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1、1安徽省六安市毛坦厂中学 2018 年高二英语下学期期中试题第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AVisiting Joshua Tree National Park, CaliforniaJoshua Tree National Park is nearly 800,000 acres (英亩) large and surrounds parts of the Mojave and Colorado Deserts in South-c

2、entral California. Although deserted at first sight, the park is full of wildlife and provides a variety of entertainment activities from hiking to climbing. Within a three-hour drive, Joshua Tree National Park takes at least a full day to visit.Things to do Hiking opportunities within the park incl

3、ude several choices, from 12 self-guided nature routines to all-day back-country hikes. Joshua Tree NP has nine camping grounds, and back-country camping is also allowed. Rock climbing is a popular activity in the park, which has 10 mountains greater than 5, 000 feet in height.When to visitJoshua Tr

4、ee NP is open 365 days a year, although the best time to visit is October through April, when temperature is milder. The peak season is when the wild flowers bloom, and the summer months are the least crowded.What to bringIn addition to your camera and telescope, be sure to carry lots of water. Park

5、 and guiding maps can be picked up at any of the three visitor centers.FeesParking fees: You can buy a seven-day vehicle permit (周票) for $ 15, a single entry permit for $ 5, or Joshua Tree National Park annual (每年的) pass for $ 60. Camping fees: They vary by camping ground21. When is the best time to

6、 visit Joshua Tree NP?2A. September B. March C. June D. May 22.If one goes to Joshua Tree NP by car and stays there for 9 days, how much at least one should pay for the parking fees?A. $ 60 B. $ 15 C. $ 25 D. $ 3023.What can be inferred from the text? A. The camping fees at the nine camping grounds

7、are different. B. Tourists can easily visit the whole park within a day.C. There are guides for nature trails.D. Tourists must take park and trail maps with them when visiting the parkBHome to me means a sense of familiarity and nostalgia(怀旧). Its fun to come home. It looks the same. It smells the s

8、ame. Youll realize whats changed is you. Home is where we can remember pain,love,and some other experiences: We parted here; My parents met here; I won three championships here. If I close my eyes,I can still have a clear picture in mind of my first home. I walk in the door and see a brown sofa surr

9、ounding a low glasstop wooden table. To the right of the living room is my first bedroom. Its empty,but its where my earliest memories are. There is the dining room table where I celebrated birthdays,and where I cried on Halloweenwhen I didnt want to wear the skirt my mother made for me. I always li

10、ked standing on that table because it made me feel tall and strong. If I sit at this table,I can see my favorite room in the house, my parents room. It is simple: a brown wooden dresser lines the right side of the wall next to a television and a couple of photos of my grandparents on each side. Thei

11、r bed is my safe zone. I can jump on it anytimewaking up my parents if I am scared or if I have an important announcement that cannot wait until the morning. Im lucky because I know my first home still exists. It exists in my mind and heart,on a physical property (住宅) on West 64th street on the west

12、ern edge of Los Angeles. It is proof I lived,I grew and I learned. Sometimes when I feel lost,I lie down and shut my eyes,and I go home. I know 3its where Ill find my family,my dogs,and my belongings. I purposely leave the window open at night because I know Ill be reproached by Mom. But I dont mind

13、,because I want to hear her say my name,which reminds me Im home. 24. Why does the author call her parents bed her “safe zone”? AIt is her favorite place to play. BHer parents always play together with her there. CHer grandparents photos are lined on each side. DHer needs can be satisfied there. 25.

14、 What can be learned from the passage? AThe old furniture is still in the authors first bedroom. BThe author can still visit her first physical home in Los Angeles. CThe authors favorite room in her first home is the dining room. DMany people of the authors age can still find their first physical ho

15、mes. 26. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “reproached” in Paragraph 5? Apunished Bbeaten Cblamed Dteased 27What is the authors purpose of writing this passage? ATo look back on her childhood. BTo declare how much she loves her first house. CTo describe the state of her family.

16、DTo express how much she is attached to her home. CHerbal medicine (草药), which has been used for medicinal purposes, is the use of plants to treat diseases. Many herbalists use the entire plant, from the flowers, stems, leaves, and roots, in the form of everything from teas to pills. These plants co

17、ntain natural, chemical things that can treat the body for a variety of diseases- such as allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, migraine, chronic fatigue, and cancer, among others.Nowadays an increasing number of people prefer to adopt these plants to treat their diseases because, compared with c

18、hemical medicine, herbal medicine has its own 4advantages. Herbal medicine and remedies (治疗) are more effective than chemical medicine for certain diseases. The chemical medicine given by a chemist could have certain negative side effects. However, many of the herbal medicine and remedies do not hav

19、e negative side effects. If any, they are softer than chemical medicine. Obesity is the cause of many of the health problems. Herbal medicine can help weight-loss more effectively and improve overall health.However, the cure using herbal medicine and supplements (营养品) would take some time, and there

20、fore people are supposed to possess enough patience. Worse still, herbal medicine contains a variety of ingredients (成分) and people have to be sure that their body agrees with the ingredients and that it is not allergic (过敏).A point worth mentioning here is herbal remedies and medicine for certain i

21、llnesses may have negative side effects. These side effects may not be shown at once, but would take months or even years. In the early stages, if the herbal medicine is not agreeing with you, it is wise to stop using it.When used correctly and directed by doctors, herbs can help treat a variety of

22、diseases. But keep in mind that the herbal medicine industry is not regulated, so herbal products are often misleading and may contain additives (添加剂) and that are not listed on the label (标签). Some herbs may cause allergic reactions or interact with other drugs, and some are poisonous if used impro

23、perly or at high doses (剂量). Taking herbs on your own increases your risk.28What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?A. The origin of herbal medicine. B. The history of herbal medicine.C. The definition and function of herbal medicine. D. The naturally harmless characteristics of herbal medicine.29How d

24、oes the author explain the advantages of herbal medicine?A. By using examples. B. By making a comparison.C. By analyzing research statistics. D. By performing lots of experiments.30What is the authors attitude towards herbal medicine?A. Negative. B. Disapproving. C. Unclear. D. Supportive.31Which of

25、 the following will the author agree with?5A. Choose safe herbal medicine freely.B. Take herbal medicine under the guidance of doctors.C. Use herbs together because the combination is more effective.D. Purchase herbal medicine from reliable manufacturers to ensure quality.DResearchers in the psychol

26、ogy department at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a major difference in the way men and women respond to stress. This difference may explain why men are more likely to suffer from stress-related disorders.Until now, psychological research has maintained that both m

27、en and women have the same “fight-or-flight” reaction to stress. In other words, individuals either react with aggressive behavior, such as verbal or physical conflict (“fight”), or they react by withdrawing from the stressful situation (“flight”). However, the UCLA research team found that men and

28、women have quite different biological and behavioral responses to stress. While men often react to stress in the fight-or-flight response, women often have another kind of reaction which could be called “tend and befriend”. That is, they often react to stressful conditions by protecting and nurturin

29、g their young (“tend”), and by looking for social contact and support from others-especially other females (“befriend”).Scientists have long known that in the fight-or-flight reaction to stress, an important role is played by certain hormones released by the body. The UCLA research team suggests tha

30、t the female tend-or-befriend response is also based on a hormone. This hormone, called oxytocin, has been studied in the context of childbirth, but now it is being studied for its role in the response of both men and women to stress. The principal investigator, Dr. Shelley E. Taylor, explained that

31、 “animals and people with high levels of oxytocin are calmer, more relaxed, more social, and less anxious.” While men also secrete(分泌) oxytocin, its effects are reduced by male hormones.In terms of everyday behavior, the UCLA study found that women are far more likely than men to seek social contact

32、 when they are feeling stressed. They may phone relatives or friends, or ask directions if they are lost.The study also showed how fathers and mothers responded differently when they came home to their family after a stressful day at work. The typical father wanted to be left alone to enjoy some pea

33、ce and quiet. For a typical mother, coping with a bad day at work meant focusing her attention on her children and their needs.6The differences in responding to stress may explain the fact that women have lower frequency of stress-related disorders such as high blood pressure or aggressive behavior.

34、 The tend-and-befriend regulatory(调节的 ) system may protect women against stress, and this may explain why women on average live longer than men.32. The UCLA study shows that in response to stress, men are more likely than women to .A. turn to friends for help B. solve a conflict calmlyC. find an esc

35、ape from reality D. seek comfort from children33. Which of the following is true about oxytocin according to the passage?A. Men have a higher level of oxytocin than women.B. People with low levels of oxytocin are more relaxed.C. Both animals and people have high levels of oxytocin.D. Oxytocin has mo

36、re of an effect on women than on men.34. What can be learned from the passage?A. Male hormones help build up the bodys resistance to stress.B. In a family a mother cares more about children than a father does.C. Biological differences lead to different behavioral responses to stress.D. The UCLA stud

37、y was designed to confirm previous research findings.35. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. How men and women get over stress. B. How men and women suffer from stress.C. How researchers overcome stress problems.D. How researchers handle stress-related disorders.第二节(共 5

38、小题;每小题 2 分,共 10 分。)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。People who are confident really seem to be naturally outstanding and just seem to do everything with more styles than others. 36 It is a habit that everyone can develop in life. Try these simple tips to drill and build up your confidence:1.

39、 Admit your shortcomings calmly.Do not try to flee from them or cover them. Face them bravely. 37 Fight against them every day until the day when you could break away and conquer them.2. Dress for self-confidence.38 And therefore pay attention to your dress, display your unique physical advantages a

40、nd exhibit your best image. In addition, on formal occasions such as a 7business conference or a wedding ceremony, elegant dressing contributes to building your confidence.3. 39 You should break your routine that deals with the work passively. Concentrate your efforts immediately on overcoming it, b

41、ecause it will make your restless mind at ease and build your self-confidence.4. Be positive.Feel pity neither on yourself nor on others. If you are used to hating and accusing yourself, others would tend to do that and believe it. Instead, you should speak positively about yourself, your progress,

42、and your bright future. 40 A. Dont judge a person by appearance.B. Build your confident vocabulary.C. Dont put off what you eventually have to do.D. Actually, true self-confidence is neither born nor acquired overnight.E. By doing so, you would encourage your growth in a positive direction.F. Then t

43、alk about them to a reliable mate, a friend or a family member.G. Your appearance could put you into embarrassment or increase your confidence.第三部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分 55 分)第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。KS5Whenever Michael Carl goes out to din

44、ner with friends, he plays something called the “phone stack” game: Everyone 41 their phones in the middle of the table; whoever looks at their device before the check arrives 42 for dinner.Brandon Holley had trouble 43 her mobile phone when she got home from work. So about six months ago, she 44 pu

45、tting her phone into a milk tin the moment she walked in. It remains there until after dinner. And Mare Jacobs, a fashion designer, didnt 45 to sleep close to a beeping gadget. So he 46 digital devices from his bedroom a house rule he 47 with audiences during a recent screening of Disconnect.As smar

46、t phones 48 to make their way into our lives, and wearable devices 8like Google Glass 49 to destroy our personal space even further, overtaxed users are carving out their own device-free zones. Whether its a physical 50 (no ipads at the dinner table) or a conceptual one (turn off devices by 11 p.m.)

47、, users say these disconnecting 51 are improving their relationships.“Disconnecting is a luxury that we all 52 ,” said Lesley, a writer who keeps her phone away from the dinner table at home. “The expectation that we must always be 53 to employers, colleagues and family creates a real problem in try

48、ing to 54 private time. But that private time is more important than ever.”A popular method for disconnecting is to choose a box for your cellphone, like the milk tin that Ms. Holley uses. “ 55 my phone is buzzing or lighting up, its still a distraction, so it 56 in the box.” said Ms. Holley. Others

49、 choose new 57 . “No screens after 11 p.m.” said Ari. Melber, a TV host. “Now evenings are more 58 and I am sleeping better.” he added.Sleep is a big factor, which is why some 59 to leave their phones out of their bedrooms. So does Mare Jacobs. “It 60 is a headclearer and distinguishes daytime and sleep time.”41. A. stores B. organizes C. arranges D. places42. A. pays B. waits C. prepares D. reaches 43. A. examining B. ignoring C. missing D. finding44. A. stop

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