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1、知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1多风的 adj._ 2多云的 adj._ 3天气 n_ 4花,(时间、钱等)v._ 5免费的adj._ 6拜访,参观 v_ 7冬天,冬季 n_ 8直的adj._ 9重的adj._ 10(在)今晚adv. & n_ 11电影院n._ 12转向,翻 v_ 13假期 n_ 14描述v._ 15身高 n_ 16点菜,命令n. &v._,windy,cloudy,weather,spend,free,visit,winter,straight,heavy,tonight,cinema,turn,vacation,describe,

2、height,order,17森林n._ 18答案n.回答v._ 19蜡烛n._ 20受欢迎的,普遍的adj._ 21马n._ 22种植,生长,发育v._ 23采,摘v._ 24极好的,优秀的adj._ 25乡村,农村n._ 26花n._ 27机器人n._ 28女演员 n_,forest,answer,candle,popular,horse,grow,pick,excellent,countryside,flower,robot,actress,29扎营,搭帐篷v._ 30海滩,沙滩n._ 31呼叫,喊叫v._ 32语言n._ 33移动v._,camp,beach,shout,languag

3、e,move,词汇拓展 1rain _(adj.)有雨的;多雨的 2windy _(n.)风 3cloudy _(n.)云 4sunny _(n.)太阳;阳光 5snow雪_(adj.)多雪的;下雪的 6little_(比较级)_(最高级) 7act_(n.)男演员_(n.)女演员 8sing_(n.)歌手 9. real_(adv.)真实地,rainy,wind,cloud,sun,snowy,less,least,actor,actress,singer,really,10potato_(复数形式) 11special_(adv.)特别地;专门地 12different_(adv.)不同地

4、 13luck_(adj.)幸运的_(adv.)幸运地 14farm_(n.)农民;农场主 15worry _(adj.)担心的;焦虑的 16cheap_(反义词)昂贵的,potatoes,specially,differently,lucky,luckily,farmer,worried,expensive,17slow _(adv.)慢地 18natural _(n.)自然 19visitor _(v.)参观 20mouse_(复数形式) 21India _(adj.)印度人的,slowly,nature,visit,mice,Indian,重点短语 1为某人带消息_ 2照相_ 3警察局_

5、 4在对面_ 5在前面_ 6最后_ 7中等体型_ 8确定_ 9吹灭蜡烛_,take a message for sb.,take a photo,police station,across from,in front of,in the end,medium height,be sure,blow out the candles,10带某人逛某地_ 11参观博物馆_ 12对感兴趣_ 13看电影_ 14有点儿累_ 15去睡觉_ 16待在家_ 17. 捎个口信_ 18. 度假_ 19. 沿着走_,show sb.around sp.,visit a museum,be interested in,

6、go to the cinema,kind of tired,go to sleep,stay at home,take a message,on (a) vacation,go along,20. 花费时间_ 21. 一点,少量_ 22. 世界各地_ 23. 许愿_ 24. 总的说来_ 25. 熬夜_ 26. 搭起,举起_ 27. 吃惊_ 28. 把弄醒_,spend time,a little,around the world,make a wish,all in all,stay up late,put up,get a surprise,wake up,重点句型 1我给他捎个口信好吗?

7、 Can I _ _ _ _ him? 2我正在加拿大愉快地拜访我的姨妈。 Im _ _ _ _ _ my aunt in Canada. 3但是我是如此疲倦,以至于我很早就睡着了。 But I was _ _ _ I went to sleep early.,take,a,message,for,having,a,great,time,visiting,so,tired,that,4这附近有医院吗? _ _ a hospital near here? 是的,有。它在桥街上。 Yes, _ _.Its _ Bridge Street. 5你想要哪种面条? _ _ _ noodles would

8、 you like? 我想要一个中碗的。 Id like a _ bowl, please.,Is,there,there,is,on,What,kind,of,medium,6假如他或她一口气吹灭所有的蜡烛,愿望将实现。 If he or she _ _ all the candles _ _ _, the wish will _ _. 7你的学校郊游怎么样? How was your _ _? 好极了! It was _! 8一切都是关于机器人的,我对那方面不感兴趣。 _ _ about robots and Im not _ _ that.,blows,out,in,one,go,com

9、e,true,school,trip,great,Everything,was,interested,in,9上个周末你做什么了? What did you do _ _? 我做了我的家庭作业。/我们去划船了。 I _ my homework./ We _ boating. 10我的姐姐两周前中学毕业了。 My sister _ high school _ _ _.,last,weekend,did,went,finished,two,weeks,ago,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1message n信息;消息 【考点辨析】message, news和information (1) m

10、essage作“消息”讲,一般指口头传递的或者书写的“消息”,是可数名词,常见的短语有:take a message 捎口信。 He left a message for Mr. Brown.他给布朗先生留言了。,(2)news作“新闻”讲,一般指通过广播、电视、报纸等新闻媒体发布的社会各方面最新消息。 它侧重一个“新”字,是不可数名词。 Theres a piece of interesting news in todays newspaper.今天的报纸上有一条有趣的新闻。 (3) information作“信息”讲,通常指在阅读、观察、 谈话或书信往来中特别关注的消息、情报、资料等。 它

11、侧重内容,是不可数名词。 We can get a lot of useful information on the Internet.我们可以从网上得到很多有用的信息。,2spend v. 花(时间、钱等) 【考点辨析】spend, cost, take与pay (1)spend为动词,意为“度过;花费”。表示“花费”时,其用法是:主语只能是人,指某人“花费(时间、金钱)”,常用于spend.on something或spend.(in ) doing something句型中。 He spent a lot of money for this new car.他花了很多钱买了这辆新车。 I

12、 spent half an hour finishing my homework.我花费半小时完成我的作业。 (2)cost表示“花费”,主语必须是“物”。 The book cost him one dollar.这本书花了他一美元。,(3)take表示“花费”,主语一般是“一件事”,有时也可以是人,常用于it takes sb.much time to do sth.句型中。 It took me ten minutes to go to the post office.到邮局用了我十分钟的时间。 (4)pay 作“花费”之意,主语只能是人,指为买到的东西付钱,常与介词for连用,句型为

13、 money for sth.。 Youll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals.你得每周付给我十美元的饭钱。,3. enjoy v享受;喜爱 【考点归纳】及物动词,意为“享受;喜欢;对感兴趣”。相当于like.very much或be interested in.。后接名词、代词、动名词,不接动词不定式。短语enjoy oneself have a good time“玩得高兴,过得愉快”。 I enjoy eggs and milk for breakfast.早餐我喜欢吃鸡蛋、喝牛奶。 Do you enjoy l

14、istening to music?你喜欢听音乐吗? Did you enjoy yourself today? 你今天玩得高兴吗?,4. little adj.小的 【考点辨析】 little/ few; a little/ a few (1) few, little表否定,意为“几乎没有”。few修饰可数名词,而little修饰不可数名词。 She has few friends here.这里她几乎没有朋友。 There is little water in the bottle.瓶子里几乎没水了。 (2) a few, a little表肯定,意为“有一点,但不多”。a few修饰可数

15、名词,a little修饰不可数名词。 Theres only a little soup left. 只剩下一点儿汤了。 A few people like such things. 有少数人喜欢那样的东西。,二、中考重点短语 5would like(表示意愿)愿意;喜欢 【考点归纳】would like构成的基本句式: (1)日常生活中有礼貌地、语气委婉地征求对方意见时,用Would you like sth?句式。肯定回答常用Yes, please./ All right./ Yes./ OK.等;否定回答常用No, thanks.等。,(2)用来向对方有礼貌地提建议或邀请的句型为Wou

16、ld you like to do sth?肯定回答常用Yes, Id love to.等;否定回答常用Sorry.或No, thanks.等。 Would you like to play football with us? Yes, Id love to. Sorry, I havent finished my work. 你愿意和我们一块儿踢足球吗? 是的,我很愿意。 对不起,我还没有完成我的工作。,(3)委婉、客气地提问对方要什么时,可用句型:What would you like? 回答是:Id like.。 【拓展】would like构成的短语:would like sth.想要

17、某物,would like to do sth.想干某事,would like do sth.想让某人干某事。,6. cut up切碎 【考点归纳】cut up是“动词副词”短语,代词作宾语时,代词要放put与up之间。 We should cut up the tomatoes.我们应该把西红柿切碎。,【拓展】与cut有关的短语:,三、中考重点句型 7What does he look like?他长得怎么样? 【考点归纳】 这个句型是用来询问人的外貌特征的,回答常用高矮、胖瘦、中等个、大眼睛、高鼻子等。既可用“主语系动词形容词”句式,也可用“主语have/ has名词”句式,意

18、思是“某人长着”。 What does your brother look like?你哥哥长得什么样? He is tall and thin.他又高又瘦。,【拓展】询问人的外貌特征时也可能用What is/ are句型。这个句型除了用于询问人的外貌特征外,还可以用来询问人的性格。 Whats your sister like?你妹妹什么性格? She is outgoing.她很外向。,8But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.但是我太累了,所以早早就睡着了。 【考点归纳】so.that.“如此以至于”,so后接形容词或

19、者副词,引导结果状语从句。 The soup was so delicious that he drank it up.汤是那么好喝,于是他喝了个精光。 【拓展】 such.that.也是“如此以至于”的意思,such后修饰名词。但当名词前有many, much, few, little等词时,一般要用so。 Its such an interesting book that everyone likes reading it.这本书如此有趣以至于人人都喜欢读。,9Is there a bank around here? 这附近有银行吗? Yes, there is.Its on Center

20、 Street.是的,有。它在中心街上。 (1)英语中的问路主要有下面一些句型: Where is.?在哪儿? How can I get to.?我怎样才能到达? Can/Could you tell me the way to /how to get to .?你能告诉我怎样去吗? Which is the way to.?哪一条是去的路? Is there.near here?这附近有吗?,(2)表示指点方向的基本句型: Go/Walk along/up/down the road.沿着这条路走。 Turn left/right at the second turning.在第二个拐弯处

21、往左/往右拐。 Its about fifteen minutes walk from here.离这儿步行约15分钟。 Take the No.3 bus on the left and get off . 在左边乘三路车,然后在下车。,( )1.My sister usually spends about one hour _ the piano on weekends. Aon playing Bto play Cin playing Dfor playing ( )2.In our parents eyes, we are _their children. Asometimes Bne

22、ver Coften Dalways,C,D,( )3.My old neighbor Charles enjoys_ photos. He always goes out with his camera. Atake Bto take Ctaking Dtook ( )4.Lindas sister is _ cute girl that many classmates want to make friends with her. Aso a little Bso little Csuch little Dsuch a little,C,D,( )5.Would you like to ha

23、ve a picnic with us this Sunday? _ . AYes, please BYes, Id love CYes, Id love to DNo, Id like not ( )6.Its very impolite to _ others talk.We should wait others to stop their talk. Acut down Bcut up Ccut into Dcut out,C,C,( )7._ My mother is tall and thin with long straight hair. AHow is your mother?

24、 BWhats your mother like? CWhat does your mother look like? DWhat does your mother do?,C,( )8.You can leave the _ on the desk.Then your classmate will see it. OK.Many thanks. Amessage Bnews Cinformation Didea ( )9.Excuse me.Is there a bus to the Olympic Center? _.You can take the No.232 bus. AYes, i

25、t is BYes, there is CIm not sure DSorry, I have no idea,A,B,中考真题汇编,( )1.(2017安徽)To my pleasure, my family is always _ me whatever I decide to do. Aabove Bbehind Cfrom Dthrough ( )2.(2016安徽)I think it takes a lot of practice to play the violin well. _.Practice makes perfect. ANo way BMy pleasure CIm

26、afraid not DThats true,B,D,( )3.(2016安徽) Our world will get better and better _each of us lives a greener life. Abefore Bif Cthough Duntil ( )4.(2015安徽)Drive slowly, Mary._ is something ahead on the road. AIt BThis CThat DThere,B,D,( )5.(2015安徽)Now, people have more free time.Square Dancing is becom

27、ing more and more _. Acomfortable Bdifficult Cdifferent Dpopular ( )6.(2015安徽)We cant do it that waybut whether it will work is _matter. Aother Banother Ceach Devery,D,B,( )7. (2015安徽) Would you like to play football after school? _ . I have a lot of homework to do. AIm afraid not BEnjoy yourself CT

28、ake your time DIt takes no time,A,( )1.(2018湘西) Excuse me.Is there a bank near here? _.Its just between my house and a post office. AYes, it is BNo, there isnt CYes, there is ( )2.(2018遂宁)It usually takes me 10 minutes _to school every day. Ato get Bget Cgets Dgetting,C,A,( )3.(2018河北)The bread is r

29、eally delicious. Thank you.I _ it myself. Amake Bmade Cwill make Dam making ( )4.(2018武汉) How is the young man? _. AHes twenty BHes much better CHes a doctor DHes Mr.Smith,B,B,( )5.(2018上海)The debate on whether to keep pets _ forty minutes yesterday afternoon. Alast Blasted Cwill last Dhas lasted (

30、)6.(2018十堰)Would you like to travel with me after this exam? _.I cant wait. AThats all right BOf course not CYes, Id love to DWhat a pity,B,C,( )7.(2018天水)Whats Han Mei like? _. AShe is a volunteer BShe studies very hard CShe likes skating DShe is heavy but beautiful ( )8.(2018遂宁)Mom, Im back.Is the

31、re anything to eat? Sure. Some_ in the fridge. Abeef Bapple Cdumpling Dmilk,D,A,( )9.(2018天水)There is _ in Tinas WeChat shop. So thats why I decide to buy the present in _ shop. Asomething special; other Bspecial something; the other Cnothing special; another Dspecial nothing; others ( )10.(2018江西)Can students go online during lessons? They can_ it is for that lesson. Aif Bor Cso Dbut,C,A,

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