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本文(NAVY MIL-A-3664-1952 AURAMINE HYDROCHLORIDE (FOR COLORED SMOKE MIXTURES)《奥黄 盐酸盐(有色烟雾混合物)》.pdf)为本站会员(terrorscript155)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-i f- hi1 rP-sw il DL No, 200 U, S. tandnrd dove when testcd ns spccAcd in 4,4,da 3.8 Appnrcn t cicnsily,-Tho irpparent dsn- d sty NMl Lo 0,:H.i :i: 0s whei tCHtOd ns qwitid hi 44,h I 3,8 Perforninnce,-T

2、ho mciterial shall burn without flaming and shiiil emit R continusus cloud of yellow kmoke for a period of 70 =r: 20 seconds when tested RB spccifiod in 4,4,G, Tho smoke dmll be distinguishable ns to color, ngnfnat :i contrasting color bnckground, at ti didtirice of 10,000 feet on ti cloar dny (seo

3、6.4) a 3.6 Workninnslip,-All work ditil1 be done in u nctrt and workmanlike rntinner, 4. SAIIIPLING, INSPECTION, AND TEST PROCEDURES . 4.1 Y,ot,-A lot shall consist of mirterial prociuced by one miinufacturer with no changc in proccss or mciteriiils in no more thin 24 coneocutivo hours, providing th

4、e operation is continuous, In the event tho process is ti batch opcratiog each batch sh:ill conutituto a lot (seo random from each lot, two rep- rosontntive apccimcns shall be romoved as follows : Specimer. A: For physical and chornical tests-l pound (soe 4.42 through 4.4.5)* Specimen B: For perform

5、ance test - 2 pounds (see 4.4.6). Each specimn takcn shall be placed in a clean, dry container, sealed and labded in such a manner as to identify the specimen with the prime container and ths Iot rep resented (see 6.2 and 6.3), 4.3.1 Packing and marking*-The inspector shall inspect-the packing and m

6、arking of the material for compliance with section 6, 4 - j 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-3bb4 13 m 77777Ob 02720b 7 m .I dissolved, ancf tranisfcr gu:intitntively to n 1,QOQ-mI, volumetric laslr, dilute to tho mark with wtw

7、, tmd mix thoroughly, Trmsfcr R IO-ml. aliquot of tho solution to a 250-ml. volumetric flask, diluto to tho mark with water, and mix thoroughly. Within 1 hour after preparation, transfer a portion of tho solution to a spectrophotometer cell and fill. the reference cell with water. Read the trans- mi

8、ttnnce (T) of the solution at a wave length of 430 millimicrons. Percent purity = -100 logio% Note: The above procedure and formula ap- ply when : (1) thc spectrophotoineter cell depth is IO inilhieters (mm.), (2) the trnns- mittancu (T) is expressed as a fraction than 1, and (3) the spectroph

9、otometer is a Hardy-General Electric recording spectro- photometer having an effective band width of 10 millimicrons. When another instrument is used, it shall first be calibrafod against a Hnrdy-General Electric instruniznt or against U. S. Bureau of Standards glass filters. When a siicctrophotomet

10、er cell of different dcpth is used, calculate the weight of the specimen in inverse proportion. 4.4.3 niotzL1.e.-RetePmine the moisture coiiteiit of the material in general accordance with method No. 300.1.6 of Specification VV- L-791. Use a 65-gm. specimen of the ma- toi*ial, 800 ml, of toluerie as

11、 the soivent, a 1,OQ-ml. flask, and an oil bath or electric heating mantle as a source of heat. 4.4.4 Paytide sixe.-Numbers GO, 100, and 200 U, S. standard sieves, conforming to Specification RR-S-366, shall be selected for the test, Nest the sieves in order of decreas- ing mesh i -. MiiA9-3fiG4 cen

12、tage of material passing through each hvo by subtracting rom 150i percent tho mm of the percantages of the mriterial rc- taincd on that sieve and ail of the larger mesh sioves used. 1 4.4.5 Appursnt densitp. Apparatus.-The apparatus shall consist of a cylinder and a glass funnel. Tho cylinde

13、r shall have an internal length of li 1 centimeters (cm.) and a valume of 100 ml. and may be made by cutting ofE a 250-rn1, graduate at tlie 100-ml. graduntion, The glass funnel shall bo approximately 9 cm, in diameter at the top and dall have a stem approximately 2.6 cm. in length and 1.5 crn, in i

14、nside diameter. Procedure. -Weigh the cylinder, Support the funnel so that the end of thc stem is centrally located 1 cm. above the top of the cylinder. Dry, to a constant weight in an oven maintained at 70 t-3 76“C., a 1)Gr.a tion of the spccinien sufficient to fill thc cylinder to overflow

15、ing. Shake the specimcr. from a paper into the funnel at a rate of ap proximately BO ml, per minute. Avoid jarring the cylinder during thc filling operation. if clogging occurs in the funnel, return the contents to the paper and repeat the filling until the material overflows the cylinder. $trike of

16、f the matcrial level with the top of the cylinder and weigh the cylinder and the contents. Calculate the apparent density of the specimen by dividing the increase in weight of thc cylinder by 100, 4.4.6 Pei.forntunce.-Preparo and fire six yellow smoke grenades ira accordance with Specification 96-11

17、1-92, Upon Aring, the grenades thus prepared shall conform to 3.6 (see 6.4 and 6.6). 4.5 Rejection and resulzmission. - If any specimen, selected as specified in 4.2, fails to conform to this specification, the lot shall be rejected. The contractor, at no expense to the Government, shall have the op

18、tion of having a partial or complete analysis made 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-of each contairiel* in the lot and removing the nonconforming material, The contractor may then resubmit the remaining portion of the lot for accepta

19、nce testing. 5. PEPARATI(0PJ FOR DEEIVEIZY 5. Packing.-The material shall be packed in steel drums conforming to Specification 37D of Regulations for Transportation of Ex- plosives aicl Other Dangerous Articles, etc. Each 2rum;hall be fittcd with n polyethylene bag constructed of polycthylcne sheet

20、having a nominal thickness of 0,004 inch. After fill- ing, the bag shall be closed by knotting, tying, or heat sealing. 5.2 Mnrking. - Etich contnincr shall be conspicuously labeled : CAUTION - AVOID SKIN CONTACT, USE WITH ADEQUATE VENTILATION. In acldition to any special mtirkiiig required by the c

21、ontract or order, shipping containers shall be marked in ric- cord:incc with Standard SIIL-S7D-129. 6. NOTES 6.1 Ordering data, - Procurement docu- menta should specify the title, number, and date of this specification, 6.2 In#Pcctioti.-Ixlspcction will not necas- anrily include ali specification I

22、requirements : however, the omission of inspection docs not constitute n waiver of these requirements. 6.3 Snmpling anid testing.-Whcn the con- tnictor consistently producca high-quality miiteriril anti opcr:rtes under tb system of quality control ticcegtnble to tho Govcrnrnent, the Covcrnmcnt, at i

23、ts discretion, may modi- fy, in whole or in part, the c;-:*qding and testhg procodurcs specified horo!ii. Howcvcr, the Government reserves the right to return rit any tim, without previous notice to the contractor, to the sumpling and testing pro- cetliircs specified in this specification. 6.4 Alter

24、nate requirements. - Alternato performance requirements and tests, simulat- ing the end use of the material, may be sub- stituted for those specified in 3.5 and 4.4.6. Howcver, in case of dispute, the requirements and test specified in 3.6 and 4.43 will govern. 6.5 atch. - A batch is defined 8s that

25、 quantity of material which has been subjected to somc unit chemical or physical mixing process intended to mrtke the final product substanti:illy uniform, G 6.6 Evaluation samples.-Because of the specitil nature of the equipment requircd in preparing colored smoke grenades, the con- tractor may sub

26、mit to the procuring agency, samplcs of the material he proposes to fur- nish for evaluation as to performance. How- ever, the results of such tests will be con- sidered informative only and in no sense will they be constwed as acccptnnce tests. 6.7 Nomcnc1atrire.-The American Chemi- cal Society nom

27、criclaturc for this dye is 4,4- bis (dimethylamine) licnzhydrylideiiimine hydi.ochloride. Tlic colour indcx number (So- ciety of Dyers and Colourists-editor F. M. Rowe) is 655. Notice.-When Government drawings, specifica- tions, or othcr dntn rire used for any purposc other tbnn in conncction with a

28、 definitely rclntcd Govorn. ment procurcmcnt opcrution, the United States Gov- ernment thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation wliatsocver; and the fact thnt tlio Govern- ment miry have formulated, furnislicd, or in nny wriy upplicd tho rinid drnwings, spccificatons, or otlicr dntn is no

29、t to be mgrirdcd by iinplication or otiicrwisc as in tiny mnnncr liccneinn thc holder or my other pcrson or corporation, or conveying any rights or pcrniission to manufncture, uso or sell any pritcntad irivcntion thnt mny in nny wny bc related thercto, Ciintotlinn: , Army-Chemicnl Corps Other interest: Army-O E 1 vy-0. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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