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本文(NAVY MIL-A-24456-1971 ADHESIVE FOR PLASTIC VIBRATION-DAMPING TILE《抗震塑料瓷瓦粘合剂》.pdf)为本站会员(postpastor181)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、MILITARY SPaJIFICATION ADm:3IVE FOR PLASTIC VIBRATION-DAMPIRG TILES 1. SCOPE HIL-A-24456( SHIPS) 30 Jcrraaber 1971 1.1 This llpecification coverl! a two-part epoJl;y adhellive for boDUng plalltic T1bration daIIp1ng tilel! to IDI!tal st:rootu.rea. 2. APPLICABLE DOCtI(DlS 2.1 The following dOOUlllents

2、 of the iSBUe ill effect on date of invitation for bida or request for propoea1, form a pa of the Ilpecif1cation to the artent specified berein SRX:IFICATIONS FEDERAL PPP-B-636 - Box, Fiberboard. PPP-B-640 - BoDS, Fiberboard, Corrugated, Triple-Wllll. PPP-C-96 - Gan, Metal, 28 Gage and Lighter. PPP-

3、P-704 - Pails, Metlll: (Shipping, Steel, 1 througb 12 Qe.llons). KILIlARI MIL-S-901 - Shock Teste, H.I (High Impact“ Shipboard Maohinery, EquipDllnt and Systsus, Require ments For. MIL-P-23236 - Pllint Coating Syetama, Steel Ship Tank, Fuel and SIllt Water Ballast MIL-P-23653 - Plastic Tiles, Vibrat

4、ion Damping STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-129 - for Sh1paent and Storage. Kll.-STD-14? - Plllletized Iled Containerized Unit Loads, 40“ x J.B“ PIlllets, Sld.ds, Runnerll, or Pallet-Type Base. MIL-STD-134 - Symbole for Packagee and ContaiDers for Hazardous IOOustrilll Chcdcals aDd Matarials. (C

5、apias of specification., standards, dnLwi.nge, and publications required by suppliers ill connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer). 2.2 otber publications. The following docUlllllnts form a part of this s

6、pecification to the extent llpacified bereill. Unlesll othervise indicated, the iSBUe in enect on date of invitlltion for bid. or rtIQUllllt for prcpoea1 Bball applf .rlftnia 19103). NATIONAL CLASSIFICATIOI BOARD National Motor Freight Cla it1catioD RIll.a. (Application tor copies should be addreeee

7、d to the National Freight Traffic Aesociation, Inc., 1616 P street, N. W., WasbiDgton, D. t. 20036). UNIFORM CLASSI1ICATION CI:JCMI1“1U Unitora Freight Cly kind. 3.3 . The 0010111 of the t o components shall be contrasting wben examined in accordance with 4 5 2 Thorough blellding of tbe oomponenh sh

8、all produoe a mixture having bomogeneous color. 3.4 Viscosity and pOt life The adhesive, after mixing ae specified in 3.2 and, ehall have an in! Ual viscoei t,. of not more than 60 and a potl1fe viecolli ty of not mon than 75 WhSIl teeted all apecified in 4.5.3. 3.5 iIIrdplu. Th. hardne.s of

9、 the adh 1ve shall be 70 min1Da at 73.5Df. and 55 minimum at 140F when t ted .11 .pacified in 4.5.4. 3.6 ftea1ltapce to accalera ted anD.l:. The hardness of the adheBive, art.r accelerated aging as lIcifled 1n 4.5.5, llhall be 90 IDIlXiDrum and shall not show It change of more tnan 10 points from it

10、l! value at 73.5“F. all determined 1n 3.5. 3.7 Reshtance to fuel. The hardness of the adhesive after iDmersion in the standard test fuel as llpeci fled in 4.5.6 llhall be 70 minimum. 3.8 Rellietllnce to water. The hardness of tbe adheaive aftar immersion in vater as specified in 4.5.7 llhall be 70 m

11、inimwD. 3.9 Vertioal SliPPIIlle. The adhes1ve llhall not allov II damping tile to slip more than l/B incb or to aepe rate from Ii steel plate when tested as Ilpec1fied in 4.5.8. 3 10 Overhead 1IIIJ;r The adhellive shall not allow Ii damping tile to buckle, sag, or separate from a eteel plate when te

12、sted as epecified in 4.5 9. 3 l Rellistance to shock (h1h impact) When tested ae specified in 4.5.10, there shall be no bond fail ure bet een the adhesive and the steel plate or betveen the adheeive and the damping tile. 3.12 Adhesion to painted steel When teeted as specified in 4 5.11, the strength

13、 of the adhesive bond ehall be not Ieee thar 1000 psi iIl1tlally, after accelerated aging, after water reion and after ilImersion in the standard tellt fuel. 3.13 AdheSion to dampin tile. When tested as IIpecified in 4.;.12, the indtial IItrength, etrength after accelerated aging and strength after

14、water immersion of the bond betveen the t1le and the adhesive IIhall be not lese than 80 psi. 3 14 Storalle life The adhesive shall meet the requ1rements of this speCification atter etorage tor one year under the conditions specified in 4.5.13. Furthermore, after storage for one year, there shall be

15、 no separation of ingredients in either component all detennined by vieual eJtIlIIlination of the contents in each con tainer 3 1 S Identiflcat10n markiI1lls laotl container of the adheeive system shall be marked to provide the fol loving information: 2 1“- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproducti

16、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-r I (e) (b) (c) (d) ( e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) SpecifcatioD number. Feaeral atock number. Name of aanufacturer. MIL-A-24456 (SHIPS ) MaDU1acturers identification DUmber including designatiou of componeut, INch ae part A or part B. Contract or ord

17、er IlUIIlher. rate of -=facture. Volume or weight of adhesive component in container. Instruction for Preparation of the adhesive includicg correct proportioning by weight to be used vith other pert of the adhesive. RecODDended etorage conditiollB and lWtatiollB on working life. Precautionary markin

18、ge as follows: (1) (2) (3) W CAl11ION: Do not mix resin and hardener together until ready for un. WARNING: The _terial in this container -1 cauee skin irritation OD Slllle indiv1dUlllll. Avoid aldn contact by wearing protective glove. or applying protective CrerUzxlrical container The container shal

19、l be at lealt 2 inches in dillll1eter aDd the adheoive in the container shall have 8 depth of at l8Bst 3 inches. Care shall be taken to m1n1m1ze occlusion of air in the adhesive vhen transferriD,!. The BUppl81118ntary weight furnished w1th the viecOlDeter sball be attached to the close-coupl

20、ine aSlIl!IDbly and the T-C spindle clamped in the chuck. The Viscollleter shell then be lowered untU the crOBe! piece is covered by about 1/4 inch of adhesive. Start the viscometer aDd let the dial ake 2 revolutions before starting the Hel1p8th Stand. Record the next two readiDgII to the nearest Wh

21、ole numbe:- as the needle pall88S a predetermined spot on the Villoometer window. The two readiDgII shall be averaged aDd the reeul t reported as the initial visoollity. The initial villcollity measurementll must be completed witllln 30 minutes start of blend ing operations. Immediate

22、ly atter completing initial Villcosity measurements, the adhesive ehall be removed from the cyl1Ddrical container and spread out on s JDetal plate to a -nmum depth of 1/4 inch. One hour and twenty five minutes after start of blending operations, the adhee1ve shall be removed from the _tal plate, pla

23、ced again into the cylindrical aontainer and the viscoe1ty redetermined all dellcribed 1n 4 5.3.2 The viscosity determined shall be termed the pot-life viscosity. 4. 5. “ Hardness. The hardness of the adheei ve shall confo:nn to ASn-! D2240 when lleawred vi th a type D durometer 4 5.4.1 Specimen pre

24、paration The hardne8s shall be _!lUred on speciaens approx:1mately 2 1nches in dia meter by 0.5 : 0.1 inah thick arxl having BIIIOoth, parallel faces. The specimens shall be prepared by cuting the mi%ed adhee1 ve in a sui table open mold. The however, the test specn 1llU8t still meet the requits for

25、 init1al herd nsss. The specimen 8hall then be _chiDed to the required d1mena1ons. Three test 8pect.ens sball be Test procedure. The epec1lDens shall be conditioned at the testing temperature for a minimum of two hours 1mmed1ately before start of test operations. Press the indente

26、r of the durameter firmly into one flat Bide of the epecilllen and note the durometer 1ndioation 3 seoonds atter initial iDdentation. Assure that the base of the durometer preeaee al!8inet a 8IIIOoth mach:1.n8d aurfsoe of the spec:lJlen and that the indenter ie not cloeer than 1/4 inch to the edge o

27、f the specimen. Make three readiDgs, eacb at least 1/4 inch apa.rt on the specimen, and average the reaulte. 4.5.5 Resistance to acclera ted anD,!. Resistance to Ilccelera ted zer. for at least two houri. Bardnesa lIleasurements shall then be _de 88 specified in The reaul te ehall be averag

28、ed 4.5.6 Ree1stanCII to fuel Resistance to fuel shall be determined by the chaIlge in hardness re8Ul ting from ilIDersion of the speciJDens in lieference Fuel B specified in ASTM D471 This fuel is a 70/30 a1xture by volU1118 of iso-octane with toluene Three speciJDens prepared as specified in 4.5.4.

29、1 shall be used in this test. Each IIptIciJDen shall be placed in a sepa.rate container and the epeeilun covered with yol of fuel valent to 12 to 20 t1lDes the volume of the teat specimen. The 1D:aereed spec1JDenB aball be kept at 73.50 2F for two weeke. The speciluna .ball then be lWIOVed, ODe at a

30、 ta., froID the tuel, blotted dry. t 2OF. t:!DF t tDF. for five days . 5.10 . .2 Testillll. for ehock resistance. 4.5.1C.2 he a8semblies shall be mounted in a vertical position on the central portion of the anvil plate 0f the shock machine The assembly IIhall be eecured vith four 7/8 inch diameter b

31、olts, one located in eacr, of the four cornere The assembly ebell be held 1 inch avay from the anvil plate by means of spacers 2 inches in diameter placed around each securing bolt Prior to mounting the assembly in the shock machine, it ehall be cooled tr, 320 to 35Dr by placing in a miXture of crul

32、lhed ice and vater for at leaet 2 hours Shock testing of the 8sembly shall be accompliBhed vithin 10 minutes after removal from the cooling mixture. 6 )-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-2445b(SHIPS) 4 5 lC 2 2 Each assembly shall

33、 b BubJected tc the sequence of blows froI: the wel.ght (a) (b) (c) (d) TIIo 5-foot TIIo 5-foot TIIo 5-foot back blows. top blOl/s -top blows baclr. l:J. . W6 Retl.ghter a:1 hold-dovn bvl ts Examine the assembly for bond failure after each blow irom the falll.Dg wel.ght 45.11 Adh

34、esion to painted steel in the fol1011ing pal8graphb. Adhes10n to pn1nted steel shall be determ1ned in tension as descrl.bed Specimen preparation The test specimen shall consist of two flat steel disks, 1 59 inch in diameter by 3/8 l.och l.n thlcknoss, bonded together w1th the The

35、0pposl.e face of each Btee dl.SK shall have a centrally located threaded stud 1/2 nch 1n d1arneter qy 1 1nch long One face of each of the metal d:ulkB Bhall be degreaBed, Bandblasted and pantea w1th a type I, cltlsS 1 pant system .in accordance w.ltll MIL-P-;J23b The paint shaU be allowed to cure fo

36、r one weeK, tnree months, before uS1ng the disks. The adhesl ve shtlll b lIUXed liE specified in 4 5 3 1 and applied to the painted faces of the meta: disks, uB1ng a hacksaw blade witr 18 teetr per nch as an apFlicator. The coated s1des of th dl.skE shall be peseed together with

37、sufficient preBBure to cauee the adhesive to extruae irom btween the faces (1 the disks The final adheBive layer Bhall not exceed 1/32 incl. .n tluckne!Ss. TIIelve rtlplic“te !Specilllens sh61l be prep!ired The assembled specimens sbell be kept at embl.ent room temperature for 16 to 24 hours and the

38、n they shall be placeG 1n fin a1r oven liL 120c ! 2F for 5 aays. This stablizing cure may be oml.tted If deslrec when prepar1ng specilllens for the quality conformance tests specified in 4 4.2 A of nn assembled test specilllen 16 !Shown in F1gure 1. I“ -2/J 5?“o“1:-:“J I,:. j “L-:f Fgure -

39、Test specimen fnr measuring adhesion to painted stee: 4 5 “ / rnn1itlnnin After completion of CU=1ng operatlon. three speC1men eral: be exposca t, b tcm per: tc 2: hmes the1r vclumes cl jeierence Fuel B of AS!: r; 71 ( S.6) for tw, weeks at “3 5- -2? The three remailllng epeClmens sh“ll be usoo 01 m

40、easuring 1m. tla b“nd strengtr .:. 5 11 2 1 After conclusion of the conditiOllln Bpecified n 4 5 11.2, tile specmens whl.cb wele c0nJtioneo at 1 PT hall he al1nwerl tr cIol in air at 7“ 5 2F “or 1“ tr for:2 weeks in the same manner as specified in 4.5 11.: 5.3). (e) Special IDIlrld.ngs required (see

41、 5 4) 6.3 With respect to products requiring qualification, awards vill be made only for products which are at the time set for opening of bida, qualified for inclusion in applicable Qualified Products List QPL 24450 whether or not such products have actually been 80 listea br that date The attentio

42、n of the suppliers is call e:. tc this requirement, IWd lDIlnufacturers are urged to arrange to have the products that they propoee to offer to the Federal Government tested for qualification in order that they lIl8y be elJ.gible tu be awarded contracts or orders for the products covered br this spe

43、cification The activity reeponaible for the Qualified Products List 1S the Naval Ship Engineering Center, Prince Georges Center, Center Building, Hyattsville, Maryland 2f:T/82, and infOIlll!ltlon pertaining to qualification of products l118y be obtained from that activity. Application for qualificat

44、ion test! llhall be I118de in accordance with “Provisions Governing Qualification SD-6“ (see 6 4). 6.4 Copies of “Provisions Governing Qualification SD-6“ may be obtAined upon apphcation to Commandul Offlcer, Naval Publications and Forme Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Phlladelphia, Pennsylvania 19120 6

45、5 Sub-contracted material and part a The preparation for delivery requirements of referenced documents listed in sectloD 2 do not apply when material and parts are procured br the euppller fOT incorporation lnto the equipment and lose their eepal“8 te 1dent1 ty when the equipment is shipped 10 Prepa

46、ring activity Navy - SH (Project 8040-N035) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- i I SPECIFICATION ANALYSIS SHEET 1 INS nil ten of, Thu sheet IS to be hlled out by peuonn I ellh;r Go . ,rnonent or contractor, “o.y.d ,n the use of th .pec

47、.r,cat,on 1n procureMent of product. for ultlat u b, the Departonent of Defen8e Th heet .(J 2000 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FOLD DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Naw.l ShIp Eng1neerlng Center Center BUlldlng OSTAO AND ,. AID “ vy D,. . T I

48、 T PrInce uporges Center Hyattsvl11e, Maryland 2J782 OFFICIAL IUSIEaa FOLD Com“lar:.acr, !lava:; SIJlI- l!.ngIneerlng Center DOD StandardlzatlOn Program & Documents Branell Center BUllding PrInce Georges Center Hvattsvllle, Maryland 20782 I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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