2、 is approved for use vithin the Naval Sea SystemsCommand, Oeuartmcnc of the Navy, and is available for use by all Depart-ments and Agencies of the Department of Defense.1. SCOPE1.1 *. This spscification covere CirculL breekers with housing ofinsulating material for Naval shipboard use.I.2 Classifica
3、tion. Circuit breekers (see 6.4.2) shall he of the types(see 6.6.28), current ratings, voltages, trip characteristics, and interruptingcapacities with mounting be9cs as scecified in 1.2.1 throuh I.2.2. A circuitebreaker rating shall bc for 60 hertz (Nz), fO Hz alccrnacing current (at)amd direct curr
4、ent (de) applications.1.2.1 Type designation. The type designation shall be in the folouingform, as spscified (see 6.2.1):x/Lcharacteristic rating(see 1.2.2)Bcneficial commenLs (rccomaendations, additions, deleciona) and any nercincntdata which may be of use in improvinj?this documen: should be addr
5、essed Lo:Comnander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 5523, Department of Lhe Nav.v,WrwhingLen, DC 20362-51flby using the self-sddressed Scandardizetion DocumentImprovement Proposal (DO Form 1426) apoearing aL the end of :his document or by I.s.l.ler. 1eFSC 59?5DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A Approved for puh
6、lic release: disLribuLion unlimitedProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)TheI.tYPe 1S identified by a three letter symbol and a number as shovn in tableThe first letter identifiefithe operation and trip characteristic: a71 d
7、enotes automatic trip at currents in excese of the epecified ratedvalues (see tables II, 111, and IV). denotee the nonautomatic trip (cross-line interrupting switch).The lectere LB denote low voltage circuit breakera. denotes the circuit breaker has one pole.TABLE 1. TYPe designation.Maximum trip el
8、ement (orswitch) rating amperesType Operation (frame size (ace 6.4.5)ALB-1 Automatic 50NLB-1 Nonautomatic 501.2.2 Current ratin. Tha current rating is identified by a numberfollowed by the letter A, which identifies che maximum continuous current rating(see 6.4.4) of the device in amperes. The symbo
9、l 5A, for instance, identifies a5 ampere (ac or dc) continuous current rating.L. APtLLUALtLEDOCUMENTS .2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications andstandards form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein.Unless otherviae specified, t
10、he issues of these documents shall be thoselisted in the issues of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications andStandards (DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation.SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALQQ-S-365 -MILITARYMIL-M-14 -MIL-S-901 -MIL-E-917 -MIL-P-15024 -Silver Plating, Electredepo
11、sited; GeneralRequirements for.Molding Plastics and Molded Plastic Parcfi,Thermosettirtg.Shock Tests, H.1. (High-Impact); ShiphoardMachinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirementsfor.Electrical Power Equipment, Baaic Requirements(Naval Shipboard Use).Plates, Tags and Bands for Idencification ofEquipme
12、nt.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)MILITARY (Cmntinued)f41L-P-15026/5-FfIL-E-17555 -STANDAROSHILITARYFiIL-STO-167-l-!41L-STO-202 -(pies of specificationstion with fipecificacquisitionfictivicyor as directed by chePlace
13、s, IdentifIcation.Electronic end Electrical Equipment, Accessoriesand Repair Parts, Packaging and Packing of.!iechanicalVibration of Shipboard Equipment(Type 1 - Environmental and Type II -Internally Excited).Teet !iachodefor Electronic and ElectricalComponent Parts.and atandarde required by contrac
14、tor in connec-functione should be obtained from the contractingcontracting activity.)2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text ofthis specification and the references cited herein (except for associated detailepecificeciona, apecifIcacion sheete or MS standards), che text
15、of thisspecification shall cake precedence. Nothing in this apecificacion, however,shall supersede applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption hasbeen obtained.3. SfEQUIRE?iSNTS3.1 Qualification. Circuit breakers furnished under thie apecificacionshall be products which are authorize
16、d by the qualifying activicy for listingon the applicable qualified products list ac the time aet for opening of bids(eee 4.4 and 6.3).3.2 !fateriala. Haterials shall be selected from those listed in HIL-E-917or as noted herein. Sub6tltutea shall be na specified in FfIL-E-917. Even thougheubetitute
17、material Is authorized for uee, the finished product shall conform corequirements specified herein and perform their specified functions. Cemponentashall be free of mercury or a75ercury compounds and cadmium placing. Naterialsshall be asbefitoe-free.3.2.1 Insulation. The inaulacion eyacem used in th
18、e construction of cir-cuit breakers, including plastic material used for the enclosure, shall meetminimum cloea B insulation requirements with individual materials having a temper-ature index of 130 degrees Celsius (“C) or higher, as apecified in HIL-E-917.3.2.2 Metals. tletnlsfihnllbe of a corrosio
19、n-reeietant type or shall beKre6ed co resist corrosion as specified in IIIL-E-917. Oisaimilar metals. Oiseimilar metals in contact with eech othershall be selected to conform to the requiremencfiof IIIL-E-917. Current carrying connection. Current carrying connections shellbe silver-pla
20、ced in accordance with QQ-S-365. The plating shall equal or exceed0.0002-inch thick and shall not show a tendency to peel or crack. Threadedsurfacefishall have a silver thickneaa of at leaet 0.0002 inch.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-
21、,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)3.2.3 Recovered materials. Unless otheml.se specified herein, allequipmenL, material, and articles incorporated in the products covered by thisspecification shall be new and may be fabricated using materials produced from a71recovered materials to the maximum extent practicable wit
22、hout jeopardize% theintended use. The term “recoveredmaterials” meana materials which have beencollected or recovered from solid waste and reprocessed to become a source ofraw materials , as opposed to virgin raw materials. None of theinLerpreLed LO mean that the use of used or rebuilt products isth
23、is specification unless otherwise specifically specified.3.3 Design and construction. Circuit breakers shall havedimensions specified on figure 1.above shall beallowed underthe physical3.3.1 voltage. Circuit breakers shall be rated at 125 volts alternatingcurrent (Vat) and !25 volts direct current (
24、Vdc).3.3.2 Frequency. Circuit breakers shall operate on 60 Hz, 400 Hz acsnd dc.3.3.3 Housin. Circuit breakers shall bs supported and enclosed in ahousing made of molded insulating material inMAT 30, Ml 60, MAl 30 or ftI30. Electrical insulation. Currentenclosed within the housing (except term
25、inalsand shall be inaccessible without”dismantlinghandle shall be of an Insulating materiel .?rv.iabove the circuit breaker cover. Arc enclosure. Arcing contactsarc co the arc enclosure.accordance with MIL-M-14, typescarrying parts shall be fullyfor connection to external circuits)the circuit
26、 breaker. The actuatingshall be shielded to confine the3.3.6 Operation. ?fechanism. The operating mechanism (see 6.4.10) shall be suchthat the conLacts shall be quick-make (ace 6.4.15) and quick-break (see 6.4.14)under all conditions of manual and automatic operation. They shal1 be capableof
27、manual operation to the “on”and “off”positions, these positions beingprominently marked in such a manner as Lo be easily and definitely identified.Assuming an approximate midposition , automatic tripping (see 6.4.1) of acircuit breaker shall be clearly indicated by the handle. The reset mechanismof
28、type ALB-I shall retain Lhe actuating handle in the closed position aftertripping occurs and shall not affect subsequent performance of the circuitbreaker.3.3.4.? Trip free feature (type ALB-1 onlv) (see 6.4.23). Circuit breakersshall operate so that the mechanism cannot be held closed by physically
29、 holdingLhe acLuating handle in the closed posiLion when carrying overload current whichwould normally automatically trip che breaker to the open position, Trip indication (tvne ALB-1 only). Circuit breakers shall opersteso LhaL when Lhe contacLs open automatically on overload, the actuating
30、handleshall indicaLe the OperaLion by moving to the mid “trip”position (see 3.3.L.1).Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH) Handle yoke. A handle yoke shall allow mechanical linking foropening and closing two or three
31、 circuit breakers at one time (see 6.b.7). Ahole shall penetrate each circuit breeker handle co accommodate the handle yoke(see figure 1A).3.3.5 Threaded and current carrying pares. l%readed parts and fastenersshall be in accordance with IIIL-E-917. Current carrying threaded perts ehallbe silver-pla
32、ted in accordance with QQ-S-365 (eee Soldering, when used, ehall be In accordance withWelding and brazing. Welding and brazing, when used, ehell bewith tfIL-E-917.in3.4 Uounting nnd connection.34.1 F!c.untin:DIA.MEGGERHOLESGqST4BBASE;IFREWIREDt-FCRI
33、THREE-POLECIRCUITGf7EJJXERlgBREAKER,.g“FORISINGLE.POLECIRCUITSt10595IF.Frontpanelcutouts._.-_.FIGURE1.TypeALB-1,theruml-magnetic,enclosed,tripfree(SinglePoLe)andtYpeNLB-1,switch=ggle(nonautomatic).-Continued.-l.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from
34、 IHS-,-,-HIL-C-17588E(SH)1 0234 t- +51HANDLE YOKE, TWO POLE APPLICATIONut- 2E -iHANDLE YOKE, THREE POLE APPLICATIONSH 10596lG. Handle yokes.FICURS 1. Type ALB-1, thermal-magnetic, enclosed, trip free(single pole) and type NLB-1, switch, toggle(nonautomatic). - Continued29Provided by IHSNot for Resal
35、eNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-TYPENLB(NONAUTOMATIC)ToPVi-CoverB*IWOremwad-/11)0 z-.$ Circull”BreakerTopViewK-.,)/ I I.-OullinnOimw0!Circuit8rTYPEALB(AUTOMATK)p:,z xi kA Secll;View- TypeALBlCUltBreakerFyz I IY/k:% FrontPondCut-out00toil0e301ingCwwITime-Currcnl
36、Characterle!ics_ )NIIIIt1/ 4I!-_ 001011ViawidofMaiwial-OurntlllesforRcvieloneOneBmokwI L-.i t-NotesI t_-A.ly-7l:7/,L?idr.L2524WhinOomBreakerRatingToble-IYXnllficotionPloteRol-,fisfit”iOnDOIOS!I1st10612FIGURE2.Drawingformat.-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-
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