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NAVY MIL-A-18455 C-1986 ARGON TECHNICAL《技术氩》.pdf

1、MIL-A-18455C23December1986SUPERSEDINGMIL-A-18455B20Pfarch1962(See6.9)MILITARYSPECIFICATIONARGON,TECHNICALThisspecificationisapprovedforusebyallDepartmentsandAgenciesoftheDepartmentofDefense.1. SCOPE1.1Scope.Thisspecificationcoverstwotypesofargongasforuseininertgasshieldedelectricarcweldingofaluminum

2、,magnesium,corrosion-resistingsteelandotheralloys.1.2Classification.Argonshallbeofthefollowingtypesasspecified(see6.2).TypeI -GaseousTypeII-Liquid2* APPLICABLEDOCUMENTS2.1Governmentdocuments.2.1.1Specificationsandstandards.Thefollowingspecificationsandstan-dardsformapartofthisspecificationtotheexten


4、vingthisdocumentshouldbeaddressedto:Commander,NavalSeaSystemsCommand,SEA55Z3,DepartmentoftheNavy,Washington,DC20362-5101byusingtheself-addressedStandardizationDocumentImprovementProposal(DDForm1426)appearingattheendofthisdocumentorbyletter.AMSCN/A FSC6830DISTRIBUTIONSTATEMENTA Approvedforpublicrelea

5、se;distributionunlimitedIProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-18455CsPEcIFICATIONSFEDERALRR-C-901 -MILITARYMIL-V-2 -MIL-T-704 -MIL-S-27626 -STANDARDSFEOERALCylinder, Compressed Gas: High Pressure,Steel DoT 3AA, and Aluminum Applicati

6、ons ,General Specification for.Valves, Cylinder, Gas (for Compressed orLiquefied Gases).Treatment and Painting of Materiel.Sampler, Cryosenic Liquid.FEO-STD-H28 - Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services,Section 9, Gas Cylinder Valve Outlet andInlet Threads.FED-STD-313 - Material Safety Data Shee

7、ts, Preparation andthe Submission of.MILITARYMIL-STC-101 - Color Code for Pipelines and for CompressedGas Cylinders.MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspectionby Attributes.MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage.MIL-STD-147 - Pallecized Unit Loads.MIL-STD-141 1 - Inspection a

8、nd Maintenance of Compressed GasCylinders.2.1.2 Other Government publications. The following other GovernmentDuplications form a oart of this specification to the extent specified herein.nless otherwise spe;ified, the is;uesthe solicitation.I NATIONAL BuREAU OF STANDARDSI Research paper No. 186SRese

9、arch paper No. 1381shall be those in effect on the date of(NBS)- Measurement of Water in Gases byElectrical Conduction in a Film ofHydroscopic Material and the Use ofPressure Changes in Calibration.- Apparatus for Absorption of GravimetricDetermination of Constituents for aGas Mixture.(Application f

10、or copies should beI Documents, U.S. Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.) “addressed to the Superintendent of2Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IMIL-A-18455CDEPARTMENTOFLABOR(OSHA)CodeofFederalRegulations(CFR)29CFR,Part1910.1200-Haza


12、quiredbycontractorsinconnectionwithspecificacquisitionfunctionsshouldbeobtainedfromthecontractingactivityorasdirectedbythecontractingactivity.)2.2Otherpublications.Thefollowingdocumentsformapartofthisspecificationtotheextentspecifiedherein.Unlessotherwisespecified,theI i maintained and reconditioned

13、 in accordancewith MIL-sTD-1411 to meet the requirements of this specification and CFR Title 49,I parts 100-199. The services to be performed shall be verified and deemednecessary by the applicable Government quality assurance representative or aqualified agent of the purchaser prior to their accomp

14、lishment.3.3.2 Painting. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), Government ownedand furnished cylinders for argon shall be cleaned, treated and painted inaccordance with MIL-T-704. Onless otherwise specified (see 6.2), each DoDcylinder shall be coded aridmarked in accordance with MIL-STD- Va

15、lves. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), replacements fordefective valves in Government owned and furnished cylinders shall be contractorfurnished from a qualified source listed on the QPL for MIL-V- Filling pressures. Cylinders shall be charged to the pressurepermitted (corrected to 21.1”

16、C) by the markings cold stamped into the shoulderof the cylinder in accordance with the CFR requirements. Cylindera except thoseowned by the U.S. Navy a75ay be filled to a pressure of 10 percent in excess of thestamped service pressure if the cylinder meets or exceeds the minimum requirementsof 173.

17、302c, CFR Title 49.3.4 Tye 11, liquid, containers. Type II, liquid argon, shall be containedin either contractor owned or Government owned insulated containers or tank trucksas specified (see 6.2). Containers shall be in accordance with 49 CFR, 171-190.4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction o

18、r networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-18455C3.4.1 Containermaintenance.Unlessotherwisespecified(see6.2),containersthatrequiremaintenanceshallbeprocessedbythecontractorforserviceabilitytomeettherequirementsofthisspecificationand49CFR,171-190.3.5 Materialsafetydatasheet(MSDS).Theco

19、ntractingactivityshallbeprovidedamaterialsafetydatasheet(MSDS)at thetimeofthecontractaward.TheMSDSshallbeprovidedinaccordancewiththerequirementsofFED-STD-313and29CFR1910.1200,HazardCommunication.WhenFED-STD-313isatvariancewiththeCFR,29CFR1910.1200shalltakeprecedence,modifyandsupplementFED-STD-313.Th

20、eMSDSshallbeincludedwitheachshipmentofthematerialcoveredbythisspecification.4. QUALITYASSURANCEPROVISIONS4.1Responsibilityforinspection.Unlessotherwisespecifiedinthecontractorpurchaseorder,thecontractorisresponsiblefortheperformanceofallinspectionrequirementsasspecifiedherein.Exceptasotherwisespecif


22、oassuresuppliesandservicesconformtoprescribedrequirements.4.1.1Responsibilityforcompliance.All.itemsmustmeetallrequire-. mentsofsections3and5. Theinspectionsetforthinthisspecificationshall. becomeapartofthecontractorsoverallinspectionsystemorqualityprogram.Theabsenceofanyinspectionrequirementsinthes


24、nttoacceptanceofdefectivematerial.4.2 Sampling.4.2.1Inspectionlot.

25、nershallbealot.4.2.2Samplingforexaminationoffilledcylinders.AsampleoffilledcylindersshallbeselectedatrandomfromeachlotinaccordancewithMIL-STD-105atinspectionlevelI,andacceptablequalitylevel(AQL)of2.5percentdefectivetoverifyconformancewithallrequirementsofthisspecifica- 1tionregardingtheclosure,marki

26、ngandotherrequirementsnotinvolvingtests.(-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-18455c4.2.3 Sampling for test. Sample cylindersinspection lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105 atof 6.5 percent for the tests specified in 4.3.2.sampled wit

27、h a sampler, meeting the requirementsequivalent.shall be selected from eachinspection level S-1 and AQLType II liquid argon shall beof MIL-s-27626 or functional4.3 Quality conformance inspection. Quality conformance inspection shallbe as follows:4.3.1 Examination of filled cylinders. Each sample cyl

28、inder selected inaccordance with 4.2.2 shall be examined for defects of the cylinder and theclosure, for evidence of leakage and odor, and for unsatisfactory marking. Thepressure of each type I sample filled cylinder shall also be measured as speci-fied in 4.4.5. Any cylinder in the sample, having o

29、ne or more defects, or underrequired fill shall not be offered for delivery. If the number of defectivecylinders in any sample exceeds the acceptance number for the appropriatesampling plan in accordance with MIL-STO-1O5, this shall be cause for rejectionof the lot represented by the sample.4.3.2 In

30、spection. Argon gas taken from each of the sample cylindersselected in accordance with 4.2.3 shall be subjected to the tests as specifiedin 4.4.1 through Tests.4.4.1 Moisture impurity. Argon gas from each sample filled cylinder shallbe tested for moisture by one of the methods specified he

31、rein after the cylindervalve, regulator and test connections have been purged by withdrawing approxi-mately 28 liters (L) (1 cubic foot (ft3) of gas. In case of dispute, theaccelerated gravimetric method, National Bureau of Standards research paperno. 1381, shall be the standard referee test when co

32、nducted as specified herein.(a) Accelerated gravimetric method. The accelerated gravimetricmethod shall be determined by measurement of the increase inweight of phosphorous pentoxide when subjected to a flow of ameasured volume of argon as specified hereinafter. Invert thecylinder to be tested and p

33、lace it in a suirable rack. Connectthe cylinder to the test apparatus by the means of a length ofbent, seamless, corrosion-resisting steel tubing and a highpressure union with needle valve and a glassi-towetal joint (norubber shall be used; a sleeve joint secured with thermoplasticis acceptable). A

34、mercury safety valve shall be connectedbetween the low pressure outlet of the needle valve and thefirst absorber. The steel tubing shall be so fabricated thatit will pass through two water baths at room temperature. TheaPParatus shall consist of three U-t”be absorbers f“ Series,each 10.2 centimeters

35、 (cm) (4-inches) high and 1.3 cm (1/2inch) in diameter, containing phosphorous pentoxide on glasswool and connected through a water-saturator to a calibratedwet test meter of 1.4 L (1/20-ft3) size equipped with a 1 literdial. The needle valve connecting the cylinder to the absorbershall be flushed w

36、ith argon so that only gas discharged fromthe cylinder will pass through the absorber. The absorbersshall be brought to constant weight in a stream of dry argon6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-18455C1IIIIIIIbeforetheyareweigheds



39、ngtheamountofwatercollectedinatrapsubjectedtoliquidairornitrogentemperatureafterameasuredvolumeofargonhasbeenpassed.(c)Electricalconductivity-vaporpressuremethod.Moisturecontentofargonmaybedeterminedbytheelectricalconductivity-vaporpressuremethodas specifiedintheNationalBureauofStandardsresearchpape





44、hroughthebulbuntilarepresentativesampleisobtainedandthenthegasflowshallbestopped.An18volt(V)electricalcurrentshallbeappliedtothetungstenfilamentfor1minute.Thecurrentshallthenbeturnedoffandthefilamentflashedat85to100v. Emissionofsmokeattheinstantofflashingindicatesthattheargoncontainsmorethan8 partsp

45、ermillionoxygen.Ifthistestindicatespresenceofoxygenitwillbenecessarytoretestargonbymethods(a)and(b)above.I7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FIIL-A-18L55C(d) Oxygen impurity may be determined by any other method regularlyused by the con

46、tractor and approved by the contracting activity.4.4.3 Hydrogen impurity. The argon gas from each of the sample filledcylinders shall be subjected to one of the following test methods for the deter-1 mination of hydrogen impurity. If any cylinder sample of argon gas fails in anyrequirement, this sha

47、ll be cause for rejection of the lot of filled cylinders.II (a) Heat of reaction method. Test shall be conducted as specifiedi“ 4.4.2(a) for oxygen, except that an excess of hydrogen-freeI oxygen is mixed with the argon sample and passed over a palladiumcatalyst.I (b) Combustion method. Test shall b

48、e conducted as specified in4.4.2(b) for oxygen impurity, except that small amounts ofhydrogen-free oxygen (dried) shall be “burned”with a meteredamount of argon sample (previously dried) and the amount ofwater vapor formed shall be determined by one of the methodsspecified in 4.4.1. The quantity of

49、hydrogen shall becalculated from the water vapor formed and the quantity of thesample used.(c) Hydrogen impurity may be determined by any other method regularlyused by the contractor and approved by the contracting activity,4.4.4 Nitrogen impurity. Argon gas from each of the sample filledcylinders shall be subjected to one of the following test methods for determi-nation of nitrogen impurity. If any cylinder sample of argon gas fails in anyrequirement, this s

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