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本文(2019年高考英语二轮专题复习第一部分语法题型突破篇专题三阅读理解高考命题17科普知识类精选题20190120132.doc)为本站会员(livefirmly316)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1科普知识类A(2018湖南师大附中高考模拟卷)“Educational researchers,political scientists and economists are increasingly interested in the characteristics and skills that parents, teachers and schools should foster in children to increase chances of success later in life, ” said lead author Marion Spengler, PhD of the

2、 University of Tubingen. “Our research found that specific behaviors in high school have longlasting effects for ones later life.”Spengler and her coauthors analyzed data collected by the American Institutes for Research from 346, 660 US. high school students in 1960, along with followup data from 8

3、1,912 of those students 11 years later and 1,952 of them 50 years later. The initial high school phase measured a variety of student behaviors and attitudes as well as personality characteristics, cognitive abilities, parental socioeconomic status and demographic(人口统计的)factors. The followup surveys

4、measured overall educational attainment, income and occupational prestige(声望)Being a responsible student, showing an interest in school and having fewer problems with reading and writing were all significantly associated with greater educational attainment and finding a more prestigious job both 11

5、years and 50 years after high school. These factors were also all associated with higher income at the 50year mark. Most effects remained even when researchers controlled parental socioeconomic status, cognitive ability and other broad personality characteristics such as conscientiousness.While the

6、findings werent necessarily surprising, Spengler noted how reliably specific behaviors people showed in school were able to predict later success.Further analysis of the data suggested that much of the effect could be explained by overall educational achievements, according to Spengler.“Student char

7、acteristics and behaviors were rewarded in high school and led to higher educational attainment, which in turn was related to greater occupational prestige and income later in life, ” she said. “This study 2highlights the possibility that certain behaviors at crucial periods could have longterm cons

8、equences for a persons life.”1Whats the finding of Marion Spenglers research?ATeachers play a decisive role in students later success.BPersonality characteristics are more important than academic performances.CHigher educational attainment has little to do with occupational prestige.DBehaviors in th

9、e high school should be highly stressed.2Which is TRUE about the research?AThe research was conducted among totally different people during different periods.BThe research was based on the data collected from 1960 to 2010.CMore people were involved in the followup surveys.DThe initial high school ph

10、ase measured attitudes only.3What is likely to contribute to later success according to the research?AParental socioeconomic status.BOverall educational achievements.CCognitive ability.DHard work.4Why did the researchers control some factors like parental socioeconomic status?ATo avoid the previous

11、mistakes.BTo highlight the effects of certain specific behaviors.CTo draw an immediate conclusion.DTo hide some negative findings.答案:【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。研究发现,中学时期的某些特定行为会对以后的生活有长期影响。1D 解析:推理判断题。由第一段中的“Our research found that specific behaviors in high school have longlasting effects for ones later life.”

12、可知Marion Spengler的研究发现学生在中学的行为对以后的生活有长期影响,应该被高度重视,故选 D项。2B 解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的“Spengler and her coauthors analyzed data collected by the American Institutes for Research from 346,660 US. high 3school students in 1960, along with followup data from 81,912 of those students 11 years later and 1,952 of the

13、m 50 years later.”可知这次研究是基于1960年到 2010年的数据,故选 B项。3B 解析:细节理解题。由第五段可知整体的教育成就更可能有助于后来的成功,故选 B项。4B 解析:推理判断题。由第三段中的“Most effects remained even when researchers controlled parental socioeconomic status, cognitive ability and other broad personality characteristics such as conscientiousness.”以及最后一段中的“This

14、study highlights the possibility that certain behaviors at crucial periods could have longterm consequences for a persons life.”可知为了强调特定行为的影响,研究人员控制了一些因素像父母经济地位,故选 B项。B(2018广东佛山高三质检)Scientists have identified the order of the gene of the giraffe for the first time to help explain how the tallest ani

15、mals on earth developed their remarkably long necks.Being a giraffe is not easy. To pump blood two meters up from the chest to the brain calls for a powerful heart and twice the blood pressure of other mammals. Giraffes also need special safety system to let them bend down for a drink and raise thei

16、r heads again without feeling dizzy.The animals unique body structure has long been a puzzle for biologists, including Charles Darwin. Now, by comparing the gene of the giraffe with that of its closest relative, the shortnecked okapi, scientists have solved part of the puzzle by studying changes in

17、a small number of genes responsible both for regulating body shape and circulation. This suggests that the development of a long neck and a powerful heart went hand in hand, driven by a relatively small number of genetic changes.The interpretation of the genetic factors behind the giraffes remarkabl

18、e heart system could also be instructive for human health, since the animals appear to avoid the kind of organ damage often found in people with high blood pressure.The more fundamental question of why giraffes developed their long necks remains open, however. The apparently selfevident idea that it

19、 was to reach everhigher food supplies has been challenged in the past 20 years by a competing belief that it is actually due to competition among fighting males 4for females.Unlike longnecked birds, which have additional vertebrae(椎骨), giraffes have the same seven vertebrae found in all mammals, al

20、though theirs are greatly extended.1.A strong heart is very important for a giraffe because it _.Apumps blood to the brain high above its bodyBkeeps the blood pressure at a normal levelChelps the giraffe find a drink at lower placesDkeeps the giraffe safe in different environments2Scientists compare

21、 the gene of the giraffe with that of the shortnecked okapi because the latter _.Ahas a quite special body structureBis a puzzle worth further studyCis in the same family as the giraffeDhas gone through few genetic changes3Which possibly caused the giraffe to develop a long neck?AIts favorite food a

22、t high places.BIts attempts to attract females.CIts need to avoid organ damage.DIts greatly extended vertebrae.4Whats the authors purpose of writing this passage?ATo introduce a new finding of science.BTo explain genetic changes in animals.CTo describe giraffes body structure.DTo challenge a belief

23、of twenty years.答案:【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了科学家第一次确定了长颈鹿的基因序列,这有助于解释长颈鹿是怎样长出长脖子的。1A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第二句“To pump blood two meters up from the chest to the brain calls for a powerful heart and twice the blood pressure of other mammals.”可知,对于长颈鹿来说一颗强大的心脏很重要,因为从心脏把血液输送到头部要上升两米的高度,血压是其他哺乳动物的两倍。2C 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段

24、第二句可知,短脖子的霍加狓与长脖子的长颈鹿有着最亲近的亲缘关系,但是它们形体差别却很大,比较两者的基因可以更好地了解长颈鹿的基因,由此可以推断出,科学家选择霍加狓是因为它们属于同一科(in the same 5family)。3B 解析:细节理解题。根据第五段最后一句中的“by a competing belief that it is actually due to competition among fighting males for females”可知,人们认为长颈鹿的长脖子的形成是因为雄性长颈鹿会通过决斗来争夺雌性。4A 解析:写作意图题。根据文章结构可知,第一段是文章的中心段。科学家第一次确定了长颈鹿的基因序列,更好地解释了长颈鹿是怎么样长出长脖子的。由此可以推断出本文的目的是介绍这个新的科学发现。

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