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本文(2019年高考英语二轮专题复习第一部分语法题型突破篇专题五完形填空高考命题24议论文精选题20190120144.doc)为本站会员(diecharacter305)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、1议论文A(2018福建 4月质检)Growing up, I always hid my thumbs(拇指) in my fists because of their unusual shape. _1_ they do look more like big toes(脚趾)_2_ thumbs. And from an early age, my thumbs_3_ another name “toe thumbs”In high school, I served as a cashier in a grocery store. One day, I was _4_ the grocer

2、ies of a sweet little old lady and as I _5_ her change back to her, she suddenly took my hands and said in a thick Polish _6_, “You are Polish! Look at those _7_ Polish thumbs! They match mine!” She raised her hands and _8_ her thumbs to me that _9_ weathered and wrinkled, looked exactly like mine!

3、She _10_ my hands again and said, “Be _11_ of those thumbs!”Ill never forget that 30second _12_ with a stranger that forever _13_ my view of a part of me I once was _14_ at and now accept. As I was eating dinner with my Samuel tonight, he looked down at my hand _15_ on the table next to his and said

4、, “Mommy! Our thumbs _16_!”I smiled and answered, “Yes,they do, buddy! Those are strong Polish _17_ you have! Take pride in them! Maybe someday youll have a little boy or girl who will have the same thumbs!” I _18_ my son never hides his thumbs like I did. I hope hell be proud of their “unusualness”

5、 and the _19_ behind them. He carries on a(n) _20_ part of me and that for me will always be beautiful!1A.Fortunately BAdmittedlyCNormally DBasically2A.other than Bdue to Cinstead of Dalong with3A.earned Bcloned Cfound Ddeserved4A.checking out Bwaiting forCtalking with Dwatching over5A.paid Bcharged

6、 2Cdonated Dcounted6A.tune Bvoice Clanguage Daccent7A.beautiful Bstrange Clong Dclumsy8A.passed BshowedCrecommended Doffered9A.till Bunless Calthough Donce10A.raised Binspected Cexamined Dheld11A.proud Bskeptical Cafraid Dsure12A.appointment BbargainCconversation Ddeal13A.supported Bchanged Cproved

7、Dhurt14A.amazed Bfrightened Cdelighted Dembarrassed15A.scratching Bresting Cknocking Ddrawing16A.differ Bsuit Cfight Dmatch17A.fists Bthumbs Ctoes Dhands18A.guarantee Bfigure Cpray Dinsist19A.scene Blesson Chistory Dmoment20A.unique Belegant Cauthentic Dsensitive答案:【语篇解读】一天,作者偶遇一位和蔼的小个子老太太,要不是她的一番话,

8、作者至今还一直把自己的拇指藏在手心里,意识不到它们的美。1B 解析:根据 they do look more like big toes(脚趾)可知此处应用副词3admittedly(无可否认地)来修饰整个句子。fortunately 幸运地;normally 正常地;basically基本上。2C 解析:句意:无可否认的是,它们的确看起来更像是大的脚趾而非拇指。other than除了;due to 由于;instead of 代替,而不是;along with 连同一起。3A 解析:句意:从小我的拇指就获得了另一个名字“脚拇指” 。earn 获得,赚得;clone克隆;find 发现;de

9、serve 应受,应得。4A 解析:根据上文可知, “我”在一家杂货店当收银员,故此处指“我”正在为一位和蔼的小个子老太太结账(check out)。wait for等待;talk with与交谈;watch over监视,照管。5D 解析:count 表示“计数” ,此处指“数出零钱归还给她” 。pay 付款;charge收费;donate 捐赠。6D 解析:in a thick Polish accent意为“用浓重的波兰口音” 。tune 曲调;voice嗓音;language 语言;accent 口音。7A 解析:文章最后一句for me will always be beautifu

10、l!有提示。beautiful美丽的;strange 奇怪的;long 长的;clumsy 笨拙的。8B 解析:句意:她举起手,给我看她的拇指。show sb.给某人看某物,向某人展示某物;pass sb.递给某人某物;recommend sb.向某人推荐某物;offer sb.提供某物给某人。9C 解析:句意:她举起手,给我看她的拇指,虽然她的拇指已经变形,布满皱纹,不过看起来的确像我的拇指!although 虽然;till 直到;unless 除非;once 一旦。10D 解析:She held my hands again对应上文提

11、到的 she suddenly took my hands。raise 举起;inspect 视察;examine 检查;hold 握住。11A 解析:根据第 17空后的 Take pride in them!可知,此处指“为你的波兰拇指而自豪吧!”be proud of 相当于 take pride in,意为“为感到自豪” 。skeptical怀疑的:afraid 害怕的;sure 确信的。12C 解析:根据上文可知, “我”与老太太之间进行的是交谈(conversation),而非 appointment约定;bargain 便宜货;deal 交易。13B 解析:根据句意可知,这短短的

12、30秒钟的交谈改变了“我”对自己拇指的看法。support 支持;change 改变;prove 证明;hurt 使受伤。14D 解析:根据上文叙述可知, “我”过去总是有意地将自己的拇指握在手心里,生怕别人看到,故此处指曾经让“我”感觉尴尬。amazed 吃惊的;frightened 害怕的;delighted高兴的;embarrassed 尴尬的。15B 解析:句意:今晚,当我与儿子塞缪尔一起吃晚饭的时候,他低头看着我挨着他的手放在桌子上的手。动词 rest可以表示“放置” ,此处为现在分词作后置定语。4scratch刮;knock 敲;draw 拉,画。16D 解析:根据下文可知,儿子的

13、拇指和“我”的一样。match 相同;differ 不同;suit相配;合身;fight 打架。17B 解析:儿子和“我”一样拥有强壮的波兰拇指(thumbs)。18C 解析:句意:我祈望(pray)我的儿子不要像我过去那样藏起他的拇指。此句与下文 I hope.相呼应,故选择 C项。guarantee 保证;figure 计算,认为;insist 坚持。19C 解析:句意:我希望他为它们的“不同寻常”和它们背后的历史(history)感到自豪。scene 场面,景象;lesson 课,教训;moment 时刻。20A 解析:这种拇指是波兰人所特有的,而“我”的儿子传承了“我”身上这独特的(u

14、nique)部分。elegant 优雅的;authentic 真实的;sensitive 敏感的。B(2018高考考前适应性考试)Every time Shelly and her friends go out to dinner, they play something called the “phone pile” game. Upon entering the private room, everyone places their _1_ on the tea table; whoever checks their device before the bill arrives _2_ f

15、or dinner.This game was first played about one year ago, when Lily, the starter, found that she had trouble _3_ her mobile phone after she got home from work. So she _4_ putting her phone into a small container the moment she walked in. It would remain there until after dinner.The similar technique

16、was carried out by Holly, who didnt _5_ to sleep close to a beeping phone. So she _6_ computers and phones in her bedrooma rule she _7_in her WeChat friends circle.With the rapid development of science and technology, smart phones _8_ to impact our lives, and wearable devices like Google Glass _9_ o

17、ur individual space even further. Thus overburdened users are creating their own devicefree zones. These disconnecting _10_ are improving their lives.“Disconnecting is something that we all _11_, ” said Shelly. “The expectation that we must always be _12_ to everyone creates a real problem in trying

18、 to _13_ private time. But that private time is more important than ever.”A useful method for _14_ is to choose a milk tin for your cell phone, just like Lily does. “_15_ my phone is lighting up, its still a distraction(分心的事物), so it goes in the _16_, ” she said.5Others choose new _17_ . “No screens

19、 after 11 pm., ” said Ari Melber, a TV host. “Now evenings are more _18_ and I am sleeping better.”Sleep is a big factor, which is why some _19_ to leave their phones out of their bedrooms. To these people, it _20_ is a headclearer.1.A.wallets Bhandbags Cphones Dwatches2A.waits Bpays Cprepares Dlook

20、s3A.ignoring Bchecking Ccharging Dfinding4A.advised Bforgot Cstopped Dbegan5A.hate Barrange Cwant Dpromise6A.lost Bbanned Ccollected Dadjusted7A.shared Bagreed Ctalked Dprovided8A.intend Bchoose Chappen Dcontinue9A.threaten Bdefend Cimprove Duse10A.tricks Bbeliefs Cways Dguesses11A.need Bavoid Cdisc

21、over Dlearn12A.dependable BattractiveCconvenient Davailable13A.put out Bset aside Cturn down Dcut off14A.connecting BdistributingCdisconnecting Dentertaining15A.Unless BAlthough CUntil Bpocket Cbag Dbox17A.rules Borders Csteps Dgames18A.flexible Brelaxing Curgent Dupsetting19A.admit B

22、refuse Cprefer Dtry20A.nearly Bdefinitely Cfinally Dhardly答案:【语篇解读】通过本文提到的“手机游戏” ,我们知道下班回家后或在私密的空间里受到手机的干扰很苦恼。本文就这个问题提出了可行的建议。1C 解析:考查名词。wallet 钱包;handbag 手提包;phone 电话;watch 手表。根据上句,they play something called the “phone pile” game 可知,进入私人房间后,每个人都把手机放在桌子上,无论谁在结账之前碰他们的手机,都要支付晚餐的费用。故答案为 C项。2B 解析:考查动词。w

23、ait 等待;pay 付款;prepare 准备;look 看。无论谁在账单到达之前检查他们的手机,都要支付晚餐的费用。故答案为 B项。3A 解析:考查动词。ignore 忽视;check 核对;charge 收费;find 找到。这个游戏是在一年前开始的,游戏的创始人 Lily,在那个时候,她下班回家后受到手机的干扰,很烦恼。根据句意可知答案为 A项。4D 解析:考查动词。advise 建议;forget 忘记;stop 停止;begin 开始。所以她一走进来,她就开始把手机放进一个小容器里。故答案为 D项。5C 解析:考查动词。hate 厌恶;arrange 安排;want 想要;prom

24、ise 许诺。类似的技术是由 Holly做的,她不想睡觉时靠近一个哔哔作响的手机。根据句意可知答案为 C项。6B 解析:考查动词。lose 失去;ban 禁止;collect 收集;adjust 调整。因此,她禁止在她的卧室里使用电脑和手机这是她在微信朋友圈里分享的一条规则。根据句意可知答案为 B项。7A 解析:考查动词。share 分享;agree 同意;talk 谈论;provide 提供。因此,她禁止在她的卧室里使用电脑和手机这是她在微信朋友圈里分享的一条规则。根据句意可知答案为 A项。8D 解析:考查动词。 intend 打算;choose 选择;happen 发生;continue

25、继续。随着科学技术的飞速发展,智能手机继续影响着我们的生活,而像谷歌眼镜这样的可穿戴7设备也对我们的个人空间造成威胁。根据句意可知答案为 D项。9A 解析:考查动词。threaten 威胁;defend 辩护;improve 提高;use 使用。随着科学技术的飞速发展,智能手机继续影响着我们的生活,而像谷歌眼镜这样的可穿戴设备也对我们的个人空间造成威胁。根据句意可知答案为 A项。10C 解析:考查名词。trick 诡计;belief 信仰;way 方法;guess 猜测。这些隔离的方式正在改善他们的生活。故答案为 C项。11A 解析:考查动词。need 需要;avoid 避免;discover

26、 发现;learn 学习。断开网络连接是我们都需要的事情。故答案为 A项。12D 解析:考查形容词。dependable 可靠的;attractive 吸引人的;convenient方便的;available 可获得的。每个人都期望能随时联系上彼此,这在试图留出私人空间上产生了真正的问题。故答案为 D项。13B 解析:考查动词词组。put out扑灭;set aside留出;turn down 拒绝,调小;cut off 切断。由上题解析可知答案为 B项。14C 解析:考查动词。connect 连接;distribute 干扰;disconnect 断开;entertain款待。一个有用的分离

27、方法是为你的手机选择一个牛奶罐,就像 Lily一样。故答案为 C项。15D 解析:考查状语从句引导词。unless 除非;although 尽管;until 直到为止; when当时候。句意:当我的手机亮起来的时候,它仍然是一种干扰,所以就把它放在盒子里。故答案为 D项。16D 解析:考查名词。room 房间;pocket 口袋;bag 包;box 箱子。句意:当我的手机亮起来的时候,它仍然是一种干扰,所以就把它放在盒子里。故答案为 D项。17A 解析:考查名词。rule 规则;order 订单,命令;step 步伐;game 游戏。另一些人选择了新规则。故答案为 A项。18B 解析:考查形容词。 flexible灵活的;relaxing 放松的;urgent 紧急的;upsetting令人心烦意乱的。句意:现在晚上更放松,我睡得更好。故答案为 B项。19C 解析:考查动词。admit 承认;refuse 拒绝;prefer 更喜欢;try 尝试。睡眠是一个重要因素,这就是为什么有些人会把手机放在卧室外面。故答案为 C项。20B 解析:考查副词。 nearly 几乎;definitely 清楚地;finally 最后;hardly几乎不。对这些人来说,这绝对是一个头脑清洁剂。故答案为 B项。

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