1、NOTE: DOD-STD-2185 has been redesignated as a Standard Practice. The cover pagehas been changed for Administrative reasons. There are no other changes tothis Document.DOD-STD-2185(SH)28 OCTOBER 1986SUPERSEDINGNAVSEA 0991-LP-023-300215 July 1982(See 6.4)AMSC N/A FSC 2010DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Appr
2、oved for public release; distribution isunlimited.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSESTANDARD PRACTICEREQUIREMENTS FOR REPAIR AND STRAIGHTENINGOF BRONZE NAVAL SHIP PROPELLERSProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-00D-STD-2185(SH)28 October 1986DEPARTMENTOF
3、TRS NAVYNAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COH?IANDWashington,DC 20362-5101.Requirementsfor Repair and Straighteningof Bronze Navel Ship Propellers1. TIIisKilitary Standard is approved for use by the Naval Sea SystemsCommand,Departmentof the Navy, and is available for use by all Departmentsand Agenciesof the Departm
4、entof Defense.2. Beneficialcomments (recommendations,additions,deletions)and any pertinentdata which may be of use in improving this document should be addressedto:Commander,Naval Sea Systems Commend, SI?A5523, Departmentof the Navy,Washington,DC 20362-5101by using the self-addressedStandardizationD
5、ocumentImprovementPropoeal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document orby letter. iiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-000-S20-2185(SH)28 October 1986FORSWOSO1. This standard contains informationand requirementsfor the repair of
6、“_liioiiZe-Naval SM-Ppropellers.“- “ “ -.-./-and CaacingInspectionand Sepair for Machinery, PipingandPreaaureVeaaels in Ships of the United StatesNW y.2.1.2 Dther Government publication. Itrefollowingother Cevernmentpublicationsform a part of this standard to the extent specified herein. ,.Provided
7、by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-OOD-STD-2185(St)28 October 1986PUBLICATIONSNAVAL SEA SYSTEMSKNAND (NAVSEA)0900-LP-003-8000- Metals, Surface InspectionAcceptanceStandards.O944-LP-OO7-4O1O- Marine Propellers.(Cepies of specifications,standards,and
8、 publicationsrequiredby con-tractorsin connectionwith specific acquisition functionsshould be obtainedfrom the contractingactivityor as directed by the contractingofficer.)2.2 Other publication. The follotingdocuments form a part of this stan-dard co the extent apeclfiedherein. Unle8a otherwise spec
9、ified,the iasuea ofthe dncumentawhich are OeD adnpted shall be those listed in the issue of theOeDISS specified in the solicitation. lheiasuea of documents which have notbeen adopted shall be those in effect on the date of the cited.MDISS.AKERICAN BURSAU OP SHIPPING (AM)Guidance Manual for Bronze an
10、d StainlesaSteel PropellerCaacimg.(Applicationfor coplea should be addreaaed tn the American Bureau ofshipping,65 Broadway, New York, NY 10006. )AKSRICAN WELDING SOCIETY (AWS)A2.6 - Symbols for Welding and NondestructiveTestingIncludingBrazing. (DoD adopted)A3.0 - StandardWelding Terms and Definitio
11、nsIncludingTerms For Brazing, Seldering,Therm82 Spraying,and Thermal Cutting. (DOD adopted)A3.7 - Specificationfor Capper and Coppar AUoy BareWelding Rods and Electrodes. (OOD adopted)A.5.27- Specificationfor Capper and Copper Alloy Soda fnrCmyfuel GM Weldfq.M .0 - StandardHethoda for MechanicalTest
12、ing of Welds.(OeD adopted)(Applicationfor copies should be addtesaed to the AmericanWeldingSnciety, Inc., 550 NW l.eJeuneRoad, P.o. Box 351040, mad, Pf.33135.)(Noegovernmentatandardaare generally available for referencefremlibrariea. I?ieyare also distributed among nongovernmentatandardabediea andus
13、ing Federal agenciea.)thiscake2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the taxt ofstandard and the referencescited herein. the text of thie standardshallprecedence.3. DEFINITIONS3.1 General cept as notedher%ioVFLM$PS Q.PmePclatureaq definiS!O.Ea.shall conform to AWS A2.b and AWS A
14、Z.0”.I2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-CX30-STO-2 185( SH)28 October 19863.2 Oefinitions. IIIefollowingdefinitions are applicableto this standard:(a) Acceptable. AcceptableBhall mean complieswith or conforms tothe applicablestandardor s
15、pecification.(b) Activity. h activity is the physical plant of an organizationperformingwork in accordancewith a contract specificationwhich referencesthis document.(c) Approved (approval). Approved (or approval)shall mean thatthe item under considerationhas been approvedby NAVSP.Aorits authorizedre
16、presentative. Unlessotherwise specified,aPPrOWl or approvedas used herein shall be by the authorizedrepresentative.(d) NAVSEA authorizedrepresentative. Ihe NAVSSAauthorizedrepre-sentative shall be the Government representativespecificallyauthorized co approve equipment,materials,or procedureswithin
17、the ecope of this standard for NAVSSAand who is listedas follows:(1) Naval ShipyardCommanders.(2) Supervisorsof Shipbuilding(SUPSHIP).(3) CommandingOfficer,Naval Ship SystemsEngineeringStation (NAVSSES).(6) Naval Ship Sepair FacilitiesCommander.(5) Delegated representativesof these authorities.(6) R
18、epresentativesspecificallyauthorizedby NAVSEAon a case by case basis.(e) Cavitationerosion. Cavitationerosion 1s erosion reeulcingfrom the rapid formationand collapse of water vapor bubbleson metal surfacesduring high relativemotion of che propellerwhich results in a porous, spongy, and pittedmetal
19、surface.Metal surface areas with heavily concentratedporosity,andconcentratedporosityassociatedwith cavitatederoded areas,are to be interpretedand treatedas part of the cavitationerosion effect.(f) Propellerdefinitions.(1) Pressure foce. me pressure or aft face-ofthepropellerblade is che blade surfa
20、ce that is usuallyadjacent to the aft end of the hub. The aft end of .the hub is readilyidentified by the small end ofthe taper bore and reduced hub outside diameter.(2) Suction face. The suction or forward face (sometimesreferred to as the back) is the blade surface that isusually adjacent to the f
21、orward end of the hub. Theforward end of the hub 18 readily identifiedby thelarge end of che taper bore, a large hub outside dia-meter and in ne?t cases a bore recess in the forwardface to receive the shaft sleeve, gland ring, and seal.(-.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking p
22、ermitted without license from IHS-,-DOD-STO-2185(SH)2however, forprocedurequalified on teet place thickneaa 1-1/2 inches orgreater, the procedure is qualifiedfor all thickneeaea.(c) The qualificationteat aeaembly shall be of sufficientsize toparmit removal and testing of two tranavareetensile apecim
23、eos(see AWS S4.0), four side bend specimens (see AWS S4.0) adwe tranaveraemacrospecimens. The acceptancecriteria shallbe in accordancewith FIIL-STD-248except that the tensilespecimensehell meet the strength requirementsof table Iherein for the material qualified. Send specimen failuremaynot necessar
24、ilydisqualify a vald procedura. Send specimenfailure shall be reported to NAVSSA for consideration.(d) tic weld proced.reaqualified with a 600 degreea Fahrenheit (“F)preheat qualify for repair welding at a minimum of 300”F preheat./6IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitt
25、ed without license from IHS-,-DOD-STO-2185(S11)28 October 1986TASLE I. Weldisg procedurequalificationtensilerequirements.Type of propeller Tensile strength(alloy) Welding process Lb/Lnz minimumManganese (Nn) bronze Oxyfuzl 40,000Nanganese(Km) bronze All arc procea.see 55,000Nickel-manganese(NiNn) br
26、onze Oxyfuel .45,000Nickel-manganese(NiNn) bronze All arc pr0ces8es 60,000Nickel-aluminum(NiA2) bronze All arc proceaaes 72,000Hasganese-nickel-aluminum .421arc processes(NnNiAl)bronze80,0004.3.2 tieldiagprocedureand qualificationapproval. lhe qualificationtestdata shall be submitted to the authoriz
27、edagent, as defined in accordancewithML-STO-248, for approval. When specified in the contractor order, the weldingprocedureshall also be submittedfor review and concurrencewhen qualificationtest data are submitted or whenever the welding procedureis prepared (see 6.2).4.3.3 Alternate process. Weldin
28、g processes,proceduresand materials,other than those specified in this standard,may be used ottthe basis ofprocedurequalificationtests for applicationsapproved by NAVSEA or itsauthorizedrepresentative.4.3.6 Procedurerequirement. Qualificationtests shall be made at eachactivitywhere it is intended to
29、 repair bronze propellers. Exceptions(a) and(b) below are to be detailed in the appropriatequallty assurancesystem anddemonstratedaa controllableduring prebid audit.(a) The liavalShip Repair Facilities and IntermediateNeintenanceActivitiesmay use welding proceduresqualified by U.S. NavalShipyards.(b
30、) The velding proceduresqualified by a commercialestabliahmcntY be used by any Of ita facilitiesaa long as proceduralcontrols are menaged by a single entity of the establishment.4.3.5 Welder performancequalifIcation. I%e welder who quslified theprocedureia qualified for productionwelding. Additional
31、welders shall berequired to qualify, and their qualificationrecordsmaintained in accordancewith UIL-STD-248. For bend specimen review, aee 4.3.I(C).4.3.6 Welding equipment. AU mcnual, semi-automatic,or automatic weldingequipmentshall, inhe handa of a qualifiedwelder or valding operator, consis-tentl
32、y produceaatiafactory welds under productionconditions.7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-00D-STD-2185(SH)28 October 19866.4 Atmosphereexposure. Nanganese bronze or nickel-manganesebronzepropellersare co be protected from prolongedexposur
33、e to industrialatmospheres(tmnmoniagases or sol.encs). T%e cycle of repair for these propellersshall becontrolledao as to minimize such exposure. NAVSEAvill consider temporarycoatings to act aa a barrier co industrialatmospheres. Controlof exposuretime till minimize the potential for stress corrosio
34、ncracking.5. DETAILED RZQUW.EM?XTS5.1 llaterials.5.1.1 Naterials for repair. Propellarmaterial and welding filler metalcombinationshall be in accordancewith table 11. Propeller baae material andwalding filler metal shall conform to the followingspecifications:(a) Propellermaterial:Nmganeee bronze -
35、alloy 865 in accordancewith QQ-C-390Nickel-manganesebronze - alloy 868 in accordancewith QQ-C-390Nickel-aluminumbronze - alloy 1 in accordancewith UIL-B-244$0Nanganese-nickel-aluminumbronze - MIL-B-24480(b) Welding fillermetal:141L-E-CUA2-Ain accordancewith HIL-E-278EiiCuA1-A2in accordancewith AUS A
36、5.7RCuZn-Bin accordancewith AVS A5.21RCuZn-Cin accordancewith AWS A5.27UIL-CuAi-A2in accordancewith MIL-E-23765/3NIL-CuNiAiin accordancewith NIL-E-2376513HIL-CIit41NiUin accordancewith i41L-E-23765/3Niltnbronze strips8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licen
37、se from IHS-,-UOD-STD-2185(SII)28 October 1986II,1I 9Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-DDD-STD-2185(SH)28 October 19865.1.2 Naterial substitutionapproval. Ihtlessotherwise specified in theCnvernmentsc.ecifications,material acquired in acc
38、ordancewith AWS, ASTN, ASSor rarely will mnre than half of thistotal amnunt be present aa ailicnn in solid aolutian./10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-000-STO-2185(SN)28 October 19865. Zinc equivalent requirement. A determinatio
39、nof zinc equivalentis requiredfor manganese and nickel-manganesebronze propeller. zinc equivalent samplins plan. For manganese and nickel-manganesebroaze propellers, one zinc equivalent check shall be taken frem each blank, orrenewal section of blank co be repaired. l%e sample shell be take
40、n in reasonableproximityto the repair. Only one sample is required for each blank or section.If zinc equivalent is greater than 45 percent, requestguidance frnm NAVSEA. Alpha/betadetermination. When the alpha phase content of a-Wanese brOnze or nickel-anese bronze specimen taken from an area
41、which istn be repairedby welding, or from the end of the acceptance test bar, is deter-mined by microscopemeasurement to be-20 percent or more, this is indicativeofmaterial good weldability. Alpha/betarequirement. Alpha/betadetermination is required forWanese and nickelmnganese bronze prope
42、llers. Alpha check aampliog plan. For manganese bronze and nickel-manganese bronze propellers, one alpha check shall be taken from each blade, orrenewal section of blade, prior to weld repair. The sample shmll be taken inbase material at a reasonableproximity to the repair. The sample shall
43、 be takenin the vicinity of the zinc equivalent check. Only one sample may be requiredfor each blade or section in the caae of multiple repairs per blade or section.If alphn is less than 20 percent, NAVSZA guidance shall be required. lherecommendedmethod for alpha check shell be the replica techniqu
44、e (see,although regularmatallographicsamplingmay be used. After weld repair andafter stress relief, an alpha check shell be taken in the vicinity of one weldaad in one 3 to 6 inch region from that one weld per propeller. It shall betaken in the vicinity of the teat prior to welding. Resul
45、ts shall be reportedto NAVSSA in accordance with the data ordering document included in the contractor order (see 6.2). Replica techmiquefor determinationof alpha/beta content. Thereplica technique (or plastic imprint method) ia a step-by-stepdocumentationprocedureof the method aa developed
46、 by KK. Y. Omezu of Yokoauka Naval ShipRepair Facility. It ia used to determine the alphdbeta composition.(a) Preparationof the blade shell be aa follova:(1) Sough grind the regions to be teated to ensure a flat surfaceat the area to be arunpled.(2) Polish the surface of the teat regions trltha 64 g
47、rit sandingpaper. Ihen sand with aucceeaively finer grit papers (240,360, 400, and finally 600 grit) rotating the direction ofaandiag 90 degreea vich respect to the direction used withthe precedinggrit paper, and continue vith one grit untilall marke of the previous larger grit are removed.(3) Prepa
48、rea Poliabingpaate by adding water to a chreme oxidepowder. Apply with a felt cloth and finish polish the three,surface areaa. Wrapping the cloth over a wooden paddle maybe uaef.1 in maintaining an even pressure during pelishing.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi
49、thout license from IHS-,-000-sTD-218S(SH)28 October 1986(b) Etching shell be as followe:(1) Using a 7X loupe (or higher magnification),locate regionswithin the polishedarea which have minimal scracches. Itis recommendedthet two eamples be taken from each area.(2) Etch areas with nitric acid leaving t
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