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本文(NAVY MIL-C-19555 A-1957 CLOTH LAMINATED ZS2G-1 TYPE AIRSHIP ENVELOPE《ZS2G-1型飞艇气囊多层粘合布》.pdf)为本站会员(appealoxygen216)主动上传,麦多课文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知麦多课文库(发送邮件至master@mydoc123.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、CLOTH, LAMINATED, ZS2G-1 TYPE AIRSHIP ENVELOPE Ths specification has been appr0v.d by the Bureau of Aeronautics, Depart- ment of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 e.- This specification establishes the requirements for high strength-weight ratio Dacron (polyester fiber) cloth laminated Trith chloroprene for us

2、e in the manufacture of airship envelopes. 1.2 Classification.- The laminated cloth shall be furnished in the following type: Type 1 Double PLY, Aluminized 2. APPLICAELE DOCU Powder and Paste Textile 9kst Methods Military 1.m-P-6065 Packaging, Packing and Mmking of Cloth, Fabric and Webbing Federal

3、FED-Sm-4 Glossary of Textile Terms FED-STD-601 Rubber Sampling and Testing Military 1.m-STD-105 IL-sTD- Sampling Procedures and Tables -for Inspection Marking for Shipment and Storage by Attributes (Mhen requesting specifications and standards, refer to both title and number. Copies of this specific

4、atton and applicable specifications may be obtained upon application to the Commanding Officer, Naval Aviation Supply Depot, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania, Attention: Code ODPT. 1 2.2 Other Publications.- The following documents form a part of this specification. Unless oCheruise indicated, the issue

5、in effect on date of invitation for bids shall apply. American Society for Testing Materials A.S.T.16 Standards on ikxtile Materials Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3. REQUIHEMENTS 3.1 Preproduction,- The laminated cloth furnished for

6、 acceptance under this specification shall 3.2 Materidsr- Materids shall be of the best quality and shall conform to the applicable be a product which has been tested and has passed the preproduction tests specified in Section 4. requirements of this specification. ester fiber) cloth bonded and coat

7、ed uniformly with a chloroprene base cmpound between and on the outer sides of the cloths. aunnized-cblorosfonate poiyewene caupoun on one (auter) side of the hninated cloth. ester Fiber) Baskt Weave conforming to the chemical and physical requirements of Tables 1 and II when tested in accordance wi

8、th Both cloths shall be heat set and shall have a natural finish prior to coating. The laminated cloth sha31 consist of two plies of Dacron (poiy- In addition, the Type I laminated cloth shall have a coating of an 3.2.1 Base Cloths.- The base cloths shell. be Dacron (Polyester Fiber) Bfill

9、and Dacron (Poly- Ihe yarns used in weaving the cloths shall be first quality. -1 CHEMICAL PROPERITES OF BEAT SET BASE CLCTHS CLW, CLOTH, DACRON, DACRON, IIWILL BASKET WEAVE chloroform extractable matter, percent, max Acidity, pH 6.54.0 1.5 . 1.0 6.5-8.0 TABLF: II PHYSICAL PROPE3TLES OF HEAT SET BAS

10、E CLOTS CLm, CLOTR, DACRON, DACRON, IWILI, BASKET WEAVE Yarn, type of dacron Yarn size, denier (naninai) Yam filaments Yarn twist, turns perinch Yarn py/twlst direction Weave Weight, oz per sq yd Yarns per inch, min Breaking strength, lbs, min Elongation at break, percent, max Tearing strength, Lbs,

11、 min Shrinkage, percent, max Warp Filling waw warp warp Mlling warp Filling Filling Filling 82 78 33.0 100 35 40 9.0 10.0 1.5 1.5 62 64 205 205 30 32 20.0 20.0 1.5 1.5 2 ,-IT, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-19555A 83 I 9999706

12、038lbll 9 MIL -C -19555A(Aer ) 3.2.2 Coating.- The compound used in coating the base cloths sball contain not less than 75$ by For pype I laminated cloth, the compound used in the al Reflectance (Type I onZy).- The Type I aluminized laminated cloth, after being 3.ll treaiml with an aluminum base was

13、h coat, shall show a total reflectance of not Less than 50 percent. or minus l/ The seams SM be free ern ragged or uneven eges and sui be free from loose threads imbedded in 3.12 Workmanshi - The base cloths shall be uniformly processed with the coating compound. The finished lddk 8h- A sample 20 in

14、ches square shall be cut from the cloth and conditioned for 4 hours in an atmosphere having a relative humidity of 65 (i2) percent and a temperature of 70 2 5OF (21 f 3%). opposite sides together. the loop at the top, and a glass rod 21 inches long, and of sufficient weight to submerge the cloth sha

15、ll be placed inside the loop at the bottom. The sample shall be inmcrsed in a tub of boiling water by attaching twine or wire to the ends of the top glass rod, and allowing the sample to hang freely in the boiling water for 15 minutes. the staples are removed, the sample shall be dried in a flat pos

16、ition on a horizontal screen and reconditioned as stated above. direction and three places in the filling direction and the percent of shrinkage determined. to constant weight at 221 to 2300F (105 to UO0C), to obtain the dry weight. extracted in a Soxhlet apparatus for at least 20 extracti

17、ons with chloroform. b? evaporated from the extract and the residue dried to constant weight at 221 to 2300F (105 to llOC). The result of the analysis shall be obtained by the following caculation: The sample shall be marked with an 18 inch square and formed into a loop by stapling two A glass rod 1

18、/2 inch in diameter, and 21 inches long, shall be placed inside The sample shall be removed and allowed to drain. After The marked square shall be measured in three places in the warp Chloroform Extractable Hatter.- A sample, weighing approximately 10 grams, shall be dried The sample shall be The ch

19、loroform shall Percent of Chloroform extractable matter = Weight Of residue loo Weight of dry sample Ji .4.5.2 Coating Compounds .- determined in accordance with method 15111 of Federal Test Method Standard No. 601. Chloroprene Compound.- The volume of chloroprene present in the coating co

20、mpound shall be Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-ML-C-l9555A(Aer Plimiinized Chlorosulfomted Polyethylene Canpound. - The volume of aluminized chloro- sulfonated polyewlene present in the coating corngound shall be cdculated

21、from the foinnila submitted by the Contractor. coating conpoun samples shall be determined before and after exposure to the specified acclerated and accelerated weathering tests. in accordance vith Method 41ll of Federal Test Method Standard No. 601. used. Bnsile Strength and Elonga

22、tion of Coating CmpaUnds.- The tensile strength of cured and the fact that the Government may have formulated, furnished or in any way supplied the aid drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regarded by implication or othendse as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person o

23、r cor- poration, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use or sell aqy patented invention that may in any Way be related thereto. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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