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1、12019人教英语重点单词回扣+阅读及答案:八上 1-2一、阅读理解。Britain says it will send ten war ships to Gibraltar on Monday. The ships will make a stop there on their way to the Middle East. Many people think the stopover (中途停留) is a bad time because relations between Britain and Spain have become bad recently. Spain got ang

2、ry after Gibraltars government (直布罗陀政府) put concrete blocks (水泥石块) on the seabed. It said this was to let sea life grow and to stop Spanish boats fishing nearby. Spain then said it might start charging 50 euros (about $67) for people to travel across the border between Gibraltar and Spain. Tensions

3、increased again when Spain started searching people entering Spain as security against terrorism. Motorists had to wait for up to six hours at the border.Spain gave Gibraltar to Britain in 1713 under the Treaty of Utrecht (乌特勒支条约). It became an important base for Britains Royal Navy (英国皇家海军). Gibral

4、tar is a small area of land which covers just 6.8 square kilometers, south of Cadiz. The 430-meter-tall Rock of Gibraltar stands in the center. The population is around 30,000 and most of them are very happy for being a part of British. Many parts of Gibraltar look like a piece of mainland Britain.

5、Spain has argued for many years that Gibraltar should be returned to Spain. Britains government said that could only happen if the people of Gibraltar vote for (投票) it. The British prime minister (首相) told his Spanish partner: “This problem should not break our relations. However there was a real ri

6、sk of this happening.”( ) 1. Spain got angry because Gibraltar put _ on the seabed.A. blocks B. rods C. nets D. mines( ) 2. Spain gave Gibraltar to Britain in 1713 under _.A. the Treaty of Versailles B. Reinsurance Treaty C. the Treaty of Utrecht D. the Treaty of Brest-Litovsh2( ) 3. Which of the fo

7、llowing is TRUE?A. Spain became an important base for Britains Royal Navy.B. British warships will stay in Gibraltar to protect the people there.C. Gibraltar is a small area of land measuring just 8.6 square kilometers, south of Cadiz.D. The population of Gibraltar is around 30,000.( ) 4. The “risk”

8、 that the British leader talked about was _.A. the people of Gibratar wont vote for it B. there will be no more fish near GibraltarC. there will be no war D. their relations will be broken( ) 5. What does the underlined word terrorism mean?A. 恐怖主义 B. 安全防范 C. 糟糕 D. 犯罪分子【参考答案】1-5 ACDDA二、完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握

9、其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C 或者 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。完形填空强化训练(*) Everybody dreams. Some people think dreams can tell us about the future. Other people think dreams tell us about ourselves. Its like our 1 is talking to us. Why are dreams 2 strange and hard to understand? Some people think our brain uses 3 to talk to u

10、s. When we fly, swim, or fall down in our dreams, it has a 4 meaning. Lots of doctors help people 5 their dreams. They find that dreams tell us about our 6 and fears.These days, many scientists 7 that dreams are very important. During the day, we have many 8 , and our brain receives a lot of informa

11、tion. When we dream, our brain 9 information that is not important, and puts the most important information into our 10 . As we learn more about the brain, we may find answers to our questions about dreams.3( )1. A. body B. spirit C. brain D. heart( )2. A. never B. seldom C. ever D. often( )3. A. sy

12、mbols B. examples C. numbers D. pictures( )4. A. special B. serious C. similar D. great( )5. A. finish B. forget C. understand D. continue( )6. A. hopes B. rights C. positions D. abilities( )7. A. reply B. believe C. doubt D. worry( )8. A. experiences B. dreams C. mistakes D. inventions( )9. A. pass

13、es on B. looks into C. throws away D. asks for( )10. A. feelings B. stories C. lives D. memories完形填空强化训练(*) 15 CDAAC 610 ABACD三、短文改错。短文改错下面短文的画线部分是错误的,请改正,并将其正确答案写在短文后面相应题号后的横线上。John was a rich 1.America man. One day he went into a shop when he was spending his holiday in London. He wanted very much

14、 to buy a nice-looking watch, but the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it. Suddenly a young man came into the shop, took the watch out of the 2. owner hands and ran out with it. It all happened in a few seconds. When the owner ran out into the street, the young man was already 3. los

15、ing among the people. John went on. At the next corner, he saw the young man with the robbed watch in his hand. “Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” he asked in a low voice. “Its only a hundred dollars.” “The young man doesnt know I saw him 4.robbed the watch,” he thought. John paid for the watch

16、 at once and went back to his hotel with the watch. He told his friend Bill about the fine watch. Bill took a look at the watch and started laughing. He said, “You are a fool. This watch isnt worth even ten dollars. Im sure the shop owner and the young man 5.planed this together.”1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._

17、参考答案:41.改为 American American 意为“美国人,美国人的”在句中作定语。2.改为 owners 注意 owner是单数形式,变所有格要在后面加s。3.改为 lost be lost 表示“走失,走丢”,在本句中指“消失在人群里”。4.改为 robbing 本句考查句式“see sb.doing sth.”含义是 “看见某人正在做某事”。5.改为 planned 注意 plan变过去式时,要双写 n再加-ed。四、重点单词回扣重点单词1. _ pron.任何人 2. _adv.在任何地方3. _ pron.某事;某物 4. _ pron.没有什么;没有一件东西5. _ p

18、ron.每人;人人;所有人 6. _ v好像;似乎;看来7. _ pron.某人 8. _ n日记;记事簿9. _ n活动 10. _ v& n尝试;设法;努力11. _ n差别;差异 12. _ v等待;等候13. _ n伞;雨伞 14. _ adj.湿的;潮湿的15. _ prep.& adv.在下面;到下面16. _ adj.& adv.足够的(地);充分的(地)17. _adv.像一样,如同;conj.当时,如同18. _ n家务劳动;家务事 19. _ adv.几乎不;几乎没有20. _ adv.在任何时候;从来;曾经 21. _ adv.一次;曾经22. _ adv.两次;两倍 2

19、3. _ n节目24. _ n咖啡 25. _ n健康;人的身体(或精神)状态26. _ n结果;后果 27. _ conj.虽然;尽管;即使28. _ prep.以;凭借;穿过 29. _ n牙科医生30. _ n杂志;期刊 31. _ adv.然而;不过32. _ adv.几乎;差不多 33. _ pron.没有一个;毫无534. _ n头脑,心智 35. _ n得分;点; v指,指向参考答案:1anyone 2. anywhere 3. something 4. nothing 5. everyone 6. seem 7. someone 8. diary 9. activity 10. try 11. difference12. wait 13. umbrella 14. wet 15. below 16. enough 17. as18. housework 19. hardly 20. ever 21. once 22. twice23. program/programme 24. coffee 25. health 26. result27. although 28. through 29. dentist 30. magazine 31. however32. almost 33. none 34. mind 35. point

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