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1、知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1交谈,谈话n._ 2句子n._ 3有耐心的adj.病人n._ 4发现,发觉v._ 5秘密,秘诀n.秘密的,保密的adj._ 6重复,重做v._ 7笔录,记录 n注意,指出v._ 8发音v._,conversation,sentence,patient,discover,secret,repeat,note,pronounce,9能力,才能n._ 10活跃的,积极的adj._ 11教科书n._ 12(使)连接,与有联系v._ 13回顾,复习v.& n_ 14搭档,同伴n._ 15亲属,亲戚n._ 16生意,商业 n_ 17

2、偷,窃取v._,ability,active,textbook,connect,review,partner,relative,business,steal,18(饭后)甜点,甜食n._ 19欣赏,仰慕v._ 20蜘蛛n._ 21(长篇)小说n._ 22处罚,惩罚v._ 23现在,礼物n.现在的adj._ 24传播,展开v.蔓延,传播n._,dessert,admire,spider,novel,punish,present,spread,词汇拓展 1pronunciation_(v.)发音 2expression_(v.)表达;表示 3able_(n.)能力;才能 4wise_(adv.)明

3、智地;聪明地 5stranger_(adj.)陌生的 6steal_(过去式)_(过去分词),pronounce,express,ability,wisely,strange,stole,stolen,7lie _(现在分词) _(过去式)_(过去分词) 8dead _(n.)死;死亡_(v.)死 9warm_(n.)温暖;暖和,lying,lay,lain,death,die,warmth,重点短语 1作报告_ 2(在字典里)查_ 3那样,为了_ 4依靠,取决于_ 5注意,关注_ 6把和连接起来_ 7做笔记_ 8摆弄,布置_ 9增加(体重),发胖_,give a report,look up

4、,so that,depend on,pay attention to,connect.with.,take notes,lay out,put on,10与分享_ 11一个另一个_ 12装扮成_ 13想到,想出_ 14曾经常做_ 15最终成为,最后处于_ 16天生具有_ 17积极参加_ 18出差_ 19对保守秘密_,share.with.,one.the other.,dress up as,think of,used to do,end up,be born with,take an active part in,on business,keep a secret to,重点句型 1你怎样

5、学习英语? _ _ you learn English? 我通过小组学习的方式来学英语。 I learn _ _ with a group. 2你通过大声朗读来学英语吗? Do you learn English by _ _? 是的,我是。它有助于我的发音。 Yes, I do.It helps my _.,How,do,by,studying,reading,aloud,pronunciation,3我如何提高发音? How can I _ my pronunciation? 一种方式是通过听磁带。 One way is by _ _ tapes. 4研究表明成功的学习者有一些共同的好习惯

6、。 Research shows that successful learners have some good habits _ _. 5好的学习者知道他们能学习的最好方法。 Good learners know the _ _ they can study.,improve,listening,to,in,common,best,way,6好的学习者经常在课上或课后提问题。 Good learners often ask questions _ _ _ class. 7我知道泼水节真的很有趣。 I know that the Water Festival is _ _. 8我想知道六月是否

7、是参观香港的好时间。 I _ _ June is a good time _ _ Hong Kong. 9香港的食物真好吃啊! _ _ the food is in Hong Kong!,during,or,after,really,fun,wonder,whether,to,visit,How,delicious,10但是在所有这些事物的背后是圣诞节的真正含义:分享的重要性以及把关爱和欢乐给我们周围的人。 But behind all these things lies the _ _ of Christmas:the _ _ sharing and giving love and joy

8、to people around us. 11现在他用善良和温暖对待每一个人,并且把关爱和欢乐撒向他去的每一个地方。 He now _ everyone _ kindness and warmth, _ love and joy everywhere he goes.,true,meaning,importance,of,treats,with,spreading,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1aloud adv.大声地;出声地 【考点辨析】aloud, loud与loudly (1) aloud副词,“大声地”,表示声音足以让人听见,强调“出声”,但不一定很大,常与read等词连用,无

9、比较等级。 Dont read aloud in public.在公共场所不要大声朗读。,(2) loud形容词或副词,“高声地、响亮地”,指发出的声音音量大,传得远,多用于speak,talk,laugh等后,可以进行比较。 I cant hear you, please speak louder. 我听不到你说话,请大点声音。 (3)loudly副词,多指“大声地、吵闹地”,侧重于大声喧闹。多与knock,ring等词连用。 They are talking loudly in the next room. 他们在隔壁房间大声地谈话。,2increase v增加;增长 【考点归纳】incr

10、ease 常用作不及物动词,意为“增长、增加、增大”。 The driver increased speed.司机加快了车速。 【拓展】increase by倍数或百分数,表示“增加了倍/百分之”,increase to具体的增长后的数字,表示“增加到了”。 Compared with last year, our pay has increased by two times.和去年相比,我们的工资增长了2倍。 The number of the students in this school has increased to 2500.该校学生增加到了2500人。,3warn v警告;告诫

11、【考点归纳】warn 作动词,意为“警告,告诫”。其用法有: (1) warn sb.about sth. 意为“警告某人某事”。 They warned us about the heavy snow yesterday. 他们昨天警告我们注意这场大雪。 (2) warn sb.(not) to do sth. 意为“警告某人(不要)做某事”。 The doctor warned him to stay away from fat foods.医生告诫他要远离高脂肪的食物。,(3) warn sb.that. 意为“警告某人”。 He warned me that there were pi

12、ckpockets in the crowd.他警告我说人群中有扒手。 (4) warn sb.of danger 意为“警告某人有危险”。 They warned him of danger. 他们警告他有危险。,二、中考重点短语 4put on增加(体重);发胖 【考点归纳】put on“动词副词”短语,意为“增加(体重);发胖”。 She put on a lot of weight last winter.去年冬天她体重增加了很多。,【拓展】(1) put on还可以表示“上演;演出”的意思。 The actor put on a fine performance.那位演员表演非常精彩

13、。 (2)put on还可以表示“穿上;戴上;把放在上”。 He put on his hat and went out of the office without a word.他戴上帽子,一言未发地走出了办公室。 Please put the books on the desk.请把书放在书桌上。 (3)与put有关的短语:put away 收起来;put down放下,记下来,写下来; put up举起,张贴;put off拖延,推迟;put out熄灭,扑灭。,三、中考重点句型 5How do you study for a test? 你怎样为考试作准备? I study by wo

14、rd cards.我通过做生字卡片来学习。 【考点归纳】by prep.(表示方法、手段)由;靠;用;通过。 I study by working with a group. 我通过和小组一起来学习。 People often travel by train.人们经常乘火车旅行。,【温馨提示】by是介词,后跟动词时应用动名词形式。 What do you mean by saying“.”? 说“”是什么意思? What do you mean by saying “decorate the tree”? 你说“decorate the tree”是什么意思?,6But I was afrai

15、d to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation.但是因为我的发音很差,我不敢问问题。 【考点归纳】be afraid to.意为“害怕去做”。 be afraid to.是主观上的原因不去做,其后加动词原形。其中的afraid只作表语,不作定语。 He was afraid to see you again.他害怕再见到你。,【拓展】(1) be afraid of sb./sth.害怕某人或某物。 Are you afraid of snakes? 你怕蛇吗? (2) be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事;担心出现某

16、种状况、结果。 I dont like to speak English because Im afraid of making mistakes.我不喜欢说英语,因为我怕出错。 (3) be afraid that宾语从句, 表示“恐怕,担心”。 Im afraid that I cant pass the exam. 恐怕我不能通过考试。 (4)同义短语为be terrified of.,be frightened of.。 I used to be terrified of the dark.我过去常怕黑。,( )1.You should think_ , its good for yo

17、u to think up a good idea. Aloudly Baloud Cloud Dmore loudly ( )2.Its said that house prices in our city _ by 9% in 2018. Aincreased Braised Cimproved Dchanged,B,A,( )3.Mr. Miller always warns his children _on the street. Its really dangerous. Aplaying Bnot playing Cto play Dnot to play ( )4.As for

18、teachers, they should treat all the students _ their own children. Afor Bwith Cas Dabout,D,C,( )5._ do you chat with your friends,Rita? By QQ or WeChat. AWhen BHow CWhat DWhere ( )6.Why do you plan to take exercise for about two hours every day? Because my weight has _ over ten pounds. Atake away Bb

19、ring out Cput on Dgive up,B,C,( )7.Sally is always afraid _ in class.She is too shy. Ato speaking Bspeak Cspoken Dof speaking ( )8.There are some grammar mistakes in this sentence.However, no one can _ them. Afind Bsearch Cinvent Ddiscover,D,D,( )9.Im sorry I dont catch what you said just now. Dont

20、worry.Ill _ it. Areview Brepeat Creport Drealize ( )10.How long does it take to get to the airport? Forty minutes.But its foggy today.Im not sure _ the freeway will be closed soon.Lets set off earlier. Awhether Bwhen Chow Dwhy,B,A,( )11._ Spring Festival, everyone has a great time with their family

21、in China. AFor BAt CIn DOn ( )12._ nice weather today is! Lets go out for a walk along the countryside. AHow BHow a CWhat DWhat a,D,C,( )13.Be careful, children! If you break the window glass, your father will _ you. Apunish Bpromise Callow Dconsider,A,中考真题汇编,( )1.(2018安徽) What is the _ of your exce

22、llent spoken English? Practice makes perfect! Aresult Binfluence Cduty Dsecret ( )2.(2016安徽) Dont hurry him.You will just have to be _ and wait until he finishes the work. Aactive Bcareful Cpatient Dfamous,D,C,( )3.(2016安徽)_ , Chinese people celebrate the MidAutumn Festival by enjoying the full moon

23、 and eating mooncakes. AQuickly BSuddenly CSecretly DTraditionally ( )4.(2014安徽)As we all know, the Silk Road _ China to the west in ancient times. Aconnects Bconnected Cwill connect Dis connecting,D,B,( )1.(2018河池) You can improve your English_ listening to English songs. Aby Bwith Cfor Din ( )2.(2

24、018宿迁)The Dragon Boat Festival falls_May or June every year. Ain Bon Cat Dbetween,A,A,( )3.(2018安顺) _ fresh air it is now! Yes._ go out for a walk. AHow; Let BWhat a; Lets CWhat; Lets DHow; Let us ( )4.(2018天水) _ wonderful The Reader is! Many people enjoy the TV program. AWhat BHow a CHow DWhat a,C,

25、C,( )5.(2018随州) What did Tom say to you just now, John? He asked_. Awhy I am so happy today Bwho did I play football with after school Cwhat will I do for the weekend Dif I could go to the movies with him tonight ( )6.(2018山西)Reading the first _ of each paragraph before you read the whole text helps

26、 you get the main idea quickly. Aletter Bword Csentence,D,C,( )7.(2018江西)Susan never gets upset when she has to wait in line.She is very_. Ashy Bhonest Cfunny Dpatient ( )8.(2018宜昌)How are you getting on with your cousin? Very well.He is really _ and joins in all kinds of activities in his spare tim

27、e. Apolite Bstrict Cactive Dcareful,D,C,( )9.(2018天津) Mum asked me to_for dinner. Alay the table Bgo to sleep Ckeep a diary Dtake a vacation ( )10.(2018连云港)The total number of online literature website users had _ to 352 million by the end of June 2017.And the number is still growing. Aincreased Binfluenced Cincluded Dintroduced,A,A,

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