1、iSUPERSEDING fbfU-P-8013CJuly 15, 1957 1FEDERAL SPECIFICATIONPLASTfC MATERIAL, FOLYESTER -, GLASSFIBER BE, LQW PRESURE IAkfD?ATED epeoca!toowaeapprovedbyb Chomiesiooer,Fe Wsah.(Fed Govermneot activities may obtrdn copies of Federal Specificstloaa,Standardq and Hsodbooks and the”Indexof Federsl Speci
2、fications and Stsndards fromestablished distribution points in their sgencies. )Military Specfficstinns$:MIL-P-116MIL-R-7575MIL-P-7936MfL-”c-9os4MfbP-9400ML-M-15617Military Standards :b5-sTD-lo5MIL-STD-129- Preserveliotof I also identi-fication of plies as to mat or fabric number under thfsSpeciffcs
3、tion (3.5. 5).Where the prepmduction test samples shnuld be sent,the activity responsible for testfng, and instructionsconcerning the submittal of the test reports (4. 3).Speciat electrical rTemeote, U applicable(6.3).Whether the requfred s ple laminate sheets are tobe processed Into test specimens
4、by the contractor(4. 5. 3.1).Level of packaging and packiog required (5.1 and 5. 2).Special marking, if applicable (5. 3).6.3 Special electrical requirements. In addition to the test frequencyand values for electrical properties specified for Lype DI materfal in table II,nther electrical frequencies
5、 and specific values for the electrical propertiesmay be of importancein particular applications and may be specifted in tbe con-tract or order in lieu of the frequency and values given in table fl. Typicalfrequencies are ae fnllows, including the X-band.).a7114/a71Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo re
6、production or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Qo(BL-P-383Baad Teat frequetmy (rcegacyolen per eecood)s 2,880c s,400x 9,976% 16, SooK 24, SooKa 95,000For teeta above the Ka b- a pcaslble test frequeney ia 58,600 mekmcyclea Para.ecoti baaed 00 avafkble osctlfabm tubes. Typ!cal d.iete
7、otrlc cccatmta wbfcbmay be apeclftedinlieuof4.2,maximum,may rangefrom S. 6 to 4.2 at atamlardcocdtttoaa, wztb a tcteracce of 0. 1 at ataadard acd a permlaslble lncrea.ve of 5perceot, maximum. under tmmerslon conditioaa.6.3.1 Spectmen tbfckneas. The tbtckaesa of fmena rered forelectrtcnl tests at the
8、 frequecciea of 6.9 may be calculated by tbe fcllcwlng formula:Where: d = specfmen thclmeasAO= free epace waveleagtbAC= cut-off waveleagtb of wave guidec = approximate dleleotrlc coaetantofsample6.3.2 Sourcedocumeot.Further lnfonnatloo on teats of type f12 “matertal ie avattable In ARTC reptut “ARTC
9、-4 Electrtcat Te Procedures forRadomes and Radome Materiala (Revised July 1960), ” prep 4 d by Aerosp=eIoduatrfea Aaacciation of Americ% ICC., 1725 De Sales Street,Waahingtco,D.C.,200S6.16Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-L-P-3836.11 Ba
10、rcol t,ester. Information concerningBarcol tester, modalGYZJ 934-1, 1s avaiiable from the BarheFColmen Company, RockforG Illinois.6.5 Internationalstandardization sgrc.ament. Certsin pmI of specificationarethesubjectofinternationalstsncfamfk.ationsgreement4C-NAVY-SID-17C “Electrical Inculati Matcris
11、Isf$. -n amee, aio cancellation of this epeelficstion is proposed which will SUect or violate theinternationalagreementcomerx thepreparirg activity will take appropriatereconciliation action through internsttoosl stsodsrdiaation chaanels ioclading &-partmental standardization offices, if reqaired.MI
12、LITARY INT+ESR. Cuetodlana:Amy-mNavy - ASAir Force - 11Army - MRNavy - ASAir Force - 11, 69User activities:Revy-AsCIVIIIAGRRX :nlteres- activities:Cai-lmUSA-mVAArmy - ME, MUNavy-OS, SHAirForce-17 Orders for thisPubllcat,ianare to be placedwith GeneralSerticesAdminist,ratinn,acting a8 an agent for the Superintendentof bamentn. Seesection 2 of this sp?cification U obin extra cnpies and other documentsreferenced herefn. Rice 10 cents each.16Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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