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1、知 识 清 单,考 点 详 解,中考真题汇编,知 识 清 单,重点单词 1友谊,友情n._ 2苍白的,灰白的adj._ 3(仔细地)检查,检验v._ 4权利,力量n._ 5财富,富裕n._ 6取消,终止v._ 7教练,私人教师n._ 8勇敢,勇气n._,friendship,pale,examine,power,wealth,cancel,coach,courage,9活着的,有生气的adj._ 10(钟、铃等)鸣,响v._ 11迫使v._ 12阴沉的;灰暗的;灰色的adj._ 13踢,踹v._ 14重量;分量n._ 15着火,燃烧v._ 16. 球门;射门;目标n._ 17. 蠢人;傻瓜;愚

2、弄n.&v._,alive,ring,drive,gray,kick,weight,burn,goal,fool,词汇拓展 1drive _(n.)司机 2bank _(n.)银行家 3uncomfortbable_(反义词)舒服的 4agreement _(v.)赞成;同意 5expected _(v.)期待;盼望,driver,banker,comfortable,agree,expect,6work _(n.)工人 7burn _(adj.)着火的;燃烧的 8live _(adj.)活着;有生气的 9discovery _(v.)发现 10appear _(反义词)消失;不见,worke

3、r,burning,alive,discover,disappear,重点短语 1使人发疯;发狂_ 2越越;愈愈_ 3不包括;不提及;忽略_ 4使失望;(使)略逊一筹_ 5把某人开除_ 6而不是_ 7捎(某人)一程_ 8赶到;露面_ 9充满_,drive sb.crazy/mad,the more.the more,leave out,let.down,kick,rather than,give .a lift,show up,be full of,10醒来_ 11排队等候_ 12召来;叫来_ 13在以前_ 14起初;开始时_ 15卖光_ 16宁愿_ 17既不也不_ 18对某人苛

4、刻,对某人要求严厉_,wake up,wait in line,call in,by the time,to start with,sell out,would rather,neither.nor.,be hard on sb.,重点句型 1不管是药物还是休息都不能帮助他。 _ medicine _ rest can help him. 2虽然我有很大的力量,但是它并不能让我快乐。 _ I have a lot of _, it doesnt make me happy. 3大声的音乐使我紧张。 The loud music _ me _. 4它使我想要告诉他们清扫街道。 It makes

5、me _ to tell them _ _ _ the streets.,Neither,nor,Although,power,makes,nervous,want,to,clean,up,5知道他是在一个胜利的团队,这使他感到幸运。 It made him _ _ to know that he was on a winning team. 6我在上午8:30左右抵达大楼。 I _ at my building at _ 8:30 a.m. 7我到机场的时候,飞往新西兰的飞机已经起飞了。 _ _ _ I got to the airport, my plane to New Zealand

6、had already _ _.,feel,lucky,arrived,around,By,the,time,taken,off,8在这天结束的时候,已经有10000多人打电话到电视台去查明如何得到这种水。 _ _ _ _ the day, more than 10,000 people had phoned the TV station to _ _ how to get this water.,By,the,end,of,find,out,考 点 详 解,一、中考重点词汇 1weight n重量;分量 【考点归纳】weight 意为“重量”时是不可数名词。 What is the dogs

7、 weight? 这只狗的重量是多少? 【拓展】weigh为动词,“称的重量;有重”的意思。 The truck weighs two tons.这辆卡车重达两吨。,2above prep.在上面;adv.在上面 【考点辨析】above, on与over,3alive adj.活着;有生气的 【考点辨析】alive, living, live与lively,二、中考重点短语 4by the end of 在(某时间点)以前 【考点辨析】at the end of, in the end 与 by the end of,三、中考重点句型 5Id rather go to Blue Ocean b

8、ecause I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating. 我愿意去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为我喜欢吃饭的时候听轻柔的音乐。 【考点归纳】 would rather意为“宁愿”,表示句子主语的愿望与选择,后接省to的动词不定式;其否定形式为would rather not do sth.意为“宁愿不做某事”。 Hed rather join you in the English Group.他宁愿加入到你的英语小组中来。Id like rather not tell you.我宁愿不告诉你。,【拓展】would rather do sth.than

9、do sth.意为“宁愿做某事也不愿做”。would rather与than后面所连接的两个对比部分一般要一致。 Id rather come tomorrow than today.我宁愿明天来,而不愿今天来。Hed rather work than play.他宁愿工作也不愿玩。,6The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart. 第二天,彼得鼓着勇气去参加足球练习,而不在心里害怕。 【考点归纳】rather than意为“而不,与其倒不如”。 He is a wr

10、iter rather than a teacher.与其说他是教师,不如说他是作家。,【拓展】the next day意为“第二天”,只能与一般过去时态连用。next day意为“明天”,通常与一般将来时态连用。 They had an important meeting in the hall the next day.第二天他们在大厅里举行了一个重要的会议。 prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.更喜欢做不愿做 He prefers to write his letters rather than dictate them. 他喜欢写信,不愿口述它们。,

11、7I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.我本打算上楼,这时我决定先去买杯咖啡。 【考点归纳】be about to do是一种表达将来的结构,这个结构着眼于“眼前的;眼下的”将来,不可与具体的将来的时间副词或副词性短语连用,但可以与as或when引导的时间状语从句连用。 She was about to go to the cinema when I came.当我来的时候,她正要去看电影。,8By the time I got up,my brother had already gotten in the show

12、er.当我起床时,我的哥哥已经在淋浴间冲澡了。 【考点归纳】本句的主句时态是过去完成时,表示在过去某一时间或动作之前就已经发生或完成了的动作。其结构为“had动词的过去分词”。 The train had left when I got to the station.当我到达车站时,火车已经开走了。,【拓展】by the time是常见的time短语,表示“在之前”,用来引导时间状语从句。通常情况下,by the time引导的时间状语从句用一般过去时,主句用过去完成时。如: By the time I got up,my mother had cooked breakfast.当我起床时,我

13、的妈妈已经做好了早餐。,9But that music makes me sleepy.但那种音乐使我困倦。 【考点归纳】make用作使役动词,表示“使;让”。其常用结构为:make宾语宾语补足语。具体用法为:,【拓展】make sb. do sth.结构变成被动语态时,不带to的动词不定式要变成带to的动词不定式。 The workers were made to work twelve hours a day.这些工人被迫每天工作12个小时。,( )1._ is the weight of that pig? About one hundred pounds. I just think s

14、o. AHow much BHow many CWhat DWhich ( )2.The plane is flying _ in the city. Aon Babove Cover Dfor,C,B,( )3.Thank goodness! My pet dog is still _ after the accident. Aalive Bliving Clive Dlively ( )4.Mr.Black had finished all the tasks _ yesterday evening. Aat the end of Bat the beginning of Cby the

15、end of Din the beginning of,A,C,( )5.Lets go shopping. Its too hot outside.I would rather_ at home than_ out. Ato stay; go Bstaying; going Cstay; to go Dstay; go ( )6.They_ a picnic in the park next day. However, the next day, they_ a party in the restaurant. Awill have; had Bwill have; will have Ch

16、ad; will have Dhad; had,D,A,( )7.Dont talk noisily.Mr.Brown is considering what we are about _ next. Adoing Bdid Cdoing Dto do ( )8.Dont be hard _ him.After all,he is a little kid. Aon Bto Cat Dwith,D,A,( )9.As Peter was asleep, his cousin _ the computer games in the room. Aplayed Bwas playing Chad

17、played Dwill play ( )10.The concert _ when we arrived at the cinema yesterday evening. Astarted Bhas started Chad started Dwas started,B,C,( )11.Im very tired now.What advice can you give me? I think you can listen to light music.It can make you _. Arelaxed Brelaxing Cwell Dhealthily,A,中考真题汇编,1. (20

18、17安徽) Look, the boys are _(踢) the ball around in the yard. 2(2014安徽) Im afraid we have to _ ( 取消)the meeting. ( )3.(2016安徽)Taking some exercise every day will _ fat and make you fit. Aturn to Bsell out Cburn off Dput on,kicking,cancel,C,( )1.(2018武威)She _ an English magazine when I came in. Areads B

19、has read Cwill read Dwas reading ( )2.(2018齐齐哈尔) Miss Brown tells us to remember that _ careful we are, _ mistakes will make. Athe more; the fewer Bthe fewer; the more Cthe more; the less,D,A,( )3.(2018东营) Jack, the Maldives (马尔代夫) may _ because of the rising sea levels. God! We must do something to

20、 stop that happening. Arise Bmove Cgrow Ddisappear ( )4.(2018黔南)_my friends_I like playing computer games because we think it wastes time. ABoth; and Bnot only; but also CEither; or DNeither; nor,D,D,( )5.(2018武威)In every_there has to be some giveandtake. Afriendship Binstrument Cattention Dblackboard,A,

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