1、MIL-A-813b7 12 7779706 0357202 3 - . - I -k+: - * . . . MIGA-8 1369 (AS) %-June 1970 I MILITARY SPECIFICATION ASSEMBLY, LEFT-RIGHT STATION I - 6 SA 13 2 F 6 d This speoifioation has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Soope - The equipment oovered by
2、this specifloation ehall be oapable of providing release signals to one left and one right weapons station, Classification - Left-right station assembly 66A132F5 ahall oomirt of the , 1 2 item Usted in 6.9. 2, APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 General - The dooumenta listed in 6.11 of the issue in effeot on
3、the date of invitation for bids form 8 part of this speoifioaton to the extent; 6pedfied herein. .I 3. REQUIREMENT8 3.1 Frexmduotion - This rrpeoifoation makes provieion for preproduotion . testing. 3.2 Parta and Materials - In the eelection of parts and materiala, fulfillment of major design object
4、ives shall be the prime ooneideration. in BO doing the foliowing shall govern: (1) Mioraelectronic items shall conform to requirement8 epecified herein. Other parte and materials requirements which can be used interchangeably. The choice of microelectronic modular assemblies shall be basedon 3.2.3 M
5、odules, Maintenance - The electronic portions of the equipment shall be divided into maintenance modules (see Specification MIL-S-23603). Maintenance modules shall normally be considered repairable. 3.2.4 Microelectronic Interchangeability - Microelectronic circuits (MICS) shall be interchangeable a
6、t the ME level, or at the maintenance module level when approved by the procuring activity (see 6.13). 3.3 Design and Construction - The equipment shall conform with all the ap plicabe requirements of Specification MILE- 5400 for design, construction and workman- ship, except as otherwise specified
7、herein. 3.3.1 Total Weight - The total weight of the equipment, excluding cables, shall be a minimum consistent with good design and shall not exceed 3.5 ounces. 3.3.2 Reliability - Operational Stability - The equipment shall operate with satisfactory performance, continuously or intermitten
8、tly for a period of at least 1,000 hours without the necessity for readjustment of any controls which are inaccessible to the operator during normal use. Operating Life - The equipment shall have total operating life of 10,000 hours with reasonable servicing and replacement of parts. placeme
9、nt shall be specified by the contractor. Parts requiring scheduled re- Reliability in Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) - The equipment shall havq2,000 hours of mean (operating) time between failures when tested and accepted as out- lined under the requirements of 4.4.3. -k- 3.3, 9 Y -_ -ri-
10、_. -z L.: - - i? .I - - - -_I -_ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- _ . MIL-A-81369 12 9999906 0359205 9 MIL-A-8 1369 (AS) 3.3.10 Primary input Power Requirements - The unit shall operate with the following d-c input power: (i) DC Power
11、 28V, Category l1Bl1, O. 5 amp as specified in MIGSTD-704. (2) DC Power +1OV, O. 5 amp (3) DC Power -1OV, O. 1 amp Degraded Performance - Degraded performance will be permitted for voltage transients not exceeding O. 5 second during normal electric system operation. Operation shall return t
12、o normal with no resulting damage to the equipment. 3.4 Performance - Unless otherwise specified, values set forth to establish the requirements for satisfactory performance apply to performance under both standard and extreme service conditions. When reduced performance under the extreme conditions
13、 is aoceptable tolerances or values setting forth acceptable variations from the performance under the standard conditions will be specified. 3.4.1 Operation - The assembly provides the necessary fire puise(s) for stores release to a left station and a corresponding right station. 3.4.2 Operational
14、Requirements - The assembly shall meet the operational .requirements of, subject to the operating conditions shown on figure 1 and the following definition of terms: (1) The logic 0 level for each output shall be less than O. 5 volt dc. (2) The logic 1 level for the outputs shall be as follo
15、ws: Outputs : Terminal: 111 Level Between +5 volts dc and the +10 volt dc input. 4, 19 Between +4. 5 and +7. O volts dc. 3, T, F, 16 -. Between +5,8 and 7. 8 volts dc. E, 17 Between +20 volts dc and the +28 volt dc input. .? . 2: Outputs. . , -. (i) Terminal 7. The output at terminal 7 shall
16、 be at the logic 0 level - when switches S5, S6, S7, S8 and S9 are all open, and shall other- to . wise be at the logic 0 level. ._ -. - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(3) (4) MIL-A-L3b7 12 W 7777706 0357206 O Terminal F. The outpu
17、t at terminal F shall be at the logic 0 level when switch S11 is closed and switch S10 is open, and shall other- wise be at the logic 1 level. Terminal 3. The output at terminal 3 shall be at the logic 1 level when switch S11 is closed and switches S10, S19, S20 and S21 are open, and shall otherwise
18、 be at the logic 0 level. Terminal 16. The output at terminal 16 shall be at the logic 0 level when switch S22 is closed and switch S23 is open, and shall other- wise be at the logic 1 level. Terminal T. The output at terminal T shall be at the logic 1 level when switch S22 is closed and switches S1
19、3, 514, S15 and S23 are open, and shall otherwise be at the logic 0 level. Terminal L. The output at terminal L shall be at the logic 0 level when switches Sll and S22 are closed and switches S1, S2, S3, S4, S10 and S23 are open, and shall otherwise be at the logic ll level. Terminal 4. The output a
20、t terminal 4 shall be at the logic 1 level when switch S11 is closed and switches S10 and S18 are open, and one or more of the following conditions exists: a) The output at terminal L is at the logic 01 level; (b) Switch 524 is closed; or (e) Switches S12, 513, 514 and S15 are open; . otherwise, the
21、 output at terminal 4 shall be at the logic 0 level. Terminal E. terminal 4. The output at terminal E shall be the logic inverse of Terminal 19. The output at terminal 19 shall be at the logic 1 level when switch S22 is closed and switches S18 and S23 are open, and when one or more of the following
22、conditions exists: (a) The output at terminal Lis at the logic 0 level; ) Switch S24 is closed; or (c) Switches S16, S17, S18, S19 and S20 are open; otherwise the output at terminal 19 shall be at the logic 0 level. (10) Terminal 17. The output at terminal 17 shall be the logic inverse of iour- rent
23、 and ambient and surface temperatures. The ambient and surface temperature shall $ (1) On completion of the life test, the equipment shall be reworked by the contractor by replacing all “wear“ items. The “wear“ item-s procuring activity. J shall be determined by agreement between the contractor and
24、de-. . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-A-3369 12 W 9999906 0359234 T W - MIL-A-81369 (AS) (2) After reworking, tlie contractor shall resubinit tlie equipment for acceptance. 4. G Test Procedures - The procedures used for conductin
25、g preproduction tests, acceptance tests and life tests shall be prepared by the contractor and submitted to the procuring activity for feview and approval. The right is reserved by the procuring aotivity or the government inspector to modiiy the tests or require any additional tests deemed necessary
26、 to determine compliance with the requirements of this specification or the contract. Specification MIL-T-18303 shall be used as a guide for preparation of test proce- dures. When approved test procedures are available rom previous contracts such proce- dures Mil be provided and may be used when the
27、ir use is approved by the procuring activity. Howeverl the right is reserved by the procuring activity to require modification of such procedures , including additional tests, when deemed necessary. 4. 7 to acceptance and life tests shall be reconditioned by the contractor by replacing all wear or d
28、amaged items. After reworking the contractor shall resubmit the equipment for acceptance. Ilecoiiditioning of Tested Equipment - Equipment which has been subjected 4.8 Presubmission Testing - No item, part or complete equipment shall be submitted by the contractor until it has been previously tested
29、 and inspected by the con- tractor and found to cromply, to the best of his knowledge and belief, with all applicable requirements, 4. 9 Rejection and Retest - Equipment which has been rejected may be re- worked or have parts replaced to correct the defects and resubmitted for acceptance. Before res
30、ubmitting, full particulars concerning previous rejection and the action taken to correct the defects found in the original shall be furnished the government inspector. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5. 1 General - All major units and parts of the equipment shall be preserved, packaged, packed and mark
31、ed or the level of shipment specified in the contract or order in accordance with Specification MIL-E-17555. 6. NOTES I 6. 1 -_- Iiiteiicled Uso - The cquipment shall be used in conjunction with the items listed in G, O. 1 to fulfill the requirements of Programmer, Aircraft Weapons Release Set MX-70
32、16 p)/AWE-i as described in Specification MIL- P-81361 (AS), Test Values - Normal and limiting valires of periormance data shall be determined at input voltages of 27. 5 -+O. 5 vdc and 115 rtl. O vac as applicable. These data are to bo used in testing the equipment at installation points foi- compli
33、ance with minimum acceptance standard of performance. u- 6.2 w Performance Objectives - Minimum size and weight, simplicity of opera- tion, ease o inaintenance, and an improvement in tlie performance and reliabilitx-dof the specific functions beyond the requirements o this specification are objectiv
34、es which shall be considered iii the production of this equipment. Where it appears a substantial reduction in - 6.3 - -_ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-._ _ . _ . . _. MIL-A-L3b7 12 111 7779706 0357235 L M size and weight or improve
35、ment in simplicity of design, performance, ease of maintenance or reliability will result from the use of materials, parts and processes other than those specified in Specification MIL-E-5400, it is desired their usc be investigated. When in- vestigation shows advantages can be realized, a request f
36、or approval shall be submitted to the procuring activity for consideration. Each request shall be accompanied by complete supporting information. 6.4 As a general rule nonrepairable subassemblies should be encapsulated or hermetically-sealed. The number of coiinections internal to the subassembly sh
37、ould be held to a minimum. Detail parts tolerances and ratings should be so selected that the life of the subasseinblg is greater than that of a similar repairable one. With few exceptions (such as high voltage power supplies), the nonrepairable subassembly should evidence a mean-time-to-failure gre
38、aer than 5000 hours, and for many applications this figure must * be nearer 50,000 hours. 6. 5 Precedence of Documents - When the requirements of the contract, this specification, or applicable subsidiary specifications are in conflict, the following prece- dence shall apply: (1) Contract - The cont
39、ract shall have precedence over any specifica- tion. (2) This Specification - This specification shall have precedence over all applicable subsidiary specifications. Any deviation from this specification, or from subsidiary specifications where applicable, shall be specifically approved in writing b
40、y the procuring activity. (3) Referenced Specifications - Any referenced specification shall have precedence over al1 applicable subsi diary specifications referenced therein. All referenced specifications shall apply to the extent specified. 6. 6 The parentheses (*I, wbcii used in the type designat
41、ion, will be deleted or replaced by either :i iiuinbei. 01% lettor iuriiishctl by the procuring activity upon application by the contractor for assignment of nomcnclaturt. in :iccordaiice with 3.3. 6. The complete type number shall be used on nanieplntcs, shipping records and instruction books, as a
42、ppli- cable. 6.7 Orderinfi Data - Purchasers should exercice any desired options offered herein, and procurement docunients should specify the following: (i) Title, nuniber, and date of this specification. (2) Selection of applicable levels of packaging and packing (see 5. i). I - - 7 (3) Data requi
43、rements (sce 3. 6). G. 8 AsL;ci*isi: - Iii spcc:il:,cntion revisions and supersoding amendments,. an asterisk macle froin the prwious issue. prccc-ding a paragraph iiiiiiibci* denotes paragraphs in which changes have been Tilis has ken donc as a convenience only and thegovernment - y-_ Provided by I
44、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ MIL-A-L367 12 H 777770b 0359236 3 assumes no liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies in these notations. Bidders and con- traotors are cautioned to evaluate the requirements of this document based on the entire
45、content aa written, irrespective of the asterisk notations and relationship to the last previ- ous issue. 6. 9 Items of Equipment - The equipment covered by this specification shall consist of the following item: Type Desimation Appl. Para. item - Assembly, Left-Right Station 6 5A132 F 5 3.5 6.9.1 A
46、ssociated Equipment - - The equipment shall operate with the following associated equipment: (1) Assembly, Center Station 65A132F6 (2) Assembly, Station Transfer 65A132F7 (3) Assembly, Priority Logic 65A132F8? (4) Assembly, Quantity Select 65A132F9 6.10 Performance Characteristics to Be Measured - T
47、he equipment shall meet the performance characteristics specified in through 6,lO. 1 Methods of Teat - The exact test method is dependent upon the equipment available. EQuivalent methods of test are acceptable provided they meet the accuracy and performance requirements of this sp
48、ecification. It shall also be permissible to combine teats where operational capabilities of test equipment allow it. 6.10.2 Standard Switch Positions - The positions shown in figure 1 are the normally open positions of all the switches. The switches shall have zero bounce. 6.10.3 Standard Load - Th
49、e standard loads, signal sources and power supplies shall be as specified in figure 1. 6, 10.4 Standard Connections - The standard loads, signal sources and power sup- plies shall be connected as shown in figure I. Test Procedure - 6.10. 5 (1) Before actual test procedures are started, a card shall be examined for shorts of less than 10 ohms between all connected pins with the f
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