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本文(NAVY DOD-STD-1399-072 PT 3A-1987 MILITARY STANDARD INTERFACE STANDARD FOR SHIPBOARD SYSTEMS SECTION 072 - PART 3 BLAST ENVIRONMENT NUCLEAR WEAPONS (METRIC).pdf)为本站会员(medalangle361)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!



2、oved for public release; distribution unlirnitd Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-POD-STD-I1399 -072A PT 3 DOD - STD- 1399 (NAVY) SECTION 072 - PART 3A 11 August 1987 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY NAVAL SEA SYSTEPIS COEPlAND Washington, DC 203

3、62-5101 Interface Standard for Shipboard Systems, Blast Environment, Nuclear Weapons 1. This military standard is approved for use by all interested Commands of the Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2. Beneficial comments (

4、recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 5523, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1

5、426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. ii Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-STD-1399 (NAVY) SECTION 072 - PART 3A 11 August 1987 FOREWORD 1. Purpose. This section defines the standard interface requirements for, an

6、d the constraints on, the design of ship structure and equipment which may be exposed to the shipboard topside air blast environment caused by nuclear weapon explosions. 2. Navy ships may be subject to air blast resulting from nuclear weapon explosion. This blast environment is variable both in its

7、nature and in its effects which may weaken or deform the ship structure and degrade the performance of exposed shipboard equipment. potentially adverse effects of the blast environment, the ship structure and exposed equipment are required to satisfy established test or design standards. The effects

8、 of shipboard blast may also be reduced through the application of arrangement or installation blast mitigating measures. Nature of the interface. To reduce the 3. Structure. The technical content first delineates the characteristics in terms of blast overpressure parameters. The constraints on equi

9、pment design and installation which are necessary to achieve shipboard compatibility with these characteristics are then established. 4. Numerical quantities. Numerical quantities stated in this section are expressed in metric (SI) units and may be followed by inch-pound units in parentheses. practi

10、cal number of significant figures. When parenthetical values are given in inch-pound units, the inch-pound units are to be regarded as the current specified magnitude. The SI equivalents of the inch-pound units are approximated to a iii Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking perm

11、itted without license from IHS-,-,-DCP-STD-1399 -072A PT 3 9999911 0435068 440 DOD-STD . 1399 (NAVY) SECTION 072 . PART 3A 11 August 1987 CONTENTS Page . Paragraph 1 . GENERAL. SCOPE. INTERFACE. AND APPLICABILITY 1 1.1 General . 1 1.2 Scope 1 1.3 Interface 1 1.4 Applicability 1 . . . . 2 . REFERENCE

12、D DOCUMENTS 2 2.1 Government document 2 2.1.1 Standard . 2 2.2 Order of precedence 2 3 . DEFINITIONS 2 3.1 Overpressure 2 3.1.1 Reflected overpressure 2 3.2 Dynamic pressure 2 3.3 Positive phase duration 2 3.3.1 Negative phase duration 2 3.4 Thermal pulse 2 3.5 Arrival time 3 . . . . 4 . GENERAL REQ

13、UIREMENTS 3 4.1 General requirement 3 5 . 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 DETAILED REQUIREMENTS 3 Interface characteristics and constraints 3 General considerations 3 Interface characteristics 3 Overpressure 3 Reflected overpressure 4 Dynamic pressure 4 Thermal puls

14、e 4 Protection parameters 5 Interface constraints 5 Compatibility 5 Equipment design 5 Location criteria 5 . . . . . . . . 6 . NOTES 5 6.1 Intended use . 5 6.2 Conditions . 5 6.3 Subject term (key word) listing 5 6.4 Changes from previous issue 6 FI GURES Figur e 1 . 2 . Interface Free field nuclear

15、 blast wave . 1 7 iv Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOP-STD-1394 -072A PT 3 LL 0435067 387 DOD-STD-l399(NAVY) SECTION 072 - PART 3A 11 August 1987 1. GENERAL, SCOPE, INTERFACE, AND APPLICABILITY 1.1 General. The procedures establishe

16、d by DOD-STD-1399 are mandatory. This section and the basic standard, that is, DOD-STD-1399, shall be viewed as an integral single document. 1.2 Scope. This section establishes interface requirements for ship structure and ship topside equipment whose performance will be adversely affected by nuclea

17、r weapons air blast (including thermal pulse) to ensure compatibility between such structure/equipment and the effects of nuclear air blast. 1.3 Interface. The basic characteristic and constraint categories concerned with this interface are shown symbolically on figure 1 (see definitions of DOD-STD-

18、1399). NUCLEAR BLAST ENVIRONMENT INTERFACE AFFECTED SHIP STRUCTURE & TOPSIDE E QU I PMENT BASIC CATEGORIES - 1 / CHARACTERISTICS Peak overpressure Peak dynamic pressure Positive phase duration Thermal pulse Reflected overpressure ZJ CONSTRAINTS Compat ibility Design - (structure/ equipment) Locat io

19、n Protection FIGURE 1. Interface. The particular interface characteristics and constraints pertinent to this section are described in 5.3 and 5.4. 1.4 Applicability. The criteria of this section shall be applicable to new ship acquisitions, modernizations or conversions, and to equipment intended fo

20、r installation on board such ships. Equipment intended for installation on board active fleet ships shall possess blast resistance characteristics equal to or better than those originally required for the ship in question. The criteria of this section do not apply to non-combatant ships. effects res

21、ulting from nuclear air blast, nuclear thermal radiation and the nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) see DOD-STD-1399. For shock 1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-STD-1399 -072A PT 3 M 99999LL 0435070 OTT M DOD-STD-l399(NAVY) SEC

22、TION 072 - PART 3A 11 August 1987 2. REFERENCED DOCUEIENTS 2.1 Government document. 2.1.1 Standard. Unless otherwise specified, the following standard of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specif- ications and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation forms a

23、 part of this standard to the extent specified herein. STANDARD MI LITARY DOD-STD-1399 - Interface Standard for Shipboard Systems. (Copies of standards required by contractors in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the con

24、tracting officer.) 2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this stanard and the references cited herein, the text of this standard shall take precedence. 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 Overpressure. Overpressure is the air pressure, above ambient pressure, measured behind the sho

25、ck front. 3.1.1 Reflected overpressure. Reflected overpressure is the resulting pressure which occurs when the incident overpressure wave strikes a surface and is then reflected, resulting in an instantaneous increase in pressure above the existing overpressure. The value of the reflected overpressu

26、re includes the incident overpressure. 3.2 Dynamic pressure. Dynamic pressure is associated with the blast wind and is the result of gross violent movement of the air accompanying the blast wave. velocity and to the density of air in the shock wave accompanies the blast overpressure. For overpressur

27、e less than 480 kilopascals (kPa) (70 pounds per square inch (lb/in2), the dynamic pressure is less than the overpressure (see 5.3.2). A dynamic pressure proportional to the square of the wind 3.3 Positive phase duration. Positive phase duration is the elapsed time from arrival of the blast wave unt

28、il it decays to ambient pressure. 3.3.1 Negative phase duration. The negative phase duration follows the positive phase. For the purposes of this standard, it is of no consequence because of its real value and may be ignored. 3.4 Thermal pulse. Thermal pulse is the intense radiated heat generated by

29、 the nuclear air burst preceding the blast wave. per square meter (J/m2). It is expressed in joule 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-STD-1399 -072A PT 3 9999911 0435071 T35 DOD-STD-l399(NAVY) SECTION 072 - PART 3A 11 August 1987 3

30、.5 Arrival time. Arrival time is the time from detonation to the arrival of the blast front at the point in question. 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 General requirement. The specific interface requirements and constraints established herein are mandatory and shall be adhered to by SYSCOMs, project mana

31、gers, contractors, and all others engaged in any aspect of ship design and shipboard equipment design to which these requirements and constraints apply including systems or equipment design, production, and installation (see requirements of DOD-STD-1399). 5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Interface chara

32、cteristics and constraints. Interface characteristics and constraints shall be in accordance with 5.2 through 5.4.3. 5.2 General considerations. The in-air noncontact explosion of a nuclear weapon will produce a blast environment which will adversely affect topside structure and installed equipment

33、of any ship which may be exposed to this environment. This blast environment is pervasive, and covers the entire topside area of the ship. The blast wave travels outward from the source at high velocity and is characterized by a very sharp rise in pressure above ambient followed by a somewhat gradua

34、l decay back to the ambient pressure. The magnitude of the nuclear blast environment will be defined in terms of peak overpressure, peak dynamic pressure, positive phase durations, and thermal pulse. on the weapon yield and the distance of the explosion from the ship. The overriding effect of very l

35、arge weapons in air bursts tends to be thermal radiation while the effect of middle and small tactical size weapons tends to be air blast. protect a ship to survive a direct hit with a nuclear weapon, design decisions for -Lhe feasible levels of protection shall be required. The magnitude of the bla

36、st parameters will vary depending Since it is neither reasonable nor practical to attempt to 5.3 Interface characteristics. The interface characteristics of the ships nuclear blast environment are specified in 5.3.1 through 5.3.4. characteristics will be present on all ships exposed to this environm

37、ent and will have an adverse effect on topside structure and exposed equipment. These 5.3.1 Overpressure. Nuclear explosions create a shock wave traveling outward at a velocity greater than the speed of sound. instantaneous overpressure above ambient occurs, at a very short time after detonation. Th

38、is overpressure then decays to ambient in a given time period (positive phase duration). This overpressure creates a diffraction loading which is particularly important on large solid structures and whose duration is time-dependent on the geometry of the structure concerned. time-phased variations o

39、f the overpressure parameters are shown on figure 2. The Principal Development Activity (PDA) will provide the peak overpressure and positive phase duration values to be used in specific ship and acquisition specifications (see 5.3.4). At the ship an The typical 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo rep

40、roduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-STD-I399 -072A PT 3 9999911 0435072 971 DOD -STD - 1399 (NAVY) SECTION 072 - PART 3A 11 August 1987 Reflected overpressure. When the incident overpressure wave strikes a surface, it is reflected and there is an instantaneous

41、increase in the pressure at the surface above the overpressure, followed by a rapid decay to the overpressure stagnation pressure, which is the sum of the overpressure and dynamic pressure. The instantaneous peak reflected overpressure for a flat surface normal to the shock wave front is directly re

42、lated to and may be two to eight times as great as the peak overpressure, and it is given by: 7P0 + 4P Pr = 2P ( 1 7P* + P = the instantaneous peak reflected overpressure = the ambient pressure ahead of the shock front Pr p = the peak overpressure Po where : The value of the reflected overpressure i

43、ncludes the incident overpressure. 5.3.2 Dynamic pressure. There is a gross violent movement of the air which accompanies the overpressure blast wave and creates a dynamic pressure whose magnitude is related to the overpressure and whose pressure time history is similar in shape to that of the overp

44、ressure. The peak dynamic pressure for a given peak overpressure is given by: 5 p2 9=z7p0 +p where: q = the peak dynamic pressure p = the given peak overpressure = the ambient pressure ahead of the shock front PO The dynamic pressure of concern is less than the overpressure, and its positive phase d

45、uration may be assumed to be the same (see figure 2). high velocity winds associated with the dynamic pressure generate a drag loading which is particularly important on open frame structures such as some types of antennas, masts, and other exposed equipment. This drag pressure loading is obtained b

46、y multiplying the dynamic pressure by the appropriate drag coefficient for the particular structure. dynamic pressure and positive phase duration values to be used in specific ship and acquisition specifications (see 5.3.4). The The PDA will provide the peak 5.3.3 Thermal pulse. A thermal pulse prec

47、edes the air blast. This pulse is expressed in total J/m2 received prior to arrival of the blast front. For design purposes, the thermal pulse shall be considered in connection with the air blast effects. values to be used in specific ship and acquisition specifications (see 5.3.4). The PDA will pro

48、vide the numerical 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DOD-STD-1399 -072A PT 3 9999933 0435073 808 DOD-STD-l399(NAVY) SECTION 072 - PART 3A 11 August 1987 5.3.4 Protection parameters. The PDA will select the specific protection paramete

49、rs for overpressure and dynamic pressure. The PDA will also provide the specific protection parameters for thermal pulse as required by current ship protection policy. 5.4 Interface constraints. The interface characteristics of the shipboard nuclear weapon air blast environment impose certain constraints on the design of topside ship structure and installed equipment exposed to this environment. These constraints a

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