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本文(NAVY L-P-504 E-1991 PLASTIC SHEET AND FILM CELLULOSE ACETATE《醋酸纤维素塑料板和薄膜》.pdf)为本站会员(周芸)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、I p$tLgi ( .00064) I.U13 u. u.lo) .U1- UJJJ .“, , “-.020 (0.051) .018 (.046) .022 ( .056,.025 (0.064) .023 (.058) .027 I ncs).030 (0.076) .028 (.071) .03.040 (0.102) .037 (.094) .04+ !.,.050 (0.127) .047 (.119) .054 (.137).060 (0.152) .057 (.145) .064 (.i63) I.070 (0.178) .067 (.170) .074 (.188).080

2、 (0.203) .076 (.193) .084 ,. .-,.,. .- . . . . , , .,. , noc.010 (0.025) I .UUY (.UZ.S) 1 .Ull .uLO),.!r ,1,-.?0, III” / n7cn17 ( ndl)c), ”.33 (.084)“ , 11l1 .LIJI.UYU LU. LLYJ .Uoo .Llol .V=-i (.241).100 (0.2S4) .095 (.241) .105 (.267).110 (0.279) .105 (.267) .115 (.292).12S (0.318) .120 (.305)

3、 .132 one sample unit shall be selected frca each package of sheets. A sample unitshall consist of a sufficient amount of material to conduct the required testsas specified in 1.2.3 Special samplinq procedures for physical and mechanicalproperty testing.4.2.1 .2.3.1 Thickness requirem

4、ents. Hhen the as suppl led Type I and 11materials cannot be tested for heat deflection and Impact resistance due toa75inimum thickness Iimltatlons in the test methods (see Table 11), specimensshall be obtained frcxn mater!al having a thickness of O. 125 in. (0.32 cm).“ Hhen the as suppl led Type 1,

5、 11, or III material thickness is over 0.250 inch(0.635 cm), specimens shall be obta!ned from material having a thickness of0.250 In. (0.635 cm) (see Tables II and III). All material from which thesespecimens are taken shal I be manufactured from the same plastic compositionand under (as much as pos

6、sible) the same conditions as the material beingsupplied. In addition, no special treatment shali be used to improve thematerial properties of the specimens. The suppi Iers shall furnish the correctnumber of sample units based on the sampling plan specified in i.2.3.2 Formability (Tvp

7、e III). Nhen the continuous length of aType III sample unit is iess than that required for the formabil ity tests. therequired number of specimens shal i be cut frm larger lengths of the samemateriai and thickness. The iength of specimen required is approximately 6.3times the formability radius spec

8、ified in Table III. Examination and testing . . . Visual examination of end item.3. I .1 Oefects in amearance. Samples sele,cted in accordance withshal i be examined for defects in appearance as specified In Tabie V.TABLE V. Examination of the end item for defects inappear

9、ance construction and workmanship, 1/.ExamineFormAppearanceConstruction andworkmanshipOefectsNot in rolls or flat cut sheets, as specified.Not ciean, presence of any imbedded particles, dirt,qrits or other foreiqn matter.Material not uniform in finish, color, transparency oropacity (as appl i cable)

10、 in accordance vi th contractualreaulrements.Any cracks, scratches, hubbies, warpage, strtae. pitsor other defects that would affect serviceability.Any cut, puncture, sharp crease, wrinkle, tear orhoie.Edqes not cut clean; ragged, crushed or uneven edqes ./ 141nor optical imperfections and blemishes

11、 shail be evaluated as indicatedin 3.9 before being scored as defectsii. _.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-L-P-504E4.2.1 .3.1.2 D1mensional defects. Samples selected in accordance with4.2.1 .2.1 shall be examined for dimensional defec

12、ts as specified In Table VI.TABLE VI. Exami nation of the end item for dimensional defects.Examine I DefectsLength and width Varies by more than plus or minus 1/4 inch (0.635 cm)of sheets frcm Ienqth and width specified.Hidth of rolls Varies by more than plus or minus 1/4 inch (0.635 cm)from width s

13、peclfled.Thickness Not within specified tolerances or ranqe, as applicable.Core (diameter) Inside diameter less than 3 Inches (7.6 cm).Rolls (diameter) Outside diameter more than 14 Inches (35 cm).4.2.1 .3.1.3 Assembly and count defects.with 4.2.1 .2.1 shall be examined for assemblyin Table VII.Samp

14、les selectedand count defectsin accordanceas specifiedTABLE VII. Assembly and count defects. Examine I DefectsIAssembly of sheets Not evenly stacked.Not interleaved to prevent adherence of sheets.Assembly of rolls Not suitably restrained to prevent unwindinq.Material not wound evenly and tightly on

15、roll causinguneven edges or telescoping of the rol 1.Rol 1s not wound on a substantial core. Core broken,CO1 lapsed, crushed or mutt lated.Count- Sheet Average count per package of sheets is less thanspeclfed.I Rol 1 S Average length or weight per roll, as applicable, lessthan specified.o)4.2.1 .3.1

16、.4 Examination of preparation for delivery. Samples selectedin accordance with 4.2.1 .2.1 shall be examined as specified in Table VIII todetermine that packaging, packing and marking comply with the requirements ofSection 5. The lot size for this examination .shal I be the number of shippingcontaine

17、rs. The sample unit shall be one shipping container, fully packed,seiected just prior to the closing operation. Sh!pping containers fullyprepared for delivery shall be examined for closure defects.12-=.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

18、L-P-504ETABLE VIII . Examtnatton of preDaratlon for delivery. “Examine DefectsPackaging Not level spec!fled; not !n accordance W1 th contractrequirements.Sheets or rolls (as applicable) not unit urapped andpackaqed, as Specified.Packaging materlai not as speclfled; closures notaccompl i shed by spec

19、ified or requi red methods ormaterials.Packing Not level specified; not in accordance with contractrequirements.Any nonconforming component, component missing, damagecor otherwise defective affecting serviceability.Container not as specified: closures not accomplishedby specified or required methods

20、 or materials.Inadequate application of ccnnponents such as: in-complete closures of case 1 Iners. container fiaps,loose or nadequate strappings, bulged or distortedcontainer.Count Less than spec!f led or indicated quantl ty of packagesor roils per shipping container.Height Gross or net weight excee

21、ds specified requirements.Instruction sheet Missing or not as specified (see 3.7).Markings Interior or exterior markings (as applicable) omitted,1 I legible, Incorrect, incomplete, or not in accordancewi th contract requirements.Precaut lonary Missing or not as specified (see 5.3.3).markings4.2.1 .3

22、.2 Physical and mechanical testlnq of end Item. Each end Itemsample unit selected in accordance with 4 . shal I be tested forConformance to the physlcai and mechanical requirements i n Tabie IX. Thenumber of specimens for each test and method of reporting test results arecontained In Table IX

23、. Failure to conform to any of the requirements in TableIX shall be cause to reject the represented lot.13-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TABLEIX.Instructionsfortestinq(sampleunit).1l-g ,NumberResultsreportedasQTestofspecfmensPassorN


25、Avgof3-0.1percentHaze TypeII-Table114.4.3Avgof3-0.IpercentType111Asrecd-Table1114,4.3Avgof3-0.IpercentAfteracceleratedweathering-TableIII4.4.3Avgof3-0.Ipercent3pticalangulardisplacementTypeIIIonly-

26、rcentSolublematterloss-TableII4.4.5Avgof3-0.1percentTypeIII-Table1114.4.5Avgof3-0.IpercentFlammability TypesIand11Over0.050inch(0.127cm)thick-Table114.4.6Avgof3-0.1in.)mln.(0.25cm/min.)Under0.050inch(0.127cm)

27、/mtnute(0.25cmlmin.)DeflectiontemperatureMinimum-Table114.4.7Avgof3-OegreeMaximum(Type111only)-Table114.4.7Avgof3-OegreeTens1Iestrength-Table114.4.8Avgof5-psi(MPa)Elongationatrupture-Table114.4.BAvgof5-percentIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from


29、le111Surfacestab!1Ity-3.10Chemicalresistance(whenspec!fied)-5ultablltyforusewithexplosives/-3.?i61I)Allrequirementsapplytothe!ndivldualsample1/Iffailureisindicated,reportdescriptionoff?/Testreportsshal1include11valuesobtainedb(/Whenspecified,thecontractingofficershalIdesTest aragraph 4.4.9 4.4.9 4.4

30、.10 4.4.11 4.4.12 4.4.13 4.4.J44.4.15 See6.3Number)fspecimensperu;fiple Avgof5Avgof5Avgof23 3Avgof32 3 1Reslassorfai1_il!_- - - x x - x x xItsrePortedas31Numericalytothenearest).01ft,lb/in.notct(0.53J/mnotch) - -0.001in(O.0025cm-” -ure. reaveraging.natethetest

31、inglaboratory(see6.3).IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-L-P-504E4.3 Standard conditions. Unless otherwise specified. standardcondttlons shall be 23 l.l-C (73.4 2*F) and 50 4 percent relatlvehumidity. Unless otherwise specified, all spe

32、cimens shall be conditioned at nstandard condition for a minimum of 24 hours.4.4 Test methods.4.4.1 Refractive index. Three specimens shal I be tested In accordancewith the refractometrlc procedure of ASTM 0542. The requirements for thlstest are applicable only to clear (as manufactured) materials,

33、see Specific qravlty. Three specimens shal 1 be tested 1 n accordanceWith ASTM D792 .4.4.3 Llqht transmission and haze. Three specimens shall be tested asspecified in ASTM 01003, Procedure A or B, for light transmission and haze.The same specimens shal 1 then be subjected to the accelerate

34、d weathering of4.4.12, fol lowed by examination for warpage as specified In 4.4.13. Follouingthis, they shall be insnersed In distilled water, malnta!ned at a temperatureof 23” 1 .l C (73.4 2“F) for not more than ten seconds. The surfacemol sture shal 1 then be removed by careful ly blotting the spe

35、cimen prior to thedetermination of parallel light transmission and haze. Rubbing the specimento remove surface moisture shal 1 not be permitted. The requirements for thlstest are applicable only to clear (as manufactured) materials with a highpolish finish (see 3.3 and 3.4).4.4.4 Optical uniformltv

36、and distortion. Three entire sheets ofmaterial shal 1 be used for examination in accordance with ASTM 0637. Eachsheet shal 1 be examined, then rotated 90” and re-examined.4.4.5 Hater absorption. Three test specimens shall be conditioned 4hours at 50” 3C (122” 5.4-F). Type I and II materials shall be

37、 tested inaccordance wi th the 24 hour immersion procedures of ASTM D570. Type III shai 1be tested in accordance with the long term imnersion procedure of ASTM D570.4.4.6 FlamnabilitV. Specimens over 0.050 Inch (0.127 cm) thick shall betested as specified in ASTM D635. Al 1 other thicknesses shall b

38、e tested inaccordance wi th ASTM D568. Resul ts shal 1 be reported as indicated in Table IX.4.4.7 Deflection temperature. Three specimens shall be tested inaccordance with ASTM 0648. For material having a thckness less than 0.i25 in.(0.318 cm) but equal to or greater than 0.04 in. (0.10 cm), composi

39、te specimensas specified in ASTM D648 shal 1 be prepared and tested.4.4.8 Tensile strength and elongation. For material having a thicknessof 0.040 inches (O. 10 cm) or greater, tensile testing shall be performed inaccordance with ASTM D638. If the matertal thickness is less than 0.04 inches(0.10 cm)

40、 , tensile testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D882.In either case five specimens shall be used and percent elongation shall bedetermined at break.4.4.9 Impact strength, izod . The impact tests shal 1 be conducted inaccordance with Method A or C of ASTM 0256. Five specimens shal 1 bec

41、onditioned and tested at 23” I .lC (73.4” 2“F), and five additionalspecimens shall be condi tioned for at least 24 hours at -40” 2C (-40” z.3.6” F) prior to testing at this temperature.16-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-L-P-504E4.4.1O

42、 Thermal expansion coefficient. Two specimensaccordance with ASTM 0696. If the results obtained on theshall be tested intwo sDecimens aareewithin 10 percent of the larger value, the mean of the two value; shall b-reported. If not, the test shall be repeated until a given pair of specimensyieid two v

43、alues which are within the iO percent toierance, and the mean ofthese two values shaii be Formabliity. Three specimens shal 1 be subjected to theformability test as specified herein. The radius over which the material isbeing formed shaii be as specified In Table III. The specimen le

44、ngth shall bethree times the formability radius for the particular thickness being tested.The width of the specimen shal 1 be 4 inches (10.3 cm). The heating andforming shal 1 be in accordance wi th the manufacturers instructions. Theheating shal 1 be at the temperature and for the time specified. U

45、niform, dryoven heat is preferable but heating in a suitable oil Is satisfactory. Theforming shal 1 be done over wooden molds covered with soft 1 intless cloth. Thepressure used in form!ng and the length of time during which the plasticremains in the forms shai 1 be in accordance with the manufactur

46、ersinstructions. After the formed specimens have been cooled to rcxxntemperature. 20” to 30”C (68” to 86-F). a section I .S inches (3.9 cm) alongthe circumference and 4 Inches (10.2 cm) long shail be cut from each of thespecimens and they shall be subjected to the accelerated weathering test, see4.4

47、. i2. The specimens shal I be examined before and after exposure to theaccelerated weathering test for conformance to 3. il4.4.12 Accelerated weathering. The three specimens from 4.4.3 and threefrom 4.4.11 shal 1 be subjected to the accelerated weathering test in ASTMD4329, except that the duration of the test shall be t“en-12 hour cycles (120hours) and each 12 hour cycle shal 1 consist of 8 hours of UV exposure at i40” F(60”C) and 4 hours of condensation exposure at 104” F (40”C).4.4.13 Uarpage after accelerated

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