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1、,英语第五模拟,2018福建中考猜题卷,听力,第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅图中选出与句子内容相符的选项。每个句子读两遍。,1.,B.,C.,A.,听力录音材料:Lets go hiking together this Saturday.,听力,2.,B.,C.,A.,听力录音材料:If you want to keep a pet, a fish is a good choice.,听力,3.,B.,C.,听力录音材料:The radio says it will be rainy tomorrow.,A.,听力,4.,B.,C.,听力录音材料:My English te

2、acher has a wide mouth and short hair.,A.,听力,5.,B.,C.,听力录音材料:Sorry, you arent allowed to take photos here.,A.,听力,第二节 听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确选项。每段对话读两遍。,听第1段对话,回答第6小题。 6.What does Jims mother do? A. She is a doctor. B. She is an officer. C. She is a farmer.,听力录音材料: W:My mother works in a ho

3、spital. What about your mother, Jim? M:She works on a farm.,听力,听第2段对话,回答第7小题。 7.What day is it today? A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Thursday.,听力录音材料: M:Jane, what day is it today? W:Let me see. Yesterday was Wednesday, so its Thursday today.,听力,听第3段对话,回答第8小题。 8.How often does the doctor ask the man t

4、o take the medicine? A. Once a week. B. Twice a day. C. Every day.,听力录音材料: M:Im not feeling so well. W:Take this medicine twice a day and youll feel better. If not, come back and see me.,听力,听第4段对话,回答第9小题。 9.Where may the woman go? A. To the hospital. B. To the library. C. To the hotel.,听力录音材料: W:Exc

5、use me, which is the way to the hotel? M:Im sorry, I dont know. Im new here. You could ask that old man for help. W:Thank you all the same.,听力,听第5段对话,回答第10、11小题。 10.When will they go to see a movie? A. This evening. B. Tomorrow morning. C. This weekend. 11.Who is Pauls favorite star? A. Jet Chan. B.

6、 Jackie Chan. C. Bruce Chan.,听力录音材料: W:Are you free this evening, Paul? M:Yes. Whats up? W:Would you like to go to see a movie with me? M:Yes, Id love to. W:Do you like comedies? M:No, but I like action movies. W:Do you know who Jackie Chan is? M:Yes, of course. He is my favorite star. W:Good! He is

7、 in a new movie. Lets go and see it.,听力,听第6段对话,回答第12、13小题。 12.Where are the speakers talking? A. On the bus. B. At the bank. C. On the street. 13.Which bus can take the woman there?A. The No.50 bus. B. The No.5 bus. C. The No.15 bus.,听力录音材料: W: Excuse me, does this bus go to the new bookstore? M: No

8、, youll have to get off at the bank and take the No.50 bus. W: Thank you. How many stops are there from here to the bank? M: Three stops after this one. W: Could you please remind me when the bus gets to the bank? M: Sure. W: By the way, do I need to take another bus after the No.50 bus? M: No, the

9、No.50 bus will take you right there.,听力,听第7段对话,回答第14、15小题。 14.What are they talking about? A. The importance of protecting the animals. B. The importance of protecting the earth. C. The importance of protecting the water. 15.Which of the following is NOT true according to the conversation? A. We sho

10、uld care for wild animals. B. We should reuse the rubbish. C. We should plant more trees.,听力,听力录音材料: W:Do you think its important to protect the earth? M:I think so. We have only one earth. W:What shall we do to protect it? M:We should plant more trees and care for wild animals, put the rubbish in t

11、he right place and stop factories from pouring waste directly into the air or rivers. W:Thats right!,听力,第三节 听短文 根据你所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。短文读三遍。,own,dancing,never,study,care,Differences between Chinese and American kids,听力,听力录音材料:There are many differences between Chinese and American kids. About mon

12、ey, the American kids themselves make their own money. Most Chinese kids always ask their parents for money. Many American students have less homework to do while Chinese students have more. Many American girls take part in sports, dancing and singing groups while many Chinese girls take part in stu

13、dy groups. About friends, most American parents let their sons or daughters make friends by themselves. They never ask them about their friends while Chinese parents care more about their childrens friends, and usually stop them from staying out too late with friends.,选择填空,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白

14、处的正确选项。,21.Beijing is going to hold the Winter Olympics in 2022. Its honor for our Chinese. A. a B. an C. the,【解题思路】 考查冠词。句意:北京将在2022年举办冬季奥运会。这是我们中国人的荣幸。这里表示泛指,且honor的读音以元音音素开头,故选B。,选择填空,22.Lets buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers Day. Why not make some hand? Its much more interesting. A. by

15、 B. at C. in,【解题思路】 考查介词。句意:“在教师节那天,让我们给老师们买些卡片吧。“ “为什么不动手做些呢?这样更有趣。“此处指“用手制作“,by hand手工。故选A。,选择填空,23.Have you seen the newspaper I bought this morning? Well,Tom is reading over there. Maybe it is yours. A. it B. that C. one,【解题思路】 考查代词。句意:“你看见我今天早上买的那份报纸了吗?“哦,汤姆在那边正看着一份。或许那就是你的。“根据语境可知,这里泛指前面提到同类事物

16、中的一个,故选C。,选择填空,24. will you leave for Canada? In a couple of hours. A. How soon B. How often C. How long,【解题思路】 考查特殊疑问词组的用法。句意:“你们多久动身去加拿大?“几个小时后。“ how long多长时间,通常对“for+一段时间“提问;how often多久一次,通常对频率进行提问;how soon多久,通常对“in+一段时间“提问,且用于一般将来时。根据答语“In a couple of hours.“可知,应用how soon提问。故选A。,选择填空,25.Spend mo

17、re time talking with your parents, they cant understand you well. A. or B. and C. so,【解题思路】 考查连词的用法。句意:花更多的时间和你的父母交谈,否则他们不能很好地理解你。结合语境可知,设空处表示“否则“。故选A。,选择填空,26.Did you have a good sleep last night? No. My neighbor the guitar the whole night. A. plays B. is playing C. was playing,【解题思路】 考查动词时态。句意:“昨晚

18、你睡得好吗?“不好。我的邻居一整晚都在弹吉他。“根据答语可知,是过去发生的事,并且一整晚都没停,故用过去进行时。故选C。,选择填空,27.I will have a competition tomorrow, I feel very . Take it easy, Helen. I am sure you will do well.A. bored B. upset C. nervous,【解题思路】 考查形容词。句意:“明天我会参加一个比赛,我感觉很紧张。“放轻松,海伦。我相信你会做得很好。“从答语可猜测,这里表示“紧张的“。故选C。,选择填空,28.Excuse me, may I smo

19、ke here? Sorry, you . The sign says “No Smoking“ here. A. mustnt B. may not C. neednt,【解题思路】 考查情态动词。句意:“打扰一下,我可以在这里吸烟吗?“对不起,不允许。这个标牌上面写着禁止吸烟。“这里mustnt表示“禁止,不允许“,故选A。,选择填空,29. the rule, people who are drunk mustnt drive. Thats right. Its too dangerous. A. As for B. According to C. Instead of,【解题思路】 考

20、查短语辨析。句意:“根据规定,喝醉的人禁止开车。“是的,那样太危险了。“as for至于,according to根据,instead of而不是。结合语境可知,应该是“根据“规定。故选B。,选择填空,30.You will be punished if you to talk in class. A. find B. have found C. are found,【解题思路】 考查动词语态。句意:如果你在课堂上说话被发现的话,你将会受到惩罚。根据句意可知,此处表被动,故选C。,选择填空,31.Would you like to play the game with us? Id love

21、to. But you should the rule of the game to me first. A. keep B. break C. explain,【解题思路】 考查动词。句意:“你愿意和我们一起玩这个游戏吗?“我愿意。但首先你应该给我解释这个游戏的规则。“explain sth. to sb.“向某人解释某事“。故选C。,选择填空,32.What a heavy fog! I wonder when the plane will and when it will land. A. get off B. take off C. turn off,【解题思路】 考查动词短语。句意:

22、雾太大了!我想知道飞机何时会起飞,何时会着陆。get off下车,take off起飞,turn off关掉。故选B。,选择填空,33.Ive made much progress in math. The ideas you worked very well. I am glad I could help you.A. ran out of B. came up with C. looked forward to,【解题思路】 考查动词短语。句意:“我已经在数学上取得了很大的进步。你想出的这个主意很有效。“我很高兴我能帮到你。“come up with提出,想出。故选B。,选择填空,34.I

23、ll never forget the important people in my life helped and supported me. A. who B. what C. which,【解题思路】 考查定语从句。句意:我不会忘记在我生命中帮助和支持过我的那些重要的人。这里先行词是people,故选A。,选择填空,35.Excuse me, can I visit Miss Green this afternoon? Wait a moment, please. Let me check at that time. A. if she will be free B. when she

24、will be free C. if will she be free,【解题思路】 考查宾语从句。句意:“打扰一下,今天下午我能拜访格林女士吗?“请稍等,让我查看一下她那时候是否有空。“根据答语可知,应用if引导的从句,且从句应用陈述语序。故选A。,完形填空,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。,When I was in primary school, I got into an argument with a boy in my class. Our teacher 36 to teach us a very important lesson. She br

25、ought us up to the front of the classroom and placed him on one side of her desk and me 37 the other. In the middle of her desk was a large, round object. I could 38 see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. “White,“ he 39 . I couldnt believe he said the object was white, w

26、hen it was clearly black! Another 40 started between my classmate and me, and this time it was about the 41 of the object.,完形填空,【文章大意】 本文主要讲了由作者和一个男生的争论而引发的一节难忘的课。,The teacher told me to go and stand where the boy was standing and told him to come and stand where I had been. We changed places, 42 no

27、w she asked me what the color of the object was. I 43 answer, “White.“ It was an object with two differently colored sides, and from his viewpoint(视角) it was white. Only from my 44 it was black. I have never 45 the lesson I learned that day. Sometimes we need to look at the problem from the other pe

28、rsons viewpoint in order to truly understand his/her view.,完形填空,36.A. decided B. remembered C. offered,【解题思路】 考查动词。由于我和一个男生争论,因此老师决定给我们两个人上一节重要的课。decide决定,remember记得,offer提供。故选A。,37.A. at B. on C. with,【解题思路】 考查介词。这个男生在讲桌的一边,我在讲桌的另一边,空前面有on one side,这里也应用介词on。故选B。,38.A. clearly B. hardly C. carefull

29、y,【解题思路】 考查副词。一个圆的物体在讲桌中央,我当然是看得很“清楚“。下一段的第一句中也提到了clearly。clearly清楚地,hardly几乎不,carefully小心地。故选A。,完形填空,39.A. shouted B. guessed C. answered,【解题思路】 考查动词。老师问那个男生物体的颜色,这个男生回答是“白色“。shout喊叫,guess猜,answer回答。故选C。,40.A. match B. argument C. fight,【解题思路】 考查名词。上文已经提到了“争论“,这里表示“另一场争论“。故选B。,41.A. shape B. size C

30、. color,【解题思路】 考查名词。上文提到老师问物体的颜色,我看到物体是黑色的,而那个男孩说是白色的,由此可知,我们争论的是物体的颜色。故选C。,完形填空,42.A. and B. but C. so,【解题思路】 考查连词。前后句子之间是顺承关系,故选A。,43.A. was able to B. had to C. used to,【解题思路】 考查动词。在交换了位置后,老师问我物体的颜色,我“不得不“回答是白色的。故选B。,44.A. side B. lesson C. experience,【解题思路】 考查名词。作者在解释为什么他们俩会看到不同的颜色,这里指我从自己的这一侧看。

31、故选A。,完形填空,45.A. finished B. taught C. forgotten,【解题思路】 考查动词。我绝不会忘记那天我学到的那一课。故选C。,阅读理解,第一节 阅读下面A、B、C、D四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分),A,Helping our parents prepare meals is a great way for us to have fun and to learn about healthy eating. It is also a way to show our love to

32、 our parents. However, it is also important for us to create a safe and happy environment when preparing foods, as well as to deal with foods safely and healthily. Here are two basic rules for us to follow: clean and separate. Clean: Wash your hands and cutting boards often! Wash your hands with war

33、m water and soap(肥皂) for at least 20 seconds before and after you touch the foods.,阅读理解,Tools that touch foods like dishes, spoons and cutting boards need to be washed with hot soapy water. Wash the tools before and after using them, so the bacteria(细菌)wont have a chance to grow. Wash fresh fruit an

34、d vegetables under running water. If you use tools, you can buy extra tools for fruit and vegetables. Separate: Dont mix raw and cooked foods together! Separate raw meat, chicken, seafood and eggs from other foods. Keep raw foods separate from cooked foods. Dont use the same plate. Use one cutting b

35、oard for fresh products and a separate one for raw meat, chicken and seafood. Also, its important to make sure that your parents are in the kitchen at all times. So they can help with the more difficult tasks, such as cutting vegetables and taking hot foods out of the oven(烤箱).,【文章大意】 本文是一篇说明文,文章主要就

36、下厨时应注意的问题给出了两方面的建议。,46.The text above is about . A. the way to show our love to our parents B. how to cook for parents C. the importance of foods safety D. how to prepare meals safely and healthily,阅读理解,【解题思路】 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要说的是子女在家帮助父母准备饭菜时,为了保证安全与健康,应注意哪些方面。 故选D。,47.We can stop the bacteria from

37、 growing by . A. washing the tools before and after using them B. using extra tools for fruit and vegetables C. washing our hands as often as possible D. creating a safe and happy environment,阅读理解,【解题思路】 细节理解题。结合文章中的Wash the tools before and after using them, so the bacteria(细菌) wont have a chance t

38、o grow.可知选A。,48.What does the underlined word “raw“ mean in Chinese?A. 新鲜的 B. 变质的 C. 生的 D. 熟的,阅读理解,【解题思路】 词义猜测题。根据画线部分的语境可知,此处指不要把生的和熟的食物混在一起。故选C。,49.Which is TRUE according to the text? A. Never wash our hands after touching the foods. B. Wash fresh fruit and vegetables with hot soapy water. C. Use

39、 different cutting boards for raw foods and fresh products. D. Mix raw meat, chicken, seafood and eggs with other foods.,阅读理解,【解题思路】 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段可知,C项说法正确。,阅读理解,50.Why should we make sure our parents are in the kitchen at all times? A. Because they can teach us to cook. B. Because they can offer

40、help if we are in need. C. Because they can cook more delicious foods than us. D. Because they can save us in the dangerous situations.,【解题思路】 细节理解题。由文章最后一段中的最后一句可知选B。,阅读理解,BThere are many types of maps in the world. Most of them are widely used in our everyday life. Different maps have different us

41、es. When we are in a new place, a proper map may help us solve the problems easily.Tourist maps, for example, have signs to show places of interest in an area. When tourists read these maps, it is easy for them to find where to go and what to see in a place and it is easy for them to go and find the

42、ir ways to these places.Road maps show large areas so that people can plan long trips. We use different numbers to stand for different types of roads. For example, if you want to go to Wood Green, you just follow No. 621 Road and keep looking at the road signs.,阅读理解,Distribution(分布) maps use colors

43、or signs to show facts about an area. For example, what languages people speak, how many people live in an area, how cold and hot some places are, or whether a place is short of water. Some maps, such as railway maps, use straight lines to show everything. This is easy for people to read. Trains are

44、 fast. People dont have to think about small places they go past. They just needed to know the two ends of their trips.,【文章大意】 地图在日常生活中很常见,本文列举了几种地图,并介绍了它们的用途。,51.People can tell different roads by on road maps. A. showing large areas B. using different colors C. looking at the road signs D. finding

45、 the numbers,【解题思路】 细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的We use different numbers to stand for different types of roads.可知,不同的号码代表不同类型的道路。故选D。,阅读理解,52.Railway maps use straight lines because . A. they can be read easily B. railways are straight C. trains go past many places D. small places can be quickly found,【解题思路】 细节理

46、解题。根据文章最后一段中的Some maps, such as railway maps, use straight lines to show everything. This is easy for people to read.可知,铁路地图用直线表示主要是为了方便人们看。故选A。,阅读理解,53.Which is TRUE about a distribution map? A. It can tell us the ways to places of interest. B. Its necessary for people to plan a long trip. C. We ne

47、ed to show everything in the map. D. We can use it to show how many people live in an area.,【解题思路】 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段可知,D项正确。,阅读理解,54.How many maps are mentioned in this text? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.,【解题思路】 细节理解题。根据文中描述可知,共讲了tourist maps, road maps, distribution maps, railway maps四种地图。故选C。,

48、阅读理解,55.What is the text mainly about?A. The sizes of maps. B. The signs of maps. C. The uses of maps. D. The colors of maps.,【解题思路】 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了几种地图的用途。故选C。,阅读理解,阅读理解,C There are many ways to learn about a country. Reading a book and watching a movie are both good choices. But here is anoth

49、er way: statistics(数据). US comic website Dog House Diaries collected statistics from sources including the World Bank and Guinness World Records(吉尼斯纪录大全). Then, they made a world map based on these statistics to show what each country leads the rest of the world in. The US was awarded a funny title the country that eats the most hot dogs. Americans like to eat hot dogs at sporting events, picnics and festivals. The US National Hot Dog and Sausage Council estimates(估计) that US people consume(消耗)20 billion hot dogs a year. Thats about 70 hot dogs per person each year.,

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