我们的英语老师正在会上发言。,(2) say说,讲。着重指讲话的内容,指口头上或以书面语言表达思想。常用作及物动词,宾语可以是代词或从句,也可用于直接引语或间接引语中。 What did he say?他说了什么? (3)talk谈话。指跟少数人“随意地说”“快活地说”,不着重指所说的内容,一般

11、只用作不及物动词;用作及物动词时,宾语只能是语言等少数几个词,后不能跟宾语从句,但有较强的对话、讨论意味时,可与介词to,with和about连用。 Please dont talk so loudly.请不要那么大声地讲话。 She was talking (with)her friends.她正和她的朋友们谈话。,(4)tell告诉,讲述。多指以口头方式将某事告诉某人,或指较连续地述说,有时含有嘱咐或命令之意。常用于讲故事(story)、真话(the truth)、谎话(a lie,lies)等。其后可跟双宾语或宾语补足语,构成tell do sth.结构。 Tell me t

12、he time, please.请告诉我时间。 The teacher tell us not to play on the road.老师告诉我们不要在路上玩。,2join v参加;加入 【考点辨析】join, join in, take part in和attend,3dress v穿衣服 n连衣裙 【考点辨析】wear, put on, have on, be in与dress (1)wear“穿着,戴着”,指状态,可以用于进行时。 He is wearing a new coat.他穿着一件新外套。 (2)put on“穿上,戴上”,特指动作。 Put on your cap.It i

13、s cold outside.戴上你的帽子,外面冷。 (3)have on“穿着”,指状态,没有进行时,宾语是代词时,只能放在on前。 I have on a pair of glasses.我戴着一副眼镜。,(4)be in“穿着,戴着”,指状态,宾语既可以是衣服、帽子,又可以是颜色。 She is in white.她穿着一身白。 (5)dress“穿”(指动作),宾语是“人”,不是“衣服”。 I dress my son every morning. 我每天早晨给儿子穿衣服。,4either adv.或者;也(用在否定词组后) 【考点归纳】(1)either用作代词时,意为“二者之一”,

14、可单独使用,也可以和表示范围的of短语连用,of后的名词一般为复数,并且是特指。 Do you want tea or coffee?你要茶还是咖啡? Either is OK.哪一种都行。 (2)either用作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式,of后面的名词在数上应是“两个”,并带有限定词,如往往说either of the/your boxes,而不说either of boxes。,(3) either用作形容词时,可修饰单数可数名词,意为“两个中任意一个”,其谓语动词也应用单数形式。 Come on Saturday or Sunday. Either day is OK.星期六或星期天

15、来吧,这两天哪天都行。 There are lots of shops on either side of the street.(There are lots of shops on both sides of the street.)街道两边有许多商店。 (4)either用作副词时,意为“也(不)”,用于否定句的句末。 If you dont go there, I wont, either.如果你不去那里,我也不去。 【拓展】either.or.或者或者;要么要么,二、中考重点短语 5be good at 擅长于 【考点辨析】be good for, be good at与be goo

16、d to 这三个短语虽然在形式上相似,但其意义却完全不同: (1) be good for.意为“对有益/有好处”,后接表示人或事物的名词,其反义词组是be bad for.。 Exercise is good for health.锻炼有益于健康。,(2) be good at.意为“善于,在方面做(学)得好”。同义短语do well in后接名词/代词/动名词。 He is good at English/drawing. 他擅长英语/绘画。 (3) be good to.意为“对好(和善、慈爱)”,其后一般接表示人或人格化的名词。 He is good to me.他对我好。,6be s

17、trict with sb.(对某人)要求严格 【考点辨析】be strict with与be strict in (1) be strict with意为“对要求严格”,其后接表示人的宾语。 Our teacher is very strict with us.我们的老师对我们要求严格。 We must be strict with ourselves.我们必须严格要求自己。 (2) be strict in也表示“对要求严格”,但其后面接表示物的宾语。 Students must be strict in their study.学生必须对他们的学习要求严格。,三、中考重点句型 7How

18、does Mary get to school?玛丽怎么到学校的? She takes the subway.她乘地铁。 【考点归纳】(1) how副词,意为“如何,怎么样”,这里用来对方式提问。How do you study for a test?你怎么备考的?,(2) 乘坐交通工具的表达方式有:,8People say that “an elephant never forgets”人们说“大象从来不会忘记”。 【考点归纳】forget及物动词,意为“忘记”。其后既可接动词不定式,也可接动名词,接动词不定式时,意为“忘记要去做某事”;接动名词,意为“忘记做过的事”。 I forgot t

19、o close the windows when I left the classroom.离开教室的时候我忘记关窗户了。 Hes forgotten giving the book to my sister.他忘了给我妹妹送书。,( )1.What did you _ at the meeting last Monday? Nothing. Atalk Bspeak Ctell Dsay ( )2.When did you _ this music club? Last month.Its so interesting that I like it very much. Ajoin Batt

20、end Cjoin in Dtake part in,D,A,( )3._your coat at once. Its kind of cold outside. OK. Ill do it. AWear BDress CTry on DPut on ( )4.Mike didnt go to the concert yesterday evening.He had to stay at home and look after his baby sister. Me, _.My father asked me to do my homework at home. Atoo Balso Ceit

21、her Dagain,D,C,( )5.My father is good_ swimming and that is good _ his health. Aat; at Bat; for Cfor; for Dfor; at ( )6.Miss Gao is always strict _us _our study in class. Awith; in Bwith; with Cin; with Din; in,B,A,( )7.How does your mother usually take you to visit your grandparents? _. ABy a car B

22、On a car CBy cars DIn a car ( )8.I remember _ the money to you this morning.But in fact, I forgot _ it to you. Areturning; to return Breturning; returning Cto return; to return Dto return; returning,D,A,( )9.I have _ homework this weekend.I cant go to play football with my friends. Atoo many Btoo mu

23、ch Ca little Da lot ( )10.Steven,go to bed now. You should _ before six tomorrow,or you will miss the plane. Aget off Bget up Cget on Dget along,B,B,( )11.The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can this dream _? Aget away Bcome true Ccome out Dget out,B,中考真题汇编,( )1.(2018安徽)May I watch TV,

24、 Dad? When your homework is finished, you _. Ashould Bcan Cmust Dneed ( )2.(2017安徽)Hold your dream, _ you might regret some day. Aand Bor Cbut Dso,B,B,( )3.(2017安徽)Do you know _ Ann goes to work every day? Usually by underground. Awhy Bhow Cwhen Dwhether ( )4.(2016安徽)Please dont make so much noise.I

25、 _ hear the speaker very well. Aneednt Bmustnt Ccant Dshouldnt,B,C,( )5.(2016安徽)For our own safety, its important to _ the traffic rules on the way to school. Afollow Bchange Cmake Dbreak ( )6.(2015安徽)The running water makes the stones _ very smooth. Asound Btaste Csmell Dfeel,A,D,( )7.(2015安徽)I wil

26、l have an important match tomorrow. I hope I will win. _ . AGood luck BNo idea CThats such a pity DIts all right ( )8.(2015安徽)Cathy, can you answer the door? I _ the room. Im coming, mum. Aclean Bcleaned Chave cleaned Dam cleaning,A,D,( )9.(2014安徽)I forgot to bring my dictionary.Could I use yours? Y

27、es, you _ . Acan Bmust Ccould Dshould ( )10.(2014安徽)You can take _ of the two toy cars and leave the other for your brother. Aboth Bnone Ceither Dneither,A,C,( )1.(2018湘西) What time _Jim usually take a shower, Rick? He usually takes a shower at six forty. Ado Bdoes Cdid ( )2.(2018北京)_ do you usually

28、 go to school, Mary? By bike. AWhen BHow CWhere DWhy,B,B,( )3.(2018咸宁) Mom,_I play computer games this evening? Sure, but you _ finish your homework first. Acan; must Bcan; mustnt Cmay; could Dmay; cant ( )4.(2018十堰)Sue could play _ piano at the age of four.So far, she has got many prizes. Aa Ban Ct

29、he D/,A,C,( )5.(2018安顺)My cousin is _ heavy because he often eats _ fast food. Atoo much; too many Btoo many; too much Cmuch too; too much Dtoo much; much too ( )6.(2018重庆A卷) _me a chance and Ill bring you a surprise. AGive BGiving CGives DTo give,C,A,( )7.(2018十堰)Sam, lets go to the cinema.Theres a

30、 new movie called Avengers (复仇者联盟3) Not now.I _ my brother David with his English. Ahelp Bhelped Cam helping Dhave helped ( )8.(2018山西)If a student is able to _somebody else what hes learnt from textbooks, it shows hes understood it well. Apost Blend Cteach,C,C,( )9.(2018资阳)The air in the morning is

31、 so fresh here that I _ early to exercise. Aget up Bget on Cget off Dget down ( )10.(2018黔南)The soup would _ better with more salt. Aeat Bsound Ctaste Dfeel,A,C,( )11.(2018扬州)Who is the lady in red? Miss Gao.She teaches _English. Awe Bus Cour Dours ( )12.(2018湘西) Excuse me, Mary.Can you read “198” i

32、n English? Yes, of course._. AOne hundred ninetyeight BOne hundred nine eight COne hundred and ninetyeight,B,C,( )13.(2018南京) _is it from the Childrens Palace to Nanjing South Railway Station, Tom? About 10 minutes ride by bus. AHow soon BHow long CHow far DHow much ( )14.(2018贵港)Sam, dont forget _

33、the book to the library tomorrow. OK, I wont. Areturn Breturning Creturned Dto return,C,D,( )15.(2018上海)Catherine has two cousins.One is quiet, and _ is noisy. Aanother Bthe other Cother Dothers ( )16.(2018天水)How do you say “157” in English? Its _. Athree past two Bfiftyseven past one Cthree to one Dthree to two,B,D,( )17.(2018河北) This dog looks _.Its wearing red shoes. Aclever Bbrave Cfunny Dcareful ( )18.(2018桂林)_ is a healthy drink. AWater BEgg CApple,C,A,

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