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本文(NAVY MIL-B-913-1993 BEARINGS BALL ANNULAR FOR INSTRUMENTS AND PRECISION ROTATING COMPONENTS (METRIC)《(公制)仪器和精密旋转部件用环形钢球轴承》.pdf)为本站会员(eastlab115)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、. * MIL-B-913 D 999990b 1846477 047 EEEl MILB-913 MIL- SPEIFICATICN FR Tkis specification is appmved for use by all Departnients and Agencies of the Department of Deense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers annular ball bearings intend primarily for use in instrumants and precision rotatin

2、g components. 1.2 Classification. Pearings, ball, annular, for instnmmts and precision rotating rompanents shall be of the following types, as specified: Bearing, ball, annular, for instruments and precision rotating camponentc, deep groove, unflanged; Bearing, ball, annulax, for instrunients and pr

3、ecision rotating cmnponents, deep groove, flanged; Bearing, ball, annular, for instruments and precision rotating cmponents, angular contact, unflan, non-separable and counterbored outer ring; Bearing, ball, annular, for instruments and precision rotating ccsnponents: angular contact, flange, separa

4、ble and stem inner ring. 8 Beneficial camnents (reccarmendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which my be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Cmding Officer, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Iakehurst, Systems ReqUiresrients Depart- mnt, Code SR3, Lak

5、ehurst, NJ 08733-5100, by using the self- addressed Standardi zation Document improvarient Proposal (DD Form 1426) apparing at the end of this doCunient or by letter. AMSC N/A FSC 3110 DISTRIBUTION A. Appd for public release; distribution is unlimited. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

6、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-713 9999906 l8Vb478 T83 MILS913 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENIIS 2.1 Govemnmtdocuments. 2.1.1 spec ifications and Stanch 2: - li Ne = rpn of pitch circle. Ni = rpnof mtating her race. No = rpnof rotating outer race. E = pitchdiamter. = contact angle.

7、D = ball diameter. 4.8.6 Torque tests. Pretest condition of bearinas. The bearings shall be prepared for the torque tests as follows: Bearings shall be degaussed and cleane thoroughly with solvents filtered with a 0.5 micrmter or better filter; The bearings shall then be lubricated with NE-L

8、-81846 or ML-I,-6085 in accordance with Table II, after vhich the bearings shall be rotated slowly for a minimum of five full revolutions in both directions to distribute the oil evenly. 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-913 99

9、9990b 1846488 922 MIL-E913 Performance test. Perfomce test values shall be determined in accordance with MIL.STD-206. Startina tome test. Starting toque test methd shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-206. 4.8.7 Ball qualitv inswctions. Ball dianeter measurements shall be based on ccs

10、nparative measurenents with master balls. measurenents of master balls and balls being tested shall be made at the same temperature and with the same gage pressure. If the master balls are of a different material than the balls being tested, readings shall be referred to zero gage pressure and a tem

11、perature of 68% ( 2OoC). Five measurements of the ball diameter in randm orientations shall be made on each ball of the bearing. Ball diameter shall be the average of the five measurements. ball quality requirements specified in ANs/AE“A Standard 10 shall be verified by and The Conf

12、omce to the Diameter variations per ball. Five measuranents of the diameter shall be made in randm orientations of each ball in the bearing. the minirrnrm diameter measured on each ball is the rriaximum diameter variation of that ball. The differences between the rriaximum diameter measured

13、and Ball diameter variation per bearhq. Five measurements of the diameter shall be mde in randm orientations of each ball in the bearing. The average diameter of each ball shall be ccanputed by averaging the five measurements of that ball. the average diameter of the largest ball and the ave

14、rage diamter of the cniallest ball in a bearing is the ball diameter variation of the The difference betmen bearing. 4.8.8 Hardness tests. The bearings selected for this test shall not be the same bearings used for the diniensional stability test. If, because of limited size of surface or for other

15、valid reasons, Rockwell C scale measuranents are not feasible, other methods of measuring hardness may be used, pruvided cormlation with the Rockm11 .C scale masurement values is established. used, conversion to -11 C shall be through the use of charts in ASrIM E-140. Hardness tests shall be mde on

16、flat surfaces. When lighter loads are 4.8.9 Surface muqhness tests. Measurarulnts frm less than 0.0254 to 25.4 miCrameters shall be made with equipnrit meeting the requi-ts of ANSI/ASME B46.1. measurenents on most surfaces including fine finished or soft mterials. The equiprent shall include means t

17、o pravide permanent shall be deteimined by cividing width of surface to be measured by 10 and selecting next laest preferred cut-off wavelength either 25, 80, 250 or 800 microaiieters. Such equipnent shall allow strip or polar chart-type recordings. Minimum cut-off wavelength In deep groove raceways

18、, the width 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-B-SL3 977970b LB46489 69 MILE913 of the surface is the distance fmn the bottaan of the race to either land corner. 4.8.10 DimenSional stability tests. Tlie dirriensional stabilis of t

19、he rings and balls shall be damnstrated by the following tests: The rings and balls shall be subjected to a tanperature of -80% (-62%) for 25 hours. Irmiediate1 following, the parts shall be subjected to a tanperature of 302& (150%) for a total of 100 hours. Diameters shall be masured at 68% (2OoC)

20、and canpared to values recoded before tanperature cycling. 4.8.11 Lubricant inspections. Lubricant tvpe inse 011s. specification shall be verified with an infrared spectrcrrieter. Lubricant contamination tests. in a FED-STD-209, Class 100 environment. Sample bearjngs shall be teste

21、d for lubricant contamination by the following pmcedum: When required by contract, the bearing supplier shall take three randan samples fraan the lubricating fixture or mntainer or lubricant if a fixture is not used, at the tirne bearings are lubricated. -les of grease shall be prepared and read for

22、 dirt count in accordance with FED-STD-791, Method 3005. and read for dirt count in accordance with FED-STD-791, Methcd 3004 or ASP4 D-2273. The karings supplier shall maintain the sample and inspection report for examination by the GaTernments representative and shall certify that the sariiple was

23、taken fm the lubricant used to lubricate the bearings. ConfonniQ to a lubricant All tests shall be perfont& Samples of oil shall be prepared Barrier mat inspection. inspected in accordance with MIGSTD-1334. Barrier mated bearings shall be 4.8.12 Calibration on. Bore and Onieasmts of

24、 shall be used to verify conformance to calibration requirenents. Individual nieasurments as specified in 3.16 shall be used rather than average values. 4.8.13 Inspection of packaqinq. The sanpling and inspection of the preservation, packing and container niarkuig shall be in accordance with the req

25、uirements of MIL-P-197. 5. PAMAGING 5.1 Preservation. Persenration shall be in accordance with MIL-P-197, Level A, C or carmercial as specified. 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-913 9999906 1846430 580 MIL-E913 5.2 Packinq. Pa

26、cking shall be in accordance with MIGP-197, Level A, B, C or camiercial as specified. 5.3 Markina. Marking shall be in accordance with MIL-P-197 and MIL-STD-129. 6. NoIIEs 6.1 Intended use. Ball bearings defined by this specification are intended for use in critical cmponents of instrument systms. S

27、uch canponents range frcxn air circulating b1me.m and cirive mtors through precision gear trains, gym gimbals and pick-offs to rate integrating spin-mtors . 6.2 Acquisition TeQuiTBTy3n ts, pnxurerrient documents must specify the following: a. b. C. d. e. f. 9. h. i. j. k. 1. Title, nirmber, and date

28、 of the specification. The quantity and part identifying nmbr (PIN) of the bearing required. Levels of preservation (see 5.1) and packing (see 5.2) required. The laboratory that will conduct tests (see 4.6.1). Ring, ball, mtainer and closure mterials. Number, type and location of closures. Boundary

29、dimensions. J3earing precision level (ABEC tolerances). Radial internal clearance or contact angle. Type and munt of lubricant. Barrier coating requirenients. Perfonnance tests required. 6.2.1 Boinadarv dinension size availabili The listing of a particular boundary dimwsion size of a bearing in a sp

30、ecification sheet does not guarantee availability from every manufacturer. Shields or seals, for instance, my not be available on the thinner widths of a particular bore and OD. Fbxmmnd verification of availability fm indus- sources prior to assicpmnt of PIN. 6.2.2 acquiring activity *en first artic

31、le testing is required. 6.3 First article. When first article inseon is required, the bearings should be tested and should be a first article sqle (see 3.2). in 4.6. in acquisition documnts regarding examinations, tests and apprwal of first article. Test facilities. A test facility should be designa

32、ted by the The first article should mist of the sqles specified The contracting officer should include specific instructions 14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I t MIL-B-913 m 99999Ob LBVb491 V17 m MIL-Eh913 6.3.1 First article pmvisi

33、on. When first article samples are required, the mufacture of karings on the contract should not ccamience until the samples suhnitted are pronounced satisfactory by the awing activity. The suhnission of further first article samples on the subsequent contracts my be waived at the discretion of the

34、acquiring activity. pgprwal of first article samples or the waiving of first article tests does not eliminate the nquimrmts of quality conformance inspection. 6.3.2 First article information. It should be understood that the bearings supplied under contract should be identical to the corresponding f

35、irst article sample in material design, construction, qualis, wrkmanship and methoci of mufacture. standards of first article sample should be mde only by the acquiring activity. Evidence of unauthorized change should constitute cause for rejection. Deviation fm the 6.4 Consideration of data requira

36、nen ts. The following data require- mts should be considered when this specification is applied on a contract. The applicable Data Iten Descriptions (DIDs) should be revi4 in conjunction with the specific acquisition to insure that only essential data are requested/provided that the DIDs are tailore

37、d to reflect the requimts of the specific acquisition. lb ensure correct contractual application of the data requiranents, a Contract Data Requimts List (DD Fom 1423) must be prepred to obtain the data, exceptwhexe DD FAR Supplenient 27.475-1 exempts the reqUiranent for a DD Form 1423. Reference Par

38、amaph DID Number DID Title Sumested Tailorinq 4.6 DI-“T-80809 Test/Inspection Use Contractor 4.1.1 DI-MMII-80809 Test/Inspection Paragraph 10.2.7 Reports Format Reprts The abwe DIDs were those cleared as of the &te of this specifica- tion. systems and Data Requlilanen ts Control List (AMSDL), must b

39、e researched to ensure that only current, cleared DIDs are cited on the DD form 1423. The current issue of DOD 5010.12-L, Acquisition Managmat 6.5 Subject term (key mr) listinq. ABE 5P ABE 7P Angle, contact Anguar contact Barrier coating Bearing, precision Calibration (classification) Non-separable

40、Passivation Ring, inner, extended Bearuig, instrument 15 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-913 9999906 1846492 353 = U MILE9 13 Radial, deepgroove separable Void, bearing Torque, s-g 6.6 mification supersession. This specification

41、 supersedes the metric portion of MIGE81793C. 6.7 ikf initions. 6.7.1 E3earinu void. The volume between the inner and outer rings minus the volume of the balls and retainer. 6.7.2 ccnitact Anule. Angular contact bearings are characterized by a relieved (counterbred outer ring or stepped inner ring)

42、surface which pennits inclusion of a greater number of balls. This enables the bearing to sustain a thrust load in addition to incxeased radial capacis. Same applications require only that the unloaded angular contact bearing be mufactwd with a specific radial clearance range and no masurement is md

43、e of the obtained contact angle. applications require that the contact angle be confined to a narrow ( 3 degree total) range which is accurately measured. 6.7.3 with one shoulder cmpletely or partially remnred. 6.8 Clean qiiea se. Noml canponents of clean grease my appear as particulate contamma . t

44、ion when vid under 1OX mgnification. Recaamrend that greased bearing surface inspections be ccanpared with pictures or samples of the sane grease obtained in a clean room. 6.9 characteristic fm each of the tables in a specification sheet. Wer Stepped inner rinu. The inner ring of a groove ball beari

45、ng Part nuaiber. The part nuniber is developed by selecting a EXAMPLE: M913/- 5 7 1.27 1.02 16 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-SL3 9999906 ?lIL-B-9 I3 1846493 29T s P b s c .n N - E .i( U m st0 3 m a 1 Y E . .i no U B tn 17 Prov

46、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-SL3 TABLE Bearing Size (millimeters) Bore Dia. d 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 2.5 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 9.0 9.0 10.0 10.0 Outside Dia. D 5 5 6 6 7 7 10 9 13 16 11 16 19 13

47、 19 14 19 22 19 22 24 20 26 26 30 999990b 1846494 li26 = MIL-B-913 III. STARTING TOROUE LIMITS 75 75 75 75 75 75 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 Maximum Starting Torque (milligram-millimeters) Radial Internal Clearance (Micrometers) 2 to 7 ,1800 1800 1800

48、1800 1800 1800 5000 5000 6500 7500 6500 7500 8000 6000 8000 6000 8100 11000 10600 11000 11000 10800 11000 11200 14000 7 to 12 I500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 4500 4500 5500 6500 5500 6500 7000 5200 7000 5200 7 100 9500 9100 11000 9500 9300 9500 9800 12000 12 to 20 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 4200 42

49、00 5000 6000 5000 6000 6500 4800 6500 4800 6600 9000 8600 11000 9000 8800 9000 8800 10111 18 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-B-713 777970b L84b495 Ob2 MIL-B-9 13 TABLE N. )4IcRoLLEANLINESS “ J-K “ WINGS 44oc ST& AND 1“LUs ICPJ ma. “A“ Sulfide *1 f2 T H 2.0 2.0 “B“ AlUrnina T H 2.5 2.0 “C “ Silicate T H 2.5

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